@Research Paper <#LINE#>Phytoplankton biomass and primary production dynamic in Porto-Novo lagoon (Republic of Benin)<#LINE#>AKOGBETO@Henri Kpèdékpo ,FIOGBE@Emile Didier <#LINE#>1-13<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-085.pdf<#LINE#>International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA), Faculty of Sciences and Technologies (FAST), University Abomey-Calavi, 072 P.O.Box 50, Cotonou, Benin and Unité de Recherche sur les Zones Humides, Département de Zoologie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université d′Abomey-Calavi, 01BP526 Cotonou, Bénin@Unité de Recherche sur les Zones Humides, Département de Zoologie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université d′Abomey-Calavi, 01BP526 Cotonou, Bénin<#LINE#>4/9/2018<#LINE#>17/9/2019<#LINE#>Porto-Novo lagoon is eutrophical water on which more than 500,000 persons depend. The study of primary production tied to some relevant environmental physico-chemical parameters was carried out in order to build an exploitable data base on the potentialities of this lagoon. Measurements were carried out in relation to seasons in six sites divided in twelve areas with different hydrologic scheme, from June 2015 to February 2016. The AFNOR NFT 90 – 117 norm was used for chlorophyll-a measurement though primary production valuation was carried out through prior established general equations. The water temperature varied between 27.58 and 32.28°C. Salinity and pH ranged respectively between 6.33 – 7.03 and 0.00 – 2.93mg/L though the maximum and minimum conductivity values were respectively 9170 and 67.6µsem-1. Dissolved oxygen value fluctuated between 1.09 – 2.98 mg/L which are lower than standard normal suggested by FEPA. TDS varied between 107.80 and 3703.00mg/L with turbidity ranging between 2.50 and 54.67mg/L though maximum and minimum transparence were 2.52 and 0.68m respectively. Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen (TN) showed fluctuating values 1.85 – 5.25mg/L and 1.13 – 2.59mg/L respectively. Primary production varied between 840.10 and 3324.24mg C/m2.J. It was globally higher in the central area than in bank area. Primary production was significantly correlated with transparence (r= 0.81 and p=0). The current study shows that phytoplankton production in Porto-Novo lagoon is influenced by many factors such as geographical position that delimit lotic and lenthic area; climate; presence of macrophytes and human activities on the side basin.<#LINE#>Jordan C.F. (1985).@Nutrient cycling in Tropical forest Ecosystem.@Principles and their application in management and conservation, London, 24. ISBN : 047190449X@Yes$Balogun K.J., Adedeji A.K. and Ladigbolu I.A. 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Oryzias melastigma was the most abundant fish species (26.47%), followed by Hemiramphus marginatus (21.56%) and Atherinomorus duodecimalis (9.80%). Hemirhamphus marginatus was the most common species in both habitats. Oryzias melastigma was the most abundant species recorded from mangrove area followed by A. duodecimalis, and H. marginatus. Kadolkele site recorded 13 species while Liyanagemulla recorded 2 species. Diversity of fish associted with mangrove area was higher than that of the other area. This indicates that mangrove areas are the most preferable nursery habitats for juvenile fish. However, it has shown that there is an ecological impact of destruction of mangroves on the distribution of juvenile fish populations.The distribution and abundance of number of species and individuals are highly depend on salinity (P≤0.05) of the water and the site (P≤0.01). This study give the awareness for formulating management policies in future to protect Negombo lagoon especially to stop clearing the mangrove vegetation.<#LINE#>Odum W.E. and Heald E.J. (1972).@Trophic analyses of an estuarine mangrove community.@Bulletin of Marine Science, 22(3), 671-738.@Yes$Ong J-E. (1984).@Contribution of aquatic productivity in managed mangrove ecosystem in Malaysia.@In Proc. As. Symp. Magr. Env.-Res. & Manag., 209-215.@Yes$Zieman J.C., Macko S.A. and Mills A.L. (1984).@Role of seagrasses and mangroves in estuarine food webs: temporal and spatial changes in stable isotope composition and amino acid content during decomposition.@Bulletin of Marine Science, 35(3), 380-392.@Yes$Laegdsgaard P. and Johnson C. (2001).@Why do juvenile fish utilise mangrove habitats?.@Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 257(2), 229-253.@Yes$Blaber S.J.M. 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International and Interdisciplinary Symnposium: Ecology and Landscape Management in Sri Lanka, 323-340.@Yes$Hutchison J., Spalding M. and zu Ermgassen P. (2014).@The Role of Mangroves in Fisheries Enhancement.@The Nature Conservancy and Wetlands International, 54.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of native and migrant bird species in a riverine ecosystem of India<#LINE#>P.@Nandagopal ,Bhat@Harish R. <#LINE#>21-27<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-005.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056, India @Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru-560012, India<#LINE#>14/1/2019<#LINE#>28/7/2019<#LINE#>The present study aims to classify the native and migrant bird species recorded during the summer season in Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary of Karnataka State. Bird survey was conducted during the summer season in the month of March, April and May inside Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary (RBS), located on the bank of river Cauvery. Readings were recorded on every weekend, during Saturday and Sunday of the summer season. The birds were recorded during morning from 06:00AM to09:00 AM, and at the evening from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM using belt transect method. Birds were classified into native and migrant species based on direct observations. Although RBS is having a specific percentage of nested native bird species, there was almost a significant percentage of migrant bird species were recorded during the study. Total numbers of 2890 birds were recorded during the study which belongs to 84 different species and majority of them were native and relatively good percentage of migrant species were observed. More number of aquatic birds was recorded from the migrant bird species group. The study revealed that relatively good percentage of migratory bird species nests in RBS during summer season. Birds require explicit natural assets for generation and for different exercises for their survival. Among both transient and local or non-transitory species alike, satisfactory nourishment for the youthful has all the earmarks of being essential in figuring out where, just as when, a species will breed. Also, study shows that RBS is a preferred habitat for migratory birds during summer season.<#LINE#>Ali S. (2002).@The Book of Indian Birds.@BNHS & OUP. India. 13th edition.@No$Kumar A., Sati J.P., Tak P.C. and Alfred (2005).@Handbook on Indian Wetland Birds and their Conservation.@Director, Zoological Survey of India, i-xxvi, 1-468.@Yes$Kotpal R.L. (1985).@The Birds.@Rastogi Publications.@Yes$Bhat H., Mahapatra D.M., Boominathan M., Rao S. and Ramachandra T.V. (2010).@Avian diversity of Ladakh wetlands.@Bangalore: Energy and Wetlands Research Group, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, 22nd – 24th Dec., 1-5.@Yes$Grimmett R. and Inskipp C. (1999).@Birds of the Indian subcontinent.@Oxford University Press. India. ISBN 13: 9780195651553@No$Cunningham M.A., Johnson D.H. and Svingen D.N. (2006).@Estimates of Breeding Bird Populations in the Sheyenne National Grassland, North Dakota.@The Prairie Naturalist, 38(1), 39.@Yes$Aggarwal A., Tiwari G. and Harsh S. (2015).@Avian diversity and density estimation of birds of the Indian Institute of Forest Management Campus, Bhopal, India.@Journal of Threatened Taxa, 7(2), 6891-6902.@Yes$Beauchamp G. (2011).@Long-distance migrating species of birds travel in larger groups.@Biology Letters, 7(5), 692-694.@Yes$Garg R.K, Rao R.J. and Saksena D.N. (2013).@Spatial relations of migratory birds and water quality management of Ramsagar reservoir, Datia, Madhya Pradesh, India.@Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment., 5(10), 335-339.@Yes$Praveen J. and Nameer P.O. (2009).@Monitoring bird diversity in Western Ghats of Kerala.@Current Science, 96(10), 1390-1395.@Yes$Paramesh N. (2007).@Ecotourism in Karnataka with a special reference to wildlife sanctuary, national park and bird sanctuary.@Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru.@No$Joshi P.P. (2015).@Assessment of avian population in different habitats around Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya Campus, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.@Journal of Global Biosciences, 4(5), 2244-2250.@Yes <#LINE#>Physico-chemical characterizations of surface water and underlying sediments and limnological status of Beeshazari Lake, a Ramsar site at Chitwan, Nepal<#LINE#>Sudarshana@Shakya ,Kumar@Yadav Pramod ,Raj@Pant Dipesh ,Kaji@Shakya Ramesh ,Mahesh@Shrestha ,Ram@Pradhananga Achut ,Kumar@Shrestha Prem ,Raj@Shakya Pawan <#LINE#>28-36<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-012.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Botany, Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Bhaktapur, Nepal@Department of Chemistry, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Birgunj, Nepal@Department of Environment Science, Tri-chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvn University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Zoology, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Chemistry, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Chemistry, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Chemistry, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal<#LINE#>11/2/2019<#LINE#>8/8/2019<#LINE#>Beeshazari Lake, a Ramsar site at Chitwan in central Nepal of international concern and importance, provides suitable habitats for many globally threatened or endangered flora and fauna but the lake of proper monitoring and management practices have caused the severe degradation of the lake. In the present study, physico-chemical characterizations of surface water and bottom sediments were made to assess the limnological status of the lake. The study was conducted for a period of three consecutive years (2016-2018). The mean levels of temperature, transparency, pH, DO, NO3--N, TN, TP, GPP and Fe in the lake water were found to be 23.7 0C, 1.1 m, 6.5, 4.1 mg/L, 217.9 µg/L, 1386.4 µg/L, 208.0 µg/L, 36.4 g C/m2/yr and 0.5 mg/L respectively. The lake water was found unfavorable to aquatic animals due to low pH and transparency, depleted DO level and high levels of TN and TP. Similarly, the mean levels of temperature, pH, TN, available P, OM and Fe in the underlying sediments of the lake were recorded as 24.0 0C, 6.2, 3.7 g/Kg, 85.2 mg/Kg, 72.0 g/Kg and 29.0 mg/g respectively. The elevated levels of OM, TN and available P in the lake sediments are potential nutrient sources to the surface water. Moreover, the eutrophic nature of the lake was by transparency and nitrogen criteria and hyper-eutrophic by phosphorus criteria. Correlation analysis revealed positive as well as negative correlations among some of the water quality parameters as well as sediment parameters. From the present study, we conclude that Beeshazari Lake is in urgent need of effective planning and policies, strategies and management practices for its conservation in the long run so that the present limnological status of the lake could be improved.<#LINE#>Parchizadeh J. and Williams S.T. (2018).@Waterbirds targeted in Iran@Science, 359(6378), 877-878.@Yes$Green A.J. and Elmberg J. (2014).@Ecosystem services provided by waterbirds.@Biological Review, 89(1), 105-122.@Yes$Rajpar M. and Zakaria M. (2010).@Indah wetland reserve, Selangor Peninsular Malaysia.@Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(7), 658-666.@Yes$Groom M.J., Meffe B.K. and Carroll C.R. (2006).@Principles of Conservation Biology.@3rd Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland.@Yes$Ramsar Convention Bureau (2002).@The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance.@An Introductory Ramsar Brochure, 3rd Edition. http://www.ramsar.org@No$Bratram J. and Ballence R. (1996).@Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies and Monitoring Programs, London.@@Yes$Central Board of Immigration and Power of India (1999).@Aquatic Weeds and Their Control in Water in India.@@No$Tuzun I. and Ince O. (2006).@Relationship between Water Flow Volume and In-Lake Total Phosphorus Concentrations via Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Temperature in a Warm Temperate Reservoir: Implications by Path Analysis.@Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 11(2), 83-96.@Yes$Report (2018).@Wetlands International, The Netherlands.@What are wetlands? URL: http://www.wetlands.org. Accessed 31 December 2018.@No$Inskipp C., Baral H.S., Phuyal S., Bhatt T.R., Khatiwada M., Inskipp T., Khatiwada A., Gurung S., Singh P.B., Murray L., Poudyal L. and Amin R. (2016).@The status of Nepal@Zoological Society of London, UK. https://www.zsl.org/conservation/regions/asia/national-red-list-of-nepals-birds.@Yes$Lakenet (2019).@Protecting and restoring the health of lakes throughout the world.@URL: http://www.worldlakes.org/lakedetails.asp?lakeid=10577. Accessed 5 January 2019.@No$Thapa T.B. (2011).@Habitat suitability evaluation for Leopard (Panthera pardus) using remote sensing and GIS in and around Chitwan National Park, Nepal.@Faculty of Wildlife Sciences, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun and Department of Biosciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujrat, India. (Ph.D. Thesis).@Yes$DHM (2005).@Department of Hydrology and Metrology.@Babar Mahal, Nepal.@No$Report (2006).@International Conservation Union and Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, “Ramsar Information Sheet.@URL: http://www.wetlands.org/reports/dbdirect-org.cfm?site-id Accessed 2 January 2019.@No$Gilani H., Qamer F.M., Sohail M., Uddin K., Jain A. and Ning W. (2017).@Review of ecosystem monitoring in Nepal and evolving earth observation technologies land cover change and its eco-environmental responses in Nepal.@Springer, 165-183.@Yes$Khadka B.B., Acharya P.M. and Rajbhandari S.L. (2017).@Population status and species diversity of wetland birds in the Rapti and Narayani rivers and associated wetlands of Chitwan National Park, Nepal.@Journal of Threatened Taxa, 9(6), 10297-10306.@Yes$Bhattarai B.P. (2012).@Distribution and diversity of storks in the adjoining areas of Chitwan National Park, Nepal.@In Himalayan Biodiversity in the Changing World (Kindlmann, P. Ed.). Springer, Dordrecht, 97-114.@Yes$APHA, AWWA and WPCF (1995).@Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste Water.@9th Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington DC.@No$Trivedy R.K. and Goel P.K. (1984).@Chemical and Biological Methods for Water Pollution Studies.@Department of Environmental Pollution, Y.K. College of Science, Karad, India.@Yes$Parihar S.S., Kumar A., Kumar A., Gupta R.N., Pathak M., Shrivastav A. and Pandey A.C. (2012).@Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Underground Water in and Around Gwalior City, MP, India.@Res. J. Recent Sci., 1, 62-65.@Yes$Niraula R. (2012).@Evaluation of the Limnological Status of Beeshazar Lake, a Ramsar Site in Central Nepal.@Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 4, 256-263.@Yes$Hosmani S.P. and Bharati S.G. (1980).@Limnological studies in ponds and lakes of Dharwad-Comparative phytoplankton ecology of water bodies.@Phykos, 19(1), 27-43.@No$UNESCO-IUCN (2005).@Water Quality Assessment in and around Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India.@Technical Report Number 9, UNESCO-IUCN.@No$Wetzel G.R. (1987).@Limnology: Lakes and River Ecosys- tems.@3rd Edition, Academic Press, San Diago.@No$Schutte K.H. and Elsworth J.F. (1954).@The Significance of Large pH Fluctuation Observed in Some South African Lakes.@Ecology, 42(1), 148-150.@Yes$Singh S.R. and Swarup K. (1979).@Limnological studies of Suraha Lake (Ballia) II. Periodicity of phytoplankton.@J. Indian Bot. Soc., 58(4), 319-329.@Yes$Rodhe W. (1969).@Crystallization of Eutrophication Concepts in Northern Europe.@In: Proceedings of Symposium on Eu- trophication: Causes, Consequences, Correctives, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, 50-64.@No$Kaul W. and Trishal C.L. (1991).@Ecology and Conservation of the Freshwater Lake of Kashmir.@In: S. D. Misra, D. N. Sen and I. Ahmad, Eds., Evaluation and Conservation of Environment, GEO BIOS International, Jodhpur, India.@No$O′Dell K.M., Van Arman J., Welch B.M. and Hill S.D. (1995).@Changes in Water Chemistry in a Macrophyte Dominated Lake before and after Herbicide Treatments.@Lake and Reservoir Management, 11(4), 311-316.@Yes$Lovley D.R. (1997).@Microbial Fe(III) reduction in subsurface environments.@ FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 20(3-4), 305-313.@Yes$Sondergaard M., Jensen J.P., Jeppesen E. and Moller P.H. (2002).@Seasonal Dynamics in the Concentrations and Retention of Phosphorus in Shallow Danish Lakes after Reduced Loading.@Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 5(1), 19-29.@Yes$Sharma P.D. (1999).@Ecology and Environment.@7th Edition, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.@No$Watts C.J. (2000).@The Effects of Organic Matter on Sedimentary Phosphorus Release in an Australian Reservoir.@Hydrobiologia, 431(1), 13-25.@Yes$Hu Q., Song J., Dong L., Li Z. and Zhu Y. (2001).@Effects of pH and Eh on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Sediments of West Lake.@Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, ILEC, Shiga.@Yes$Diazo A., Reddy K.R. and Moore P.A. (1994).@Solubility of inorganic P in stream water as influenced by pH and Ca concentration.@Water Res, 28, 1755-1763.@Yes$UNEP (1999).@Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs, an Integrated Approach to Eutrophication.@International Environmental Technology Center, Osaka/Shinga.@Yes$Harremoes P. (1998).@The Challenge of Managing Water and Material Balances in Relation to Eutrophication.@Water Science and Technology, 37(3), 9-17.@Yes$Martinova M.V. (1993).@Nitrogen and Phosphorus Compounds in Bottom Sediments: Mechanisms of Accumulation, Transformation and Release.@Hydrobiologia, 252(1), 1-22.@Yes$Banerjea S.M. (1967).@Water Quality and Soil Condition of Fish Pond in Some State of India in Relation to Fish Production.@Indian Journal of Fish, 14(1), 115-144.@Yes$Forsberg C. and Ryding S.O. (1980).@Eutrophication Parameters and Trophic State Indices in 30 Swedish Waste Receiving Lakes.@Achieves of Hydrobiology, 89(1-2), 189-207.@Yes <#LINE#>Assessment of essential metals in some freshwater fishes in Ayeyawady River, Magway Segment, Myanmar<#LINE#>Mar@Khin Myint ,Khaing @Thin Thin ,Win@Ma <#LINE#>37-41<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-024.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Zoology, University of Magway, Myanmar@Department of Zoology, University of Magway, Myanmar@Department of Zoology, University of Magway, Myanmar<#LINE#>11/1/2019<#LINE#>28/8/2019<#LINE#>A study was conducted to assess the concentration of essential metals such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) in the muscles of some freshwater fishes (Labeo rohita, Salmostoma sardinella, Clupisoma prateri, Ompok bimaculatus, Wallago attu and Mystus cavasius) from Ayeyawady River, Magway Area during December 2011 to March 2012. Ten samples for each species were used for metal analysis. For sample preparation, acid digestion procedure was used. The concentration of metals was analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) (AA-6300). In the muscles of the fishes studied, Fe was the highest accumulated metal (6.031 to 15.64ppm d.w) and Cu the lowest accumulated one (0.176 to 0.281 ppm d.w). The order of metal accumulation in the muscles of the fishes studied was Fe> Zn> Mn> Cu. The level of metals in the fishes studied was lower than the permissible limits of FAO/WHO guidelines except the level of Mn in Salmostoma sardinella but it seems not to be considered. ANOVA test was used to determine the differences of statistical means of the heavy metal concentration among fish species studied. The level of metals among six fishes studied was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). It can be concluded that from a public health point of view, fish commonly consumed by the local population in Magway Area do not seem to pose any significant human health risks due to metal exposure.<#LINE#>MacFarlane G.R. and Burchett M. (2000).@Cellular distribution of copper, lead and zinc in the grey mangrove, Avicennia (Forsk.) Vierh.@Aquatic Botany, 68, 45-59.@Yes$Censi P., Spoto S.E., Saiano F., Sprovieri M., Mzzola S., Nardone G. and Si Di Gerinimo R. (2006).@Heavy metals in costal water systems. A case study from the north western Gulf of Thailand.@Chemosphere, 64(7), 1167-1176.@Yes$Rauf A., Javed M. and Ubaidullah M. (2009).@Heavy metal level in three major carps (Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala) from the three River Ravi, Pakistan.@Pakistan Vet. J., 29(1), 24-26.@Yes$Sofia (2005).@Metal contamination in commercially important fish and shrimp species collected from Aceh (Indonesia), Penang and Perak (Malaysia).@M.Sc Thesis. University Sains Malaysia.@Yes$Al-Weher S.M. (2008).@Levels of Heavy Metal Cd, Cu and Zn in Three Fish Species collected from the Northern Jordan Valley, Jordan.@Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(1), 41-46.@Yes$Nawaz S., Nagra S.A., Saleem Y. and Priydarshi A. (2010).@Determination of heavy metals in freshwater fish species of the River Ravi, Pakistan compared to farmed fish varieties.@Environ. Monit. Assess., 167, 461-471.@Yes$DoF (2010).@Inland Fisheries of Myanmar.@Department of Fisheries of Myanmar, Yangon.@No$Win Oo (2011).@Inland fisheries of Myanmar (internet accessed 15 December 2011).@Available from: http://www.inlandfishes.@No$Mya Than Tun (2007).@Efforts to Preserve a Fishery Cultural Heritage in Myanmar: The “cooperative fishing” with Irrawaddy Dolphins.@In: Fish for the People, 5(3), 35-38.@Yes$Agemian H., Sturtevant D.P. and Austen K.D. (1980).@Simultaneous acid extraction of six trace metals from fish tissue by hot-block digestion and determination by atomic-absorption spectrometry.@Analyst, 105(1247), 125-130.@Yes$FAO (1983).@Food and Agriculture Organization.@FAO Fishery Circular, 464, 5-100.@No$WHO (1989).@Guidelines for drinking water quality.@Health Criteria. Vol.1, 2nd ed., Geneva, Switzerland.@No$Karadede-Akin H. and Unlu E. (2007).@Heavy metal concentrations in water, sediment and fish and some benthic organisms from Tigris River, Turkey.@Environ. Monit. Assess., 131, 323-337.@Yes$Mar Khin Myint (2011).@Uptake of heavy metals and relationship to feeding habit of selected fish species from Ayeyawady River, Mandalay and Magway Segments.@PhD Thesis, University of Mandalay, Myanmar.@Yes$Yosef T.A. and Gomaa G.M. (2011).@Assessment of some heavy metal contents fresh and salted Mullet fish collected from El-Burullus Lake, Egypt.@Journal of American Science, 7(10), 137-144.@Yes$Partridge G.J. and Lymbery A.J. (2009).@Effects of manganese in juvenile mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) cultured in water with varying salinity- Implications for inland mariculture.@Aquacture, 290(3-4), 311-316.@Yes$Ye, C.X., Tian, L.X., Yang, H.G., Liang, J. J. Niu, J. and Liu, Y.J. (2009).@Growth performance and tissue mineral content of juvenile grouper (Epinephelus coioides) fed diet supplemented with various levels of manganese.@Aquacult. Nutr., 15(6), 608-614.@Yes$Lagler K.F., Bardach J.E. and Miller R.R. (1962).@ICHTHYOLOGY.@Toppon Co. Ltd., Japan.@No$Kumar B., Mukherjee D.P., Kumar S., Mishra M., Prakash D., Singh S.K. and Sharma C.S. (2011).@Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in muscle tissue of fishes from selected aquaculture ponds in east Kolkata wetlands.@Annals of Biological Research, 2(5), 125-134.@Yes$Nwani C.D., Nwachi D.A.,Okogwu O.I., Ude E.F. and Odoh G.E. (2010).@Heavy metals in fish species from lotic freshwater ecosystem at Afikpo in Nigeria.@Journal of Environmental Biology, 31(5), 595-601.@Yes$Jonathan B.Y. and Maina H.M. (2009).@Accumulation of some heavy metals in Clarias anguillaris and Heterotis niloticus from Lake Geriyo Yola, Nigeria.@Nature and Science, 40-43.@Yes$Nawaz S., Nagra S.A., Saleem Y. and Priydarshi A. (2010).@Determination of heavy metals in freshwater fish species of the River Ravi, Pakistan compared to farmed fish varieties.@Environ. Monit. Assess., 167, 461-471.@Yes$Ambedkar G. and Muniyan M. (2011).@Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in the selected five fresh water fish from Kollidam River, Tamilnada, India.@Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(5), 221-225.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Heavy metal contaminant degradation from environment using potential agents<#LINE#>Anushri@Joshi ,Ajay@Desai ,Kavit@Mehta ,Keyur2 @Bhatt ,B.K.@Jain <#LINE#>42-45<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-113.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography, Shri Haridas Kalidas Arts College, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380009, India@Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidhyanagar, Mehsana, Gujarat-384012, India@Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidhyanagar, Mehsana, Gujarat-384012, India@Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidhyanagar, Mehsana, Gujarat-384012, India@M.G. Science Institute, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380009, India<#LINE#>10/12/2018<#LINE#>14/7/2019<#LINE#>Today, environmental pollution is a huge problem because of hazardous waste, inadequate drinking water and restrictions on soil crop production. Use bioremediation to clean contaminated water and soil. In these processes, as a source of nutrients or energy remediate pollutant. Bioremediation is field application for environment sciences. The main research is bioremediation, biotransformation kinetics, co-metabolism, biogeochemical assessment technology modeling, and attenuation and environmental fate models. Heavy metals are present in the earth\'s crust and can be dissolved in groundwater by natural processes or changes in soil pH. Heavy metal pollution of wastewater. Perhaps the whole world is facing serious environmental problems. Our research is reflected in the remediate and degradation of heavy metals from waste. It produces a various toxic compounds. For biological agents, degradation increases concerns about removal of heavy metals, with high level and low cost. Isolated bacterial species have great potential for producing large amounts of biomass, which are widely used for metal adsorption of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, As and Ni. Biomass production offers great potential for the use of metal recovery systems. This article describes the use of biological agents to degrade heavy metal contaminants to find solutions to overcome heavy metal problems.<#LINE#>de Mora A.P., Ortega-Calvo J.J., Cabrera F. and Madejón E. (2005).@Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after “in situ” remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil.@Applied Soil Ecology, 28(2), 125-137.@Yes$Oyedele D.J., Gasu M.B. and Awotoye O.O. (2008).@Changes in soil properties and plant uptake of heavy metals on selected municipal solid waste dump sites in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.@African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(5), 107-115.@Yes$Puschenreiter M., Horak O., Friesl W. and Hartl W. (2005).@Low-cost agricultural measures to reduce heavy metal transfer into the food chain–a review.@Plant Soil Environ, 51(1), 1-11.@Yes$Nannipieri P., Grego S. and Ceccanti B. (1990).@Ecological significance of the biological activity in soil.@Soil biochem., 6, 293-355.@Yes$Ladd J.N., Foster R.C., Nannipieri P. and Oades J.M. (1996).@Soil structure and biological activity.@Soil biochemistry, 9, 23-78.@Yes$Shuman L.M. (1999).@Organic waste amendments effect on zinc fractions of two soils.@Journal of Environ.Qua., 28, 1442-1447.@Yes$Moreno J.L., Garcia C. and Hernandez T. (2003).@Toxic effect of cadmium and nickel on soil enzymes and the influence of adding sewage sludge.@European Journal of Soil Science banner, 54(2), 377-386.@Yes$Athar R. and Ahmed M. (2002).@Heavy metal toxicity, effect on plant growth and metal uptake by wheat, and on free living Azotobacter.@Water, Air and soil Pollution, 138, 165-180.@Yes$Qazilbash A.A. (2004).@Isolation and Characterization of Heavy Metal Tolerant Biota from Industrially Polluted Soils and their Role in Bioremediation.@Biological Sci., 41, 210-256.@Yes <#LINE#>Rapid urbanization Vis a Vis meeting target of access to improved sanitation<#LINE#>Muoria@Elizabeth Wangui ,Moturi@Wilkister Nyaora ,Eshiamwata@George Were <#LINE#>46-51<#LINE#>7.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-008.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University. P.O. Box 536 Egerton Njoro, Kenya@Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University. P.O. Box 536 Egerton Njoro, Kenya@Natural Sciences, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, P.O. Box 72017-00200, Nairobi, Kenya<#LINE#>31/1/2019<#LINE#>27/7/2019<#LINE#>The quality of life of members of a household is affected directly by the sanitation and hygiene of household. Nakuru town was noted to have been the fastest growing urban area East and Central Africa. Hence the need to assess the spatial-temporal variation in household access to sanitation facilities as the urban area grows. A cross sectional survey was undertaken. Data was collected through remote sensing and an interview administered to key informants to elicit information on the sanitation facilities used in different areas on a time series in Nakuru Municipality and surrounding peri-urban area. A structured questionnaire was also administered to 400 respondents drawn from households that were randomly selected from the study area. Descriptive statistics was used in the analysis of data collected. The results of the study showed that over the years the rate of expansion of sewerage systems was very low serving areas surrounding the urban core. The results also showed that a total of 51.5% of the respondents used a pit latrine that could be a potential source of contamination of underground water sources. This may impede realization of SDG 6 target 6.1 of universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. The study recommends improvement of the pit latrines by use of lining to protect underground water from horizontal contaminants.<#LINE#>Virginia Department of Health (VDH) (2014).@Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (Emergency Regulations for Gravelless Material and Drip Dispersal).@Richmond: VDH. https://www.vdh.Accessed on 20th April, 2015@No$UN-HABITAT (2003).@Water and Sanitation in the World′s Cities: Local Action for Global Goals.@London: Earthscan. http//www.earthscan.co.uk/@No$Trémolet S., Koslky P. and Perez E. (2010).@Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor a Global Six Country Comparative Review and Analysis.@Washington D.C.: World Bank, Water and Sanitation Programme.@Yes$Edwards B., Nagpal T., Rose R., Mohammed A.N., Uandela A., Wolfsbauer M. and Norman G. (2015).@Municipal Finance for Sanitation in Three African Cities.@Discussion Paper DP 007; Water and Sanitation for Urban Poor http/www/H:/water%20&%20sanitation)/DP007@Yes$UN-HABITAT and UNEP (2010).@The state of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequality and Urban land Markets.@UN- HABITAT, Nairobi.@Yes$UN (2011).@Green Hills, Blue Cities: An Ecosystems Approach to Water Resource Management for African Cities.@www.unep.org;@No$WHO & UNICEF (2012).@Wat/San Categories. Joint Monitoring Programme.@Geneva, Switzerland. https://www.wssinfo.org/definitions-methods/@No$Montgomery M.A. and Elimelech M. (2007).@Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries: Including Health in the Equation.@Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 17-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es072435t@Yes$WHO (2014).@Preventing Diarrhoea through Better Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Exposures and Impacts in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.@http://www.who.int/ water_sanitation_health/publications/en/@Yes$WHO and UNICEF (2016).@Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: 2015 Update.@Joint Monitoring Programme. Geneva, Switzerland.@No$UN (2015).@Sustainable Development Goals.@http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/news/communications-material/@No$Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) (2010).@Kenya Population and Housing Census– 2009 Nairobi: KNBS.@@Yes$WHO and UNICEF (2017).@Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 2017 update and SDG Baselines.@Joint Monitoring Programme. Geneva, Switzerland.@Yes$Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) (2018).@Impact: A Performance Report of Kenya′s Water Services Sub-sector.@Nairobi. Kenya, 10.@Yes$Government of Kenya (2012).@Public Health Act Chapter 242 Laws of Kenya. Revised Edition 2012 [1986].@National Council for Law Government Printers; Nairobi@No$Ross I., Scott R. and Joseph R. (2016).@Faecal Sludge Management: Diagnostics for Service Delivery in Urban Areas: Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh.@World Bank, Water and Sanitation Programme, Washington, DC.@Yes$World Bank (2016).@Fecal Sludge Management: Diagnostics and Guidelines for Service Delivery in Urban Areas.@World Bank, Washington, DC. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/24722 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.@No$Hoover M. and Konsler T. (2004).@Soil Facts: Septic Systems and Their Maintenance.@North Carolina Cooperative Extension publication.@Yes$Kraemer P., Balachandran B.R., Haran S., Pai R., Prochaska C.F. and Sachdeva R. (2010).@City-wide Planning for Decentralized Basic Needs Services (DBNS): A Methodology to Plan Decentralized Sanitation Solutions at City Level.@Water Practice & Technology, 5(4).@Yes$Pasteur K. and Prabhakaran P. (2015).@Lessons in Urban Community Led Total Sanitation from Nakuru, Kenya.@CLTS Foundation www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/.../communityledtotalsanitation.../PracticalAction@Yes$Orwa E. (2001).@Groundwater Quality in Manyatta and Migosi Estates of Kisumu Town, (Unpublished doctoral Thesis).@Moi University Eldoret, Kenya, 102.@Yes$Kiptum C.K. and Ndambuki J.M. (2012).@Well water contamination by pit latrines: a case study of Langas.@International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 4(2), 35-43. http://www.academicjournals.org/I DOI: 10.5897/IJWREE11.084@Yes$Dzwairo B., Hoko Z., Love D. and Guzha E. (2006).@Assessment of the impacts of pit latrines on groundwater quality in rural areas: a case study from Marondera district, Zimbabwe.@Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 31(15-16), 779-788.@Yes$Water U.N. (2018).@Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation.@Published by the United Nations New York, New York, 10017.@Yes @Case Study <#LINE#>Indigenous methods used in rainfall forecasting, the case study of communities in ward 18 of Fort Rixon, Zimbabwe<#LINE#>Dube@Noel <#LINE#>52-60<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-016.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Zimbabwe Open University. Box 346, Gwanda, Zimbabwe<#LINE#>14/2/2019<#LINE#>17/8/2019<#LINE#>The aim of the study was to determine the different indigenous methods used to forecast rainfall and then rank the different forecasting methods. The acceptability of the forecasting methods by the different age groups in the community was also assessed. A random sample of 42 households out of a population of 410 households in Ward 18 of Fort Rixon was done and family members were interviewed using an interview guide. Youths and elders were also engaged in focus group discussions. Observation of fruit trees used to predict rainfall amounts was also done. The major indicators for the onset of rains are the direction of the winds, flowering of certain plants, movement of migratory birds, and behavior of insects. The prediction of the amount of rainfall is based on the amount of fruits produced by different fruit trees, the amount of butterflies and their direction of flight, and the amount and intensity of whirlwinds. The majority of the community 70% rely on the traditional methods of forecasting rainfall, 25% rely on both and 5% rely more on the meteorological department forecasts. There was no relationship between age and the method of forecasting used. The majority of Fort Rixon community members rely on traditional methods of forecasting to plan for their agricultural activities.<#LINE#>Ajibade L.T. (2003).@A Methodology for the Collection and Evaluation of Farmer′s Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries.@Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2, 99-113.@No$Altieri M.A. (2000).@Agroecology: principles and strategies for designing sustainable farming systems.@Agroecology in action.@Yes$Ajibade L.T. and Shokeni O.O. (2003).@Indigenous Approach to Weather Forecasting in ASA LGA, Kwara State, Nigeria.@Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2, 37-44.@Yes$Roncoli C., Jost C., Kirshen P., Sanon M., Ingram K.T., Woodin M., Some T., Quattara F., Santo B. J., Sia C., Yaka P. and Hoogenboom G. (2009).@From Assessing to Assessing an end-to-end Study of Participatory Climate Forecasting Dissemination in Burkina Faso West Africa.@Climate Change, 92, 433-460.@Yes$Chenje Munyaradzi, Sola Lovemore and Paleeczny Dan (1998).@The State of Zimbabwe′s Environment.@Harare: Government.@Yes$FAO (1988).@Indigenous Knowledge for Watershed Management in the Upper North-West.@Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5672e09.htm Accessed on 10/12/2016@Yes$George Alexander and Bennett Andrew (2005).@Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences.@Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press@Yes$Flick Uwe (2009).@An Introduction to Qualitative Research.@4th Edition. Thousand Oaks CA, SAGE Publications Ltd.@Yes$Cohen Louis and Manion Lawrence (1994).@Research Methods in Education.@4th Edition, London: Routledge.@No$Keyton Joann (2006).@Communication Research: Asking Questions.@Finding Answers. 1st Edition@Yes$Barbie Earl (1989).@The Practice of Social Research.@5th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.@No$Tuchman Gaye (1994).@Historical Social Science: Methodologies Methods and Meanings.@In Denzin N. K. and Lincoln (Eds). Handbook of Qualitative Research pp 306 – 323, Thousand Oaks, CA, US: SAGE Publications, Inc.@Yes$Best John and Kahn James (1993).@Research in Education.@7th Edition, New Delhi, Prentice Hall@No$Borg walter and Gall Meredith (1989).@Educational Research.@An Introduction. 5th Edition. White Plains, NY longman.@No$Hancock B., Ockleford E. and Windridge K. (1998).@An Introduction to Qualitative Research: Trent Focus Group Nottingham.@Trent Focus: Nottingham, UK.@Yes$Gwimbi P. and Dirwai C. (2003).@Research Methods in Geography and Environmental Studies.@Harare, Zimbabwe Open University.@Yes$Muguti T. and Maposa R.S. (2012).@Indigenous weather forecasting: A phenomenological study engaging the Shona of Zimbabwe.@The Journal of Pan African Studies, 4(9), 102-112.@Yes$Shoko K. and Shoko N. (2012).@Indigenous weather forecasting systems: a case study of the biotic weather forecasting indicators for wards 12 and 13 in Mberengwa district Zimbabwe.@Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 14(2), 92-114.@Yes$Makwara C.E. (2013).@Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Modern Weather Forecasting: Exploring Linkages.@Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, 2(1), 98-141. ISSN 2201- 4357.@Yes @Review Paper <#LINE#>The challenge of open defaecation (OD) and community-led total sanitation (CLTS) in Nigeria – A Review<#LINE#>Danjin@Mela ,Sawyerr@Henry O.<#LINE#>61-68<#LINE#>9.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-007.pdf<#LINE#>College of Nursing and Midwifery Gombe (CONMG), Gombe State, Nigeria@Environmental Health Science Programme, School of Allied Health and Environmental Science, Kwara State University (KWASU), MaleteIlorin, Kwara State, Nigeria<#LINE#>17/1/2019<#LINE#>22/6/2019<#LINE#>Recent World Health Organization report ranked Nigeria as number two (2) nation in Open Defaecation (OD). This is affirmed as an environmental nuisance that has over time engaged the attention of both government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). And as part of their social responsibility the academia and corporate organizations working within the purview of environmental and public health domains have exhibited no less concern. Amidst a number of responses from government and other stakeholders in Nigeria, is the adoption of Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) principle. The objective of this review paper aimed to examine this all-important subject matter, and to take a look at the enormity of the challenges and the efforts made so far in the country. Intense literature review was conducted on peer review journals and published work on OD in Nigeria. This aimed to assess (a) to what extent has OD been a public health risk in our communities? (b) What common practices within existing socio cultural norms in Nigeria constitute the prime drivers of OD? (c) What are the common impediments to combating OD in Nigeria? Conclusive review indicate that one of the proven strategies often deployed at community and programme level, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) or the Community Approach for Total Sanitation (CATS) as examined in the Nigerian context – its adaptability, effectiveness or otherwise. A few models were critically examined and relevant recommendations were made.<#LINE#>WHO/UNICEF (2017).@Joint Monitoring Programme.@Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water—2017 Update and SDG Baseline; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland.@No$Oloruntoba E.O., Folarin T.B. and Ayede A.I. (2014).@Hygiene and sanitation risk factors of diarrhoeal disease among under-five children in Ibadan, Nigeria.@African Health Sciences, 14(4), 1001-1011. http://doi.org/10.4314 /ahs.v14i4.32@Yes$Strunz E.C., Addiss D.G., Stocks M.E., Ogden S., Utzinger J. and Freeman M.C. (2014).@Water, sanitation, hygiene, and soil-transmitted helminth infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.@PLoS medicine, 11(3), e1001620.@Yes$Mbuya M.N. and Humphrey J.H. (2016).@Preventing environmental enteric dysfunction through improved water, sanitation and hygiene: an opportunity for stunting reduction in developing countries.@Maternal & child nutrition, 12, 106-120.@Yes$Odagiri M., Muhammad Z., Cronin A., Gnilo M., Mardikanto A., Umam K. and Asamou Y. (2017).@Enabling factors for sustaining open defecation-free communities in rural Indonesia: a cross-sectional study.@International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(12), 1572. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14121572.@Yes$United Nations (2018).@Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).@https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ water-and-sanitation, 2018 (Accessed on 14/09/2018).@No$World Health Organization (2014).@Mortality and burden of disease from water and sanitation.@Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. http://www.who.int/gho/phe/ water_sanitation/burden/en, (Accessed on the 15/09/2018).@No$National Population Commission (NPC) [Nigeria] and ICF International (2014).@Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013.@Abuja, Nigeria, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: NPC and ICF International.@No$National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and United Nations Children′s Fund (UNICEF) (2017).@Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016-17, Survey Findings Report.@Abuja, Nigeria: National Bureau of Statistics and United Nations Children′s Fund.@Yes$Water Aid. (2018).@Sustainable Total Sanitation: An emerging framework.@@No$Unicef India (2018).@Eliminate Open Defecation - Eliminate Open Defecation.@http://unicef.in/Whatwedo/ 11/Eliminate-Open-Defecation (Accessed on 19/09/2018).@No$Punch Newspaper (2018).@Open defecation: Nigeria′s sanitation challenges.@(April 22, 2018). https://punchng.com/open-defecation-nigerias-sanitation-challenges/(Accessed on 16/09/2018)@No$IDS. (2018).@Community-Led Total Sanitation Approach. CLTS Knowledge Hub. Institute of Development Studies (IDS).@http://www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/page/clts-approach (Accessed on 14/09/2018).@No$Dyalchand A., Khale M. and Vasudevan S. (2010).@Institutional arrangements and social norms influencing sanitation behaviour in rural India.@In: Mehta L., Movik S., editors. Shit Matters: The Potential of Community Led Total Sanitation. Practical Action; Rugby, UK.@Yes$IDS. (2015).@Community-Led Total Sanitation, Nigeria. CLTS Knowledge Hub.@Institute of Development Studies (IDS). http://www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/country/nigeria (Accessed on 14/09/2018)@No$Unicef Nigeria (2018).@Case Studies: Community-Led Total Sanitation in Nigeria.@https://www.unicef.org/wcaro/ WCARO_Nigeria_CLTSCase-studies.pdf (Accessed on 23/09/2018)@No$Unicef Nigeria (2011).@Nigeria: community-led total sanitation pays off.@https://www.unicef.org/nigeria/ media_6517.html (Accessed on 18/09/2018).@No$UNICEF & FMWR (2016).@Federal Ministry of Water Resources.@Making Nigeia Open Defecation Free by 2025: A National Roadmap. https://www.unicef.org/nigeria/ NATIONAL_ROAD_MAP_FOR_ELIMINATING_OPEN_DEFECATION_IN_NIGERIA.pdf (Accessed on 16/09/2018)@No$KWASU (2018).@Kwara State University (KWASU) Centre for Ecological and Environmental Research Management and Studies (CEERMS) Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Project (Unpublished).@@No$Alzua M.L., Pickering A.J., Djebbari H., Lopez C., Cardenas J.C., Lopera M.A., Osbert N. and Coulibaly M. (2015).@Impact Evaluation of Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Rural Mali.@CEDLAS, Working Papers 0191, CEDLAS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.@Yes$Kar K. and Chambers R. (2008).@Handbook on Community-Led Total Sanitation.@Plan UK & Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex: London, UK.@Yes$Kar K. (2014).@The road to 2015: experiences and challenges from Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).@https://steps-centre.org/blog/road-2015-experiences-challenges-community-led-total-sanitation-clts/ (Accessed on 19/09/2018).@No$Tessema R.A. (2017).@Assessment of the implementation of community-led total sanitation, hygiene, and associated factors in Diretiyara district, Eastern Ethiopia.@PLoS ONE, 12(4), e0175233. http://doi.org/10.1371/ journal. pone. 0175233@Yes$Action Against Hunger (2018).@Nigeria: Effectiveness And Sustainability of Community-led Total Sanitation.@https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/publication/2018/02/nigeria-effectiveness-and-sustainability-community-led-total-sanitation@No$Wagner and Lanois (1958).@The F- Diagram.@https://www.google.com/search?q=Wagner+and+Lanois+1958&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjng8Lp9qzgAhURmuAKHf8WB9EQsAR6BAgGEAE&biw=1093&bih=501@No$Report (2018).@SHAME: Over 50m Nigerians Defecate Openly (Pictured)–UNICEF - Health (5) –Nairaland.@https://www.nairaland.com/2751680/shame-over-50m-nigerians-defecate/4@No.@Yes <#LINE#>Promising application of natural zeolites: for waste water treatment - a review<#LINE#>Kassa@Mekdes Gerawork <#LINE#>69-74<#LINE#>10.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-018.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Chemistry, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Debre Berhan University, P.O. Box: 126, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia<#LINE#>21/2/2019<#LINE#>16/6/2019<#LINE#>The presented review shows that, due to their unique properties such as, thermally stable, can survive both in acidic and basic conditions and have the capacity to exchange with other cation, Zeolites have a great potential as effective sorbents for a large number of water treatment applications. Moreover Zeolite modification extends markedly their applications. Number of different methods can be used for zeolites modification. The most common method for modification is to use organic surfactants. Low price and wide range of use in (waste) water treatment increases popularity of oxide modification. Growing interest in zeolite application in water purification is observed worldwide since natural zeolites offer the possibility for removing contaminants in water and wastewater such as inorganic cations and anions as well as microorganisms.<#LINE#>Akinbile C.O. (2004).@Borewhole Construction Technology in the Reverie Areas.@A case study of Igbokoda, Ondo State, Nigeria, world. Journal of Biotechnology, 5(1), 771-778.@No$Ma W., Brown P.W. and Komarneni S. (1998).@Characterization and cation exchange properties of zeolites synthesized from fly ashes.@J. Mater. Res., 13(1), 3-7.@Yes$Water pollution (2019).@Effects of water pollution.@http://eschooltoday.com/pollution/water-pollution/effects-of-water-pollution.html [accessed onFeb. 9,2019].@No$Hari Srinivas (2019).@Sources of Water Pollution.@http://www.gdrc.org/uem/water/water-pollution.html [accessed onFeb. 15,2019].@Yes$Wang S. and Peng Y. (2010).@Natural zeolites as effective adsorbents in water and wastewater treatment.@Chemical engineering journal, 156(1), 11-24.@Yes$Akinbile C.O. (2004).@Public Health and Sanitation Implications of Hawked water in Akure Metropolis.@Journal of Applied Science, 7(3), 4339-4350.@Yes$Kumar Reddy Harikishore D. and Lee S.M. (2012).@Water pollution and treatment technologies.@J. Environmental anal. Toxicology, 2(5), 1-2.@Yes$Kędziora K., Piasek J., Szerement J. and Ambrożewicz-Nita A. (2014).@The use of modified zeolites in environmental engineering.@A review, institute of agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland.@No$Nicoladze G., Mints D. and Kastalsky A. (1989).@Water treatment for public and industrial supply.@In Water treatment for public and industrial supply. Mir.@Yes$Bekkum V.H., Flanigen E.M., Jacobs P.A. and Jansen J.C. (1991).@Introduction to zeolites science and practice.@2nd Revised ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam.@No$Somez (2019).@Zeolites.@http://www.zeolitestore.com/en/zeolites [accessed on Feb.9,2019].@No$Giev Bogdan B., Krasimira A., Irena M. and Yancho H. (2009).@Synthetic zeolites - structure, classification, current trends in zeolite synthesis review Economics and society development on the base of knowledge.@J.Hazard.Material, 95(1-2), 65-79.@No$Salam K. and Abdullah Al-N. (2013).@Treatment of wastewater containing cobalt (Co-59) and strontium (Sr-89) as a model to remove radioactive co-60 and Sr-90 using hierarchical structuresincorporating zeolites.@Doctorate thesis. Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology,the University of Manchester, 36-40.@No$Kędziora K., Piasek J., Szerement J. and Ambrożewicz-N.A. (2014).@The use ofmodifiedzeolites in environmental engineering.@A review, Institute of agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland, 61-66.@No$Badalians Gholikandi G., Baneshi M.M., Dehghanifard E., Salehi S. and Yari A.R. (2010).@Natural zeolites application as sustainable adsorbent for heavy metals removal from drinking water.@Iranian Journal of toxicology, 4(3), 302-310.@Yes$Lenntech (2019).@Zeolite structure and types.@http:// www.lenntech.pl/zeolites-structure-types.htm[accessed onFeb. 19,2019].@No$Kalló D. (2001).@Applications of natural zeolites in water and wastewater treatment.@Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry, 45(1), 519-550.@Yes$Juan R., Hernández S., Andrés J.M. and Ruiz C. (2009).@Ion exchange uptake of ammonium in wastewater from a sewage treatment plant by zeolitic materials from fly ash.@Journal of hazardous materials, 161(2-3), 781-786.@Yes$Widiastuti N., Wu H., Ang M. and Zhang D.K. (2008).@The potential application of natural zeolite for greywater treatment.@Desalination, 218(1-3), 271-280.@Yes$Zhao X.L., Zhu L., Bai S.J., Zhou M., Qian J. and Wu W. (2014).@Performance of a double-layer BAF using zeolite and ceramic as media under ammonium shock load condition.@Water Science and Engineering, 7(1), 81-89.@Yes$Sullivan E.J., Bowman R.S. and Legiec I.A. (2003).@The potential application of natural zeolites for greywater treatment.@Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University of Technology. J. Environ. Quality, 32, 2387-2391.@No$Tsitsishvili T.G.A. and Kirov I.D.F. (1992).@Natural Zeolites.@Ellis Horwood Limited, England.@Yes$Hussein M.M., Khader K.M. and Musleh S.M. (2014).@Characterization of raw zeolite and surfactant-modified zeolite and their use in removal of selected organic pollutants from water.@Int. J. Chem. Sci, 12(3), 815-844.@Yes <#LINE#>A review on indoor air pollution and associated health impacts with special reference to building designs<#LINE#>Yadav@Arun Kumar ,Ghosh@, Chirashree ,Banerjee@B.D. <#LINE#>75-85<#LINE#>11.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-021.pdf<#LINE#>Environmental Pollution Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India@Environmental Pollution Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India@Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi, India<#LINE#>1/3/2019<#LINE#>3/8/2019<#LINE#>Human spends most of the time (about 90%) of their lives within indoor environment.The way we design buildings and operate in the indoor setting has a profound impact on human health. For understanding of how building design in urban environment, effects human health there is a necessity of study “buildings as an ecosystem”. The international status of the information on the theme of “indoor air pollution”, “building design” and its “impact on human health” and the search engines like Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science and JSTOR were used and retrieved information in the form of published papers in peer-reviewed journals who at least include two criteria pollutants (CO, CO2, Bioaerosols, VOCs, PM10 and PM2.5) in residential areas.Over last 30 years (1988-2017) about 908 documents were identified on global scale. Out of which 14 studies were satisfied the inclusion criteria rest were excluded due to duplicated reports, not related to the field, reviewed papers, some were not provided relevant data. Published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals are providing inadequate information on building design, indoor pollution and possible health effects. Tagging above knowledge gap, there is a clear need for further studies to relate indoor air pollutants (either in residential or in commercial building) and its impact on health, especially in diverse climatic locations with polluted outdoor air.<#LINE#>Klepeis N.E., Nelson W.C., Ott W.R., Robinson J.P., Tsang A.M., Switzer P. and Engelmann W.H. (2001).@The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS): a resource for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants.@Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 11(3), 231.@Yes$Lu C., Deng Q., Li Y., Sundell J. and Norbäck D. (2016).@Outdoor air pollution, meteorological conditions and indoor factors in dwellings in relation to sick building syndrome (SBS) among adults in China.@Science of the Total Environment, 560, 186-196.@Yes$Amend A.S., Seifert K.A., Samson R. and Bruns T.D. (2010).@Indoor fungal composition is geographically patterned and more diverse in temperate zones than in the tropics.@Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(31), 13748-13753.@Yes$Wong N.H. and Huang B. (2004).@Comparative study of the indoor air quality of naturally ventilated and air-conditioned bedrooms of residential buildings in Singapore.@Building and Environment, 39(9), 1115-1123.@Yes$Guo P., Yokoyama K., Piao F., Sakai K., Khalequzzaman, M., Kamijima M. and Kitamura F. (2013).@Sick building syndrome by indoor air pollution in Dalian, China.@International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(4), 1489-1504.@Yes$Engvall K., Norrby C. and Norbäck D. (2001).@Sick building syndrome in relation to building dampness in multi-family residential buildings in Stockholm.@International archives of occupational and environmental health, 74(4), 270-278.@Yes$Norbäck D., Michel I. and Widström J. (1990).@Indoor air quality and personal factors related to the sick building syndrome.@Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 16, 121-128.@Yes$Gustafson T.L., Lavely G.B., Brawner E.R., Hutcheson R. H., Wright P.F. and Schaffner W. (1982).@An outbreak of airborne nosocomial varicella.@Pediatrics, 70(4), 550-556.@Yes$Kulshreshtha P. and Khare M. (2010).@A comparative study of indoor air pollution and its respiratory impacts in Delhi, India.@WIT Trans. Ecol. Environ, 136, 287-296.@Yes$Nahar M., Khan M.H. and Ahmad S.A. (2016).@Indoor Air Pollutants and Respiratory Problems among Dhaka City Dwellers.@Arch Community Med Public Health, 2(1), 032-036. DOI: 10.17352/2455-5479.000014. Archives of Community Medicine and Public Health, 32.@Yes$World Health Organization and Research for International Tobacco Control (2008).@WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008: the MPOWER package.@World Health Organization.@Yes$El-Shazly A.A.E.F., Farweez Y.A.T., Elzankalony Y.A., Elewa L.S. and Farweez B.A.T. (2018).@Effect Of Smoking On Macular Function And Structure In Active Smokers Versus Passive Smokers.@Retina, 38(5), 1031-1040.@Yes$Desouky D.S., Elnemr G., Alnawawy A. and Taha A.A. (2016).@The relation between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and the quantity of cotinine in the urine of school children in Taif City, Saudi Arabia.@Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 17, 139-145.@Yes$Yassin M.F. and Almouqatea S. (2010).@Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in an indoor and outdoor environment.@International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 7(3), 535-544.@Yes$Srikanth P., Sudharsanam S. and Steinberg R. (2008).@Bio-aerosols in indoor environment: composition, health effects and analysis.@Indian journal of medical microbiology, 26(4), 302.@Yes$Kembel S.W., Jones E., Kline J., Northcutt D., Stenson J., Womack A.M. and Green J.L. (2012).@Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome.@The ISME journal, 6(8), 1469.@Yes$Toivola M., Alm S., Reponen T., Kolari S. and Nevalainen A. (2002).@Personal exposures and microenvironmental concentrations of particles and bioaerosols.@Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4(1), 166-174.@Yes$Mentese S., Arisoy M., Rad A.Y. and Güllü G. (2009).@Bacteria and fungi levels in various indoor and outdoor environments in Ankara, Turkey.@Clean–Soil, Air, Water, 37(6), 487-493.@Yes$Fung F. and Hughson W.G. (2003).@Health effects of indoor fungal bioaerosol exposure.@Applied occupational and environmental hygiene, 18(7), 535-544.@Yes$Ohnishi H., Yokoyama A., Hamada H. and Manabe S., Ito R., Watanabe A. and Higaki J. (2002).@Humidifier lung: possible contribution of endotoxin-induced lung injury.@Internal medicine, 41(12), 1179-1182.@Yes$Wallace L.A., Pellizzari E.D., Hartwell T.D., Davis V., Michael L.C. and Whitmore R.W. (1989).@The influence of personal activities on exposure to volatile organic compounds.@Environmental Research, 50(1), 37-55.@Yes$Norbäck D., Björnsson E., Janson C., Widström J. and Boman G. (1995).@Asthmatic symptoms and volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide in dwellings.@Occupational and environmental medicine, 52(6), 388-395.@Yes$Brooks B.O., Utter G.M., DeBroy J.A. and Schimke R.D. (1991).@Indoor air pollution: an edifice complex.@Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 29(3), 315-374.@Yes$Liu X.P., Niu J.L., Kwok K.C., Wang J.H. and Li B.Z. (2010).@Investigation of indoor air pollutant dispersion and cross-contamination around a typical high-rise residential building: wind tunnel tests.@Building and environment, 45(8), 1769-1778.@Yes$Evans G.W. and McCoy J.M. (1998).@When buildings don′t work:The role of architecture in human health.@Journal of Environmental psychology, 18(1), 85-94.@Yes$Cao S.J. and Meyers J. (2015).@Fast prediction of indoor pollutant dispersion based on reduced-order ventilation models.@Tsinghua University Press, Building Simulation, 8(4), 415-420.@Yes$Colton M.D., MacNaughton P., Vallarino J., Kane J., Bennett-Fripp M., Spengler J.D. and Adamkiewicz G. (2014).@Indoor air quality in green vs conventional multifamily low-income housing.@Environmental science & technology, 48(14), 7833-7841.@Yes$Qian H., Li Y., Seto W.H., Ching P., Ching W.H. and Sun H.Q. (2010).@Natural ventilation for reducing airborne infection in hospitals.@Building and Environment, 45(3), 559-565.@Yes$Chartier Y. and Pessoa-Silva C.L. (2009).@Natural ventilation for infection control in health-care settings.@World Health Organization.@Yes$Rotton J. and White S.M. (1996).@Air pollution, the sick building syndrome, and social behavior.@Environment international, 22(1), 53-60.@Yes$Hagström K., Kosonen R., Heinonen J. and Laine T. (2000).@Economic value of high quality indoor air climate.@In Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings, 1, 671.@Yes$Nichol K.L., Lind A., Margolis K.L., Murdoch M., McFadden R., Hauge M. and Drake M. (1995).@The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults.@New England Journal of Medicine, 333(14), 889-893.@Yes$Bendrick G.A. (1998).@Seasonal variation of grounding rates among B-52H aircrew.@Military medicine, 163(10), 692-694.@Yes$Feeney A., North F., Head J., Canner R. and Marmot M. (1998).@Socioeconomic and sex differentials in reason for sickness absence from the Whitehall II Study.@Occupational and environmental medicine, 55(2), 91-98.@Yes$Knave B., Paulsson H., Floderus B., Gronkvist L., Haggstrom T., Jungeteg G. and Wennberg A. (1991).@Incidence of work-related disorders and absenteeism as tools in the implementation of work environment improvements: the Sweden Post strategy.@Ergonomics, 34(6), 841-848.@Yes$Teculescu D.B., Sauleau E.A., Massin N., Bohadana A.B., Buhler O., Benamghar L. and Mur J.M. (1998).@Sick-building symptoms in office workers in northeastern France: a pilot study.@International archives of occupational and environmental health, 71(5), 353-356.@Yes$Mentese S., Rad A.Y., Arısoy M. and Güllü G. (2012).@Multiple comparisons of organic, microbial, and fine particulate pollutants in typical indoor environments: diurnal and seasonal variations.@Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(12), 1380-1393.@Yes$Berglund B., Brunekreef B., Knöppe H., Lindvall T., Maroni M., Mølhave L. and Skov P. (1992).@Effects of indoor air pollution on human health.@Indoor Air, 2(1), 2-25.@Yes$Wallace L.A., Nelson C.J., Highsmith R. and Dunteman G. (1993).@Association of personal and workplace characteristics with health, comfort and odor: a survey of 3948 office workers in three buildings.@Indoor Air, 3(3), 193-205.@Yes$Clausen P.A., Wilkins C.K., Wolkoff P. and Nielsen G.D. (2001).@Chemical and biological evaluation of a reaction mixture of R-(+)-limonene/ozone: formation of strong airway irritants.@Environment International, 26(7-8), 511-522.@Yes$Nazaroff W.W. and Weschler C.J. (2004).@Cleaning products and air fresheners: exposure to primary and secondary air pollutants.@Atmospheric Environment, 38(18), 2841-2865.@Yes$Cattaneo A., Peruzzo C., Garramone G., Urso P., Ruggeri R., Carrer P. and Cavallo D.M. (2011).@Airborne particulate matter and gaseous air pollutants in residential structures in Lodi province, Italy.@Indoor Air, 21(6), 489-500.@Yes$Kulshreshtha P. and Khare M. (2011).@Indoor exploratory analysis of gaseous pollutants and respirable particulate matter at residential homes of Delhi, India.@Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2(3), 337-350.@Yes$Norhidayah A., Chia-Kuang L., Azhar M.K. and Nurulwahida S. (2013).@Indoor air quality and sick building syndrome in three selected buildings.@Procedia Engineering, 53, 93-98.@Yes$Mentese S. and Tasdibi D. (2017).@Assessment of residential exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).@Global Nest Journal, 19(4), 726-732.@Yes$Canha N., Lage J., Candeias S., Alves C. and Almeida S. M. (2017).@Indoor air quality during sleep under different ventilation patterns.@Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8(6), 1132-1142.@Yes$Tham K.W. (2016).@Indoor air quality and its effects on humans—A review of challenges and developments in the last 30 years.@Energy and Buildings, 130, 637-650.@Yes$Rashid M. and Zimring C. (2008).@A review of the empirical literature on the relationships between indoor environment and stress in health care and office settings: Problems and prospects of sharing evidence.@Environment and Behavior, 40(2), 151-190.@Yes