@Research Paper <#LINE#>Height and diameter at breast height relationship of mangroves in Kerala coast, India<#LINE#>Harishma @K.M.,Sandeep @S.,Sreekumar @V.B. <#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-002.pdf<#LINE#>Division of Forest Botany, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi 680 653, Kerala, India@Division of Forest Botany, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi 680 653, Kerala, India@Division of Soil Science, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi 680 653, Kerala, India<#LINE#>12/1/2020<#LINE#>20/8/2020<#LINE#>The diameter at breast height in relation to the height (Dbh:H) in mangroves may differ with respect to the region and regions generating large-volume assessments of biomass in the above-ground results in fallacy if these differences in species are neglected. A performance assessment with 11 existing non-linear and linear models were held to pick the optimum solution that resolves the Dbh-h relation in mangroves lying in proximity to the Western coastal line of India using a dataset of heights and Dbh of 1034 trees. To assess the chosen models, we adopt AIC system. As per the inference, monomolecular model with a value of 4933.43 (AIC) was bet fit for pooled data.<#LINE#>Blasco, F. (1975).@Mangroves of India. French Institute of Pondicherry.@Travaux de la Section Scientifique et Technique, 14(3), 180.@Yes$Basha, S.C. (1992).@Mangroves of Kerala- A fast disappearing asset.@Indian forester, 120(2), 175-189.@Yes$Alongi, D.M. (2014).@Carbon Cycling and Storage in Mangrove forests.@Annual Review of Marine Sciences, 6, 195-219.@Yes$Donato, D. C. Kauffman, J. B. Murdiyarso, D. Kurnianto, S. Stidham, N. and Kanninen, N. (2011).@Mangroves among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics.@Nature Geo Science, 4, 293-297.@Yes$Pendleton, L. Donato, D.C. Murray, B. C. Crooks, S. Jenkins, W. A. Sifleet, S. Craft, C., Fourqurean, J. W. Kauffman, J. B. and Marbà, N. (2012).@Estimating global blue carbon emissions from conversion and degradation of vegetated coastal ecosystems.@Plo Se one, 7, 42- 43.@Yes$Duarte, C. M.Middelburg, J. and Caraco, N. (2005).@Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle.@Biogeosciences, 2, 1-8.@Yes$Bouillon, S. Borges, A. V. Castañeda M. E. Diele, K. Dittmar, T. Duke, N. C. Kristensen, E. Lee, S. Y. Marchand, C. Middelburg, J. J. Rivera-Monroy, V. H. Smith III, T. J. and Twilley, R. R. (2008).@Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates.@Global Biogeochemical Cycle, 22, 12-34. doi: 10.1029/2007GB003052.@No$Limpens, J. Berendse, F. Blodau, C. Canadell, J.G. Freeman, C. and Holden, J. (2008).@Peatlands andthe carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications -a synthesis.@Biogeosciences, 82(5), 1475-1491@Yes$Houghton, R. A. (2007).@Balancing the global carbon budget.@Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 20, (35), 313-347.@Yes$Lianjun Zhang, Changhui Peng, Shongming Huang and Xiaolu Zhou (2001).@Developing eco region-based height-diameter models for jack pine and black spruce in Ontario.@Ministry of Nature Resource, Ontario, CA, USA. pp 2-30. ISBN: 077-94-156-12.@Yes$Sujanapal Puthiyapurayil and Sasidharan Nanu (2014).@Handbook on Mangroves and Mangrove Associates of Kerala.@Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Thiruvananthapuram. pp 30-37. ISBN: 819-20-338-80.@No$IMD Report (2019).@National Climate Centre, India. Meteorological Department. Data Reference Link.@www.imd.gov.in/nccraindata.html.18/5/19@No$R. Development Core Team (2011).@R A language and environment for statistical computing.@R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. RC Team. URL http://www. R-project. org@Yes$Burnham, K. P., & Anderson, D. R. (2002).@A practical information-theoretic approach. Model selection and multimodal inference.@2nd ed. Springer, New York, 2.@Yes$Chave, J. Andalo, C. Brown, S. Cairns, M.A. Chambers, J. Q. Eamus, D. Folster, H. Fromard, F. Higuchi, N. Kira, T. Lescure, J. P. Nelson, B. W. Ogawa, H. Puig, H. Riera, B. and Yamakura, T. (2005).@Tree allometry and improved estimation of carbon stocks and balance in tropical forests.@Oecologia, 145(2), 87-99.@Yes$Batista, J.L. Couto, H.T.Z, and Marquesini, M. (2001).@Performance of height-diameter relationship models: analysis in three forest types.@Forestry Science, 60(3), 149-163.@Yes$Fang, R. and Bailey, R.L. (1979).@The potential of Weibull-type functions as flexible growth curves: Discussion.@Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 10(2), 117-118.@Yes$Vanclay, J. K. (1995).@Synthesis: growth models for tropical forests: a synthesis of models and methods.@Forest Science, 41(1), 7-42.@Yes$Curtis, R.O. 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They are straggling to increase land productivity, adapt to climate variability and access to adequate seeds, fertilizer and other inputs. Low uptake of new technology and the effect of changing climate stretched the problem and it becoming the grave of concern that posed formidable threats to smallholder farmers. These reverted smallholder farmers to the food purchaser contrary to producers who contribute to the food basket. To acquire reliable and valid informationa combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques deployed in data collection. Specifically, the study reviewed the existing literature and employed Questionnaire survey, focus group discussion (FGD), Key informant interview (KI) and field observation. The focus was on examining the land use dynamic and their implication on the food crop production among smallholder farmers. The results indicated the vulnerability of smallholder farmers tohovering food prices and high production cost resulting from land shortage/ exhaustion, increasing production cost and changing environment. It concluded that deteriorating in agricultural productivity and food crop production among smallholder farmers resulted in dependency on purchased food as food consumption is outpacing food production. Thus, recommends the need for tactical measures to ameliorate the divergent and dynamic factors responsible for and increase agricultural productivity and food crop production to cater for exceeding population demands. Investing in innovative and improved farming production practices to enhance the resilience and capacity of smallholder farmers to adapt to changing environment and sustaining land productivity recommended for addressing the challenges.<#LINE#>TNBC (Tanzania National Business Council) (2009). Kilimo Kwanza, Towards Tanzania Green Revolution. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.@undefined@undefined@Yes$URT (2015). Tanzania Climate Smart Agriculture Program 2015 - 2025. Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives and Vice President@undefined@undefined@Yes$Gwambene B and Karata E. (2019). Local Perceptions of Environmental Changes and Adaptation Measure Implication on Coastal Communitys Livelihood in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2(2), 33-42.@undefined@undefined@Yes$URT (2006). Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP). Support through Basket Fund. Government Programme Document.@undefined@undefined@No$URT (2007). Agricultural and Livestock Policy. Ministry of Agriculture and Co-Operative Development, Dar es Salaam.@undefined@undefined@No$URT (2007). National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA). Vice Presidents Office, Division of Environment, Dar es Salaam Http://www.unitar.org /ccp/napaworkshops.htm (Accessed June 23, 2007).@undefined@undefined@No$Nymand-Grarup A, Gradziuk K, and Kristensen N. H (2015). Connecting local and global food for sustainable solutions in public food procurement. In Second International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society Reconnecting Agriculture and Food Chains to Societal Needs 1417 September 2015 Rome Italy: Proceedings of the Conference, 18-19.@undefined@undefined@No$Gwambene B. (2012). Land Utilization for Agriculture and Environment Management, Soil Management in Rungwe, Tanzania. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Kangalawe R. (2012). Food security and health in the southern highlands of Tanzania: A multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the impact of climate change and other stress factors. 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Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, 34, 63-75@undefined@undefined@Yes$Williamson D, Majule A, Delalande M, Mwakisunga B, Mathe P, Gwambene B and Bergonzini L (2013). A Potential feedback between land use and climate in the Rungwe tropical highland stresses a critical environmental research challenge. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6, 116-122. Elsevier B.V.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Gwambene B (2011). Climate Change and Variability Adaptation Strategies: Implication of adaptation strategies on land resources in Rungwe District, Tanzania. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken Deutschland.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Racaud S, and Bart F (2017). On the Road from Mbeya to Uporoto Highlands and Lake Nyasa Lowlands (Tanzania): Mountain Transect, Rural-Urban Flows and Markets. Francois Bart; Bob R. Nakileza; Sylvain Racaud. 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Institutional Constraints to Agriculture Development in Uganda. http://tinyurl.com/nj3rmeu (Accessed July 16, 2013).@undefined@undefined@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of the Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Phytoplankton Dynamics of a Tropical Alkaline-saline Lake Simbi, Kenya<#LINE#>Stephen Balaka @Opiyo <#LINE#>14-23<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-010.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Kisii University, P.O Box 408-40200, Kisii, Kenya<#LINE#>29/3/2020<#LINE#>6/7/2020<#LINE#>This study evaluated the phytoplankton dynamics of abundance, species composition and diversity across spatial and temporal scales in Lake Simbi for the period between December 2018 and May 2019. This was necessary, considering the significance of phytoplankton communities in this lake for conservation and ecological role. Sampling was done on a monthly basis for 6 months at six fixed stations systematically selected. A total of 84 phytoplankton species were identified comprising of Cyanophyceae (36 species), Chlorophyceae (25 species), Bacillariophyceae (11 species), Zygnematophyceae (4 species), Dinophyceae (3 species) and Euglenophyceae (3 species). Although, the Cyanophyceae family still dominated in Lake Simbi, a shift in the species composition was realized and this can be probably attributed to the changes in the water quality regime of the lake. The results showed a high phytoplankton density in the lake due to its eutrophic nature. However, reduced abundance of the cyanobacterial species, especially Spirulinaspecies on which flamingos feed and the subsequent dominance of the toxin producing Microcystis species might have contributed to the decline of the flamingo population. All the phytoplankton characteristics of density and diversity indices evaluated in Lake Simbi exhibited no significant spatial and temporal variations. Generally, activities that help to improve and maintain ecosystem integrity need to beadopted by all stakeholders to promote sustainability of all aquatic resources in Lake Simbi.<#LINE#>Trishala. K., Rawtani, D., & Agrawal, Y. K. (2016).@Bioindicators: the natural indicator of environmental pollution.@Frontiers in life science, 9(2), 110-118. https://doi.org/10.1080/21553769.2016.1162753@Yes$Reynolds, C. S. (2005).@The ecology of phytoplankton.@Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/ CBO9780511542145@Yes$Dhanam, S., Sathya, A., & Elayaraj, B. (2016).@Study of physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton diversity of Ousterilake in Puducherry.@World Scientific News, 54, 153-164.@Yes$Grace. A., & Schagerl, M. (2010).@Phytoplankton productivity in newly dug fish ponds within Lake Victoria wetlands (Uganda).@African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4(6), 234-244. http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJEST09.210@Yes$Wetzel, R.G. & Liken, G.E. 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(2017).@Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality of Nyakomisaro Riana and Nyanchwa-Riana Rivers Draining Kisii Municipality, South-West Kenya.@Doctorate Thesis, Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya.@No$Tan, X., Ma, P., Xia, X., & Zhang, Q. (2014).@Spatial pattern of benthic diatoms and water quality assessment using diatom indices in a subtropical river, China.@Clean Soil, Air, Water, 42(1), 20-28. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1002/clen.201200152@Yes$Tuite, C. H. (1979).@Population size, distribution and biomass density of the lesser flamingo in the Eastern Rift valley, 1974-76.@Journal of Applied ecology, 16(3), 765-775.@Yes$Shekhar, T. S., Kiran, B. R., Puttaiah, E. T., Shivaraj, Y., & Mahadevan, K. M. (2008).@Phytoplankton as index of water quality with reference to industrial pollution.@Journal of Environmental Biology, 29(2), 233.@Yes$Fonge, A., Chuyong, B., Tening, A., Fobid, A., & Numbisi, A. (2013).@Seasonal occurrence, distribution and diversity of phytoplankton in the Douala Estuary, Cameroon.@African Journal of Aquatic Science, 38(2), 123-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.2989/16085914.2013.769086@No <#LINE#>Flow of water through soil columns as influenced by cassava wastewaters application<#LINE#>J.A. @Osunbitan,O.A. @Akinyele <#LINE#>23-37<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-012.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria@Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering, Federal College of Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria<#LINE#>5/11/2019<#LINE#>1/9/2020<#LINE#>This study investigated the effects of cassava wastewater and soil types on the flow rate through saturated soil columns. This was with a view to examine the vertical movement of trace elements from the wastewater in the columns of soil. The experiment for column leaching was carried out using three different types of soil (Iwo, Apomu, Egbeda) plus four variable levels of cassava wastewater (0, 6, 12, and 18ml). The samples of soil were compressed to 1.50g/cm3bulk density in order to simulate the soil bulk density obtained at the soil collection site. The soil columns were saturated with de-ionized water after which the various levels of cassava wastewater were added. The columns were then left for 24 hours to allow for the adsorption of the trace elements in the wastewater to soil particles. After a day period of adsorption, each soil column was leached with 1767.1cm3 (translating to 10cm depth) of de-ionized water and the leachate flow rate monitored every 2 minutes. The depth of leachate was measured and the flow rate calculated. The results showed that the flow rate was higher at 12ml of effluent for Iwo and Egbeda while Apomu was slower at almost all the four levels of the wastewater applied. Flow through the columns of Iwo soil rises faster than that of the other two soils. The result also showed that the average total leachate of 88.99, 99.86, and 100.87ml of water flowed through the columns containing Apomu, Egbeda and Iwo soils respectively. On the average, the time to peak of 13.71, 25.90 and 28.07 minutes were observed for Iwo, Apomu and Egbeda soils respectively. Two-way ANOVA shows that there are significant differences among the three soil types (F = 22.585, df = 2, P < 0.05), the four levels of cassava wastewater (F = 4.568, df = 3, P < 0.05) and the interaction between the soil types and cassava wastewater (F = 14.702, df = 6, P < 0.05) on the time to peak flow. The ANOVA results also showed no significant variations among the soil types (F = 4.768, df = 2, P < 0.05), but significant differences among the levels of cassava wastewater (F = 11.107, P < 0.05) and the interaction between the soil types and cassava wastewater (F = 3.806, df = 6, P < 0.05) on the total leachate. However, the Post-Hoc Test (using Tukey HSD) for multiple comparisons also shows that the soil types and all the levels of cassava wastewater are significant different in their effects on the time to peak flow rate. It can be seen that cassava wastewater on the agricultural soils will affect the flow rate of water through the soil profile hence there is need for proper treatment of the effluent before discharge into the environment.<#LINE#>Afuye, G.G. and Mogaji, K.O. (2015).@Effect of Cassava Effluents on Domestic Consumption of Shallow Well Water in Owo Local Government Area, Ondo State, Nigeria.@Physical Sciences Research International, 3(3), 37-43.@Yes$Ehiagbonare, J.E., Enabulele, S.A., Babatunde, B.B., and Adjarhore, R. (2009).@Effect of Cassava Effluent on Okada Denizens.@Sci. Res. Essay, 4(4), 310-313.@Yes$Claude, F. and Denis, F. (1990).@African Cassava Mosaic Virus: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Control.@Plant Dis, 64(6), 404-411.@Yes$Mbongo, P.N. and Antai, S.P. (1994).@Utilization of Cassava Peels as Substrate for Crude Protein Formation.@Plants Foods Hum. Nutr., 46, 345-351.@Yes$Horsfall, M., Abia, A.A., and Spiff, A.I. (2003).@Removal of Cu (II) and Zn (II) Ions from Wastewater by Cassava (Manihotesculenta Crantz) Waste Biomass.@Afr. J. Biotechnol., 2(10), 360-364.@No$Oboh, G. (2006).@Nutrient Enrichment of Cassava Peels Using a Mixed Culture of Saccharomyces Cerevisae and Lactobacillus spp. Solid Media Fermentation.@Elect. J. Biotechnol., 9(1), 46-49.@Yes$Uguru, H. and Obah, G. E. (2019).@Remediation of Effluent from Cassava Processing Mills.@Direct Research Journal of Public Health and Environmental Technology, 4(4), 21-25.@No$Nwaugo, V.O., Chima, G.N., Etok C.A. and Ogbonna, C.E. (2008).@Impact of Cassava Mill Effluent (CME) on Soil Physicochemical and Microbial Community Structure and Functions.@Nig. J. Microbiol., 22, 1681-1688.@Yes$Okunade, David A. and Adekalu, Kenneth O. (2014).@Characterization of Cassava Waste Effluents Contaminated Soils in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.@European International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(4).@Yes$CBN (2011).@Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Annual Report 2011: Real Sector Developments.@CBN, Abuja, Nigeria. Pg. 150@No$Oti, N.N. (2002).@Discriminant Functions for Classifying Erosion of Degraded Lands of Otamiri, South-Eastern, Nigeria.@Agroscience, 3(1), 24-40.@Yes$Uzoije, A.P, Egwuonwu, N. and Onunkwo, A.A. (2011).@Distribution of Cyanide in a Cassava Mill Effluent Polluted Eutrictropofluvent Soils of Ohaji Area, South-Eastern Nigeria.@Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 2(2), 49-57.@Yes$Osunbitan, J.A., Olushina, J.O., Jeje, J.O., Taiwo, K.A., Faborode, M.O. and Ajibola, O.O. (2000).@Information on Micro-Enterprises involved in Cassava and Palm Oil Processing in Osun and Ondo States of Nigeria.@Technovation, 20(10), 577-585.@Yes$Orhue, E.R, Imasuen, E.E. and Okunima, D.E. (2014).@Effect of Cassava Mill Effluent on Some Soil Chemical Properties and the Growth of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairiaoccidentalis Hook F.).@Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 320-325@Yes$Osunbitan, J.A. (2007).@Simulating Soil and Groundwater Contamination by Copper and Manganese from Agriculture Fungicide.@Ph.D. Thesis of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria@Yes$Nwakaudu, M.S., Kamen, F.L., Afube, G., Nwakaudu, A.A. and Ike, I.S. (2012).@Impact of Cassava Processing Effluent on Agricultural Soil: A Case Study of Maize Growth.@Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3(5), 881-885.@Yes$Obueh H.O. and Odesiri-Eruteyan, E. (2016).@A Study on the Effects of Cassava Processing Wastes on the Soil Environment of a Local Cassava Mill.@J. Pollut. Eff. Cont. 4, 177-182.@No$Boadi, N.O., Twumasi, S.K. and Ephraim, J.H. (2008).@Impact of Cyanide Utilization in Mining on the Environment.@3(1), 101-108.@Yes$Flynn, C.M. and McGill, S.L. (1995).@Cyanide Chemistry-Precious Metals Processing and Waste Treatment.@U.S. Bureau of Mines, NTIS Pub., pp. 96-117841@Yes$Oboh, G. and Akindahunsi, A.A. (2003).@Chemical Changes in Cassava Peels Fermented with Mixed Culture of Aspergill usniger and Two Species of Lactobacillus in Integrated Biosystem.@Applied Tropical Agriculture, 8(2), 63-68.@Yes <#LINE#>Studies on physicochemical parameters of Indrayani River, Pune, Maharashtra, India<#LINE#>Navnath E. @Chandanshive,Tushar @Khandagale,Dimpal @Burade,Sayali @Wandre,Prajakta @Shinde <#LINE#>38-44<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-014.pdf<#LINE#>Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, India@Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, India@Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, India@Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, India@Fergusson College, Pune, Maharashtra, India<#LINE#>9/4/2020<#LINE#>25/7/2020<#LINE#>The Indrayani River is one of the river of Bhima River, originates at Kurvande village near Lonavala, and flows towards east across the north border of city of Pune. The Valvan dam is constructed on Indrayani River for irrigation and hydroelectric power plant. It flows. In the catchment area of Indrayani River, population is rapidly increasing, because of best connectivity of roads and railway transport, many educational hubs and job opportunities. Many villages and four Municipal councils release their untreated sewage wastes into the Indrayani River. At Indori and Dehu collection sites all the physiochemical parameters have high values and this water is not found suitable for drinking and other purposes. The river is becomes eutrophic, at many places water surface is covered with aquatic vegetation such water hyacinth and Vallisneria. Therefore, Indrayani River is getting polluted due of domestic and industrial discharges; there is record of death of fishes, mostly Mahseer.<#LINE#>Wang X, Han J, Xu L, Zhang Q. (2010).@Spatial and seasonal variations of the contamination within water body of the Grand Canal, China.@Environmental Pollution, 158, 1513-1520.@Yes$Bibi S, Khan RL, Nazir R. (2016).@Heavy metals in drinking water of LakkiMarwat District, KPK, Pakistan.@World Applied Sciences Journal, 34(1), 15-19.@Yes$Juneja T, and Chauhdary A. (2013).@Assessment of water quality and its effect on the health of residents of Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan: A cross sectional study.@Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. 5(4):186-191.@Yes$Khan M A, and Ghouri A M. (2011).@Environmental pollution: Its effects on life and its remedies.@Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce. 2(2):276-285.@Yes$European Public Health Alliance, (2009).@Air, Water Pollution and Health Effects.@Retrieved from http://www.epha.org/r/54@No$Ehiagbonare J.E. and Ogundiran Y.O. (2010).@Physico-chemical analysis of fish pond waters in Okada and its environs, Nigeria.@African J. Biotech., 9(36), 5922-5928.@Yes$Chandanshive N.E. (2013).@The Seasonal Fluctuation of Physico-Chemical parameters of River Mula-Mutha at Pune, India and their Impact on Fish Biodiversity.@Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, 1(1), 11-16.@Yes$Huct M (1986).@Study on the Physico-chemical properties of water of Mouri River, Khulna Bangladesh, EPR, Pak.@J. Biol. Sci., 10(5), 710-717.@Yes$Ogbeibu AE and Edutie LO (2006).@Effects of Brewery Effluent on the water quality and rotifers of Ikpobariver, Southern Nigeria.@Ecoserve Publ., 1-17.@No$Morrison GO, Fatoki OS, Ekberg A (2001).@Assessment of the impact of Point Source Pollution from the Keiskamma River.@Water SA, 27,475-480.@Yes$ICAR (2006).@Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Directorate of Inform. and Public of Agric.@New Delhi. 755.@No$ChitmanatC., and Traichaiyaporn S. (2010).@Spatial and temporal variations of physical-chemical water quality and some heavy metals in water, sediments and fish of the Mae Kuang River, Northern Thailand.@International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12 (6), 816-820.@No$Davenport Y. (1993).@Responses of the Blenniuspholis to fluctuating salinities.@Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1, 101-107.@No$Philminaq (2014).@Water Quality Criteria and Standards for Freshwater and Marine Aquaculture.@Accessed 04 October 2014.@No$APHA. (1998).@Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater@20th Ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C, USA.@Yes$Sadhana Chaurasia & Anand Dev Gupta, (2014).@Hand Book of Water, Air and Soil Analysis.@A Lab Manual, International E- Publication.@No$Boyd CE (1982).@Water quality management for pond fish culture.@Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., New York pp. 318.@Yes$Prasannakumari A.A., T. Ganga devi and Sukeskumar C.P. (2003).@Surface water quality of river Neyyar- Thirvanathapuram, Kerla, India. J. of Poll Research, 22(4), 515-525.@undefined@No$Bhatt S.D. and Pathak J.K. (1992).@Assessment of water quality and aspects of pollution in a stretch of river Gomti (Kumaun: Lesser Himalaya).@J. Environ. Biol., 13(2), 113-126.@Yes$Mini, I., Radhika, C. G., & Devi, T. G. (2003).@Hydrological Studies on a Lotic Ecosystem-Vamanapuram River, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, South India.@Pollution Research, 22(4), 617-626.@Yes$Upadhyay R.K. and Rana K.S. (1991).@Pollution studies of river Jamuna at Mathura.@Int. J. Nat. Environ., 8, 33-37.@Yes$Gyananath G., Shewidkar S.V. and Syed Samiuddin, (2000).@Water quality analysis of river Godawari during holimela at Nanded.@J. of Poll. Research, 19(4), 673-674.@Yes <#LINE#>Evaluation of specific organic and inorganic pollution indicators in a homeland river<#LINE#>Akagha @C.I.,Nkwoada @A.U.,Nnadozie @C.F. <#LINE#>45-54<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-016.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria@Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria@Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria<#LINE#>11/4/2020<#LINE#>21/9/2020<#LINE#>The objective of this study was to develop a biannual database for selected organic and inorganic river pollution indicators. The DO, BOD and COD levels alongside TSS and TDS concentrations were determined using standard protocols. The compiled database consisted of 5 aforementioned parameters, 12 monthly variables and 5 sampling points for each month during the biannual study generating over 60 data per specific parameter with 60 data per variable, per season per annum. April/May recorded highest values of TSS at \"UT\" sampling point, which was the peak of rainy season and had maximum values of TSS at 60.38 mg/L exceeding the APHA, EU, EPA and FME discharge limits, except WHO standards. Highest TDS (68.20 mg/L) was in 2014 (Oct/NOV) at \"DS\" sampling point which exceeded FME and EPA permissible limits but well below WHO, EU and APHA standards. Observation shows that 2015 was an active DO year much more than 2014 and DO decreased significantly as water flows downstream. Moreover, the highest COD concentration was 290 mg/L at \"NB\" sampling point during Oct/Nov that was high but below APHA standard. However, the BOD levels between the seasons showed no seasonal variation within each year, which might be due to active and regular discharge of organic pollutants from abattoir source throughout the biannual study. ANOVA analyses showed that BOD and TSS data were statistically more accurate than other parameters. In conclusion, the river is unsafe, unclean and unacceptable for public consumption, recreation, sensitive fish habitation, requires pollution preventive, and control measures.<#LINE#>Effendi, H. Romanto, R. and Wardiatno, Y. (2015).@Water Quality Status of Ciambulawung River, Banten Province, Based on Pollution Index and NSF-WQI.@Proc. Proc. Environ. Sci., 24, 228-237.@Yes$Benvenutti, T. Kieling-Rubio, M.A. Klauck, C.R. and Rodrigues, M.A.S. (2015).@Evaluation of Water Quality At The Source of Streams of the Sinos River Basin, Southern Brazil.@Braz. J. Bio., 75(2), S98-S104.@Yes$Charkabi, A.H. and Sakizadeh. M. (2006).@Assessment of Spatial Variation of Water Quality Parameters in the Most Polluted Branch of the Anzali Wetland, Northern Iran.@Polish. J. Environ., 15(3), 395-403.@Yes$Akinbile, C.O. Yusoff, M.S. Talib, H.A. Hasan, Z.A.H. Ismail, R.W. and Sansudin, U. (2013).@Qualitative Analysis and Classification of Surface Water in Bukit Merah Reservoir in Malaysia.@Water. Sci. Technol: Water Supply., 13(4), 1138-1145.@Yes$Hu, X. Wang, H. Zhu, Y. Xie, G. and Shi, H. (2019).@Landscape Characteristics Affecting Spatial Patterns of Water Quality Variation in a Highly Disturbed Region.@Int. J. Environ. Res. Pub. Health., 16(2149), 2-19.@Yes$Magadum, A. Patel, T. and Gavali, G. (2017).@Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters and Water Quality Index of Vishwamitri River, Gujarat, India.@Int. J. Env. Agri. Biotechnol., 2(4), 1505-1510.@Yes$Ipeaiyeda, A.R. and Obaje, G.M. (2017).@Impact of Cement Effluent on Water Quality of Rivers: A Case Study of Onyi River at Obajana, Nigeria.@Cogent. Environ. Sci., 3(1), 1-15.@Yes$Alam, J.B.M. Islam, M.R. Muyen, Z. Mamun, Z. and Islam, S. (2007).@Water Quality Parameters Along Rivers.@Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 4(1), 159-167.@Yes$Wen, Y. Schoups, G. and Giesen, N.V.D. (2017).@Organic Pollution of Rivers: Combined Threats of Urbanization, Livestock Farming and Global Climate Change.@Sci. Reports. Nature., 7(43289), 1-9.@Yes$Ustaoglu, F. and Tepe, Y. (2019).@Water Quality and Sediment Contamination Assessment of Pazarsuyu Stream, Turkey Using Multivariate Statistical Methods and Pollution Indicators.@Int. Soil. Water. Conserv. Res. 7, 47-56.@Yes$Longe, E.O. and Omole. D.O. (2008).@Analysis of pollution status of River Illo, Ota, Nigeria.@Environmentalist 1-7.@Yes$Yu, X. Yang, H. and Maridi, M. (2016).@Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand Using UV/O3.@Water Air Soil Pollut. 227(458), 1-6.@No$Islam, S.M. Uddin, M.K. Tareq, S.M. Shammi, M.K. Ssugaano, T. Kurasaki, M. Saito, T. Tanaka, S. and Kuramitz, H. (2015).@Alteration of Water Pollution Level with the Seasonal Changes in Mean Daily Discharge in Three Main Rivers Around Dhaka City, Bangladesh.@Environments., 2, 280-294.@Yes$Dewata, I. and Adri. Z. (2018).@Water Quality Assessment and Determining the Carrying Capacity of Pollution Load Batang Kuranji River.@IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng., 335, 1-9.@Yes$Ibrahim, H. and Kutty, A.A. (2013).@Recreational Stream Assessment Using Malaysia Water Quality Index.@AIP Conf. Proc., 1571(620): 620-624.@Yes$Al-Dulaimi, G.A. (2017).@Evaluation of BOD and DO for Diyala River by Using Stream Water Quality Model.@Int. J. Environ. Sci. Dev., 8(8), 543-548.@Yes$Lee, A.H. and Nikraz, H. (2015).@BOD: COD Ratio as an Indicator for River Pollution.@Int. Proc. Chem. Bio. Environ. Eng., 88, 89-94.@Yes$Susilowati, S. Sutrisno, J. Masykuri, M. and Maridi, M. (2018).@Dynamics and Factors that Affects DO-BOD Concentrations of Madiun River.@AIP. Conf. Proc. 2049: 1-6 .@Yes$Akagha, C.I. Ajiwe, V.I.E. Okoye, P.A.C. and Nnadozie, C.F. (2016).@Evaluation of Heavy Metals Contaminants in Sediments of Aba River, Aba Abia State-Nigeria.@J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci., 6(3), 553-541.@No$Akagha, C.I. Ajiwe, V.I.E. Okoye, P.A.C. Alisa, C.O. and Nkwoada, A.U. (2017).@Investigation of Aba River Contamination Using Eichhornia Crassipes as Bio-indicator.@Curr. J. Appl. Sci. Technol., 22(1), 1-7.@Yes$USEPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency (1995).@Technical Guidance Manual for Determining Total Maximum Daily Loads.@Book II: Streams and Rivers, part I; BOD, DO and Nutrients/Eutrophication. https://www.epa.gov/ waterscience/tmdl/guidance.pdf. Accessed: 19/November/2019.@No$APHA, American Public Health Association (2014).@Effluent Standards.@http://seaisi.org/thumbnail/ a2d48bd75c37da42970ca2b30b0bd69a.pdf. Accessed: 12/October/2019@No$Aniyikaiye, T.E. Oluseyi, T. Odiyo, T. and Edokpayi, J.N. (2019).@Physico-chemical Analysis of Wastewater Discharge From Selected Paint Industries In Lagos, Nigeria.@Int. J. Environ. Res. Pub. Health, 16(1235), 1-17.@Yes$Prekeyi, T.F. Megbuwe, P. and Adams, O.G. (2015).@Some Aspects of a Historic Flooding in Nigeria and Its Effects on Some Niger-Delta Communities.@Amer. J. Water. Res., 3(1), 7-16.@Yes$EU, European Union (1991).@Council Directive of 21 May 1991 Concerning Urban Wastewater Treatment.$ Official J. Eu. Comm. 30(5), 1-13. NO L 135/40 (91/271/EEC).@undefined@Yes$Radzevičius, A., Dapkienė, M., Sabienė, N., & Dzięcioł, J. (2020).@A Rapid UV/Vis Spectrophotometric Method for the Water Quality Monitoring at On-Farm Root Vegetable Pack Houses.@Applied Sciences, 10(24), 9072.@Yes$EPA, (2014).@Environmental Protection Agency, Effluent standards.@Revisions to Articles 2 promulgated by EPA Order Huan-Shu-Shui-Tzu No. 1030005842 on January 22, 2014. http://extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/tw164144.pdf. Accessed: 28/December/2019.@No$FME, Federal ministry of Environment (2011).@Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette for National Environmental Surface and Groundwater Quality Control.@Regulations; the Federal Government Printer: Lagos, Nigeria. 98: B693-B728, FGP 71/72011/400 (OL 46).http://extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/nig145947.pdf. Accessed: 15/October/2019.@No$WHO, World Health Organization (2011).@WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality@4th ed.; WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data, Malta Publisher: Gutenberg, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2011; pp. 1-541.@Yes$Ipeaiyeda, A.R. and Onianwa, P.C. (2011).@Pollution Effect of Food and Beverages Effluents on the Alaro River in Ibadan City, Nigeria.@Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop., 25(3), 347-360.@Yes$Ekpo, I.A. Chude, A.L. Onuoha, G.C. and Udoh, J.P. (2012).@Studies on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Nutrients of a Tropical Rainforest River in Southeast Nigeria.@Int. J. Bioflux. Soc., 5(3), 141-162.@Yes$Tien, Z. Nieke, K. and Agus, S. (2011).@The Self-Purification Ability in the Rivers of Banjarmasin, Indonesia.@J. Ecol. Eng., 20(2), 177-182.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Phenological diversity of some woody plants of Niwari District of Madhya Pradesh, India<#LINE#>J. R. @Ahirwar <#LINE#>55-60<#LINE#>7.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-001.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Botany, Amar Shaheed Chandrashekhar Azad, Govt. P.G. College Niwari M.P, India<#LINE#>5/1/2020<#LINE#>8/5/2020<#LINE#>The present paper provides the information regarding the phenological events of some woody plants of Niwari district of Madhya Pradesh. The phenological characteristics such as flowering, fruiting and fruit fall were recorded for 27 woody plants. The results revealed that the six types flowering and fruiting behavior in these woody plants. Two major periods of fruit fall viz. winter and summer were recognized. In rare cases (Alangium lamarckii, Azadirachta indica, Cordia myxa) the fruit fall occurs in rainy season. It is hoped that the present study may be useful for conservation and management of forests.<#LINE#>Frankie, G.W., Baker H.G. and Opler P.A. (1974).@Comperative phenological studies of trees in Tropical wet and dry forests in the lowlands of Costa Rica.@Jour. Ecology, 62, 881-919.@Yes$Leith, H. ed. (1974).@Phenology and seasonality Modeling.@Springer-Verlag, New York.@Yes$Opler, P.A., Frankie, G.W. and Baker H.G. (1980).@Comparative phenological studies of shrubs and trees in wet and dry forests in the lowlands of Costa Rica.@Jour. Ecology, 68, 167-186.@Yes$Leith, H. (1970).@Phenology in productivity studies. In: Analysis of temperate forest ecosystems.@Ecological studies Vol. 1, Reichle, D.E., Ed.. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp 29-56.@Yes$Bray J.R. and Gorham E. (1964).@Litter production in forests of the world.@Advances in Ecological Research, 2, 101-157.@Yes$Janzen, D.H. (1967).@Synchronization of sexual reproduction of trees with in the dry season in Central America.@Evolution, 21, 620-637.@Yes$Prasad S.N. and Hegde M. (1986).@Phenology and seasonality in the tropical deciduous forest of Bandipur, South India.@Proceedings Indian Academy Sciences (Plant Science), 96, 121-13.@Yes$Xiaojie, Li, Baskin Jerry M. and Baskin Carol C. (1999).@Contrasting dispersal phenologies in two fleshy fruited cogeneric shrubs, Rhus aromatica Ait. and Rhus galbra L. (Anacrdiaceae).@Can. Jour. Bot., 77(7), 976-988.@Yes$Mallick, S.K., Pati, B.R. and Behera, N. (2007).@A phenological study of some dominant tree species in a tropical dry deciduous forest of Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal.@The Indian Forester, 133(12), 1675-1682.@Yes$Cleland, E.E., I. Chuine, A, Menzel, H.A, Mooney, and M.D. Schwartz (2007).@Shifting plant phenology in response to global change.@Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 22, 357-365.@Yes$Pau, S., E. M. Wolkovich, B.I. Cook, T. J. Davis, N.J. Kraft, K. Bolmgren, J.L. Betancourt, and E.E. Cleland. (2011).@Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution and climate science.@Gobal Change Biology, 17, 3633-3643.@Yes$Ahirwar, J.R. (2016).@Leafing and Leaf fall patterns of some woody plants of Tikamgarh (Madhya Pradesh).@The Indian Forester, 142(12), 1195-1198.@Yes$Chhangani Anil K. (2004).@Flowering and fruiting phenology of plants of a dry deciduous forest in the Aravali Hills of Rajasthan, India.@The Indian Forester, 130(7), 771-784.@Yes$Murali, K.S. and Sukumar, R. (1994).@Reproductive phenology of a tropical dry deciduous forest in Mudumalai, Southern India.@The Journal of Ecology, 82(4), 759-767.@Yes$Kikim A. and Yadav P.S. (2001).@Phenology of tree species in subtropical forests of Manipur in north-eastern India.@Tropical Ecology, 42(2), 269-276.@Yes$Ahirwar, J.R. (2014).@Phenology of Alangium lamarckii Thw. (Akola).@Vaniki Sandesh, 5(3&4), 25-30.@No <#LINE#>A study on lower lake water in Bhopal region of Madhya Pradesh, India<#LINE#>Salahuddin @. <#LINE#>61-65<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-013.pdf<#LINE#>PDM University, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India<#LINE#>7/4/2020<#LINE#>30/8/2020<#LINE#>Lake Water samples were preserved from six (06) parts during pre rainy season and post rainy season. The physico-chemical attributes such as Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate, total suspended solid, total dissolved substance, Fluoride, Dissolved oxygen, Biological Oxigen Demand and Chemical Oxigen Demand were examined to understand the present status of the lower lake water quality. After statistical analysis it was cleared that the positive co-relationship occurred between some of attributes and also negative co-relationship occurred between some of attributes.<#LINE#>Salahuddin. and Husain, Intazar.(2020). Analysis of Lower Lake Water in Bhopal Region of Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers.13(1), 17-25.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Salahuddin and Ansari, Farid. (2013). Statistical Analysis for the Presence of pH Content of Ground Water at Different Locations of Industrial area at Ghazipur in India.Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (F), 13 (9),55-59.@undefined@undefined@No$Salahuddin. Khola , R. K.(2014). Physico-Chemical Analysis for the Presence of Oxygen Content of Ground Water at Different Locations of Dildar Nagar of U.P, India. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (B), 14 (6),01-03.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Chaudhary, M. P. and Salahuddin (2014). Analysis of COD in water at different locations of upper lake in Madhya Pradesh. European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research, 3(2), 37-39.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Ansari, Farid. and Salahuddin. (2013). Groundwater Temperature Variation Analysis of Industrial Area Nandganj, Ghazipur (India). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7 ( 14),539-542.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Salahuddin. (2013). Analysis of Chloride Content in the Surface of water at different locations of Madhya Pradesh. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2(4), 107-109.@undefined@undefined@No$Salahuddin.(2014). Physico-chemical analysis of upper lake water in Bhopal region of Madhya Pradesh, India. Advances in Applied Science Research, 5(5), 165-169.@undefined@undefined@No$Salahuddin.(2015). Analysis of electrical conductivity of ground water at different locations of Dildar Nagar of U.P, India, Advances in Applied Science Research, 6(7), 137-140.@undefined@undefined@No$Salahuddin. (2020).Analysis of Magnesium contents of Ground water at surrounding areas of Dildar Nagar of U.P. India. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 1607-1610.@undefined@undefined@No$Anita. and Salahuddin.(2019). Analysis of Electrical conductivity of Ground water at different locations of Phooli of U.P, India. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, 3, 1-5.@undefined@undefined@No$Khan, M. F. (2020). Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal Region of Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers.13(1),01-16.@undefined@undefined@No$Chaudhary, M. P. and Salahuddin. (2015). Physico-Chemical analysis in winter season of Bhojtal water in Bhopal region of Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 6 ( 4),78-81.@undefined@undefined@No$APHA. (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WPCF, Washington D.C.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Tim Bock. (2020).@What is Correlation Matrix?@https://www.displayr.com/what-is-a correlation matrix/ Accessed 2020-04-15.@No$Salla, S. and Ghosh, S. (2014).@Assessment of water quality parameters of lower lake, Bhopal.@Advances in Applied Science Research, 6, 8-11.@Yes$Salahuddin and Khola, R. K. (2013).@Analysis of Chloride Content in the Surface of water using two way Anova.@International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2(4), 51-53.@No$Babu,Y. S. and Mohan, M.R. (2018).@A study on Physico-Chemical parameters of Errarajan of Bangalore Rural.@International Journal of Scientific Research, 7(2), 401-402.@No$Sirajudeen., Mohidheen, M. K., and Vahith, R. A. (2014).@Physico-chemical contamination of groundwater in and around Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu.@Advances in Applied Science Research, 5(2), 49-54.@Yes @Case Study <#LINE#>Chemical characterization of metallic trace elements in aquatic plants: A case study of some plants in Porto Novo lagoon, South Benin<#LINE#>Waris Kéwouyèmi @CHOUTI,Francois @HOUNKANRIN,Firmin M. @ADANDEDJI,Daouda @MAMA <#LINE#>66-73<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-007.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Environment (LACIE), Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST), University of Abomey-Calavi, BP: 4521 Cotonou Benin@Laboratory of Applied Hydrology (LHA), National Institute of Water (INE), University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP: 526 Cotonou Benin@Laboratory of Applied Hydrology (LHA), National Institute of Water (INE), University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP: 526 Cotonou Benin@Laboratory of Applied Hydrology (LHA), National Institute of Water (INE), University of Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP: 526 Cotonou Benin<#LINE#>16/2/2020<#LINE#>12/6/2020<#LINE#>The lagoon of Porto-Novo is located in southern part of the republic of Benin. It covers average 30 km2 in dry season and 50 km2in wet season and represents the outlet which through the waters of the Ouémé River flows into the Atlantic Ocean by the Lagos Channel. The main objective of this study is to describe spatial distribution of copper and zinc in sediments but especially in aquatic plants in order to evaluate bioconcentration and to provide further information on heavy pollution by copper and zinc in the lagoon. Sediments, water and six aquatic plants (Typha domingensis, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomea aquatica, Ludwigia abyssinica, Nymphaea lotus and Cyperus papyrus) samples were collectedat seven sites in the lagoon. The chemical analysis of the two heavy metals (Cu and Zn) was done using standardized spectrophotometer methods. The results were compared to standards and show that the concentrations in the lagoon exceed the recommended values. The pollution should have anthropogenic sources and need to be monitored to avoid damage to ecosystem of this important surface water of Benin.<#LINE#>Bloundi, M.K., (2005).@Geochemical study of the Nador lagoon (Eastern Morocco): Impacts of anthropogenic factors.@Ph.D. thesis, School and Observatory of Earth Sciences and Mohamed V-Agdal University; pp 238.@Yes$Suziki Y., Nogi A. and Fukasawa T. (1988).@Gall 11 Protein, an Auxiliary Transcription Activator for Genes Encoding Galactose-Metabolizing Enzymes in Saccharomyces cereuisiae.@Molecular and Cellular Biology, 8(11), 4991-4999.@Yes$Rayms-Keller, A., Olson K.E., McGaw, M., Oray, C., Carison J.O. and Beaty, B.J. (1998).@Effects of heavy metals on Aedesaegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae.@Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 39, 41-47.@Yes$Zahran, M.A., El-Amier, Y.A., Elnaggar, A.A., Abd El-Azim, H. and El-Alfy, M.A. (2015).@Assessment and Distribution of Heavy Metals Pollutants in Manzala Lake, Egypt.@Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 3, 107-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/gep.2015. 36017@Yes$Langstone, W., Burt, G., and Pope, N. (1999).@Bioavailability of metals in sediments of the Dogger Bank (Central North Sea): A mesocosm study.@Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 48, 519-540.@Yes$Chouti, W., (2011).@Study of the chemical pollution of a tropical lagoon (water, sediments, fish): Case of the lagoon of Porto-Novo (southern Benin).@Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST), University of Abomey Calavi, 100p + Annexes.@No$Ali, M.B., Tripathi, R.D., Rai, U.N., Pal, A. and Singh, S.P. (1999).@Physico-chemical characteristics and pollution level of Lake Nainital (U.P., India): Role of macrophytes and phytoplankton in biomonitoring and phytoremediation of toxic metal ions.@Chemosphere, 39(12), 2171-2182.@Yes$Bonanno G. and Lo Giudice, R. (2010).@Heavy metal bioaccumulation by the body of Phragmitesaustralis (common reed) and their potential use as contamination indicators.@Ecol Ind., 10(3), 639-645.@Yes$Bonanno, G. (2011).@Trace element accumulation and distribution in the organ of Phragmites australis (common reed) and biomonitoring applications.@Ecotoxicol Environ Saf., 74, 1057-1064.@Yes$Bragato, C., Brix, H. and Malagoli, M. (2006).@Accumulation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steudel and Bolboschoenusmaritimus (L.) Palla in a constructed wetland of the Venice lagoon watershed.@Environmental Pollution., 144(3), 967-975.@Yes$Fritioff, A. and Greger, M. (2006).@Uptake and distribution of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb in an aquatic plant Potamogetonnatans.@Chemosphere, 63(2), 220-227.@Yes$Mishra, V.K. and Tripathi, B.D. (2009).@Accumulation of chromium and zinc from aqueous solutions using water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes).@J Hazard Mater. 164(2-3), 1059-1063.@Yes$Gurlya, L.M. (2011).@Phytoremediation as Effective Way for Decreasing Content of Heavy Metals in Soils.@Ecology Scientific Papers, 152, 57-59.@No$Lozak, A., Soltyk, K., Ostapezuk, P. and Fijalek, Z. (2001).@Determination of Selected Trace Elements in Herbs and Their Infusions.@Science of the Total Environment, 14(1-3), 1-8.@Yes$Chouti, W. K., Chitou, N., Kelome, N., Kpako, B. B., Honvou, V. D. and Tossou, M. (2017).@Physico-chemical Characterization and Coastal Lagoon Toxicity Study, from Togbin to Grand-Popo (South-West Benin).@European Scientific Journal, 13(27), 131-151.@No$Dèdjiho, A. (2014).@Diagnostic study of the chemical pollution of water bodies of the lagoon complex of the South-West of Benin: case of the Ahémé-Gbezoume lake.@Thesis dissertation, University of Abomey-Calavi.@No$Chouti, W., Mama, D. and Alapini F. (2010).@Study of the spatio-temporal variations of the pollution of the waters of the Porto-Novo lagoon (southern Benin).@Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 4(4), 1017-1029.@No$Chouti, W., Mama, D., Changotade, O., Alapini, F. and Boukari M. (2010).@Study of metallic trace elements contained in the sediments of the Porto-Novo lagoon (southern Benin).@Journal of Applied Biosciences, 34, 2186-2197.@Yes$Jepkoech, J. K., Simiyu, G. M., Arusei, M. (2013).@Selected Heavy Metals in Water and Sediments and Their Bioconcentrations in Plant (Polygonum pulchrum) in Sosiani River, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.@Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013, 4, 796-802. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jep.2013.48093.@Yes$Chouti, W., Bocodaho, L., Adandedji, F. M., Kpako, B., Dèdjiho, A., Lyde Tometin and Mama D (2017).@Zinc toxicity and sequential extraction in water and sediments of tropical lake: A case study of Ahémé Lake in Benin.@Res. J. Chem. Sci, 7(5), 23-30.@No$Débièche T. (2002).@Evolution de la qualité des eaux (salinité, azote et métaux lourds) sous leffet de la pollution saline, agricole et industrielle.@Thèse obtenue à lU. F. R. des Sciences et Techniques de lUniversité de Franche-Comté Ecole Doctorale Homme, Environnement, Santé, 235p.@Yes$Marschner H. (1995).@Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Second Edition.@Academic Press, 889 p.@Yes$Fox, T.C. and Guerinot, M.L. (1998).@Molecular Biology of Cation Transport in Plants.@Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 49, 669-696.@No$Ladislas, S. (2011).@Transfer within a structure of water treatment from urban runoff-Development of a complementary treatment process.@Thesis dissertation submitted to obtain the degree of Doctor of the School of Mines Under the label of the University Nantes Angers Le Mans, 208 p.@Yes$Okunowo, W.O. and Ogunkanm L.A. (2010).@Phytoremediation potential of some heavy metals by water hyacinth.@Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., 4(2), 347-353.@Yes$Campion, B.B. and Odametey, S.N. (2012).@Can Wetland Vegetation be Used to Describe Anthropogenic Effects and Pollution Patterns? The Case of Dakodwom and Kaase Wetlands in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana.@Journal of Environment and Ecology, 3(1), 185-201.@Yes$Shuvaeva, O.V., Belchenko, L.A. and Romanova, T.E. (2013).@Studies on cadmium accumulation by some selected floating macrophytes.@International Journal of Phytoremediation, 15, 979-990.@Yes$Akomolafe, G.F. and Nkwocha, O.P. (2017).@Assessment of the distribution of aquatic macrophytes in lafia and domametropolis, nasarawa state, Nigeria.@Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment, 9(4), 56-65.@Yes$Ruchuwararak, P., Intamat, S., Tengjaroenkul, B. and Neeratanaphan, L. (2018).@Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in local edible plants near a municipalallandfill and the related human health risk assessment.@Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018. 1473755.@Yes <#LINE#>Diversity and importance of the genus Ficus L. from an urban forest: The case study of Fergusson College Campus, Pune, India<#LINE#>Minakshi @Mahajan,Snehangshu @Das <#LINE#>74-79<#LINE#>10.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-015.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Botany, Fergusson College, Pune-411004, India@Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, India<#LINE#>9/4/2020<#LINE#>17/9/2020<#LINE#>Urban forests are composed of diversified tree species ranging from invasive to indigenous ones. Ficus species in an urban environment plays a massive role in providing various ecosystem services. Earlier studies in pristine forest ecosystems have already proved the importance of Ficus trees in nature. Most frugivorous avian and chiropteran species depend on the fleshy fig fruits as they provide them with a balanced diet. A diversified group of animal ranging from aves (domestic pigeons, parrots, koel and many more) to an advanced class of mammals (frugivorous bats, insectivorous bats, squirrels, mongoose and many more) depend on the substantial numbers of Ficus species population for nourishment supply and habitation (nesting, settling, roosting, perching and many more) in an urban forest. Ficus benghalensis has recorded the most visitors by chiropterans and avian species in the current study. The present work throws light on the diversity of Ficus species from an urban surrounding and their interactions with animals. Hence, this data will prove to be instrumental in selecting plant species for afforestation drives in a city, which will boost the conservation of urban biodiversity.<#LINE#>Lev, J. (2017).@The power of streetscape and how to protect it.@Newcastle Herald., Newcastle NSW Australia. https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/4889262/the-power-of-streetscape-and-how-to-protect-it/ . Accessed on: 3rd April 2020.@No$Nowak, David J.; Randler, Paula B.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Comas, Sara J.; Carr, Mary A. and Alig, Ralph J. (2010).@Sustaining America@Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-62. Newtown Square, PA: U.S.D.A., Northern Research Station. 27P. 62. doi:10.2737/NRS-GTR-62.@Yes$Nerlekar, A.N., Lapalikar, S.A., Onkar, A.A., Laware, S.L. & Mahajan, M.C. (2016).@Flora of Fergusson College campus, Pune, India: monitoring changes over half a century.@Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8(2), 8452-8487 http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jott.1950.8.2.@Yes$Nerlekar, A.N., Gowande, G.G. & Joshi, P.S. (2014). Diet of the Spotted Owlet Athenebrama in an urban landscape. Indian BIRDS 9(2): 45-48.@undefined@undefined@No$Terdalkar, S., Das, S., Patil, P. & Mahajan, M. (2018). A comprehensive study of the relationship between Euploea core and Nerium indicum. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences (8).@undefined@undefined@No$Vartak, V.D. (1958).The flora of the Fergusson College campus, Poona dist. Fergusson College Magazine 50(2): 7-11.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Onkar, A. (2016).@Fergusson college-Biodiversity hotspot of Pune.@http://akshayonkar.over-blog.com/fergusson-college-biodiversity-hotspot-of-pune. Accessed on: 6th April 2020.@No$Shanahan, M., & Compton, S. G. (2001).@Vertical stratification of figs and fig-eaters in a Bornean lowland rain forest: how is the canopy different?.@In Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management, 121-132. Springer, Dordrecht.@Yes$McKey, D. (1989).@Population biology of figs: applications for conservation.@Experientia, 45(7), 661-673.@Yes$Beardsley, J. W. (1998).@Chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) associated with fruit of Ficus microcarpa in Hawai@Hawaii Entomol., 33, 19-34.@Yes$Linnaeus, C. (1799).@Species plantarum.@1059. Impensis GC Nauk.@Yes$Von Linne, C. (1833).@Caroli a Linné Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis@nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus secundum systema sexuale digestas Vol. 2. Impensis GC Nauck. English Ed. pp 1157. Impensis GC Nauck.@Yes$Berg, C. C. (2009).@27C. Moraceae (Ficus) (No. 85).@Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Gothenburg, Ecuador., pp 147-148.@No$Linnaeus, C. (1770).@Car. a Linée Mantissa plantarum Generum editionis VI. et specierum editionis II..@pp 129. Impensis GC Nauck.@Yes$Flora of China Editorial Committee. (2003)@Flora of China.@5(5). Ulmaceae through Basellaceae. 5. pp 501. Science Press. Beijing.@No$Davidse, G., Sánchez, M. S., Knapp, S., & Cabrera, F. C. (2015).@Saururaceae a Zygophyllaceae.@2(3), v-xvii. pp 302. Fl. Mesoamer. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.@Yes$Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). (2003).@Flora of Pakistan.@pp 1124. Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.@No$Gadani, M. & Jain, G. (2017).@Ficus racemosa.@http://www.efloraofgandhinagar.in/tree/ficus-racemosa. Accessed on 7th April 2020.@No$Brummitt, R. K. (2010).@Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants:@61., Taxon, 59(4), 1271-1277.@No$Hornemann, J. W., & Hornemann, J. W. (1819).@Supplement umhortibotanici hafniensis.@Hortus Regius Botanicus Hafniensis. Academic Press. New York.@Yes$Scott, P. E., & Martin, R. F. (1984).@Avian consumers of Bursera, Ficus, and Ehretia fruit in Yucatan.@Biotropica, 16(4), 319-323.@Yes$Borges, R. M. (1993).@Figs, Malabar giant squirrels, and fruit shortages within two tropical Indian forests.@Biotropica, 183-190.@Yes$Kannan, R. (1995).@Conservation and Ecology of the Great Pied Hornbill (Bucerosbicornis) in the Western Ghats of India.@Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arkansas, USA.@Yes$Wendeln, M. C., Runkle, J. R., & Kalko, E. K. (2000).@Nutritional Values of 14 Fig Species and Bat Feeding Preferences in Panama 1. Biotropica, 32(3), 489-501.@undefined@Yes$Nordin, M., & Frankel, V. H. (Eds.). (2001).@Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.@Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.@Yes$Barclay, R. M. (1994).@Constraints on reproduction by flying vertebrates: energy and calcium.@The American Naturalist, 144(6), 1021-1031.@Yes <#LINE#>Diversity and importance of the genus Ficus L. from an urban forest: The case study of Fergusson College Campus, Pune, India<#LINE#>Minakshi @Mahajan,Snehangshu @Das <#LINE#>74-79<#LINE#>10.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-015.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Botany, Fergusson College, Pune-411004, India@Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, India<#LINE#>9/4/2020<#LINE#>17/9/2020<#LINE#>Urban forests are composed of diversified tree species ranging from invasive to indigenous ones. Ficus species in an urban environment plays a massive role in providing various ecosystem services. Earlier studies in pristine forest ecosystems have already proved the importance of Ficus trees in nature. Most frugivorous avian and chiropteran species depend on the fleshy fig fruits as they provide them with a balanced diet. A diversified group of animal ranging from aves (domestic pigeons, parrots, koel and many more) to an advanced class of mammals (frugivorous bats, insectivorous bats, squirrels, mongoose and many more) depend on the substantial numbers of Ficus species population for nourishment supply and habitation (nesting, settling, roosting, perching and many more) in an urban forest. Ficus benghalensis has recorded the most visitors by chiropterans and avian species in the current study. The present work throws light on the diversity of Ficus species from an urban surrounding and their interactions with animals. Hence, this data will prove to be instrumental in selecting plant species for afforestation drives in a city, which will boost the conservation of urban biodiversity.<#LINE#>Lev, J. (2017).@The power of streetscape and how to protect it.@Newcastle Herald., Newcastle NSW Australia. https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/4889262/the-power-of-streetscape-and-how-to-protect-it/ . Accessed on: 3rd April 2020.@No$Nowak, David J.; Randler, Paula B.; Greenfield, Eric J.; Comas, Sara J.; Carr, Mary A. and Alig, Ralph J. (2010).@Sustaining America@Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-62. Newtown Square, PA: U.S.D.A., Northern Research Station. 27P. 62. doi:10.2737/NRS-GTR-62.@Yes$Nerlekar, A.N., Lapalikar, S.A., Onkar, A.A., Laware, S.L. & Mahajan, M.C. (2016).@Flora of Fergusson College campus, Pune, India: monitoring changes over half a century.@Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8(2), 8452-8487 http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jott.1950.8.2.@Yes$Nerlekar, A.N., Gowande, G.G. & Joshi, P.S. (2014). Diet of the Spotted Owlet Athenebrama in an urban landscape. Indian BIRDS 9(2): 45-48.@undefined@undefined@No$Terdalkar, S., Das, S., Patil, P. & Mahajan, M. (2018). A comprehensive study of the relationship between Euploea core and Nerium indicum. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences (8).@undefined@undefined@No$Vartak, V.D. (1958).The flora of the Fergusson College campus, Poona dist. Fergusson College Magazine 50(2): 7-11.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Onkar, A. (2016).@Fergusson college-Biodiversity hotspot of Pune.@http://akshayonkar.over-blog.com/fergusson-college-biodiversity-hotspot-of-pune. Accessed on: 6th April 2020.@No$Shanahan, M., & Compton, S. G. (2001).@Vertical stratification of figs and fig-eaters in a Bornean lowland rain forest: how is the canopy different?.@In Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management, 121-132. Springer, Dordrecht.@Yes$McKey, D. (1989).@Population biology of figs: applications for conservation.@Experientia, 45(7), 661-673.@Yes$Beardsley, J. W. (1998).@Chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) associated with fruit of Ficus microcarpa in Hawai@Hawaii Entomol., 33, 19-34.@Yes$Linnaeus, C. (1799).@Species plantarum.@1059. Impensis GC Nauk.@Yes$Von Linne, C. (1833).@Caroli a Linné Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis@nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus secundum systema sexuale digestas Vol. 2. Impensis GC Nauck. English Ed. pp 1157. Impensis GC Nauck.@Yes$Berg, C. C. (2009).@27C. Moraceae (Ficus) (No. 85).@Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Gothenburg, Ecuador., pp 147-148.@No$Linnaeus, C. (1770).@Car. a Linée Mantissa plantarum Generum editionis VI. et specierum editionis II..@pp 129. Impensis GC Nauck.@Yes$Flora of China Editorial Committee. (2003)@Flora of China.@5(5). Ulmaceae through Basellaceae. 5. pp 501. Science Press. Beijing.@No$Davidse, G., Sánchez, M. S., Knapp, S., & Cabrera, F. C. (2015).@Saururaceae a Zygophyllaceae.@2(3), v-xvii. pp 302. Fl. Mesoamer. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.@Yes$Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). (2003).@Flora of Pakistan.@pp 1124. Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.@No$Gadani, M. & Jain, G. (2017).@Ficus racemosa.@http://www.efloraofgandhinagar.in/tree/ficus-racemosa. Accessed on 7th April 2020.@No$Brummitt, R. K. (2010).@Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants:@61., Taxon, 59(4), 1271-1277.@No$Hornemann, J. W., & Hornemann, J. W. (1819).@Supplement umhortibotanici hafniensis.@Hortus Regius Botanicus Hafniensis. Academic Press. New York.@Yes$Scott, P. E., & Martin, R. F. (1984).@Avian consumers of Bursera, Ficus, and Ehretia fruit in Yucatan.@Biotropica, 16(4), 319-323.@Yes$Borges, R. M. (1993).@Figs, Malabar giant squirrels, and fruit shortages within two tropical Indian forests.@Biotropica, 183-190.@Yes$Kannan, R. (1995).@Conservation and Ecology of the Great Pied Hornbill (Bucerosbicornis) in the Western Ghats of India.@Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arkansas, USA.@Yes$Wendeln, M. C., Runkle, J. R., & Kalko, E. K. (2000).@Nutritional Values of 14 Fig Species and Bat Feeding Preferences in Panama 1. Biotropica, 32(3), 489-501.@undefined@Yes$Nordin, M., & Frankel, V. H. (Eds.). (2001).@Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.@Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.@Yes$Barclay, R. M. (1994).@Constraints on reproduction by flying vertebrates: energy and calcium.@The American Naturalist, 144(6), 1021-1031.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>Study on equilibrium conditions of methane gas hydrates<#LINE#>Anupama @Kumari,C.B. @Majumder,A.K. @Misra <#LINE#>80-90<#LINE#>11.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-100.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India@Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India@Gas Hydrate Research and Technology Centre, ONGC, Panvel, Mumbai, India<#LINE#>20/11/2019<#LINE#>6/2/2020<#LINE#>Methanegas hydrates are nonstoichiometric crystalline form of solids which are form by the amalgamation of molecules of methane gas with the molecules of water at low temperature and high pressure. For oil, gas, chemical and other industries, the formation of MGHs has been a problem for many years because hydrate may block the pipelines or valves. Hydrate formation in a pipeline may also cause a blowout in the drilling operations. The knowledge of the equilibrium conditions of gas hydrate is obligatory for the economical and safe plan of operations in oil, gas, chemical industries where hydrate nucleation/formation occurred. It becomes important to measure the incipient conditions of hydrate formations for the system containing different inhibitors, promoters, salts, porous materials. The conditions of stability for MGHs in pure and seawater will be different because of the existence of ions and salts in seawater. The stability pressure of MGHs in seawater is higher than pure water, but the temperature for the gas hydrate can be lower in seawater than pure water. The stability conditions of MGHs can be disturbed by the simple addition of salts, electrolytes in the host sediments or water of MGHs. The co-existence of all dissolved ions in seawater depresses the dissociation temperature for the stability of methane hydrate ranges between pressures of 2.75-10 MPa. For seawater with a salinity of 33.5%, the observed offset in dissociation temperature was 1.1℃ in comparison to pure water. Various researchers have done various experiments to find the stability conditions of MGHs at different temperatures and high pressure. The equilibrium curves for the methane MGHs in porous media has been shifted to the high pressure and lower temperature as compared to the equilibrium curves for the bulk MGHs.<#LINE#>Stern, L. A., Circone, S., Kirby, S. H., & Durham, W. B. (2003).@Temperature, pressure, and compositional effects on anomalous or self preservation of gas hydrates.@Canadian Journal of Physics, 81(1-2), 271-283. https://doi.org/10.1139/p03-018.@Yes$Jeffrey, G. A., & McMullan, R. K. 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