Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 7, Issue (12), Pages 1-62, December (2018)

Research Paper

1. Urban green spaces and environmental justice in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria
A.A. Areola,C.O. Ikporukpo (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 1-11.
2. Climate change forecasting in Ranohira, southern of Madagascar, using linear and ARIMA models
Falintsoa Fanantenana Asombola Razafitsalama,Ravo Tokiniaina Ranaivoson,Joël Rajaobelison,Voahirana Ramaroson Ramaroson,Lahimamy Paul Fareze,Christian Ulrich Rakotomalala (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 12-20.
3. Phosphorus transformations in mangrove soils under microcosm study
R. Renuka,S. Sandeep,M.P. Sujatha (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 21-35.
4. Mycological study of soil contaminated with effluents from palm oil mill in Anyigba, Kogi State
Emurotu, Marvelous Olubunmi (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 36-39.
5. Impact of industrial pollution and seasonality on physicochemical and biological parameters of surface water around the BISIC industrial area of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh
Nur-Es-Saba Homyra,A.T.M. Mijanur Rahman (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 40-55.

Review Paper

6. Microbial technology for revegetation in overburden dumps of coal mined area of Assam, India - a review
Hazarika P.,D. Dutta,N.C. Talukdar (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(12), 56-62.