@Research Paper <#LINE#>Community structure and species diversity of Diatom in area between Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon, Indonesia<#LINE#>Kenanga @Sari,Jafron W @Hidayat,Tri Retnaningsih @Soeprobowati <#LINE#>1-6<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-060.pdf<#LINE#>Dept. Biology, Faculty Sciences and Mathematics Diponegoro Univeristy, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia@Dept. Biology, Faculty Sciences and Mathematics Diponegoro Univeristy, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia@Dept. Biology, Faculty Sciences and Mathematics Diponegoro Univeristy, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia and School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univeristy, Semarang 50241, Central Java, Indonesia<#LINE#>11/7/2018<#LINE#>23/10/2018<#LINE#>The diatom flora of the shallow lakes in border among Telaga Pengilon and Telaga Warna is poorly known. This study focuses on the composition of diatom assemblage in order to know the diversity and dominancy pattern for paleolimnological study. Total 103 taxa was observed, dominated by Eunotia formica 12,27%, Eunotia tropica 9,9%, Pinnularia gibba 4,3% and Frustulia saxonica 4,9%. Based on dominant species Eunotia formica occurring among the epiphyton and found in standing or slow-flowing dystrophic to oligotrophic waters with specific pH 5.6-7,4. But, in the top soil dominated by Eunotia bilunaris var. linearis about 14,50% and it was commonly found in acidic, flowing or standing waters with pH 2.8-3.5. The lowest diversity index represent at 102cm indicated that there is no diatom recorded, it caused by volcanic activity because Dieng area surronded by mountain area also has 31 eruptive history. The results of this research mention that in the border area has influence from both lakes so the pH fluctuated. Overall, diatom assemblages were similar to those Warna and Pengilon.<#LINE#>Van Bergen J.M., Alain B., Sri S., Terry S. and Kastiman S. (2000).@Creater lakes of Java: Dieng, Kelud, Ijen. Excursion Guidebook.@Bali: IAVCEI General Assembly.@Yes$Hadi S., Mulyono A. and Marganingrum D. (2013).@Potensi sumberdaya air kawasan dataran tinggi dieng bagi pemanfaatan air irigasi.@Prosiding Pemaparan Hasil Penelitian Puslit Geoteknologi, 365-371. ISBN: 978-979-8636-20-2.@Yes$Hermawan P.E. and Setyowati E. (2014).@Evaluasi termal ruang luar desa wisata Dieng Wonosobo.@J.PPKM, 1(2), 115-122.@Yes$Van Bemmelen R.W. (1949).@Geology of Indonesia.@vol. 1A, Second Edition, Holland: Martinus Nijhoff-The Hague, 615-616 ISBN:10 9024711711.@Yes$Rusiah M., Satya M. and Wahyudin A. (2005).@Dampak aktivitas pertanian kentang Terhadap kerusakan lingkungan obyek Wisata dataran tinggi dieng.@Pelita, 1(1), 1-9.@Yes$Soeprobowati T.R., Suedy S.W.A. and Hadiyanto (2016).@Diatom and water quality of Telaga Warna Dieng, Java, Indonesia.@In IOP Proceding. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 55, 1-6. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/55/1/012051.@Yes$Soeprobowati T.R., Suedy S.W.A., Hadiyanto Ali R.L. and Gell P. (2018).@Diatom assemblage in the 24 cm upper sediment associated with human activities in Lake Warna Dieng Plateau Indonesia.@Environmental Technology and Innovation, 10(1), 314-323.@Yes$Stavreva Veselinovska S. (2010).@Ecology of the diatomic flora in thermo-mineral springs of Katlanovska Banja in the Republic of Macedonia.@Ecologia Balkanika, 2, 1-6.@Yes$Gell P., Tibby J., Fluin P., Leahy M., Reid K., Adamson S., Bulpin A., Macgregor P., Wallbrink G., Hancock and Walsh B. (1999).@An Illustrated Key To Common Diatom Genera From Southern Australia.@Albury, New South Wales: Cooperative Research Center for Freshwater Ecology, 1-63. ISBN 1876144270.@Yes$Martín G. and María R.F. (2012).@Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality and Ecological Status: Sampling, Analysis and Some Ecological Remarks.@Ecological Water Quality- Water Treatment and Reuse. China: Intech publisher. ISBN 9535105086.@Yes$Taylor J.C., Harding W.R. and Archibald C.G.M. (2007).@An Illustrated Guide to Some Common Diatom Species from South Africa.@Republic of South Africa, 1-225 ISBN 1-77005-484-7.@Yes$Gasse F.P., Barker P.A., Gell S.C. Fritz and Chalie F. (1997).@Diatom inferred salinity in palaeolakes: an indirect Tracer of climate change.@Quat. Sci., 16(6), 547-563.@Yes$Nascimento L.R.D., Abdelfettah S., Lezilda C.T. and Ana A.L.A. (2010).@Diatom assemblage in a tropical lake of northeastern Brazil.@Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology, 53(1), 241-248.@Yes$Batarbee R.W. (1984).@Diatom analysis and the acidification of lakes.@Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 305(1), 451-477.@Yes$Ruhlan K., Karst T., Paterson A., Eaver R.G., Smol J.P. and Cumming B.F. (1999).@Standart sdiment sample preparation methods for siliceous microfossil (Diatom and Chrysophyte Scales and Cysts).@Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory Department of Biology Queen’s University.@Yes$Sonneman J.A. (2000).@An illustrated guide to common stream diatom species from temperate Australia.@Hurgoona, N.S.W.: Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, 11-168. ISBN 1876144 351.@Yes$Krammer K. and Lange-Bertalot H. (1991).@Bacillariophyceae. 3. Teil: Centrales, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae.@In: In: ETtl H., Gerloff J., Heynig H., M Ollenhauer D. (Eds): Süsswasserflora Von Mitteleropa Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 2/3, 1-576, ISBN 978-3-8274-1987-3.@Yes$Krammer K. and Lange-Bertalot H. (1991).@Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, Teil 3: Centrales, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae.@Jena. Gustav Fischer Verlag. 1-576, ISBN: 978-93-83083-77-0.@Yes$Krammer K and Lange-Bertalot H. (2004).@Bacillariophyceae 4. Teil: Achnanthaceae, Kritische Erganzungen zu Navicula (Lineolatae).@Gomphonema Gesamtliteraturverzeichnis Teil 1-4 [second revised edition] [With \"Ergänzungen und Revisionen\" by H. Lange Bertalot]. In: H. Ettl et al., Suesswasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Spektrum Akademischer Verlad Heidelberg, 2(4), 1-468.@No$Jongman R.H.G., Ter braak C.J.F. and Van Tongeren O.F.R. (1987).@Data analysis in community and landscape ecology.@Den Haag: Pudoc Wageningen. ISBN 90-220-0908-4.@Yes$Bere T. (2010).@Benthic diatom community structure and habitat preferences along an urban pollution gradient in the Monjolinho River, São Carlos, SP, Brazil.@Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia., 22(1), 80-92.@Yes$Balai Konservsi Sumber Daya Alam (2012).@Rencana Pengelolaan Jangka Panjang Taman Wisata Alam Telogo Warno Telogo Pengilon Periode 2013 sampai dengan 2022 Provinsi Jawa Tengah (unpublish report).@Semarang: Kementrian Kehutanan Direktorat Jendral Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam.@Yes$Barton P.S., Cunningham A.S., Manning A.D., Gibb H., Lindenmayer D.B. and Didham R.K. (2013).@The spatial scaling of beta diversity.@Global Ecol. Biogeogr., 22(6), 639-647.@Yes$Kaars S.D.V., Penny D., Tibby J., Fluin J., Dam R.A.C. and Suparan P. (2000).@Late quatenary paleoecology, palynology and paleolimnology of a tropical lowland swamp, Rawa Danau, West Java, Indonesia.@Paleography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 171, 185-212.@No$Stefkova E. (2008).@Diatom species composition in the sediment core of Plešné Lake (Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic).@Vimprek, 14(2), 73-84.@Yes$Kihara Y., Sahashi Y., Arita S. and Ohtsuka T. (2009).@Diatoms of Yakamado Moor in Shiga Perfecture, Japan.@Diatom, 25, 91-105.@Yes$Kihara Y., Sahashi Y. and Ohtsuka T. (2009).@Diatoms of Yakamado Moor in the Hira Mountain Range West Central, Japan.@Diatom, 23, 83-90.@Yes$Pussep L. and Kangur M. (2010).@Linking diatom community dynamics to changes in terrestrial vegetation: a palaeolimnological case study of Lake Ķū.i, Vidzeme Heights (Central Latvia).@Estonian Journal of Ecology, 59, 259-280.@Yes$Hobbs W.O., Wolfe A.P., Inskeep W.P., Amskold L. and Konhauser K.O. (2009).@Epipelic Diatom from an extreme acid environment: Beowulf Spring, Yellowstone USA.@Nova Hedwigia, 135, 71-83.@Yes$Antoniades D., Hamilton P.B., Douglas M.S.V. and Smol J.P. (2008).@Diatoms of North America: The freshwater floras of Prince Petrcik, Ellef Ringnes and northern Ellesmere Islands from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.@Iconographia Diatomologica, 17(1), 1-6.@Yes$Denicola D.M. (2000).@A review of diatom found in highly acidic environment.@Hydrobiologia, 433, 111-122.@Yes$Koplova K., Nedbalova L., Nyvlt. D., Elster J. and Vijver B.V.D. (2013).@Diversity, ecology and biogeography of the freshwater diatom communities from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula).@Polar Biology, 36(7), 933-948.@Yes <#LINE#>Depth wise distribution of soil organic carbon along the altitudinal gradient of forested watershed in Shivapuri Nagarjuna National Park, Central Nepal<#LINE#>Jiban @Sharma,Raju @Chauhan,Sijar @Bhatta <#LINE#>7-14<#LINE#>2.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-062.pdf<#LINE#>Amrit Campus, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Amrit Campus, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal@Department of Environmental Science, GoldenGate International College, Kathmandu, Nepal<#LINE#>15/7/2018<#LINE#>21/10/2018<#LINE#>The aim of this study is to assess and analyze depth-wise soil carbon stock and other soil parameters (pH, moisture content, and bulk density) along the altitudinal gradient of forest in Shivpuri Watershed Area in Central Nepal. A total of 36 composite soil samples were collected from every 100m altitudinal increment from 1660m – 2732m at 0-30cm depth in three sections 0-10cm, 10-20cm and 20-30cm by using systematic random sampling. The soil organic carbon content was determined by using Walkley and Black method. Result shows that the soil of the Shivapuri watershed is acidic with high moisture content. The bulk density and moisture content of the soil were found to increase with increasing soil depth and was observed highest at the depth of 20-30cm. The pH, moisture content, and bulk density of soil showed a negative response to altitude. The average soil organic carbon stock in the watershed ranged from 82.88t/ha to 195.19t/ha, topmost layer of the soil holding most of the organic carbon and decreasing towards lower layers. A significant positive correlation was observed between soil organic carbon stock and altitude, indicating that the soil organic carbon stock in forested watershed increases at higher altitudes. Findings suggest that changes in vegetation pattern, and temperature at higher altitudes limits carbon turnover, resulting in increased carbon accumulation in soil.<#LINE#>Xu X., Liu W., Zhang C. and Kiely G. (2011).@Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Stock and Its Spatial Distribution in the Republic of Ireland.@Soil Use and Management, 27(2), 156-162. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-2743.2011.00342@Yes$Watson Robert T., Noble Ian R., Bolin Bert, Ravindranath N.H., Verardo David J. and Dokken David J. (2000).@Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry.@Cambridge University Press.@Yes$Lal R. (2008).@Sequestration of Atmospheric CO2 in Global Carbon Pools.@Energy and Environmental Science, 1(1), 86-100. https://doi.org/10.1039/b809492f.@Yes$Rasse D.P., Mulder J., Moni C. and Chenu C. 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(1998).@A Re-assessment of High Elevation Treeline Positions and Their Explanation.@Oecologia, 115(4), 445-459. https://doi.org/10.1007/s004420050540.@Yes <#LINE#>Spatial and temporal variability of rainfall distribution in hilly region of Nepal<#LINE#>Ramesh @Chhetri,Parmanand @Kumar <#LINE#>15-21<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-064.pdf<#LINE#>Forest Research Institute (deemed to be) University, Dehradun, India@Forest Ecology and Climate Change Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India<#LINE#>15/7/2018<#LINE#>27/10/2018<#LINE#>The study provides information about the nature of rainfall regimes across hilly regions of Nepal. Hilly areas of Nepal are always vulnerable to frequent and more climate induced hazards, i.e., erratic rainfall, landslide erosion, flashflood, drought etc. In this study, 30 years rainfall data (from 1987 to 2016) from 17 field stations were analyzed using statistical parameters like Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Skewness and Coefficient of Variation). Statistical parameters were used to check the rainfall variability. The study parameters indicated that rainfall varied significantly at all the stations. The total annual average rainfall in all station was 1818.093mm. The average maximum and minimum annual rainfall varied from 2233.13mm (during 1999) to 1543.47 mm (during 1992) respectively. Similarly, the highest and lowest average rainfall varied from 3015.04mm to 832.78mm respectively in Pansayakhola and Nepalthok station. The study area of Hill region receives 80.87% highest annual average in the monsoon rainfall and lowest in the winter rainfall (3.29%). Thus analysis of rainfall data helps in exploring problems related to rainfall that may be high intensity, low intensity, erratic or no rainfall. At the same time analysis of such historical rainfall data in hilly areas helps in understanding issues related to drought, landslides and floods. These estimates predict possible pathways and help policy makers in understanding the variability of rainfall distribution across hilly region which is important for future planning and management strategies.<#LINE#>Roy M. (2013).@Times series and impacts analysis of rainfall in north-eastern part in Bangladesh.@International Journal of Scientific and Research, 3(8), 1-6.@No$Herath S. and Ratnayake U. (2004).@Monitoring rainfall trends to predict adverse impacts—a case study from Sri Lanka (1964–1993).@Global Environmental Change, 14, 71-79.@Yes$Barua S., Muttil N., Ng A.W.M. and Perera B.J.C. (2013).@Rainfall trend and its implications for water resource management within the Yarra River catchment, Australia.@Hydrological Processes, 27(12), 1727-1738.@Yes$Agilan V. and Umamahesh N.V. (2017).@What are the best covariates for developing non-stationary rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationship?@Advances in Water Resources, 101, 11-22.@Yes$Pendergrass A.G. and Hartmann D.L. (2014).@Changes in the distribution of rain frequency and intensity in response to global warming.@Journal of climate, 27(22), 8372-8383.@Yes$Allen M.R. and Ingram W.J. (2002).@Constraints on future changes in climate and the hydrologic cycle.@Nature, 419(6903), 224-232.@Yes$Emori S., Hasegawam A., Suzuki T. and Dairaku K. (2005).@Validation, parameterization dependence, and future projection of daily precipitation simulated with a high-resolution atmospheric GCM.@Geophysical Research letters, 32, 1-4.@Yes$Tramblay Y., Neppel L., Carreau J. and Sanchez-Gomez E. 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Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company limited New Delhi.@No$Singh V.P., Yadav S. and Yadava R.N. (2018).@Climate Change Impacts.@Springer Nature, 317, ISBN 978-981-10-5714-4.@Yes$Kansakar S.R., Hannah D.M., Gerrard J. and Rees G. (2004).@Spatial pattern in the precipitation regime in Nepal.@Int. J. Climatol., 24, 1645-1659.@Yes$Department of Hydrology and Meterology (DHM).@Government of Nepal, Ministry of energy, water resources and irrigation.@Available online: www.hydrology.gov.np (Accessed on 22 July 2018).@No$Sivakumar M., Gommes R. and Baier W. (2000).@Agrometeorology and sustainable agriculture.@Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 103(1-2), 11-26.@Yes$Folland C.K., Karl T.R., Nicholls N., Nyenzi B.S., Parker D.E. and Vinnikov K.Y. 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(2013).@Flood hazard in Nepal and new approach of risk reduction.@Int. J. Landslide Environ.,1, 13-14.@Yes$Gerrard J. and Gardner R.A.M. (2000).@Relationships between rainfall and landsliding in the Middle Hills, Nepal.@Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 54, 74-81.@Yes$Pokhrel K.P. (2013).@Chure forestry conservation and management plan: A case study of Arghakhanchi District, Nepal.@J. Geogr. Reg. Plan., 6, 172-183.@Yes$Cavanaugh N.R., Gershunov A., Panorska A.K. and Kozubowski T.J. (2015).@The probability distribution of intense daily precipitation.@Geophysical Research Letters, 42(5), 1560-1567.@Yes$Xu L., Zhou H., Du L., Yao H. and Wang H. (2015).@Precipitation trends and variability from 1950 to 2000 in arid lands of Central Asia.@Journal of Arid Land, 7(4), 514-526.@Yes$Rosenberg E.A., Keys P.W., Booth D.B., Hartley D., Burkey J., Steinemann A.C. and Lettenmaier D.P. (2010).@Precipitation extremes and the impacts of climate change on storm water infrastructure in Washington State.@Clim. Change, 102, 319-349.@Yes$Shrestha R.M. and Sthapit A.B. (2015).@Temporal Variation of Rainfall in the Bagmati River Basin, Nepal.@Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 16(1), 31-40.@Yes$Karpouzos D.K., Kavalieratou S. and Babajimopoulos C. (2010).@Trend analysis of precipitation data in pieria region (Greece).@Eur. Water, 30, 31-40.@Yes <#LINE#>Characterization of meteorological drought level in oriental Senegal<#LINE#>Vieux Boukhaly @Traore,Saidou @Diallo,Mamadou Lamine @SOW,Mamadou Lamine @Ndiaye,Rokhaya @Diouf,Joseph @Sarr,Amadou Tahirou @Diaw,Aboubaker Chedikh @Beye <#LINE#>22-36<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-066.pdf<#LINE#>Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Environmental Sciences Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal@Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal<#LINE#>22/7/2018<#LINE#>26/10/2018<#LINE#>This study is based on rainfall data collected at the Tambacounda, Kédougou, Bakel, Goudiry and Koumpentoum stations over the period 1951-2015. It aims to identify the most notable meteorological droughts by their intensity, duration, frequency and threshold during the study period. To achieve these objectives, we used the standard deviation method because of its robustness in this sense. At the end of this work, we note a great vulnerability and an increased drying up experienced by Eastern Senegal during this period. Dry episodes are generally more persistent and more extensive in time and space than wet ones. These dry episodes reached their paroxysm in 1984, 1991 and 1996 with extremely severe droughts. Among the five stations studied, those of Goudiry, Kédougou and Bakel seem the most affected by the phenomenon of its severity and recurrence. These results would be in our opinion, be a source of reflection for the authorities on the dependence on rainfed agriculture in this area.<#LINE#>Jouilil I., Bitar K., Salama H., Amraoui M.A. and Tahiri M. (2013).@Meteorological drought hydraulic basin of OUM ER RBIA during the last decades.@Larhyss Journal, 12, 109-127.@Yes$Traore V.B., Ndiaye M.L., Mbow C., Malomar G., Sarr J., Beye A.C. and Diaw A.T. (2017).@Khronostat Model as Statistical Analysis Tools in Low Casamance River Basin, Senegal.@World Environment, 7(1), 10-22.@Yes$Payne J.T., Wood A.W., Hamle A.F.T, Palmer R.N. and Lettenmaier D.P. (2004).@Mitigating the effects of climate change on the water resources of the Columbia River basin.@Clim. Change, 62(1-3), 233-256.@Yes$Barua S., Perera B.J.C. and Neg A.W.M. (2009).@A comparative drought assessment of Yarra River Catchment in Victoria, Australia.@18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July, 3245-3251.@Yes$Elbouqdaoui K., Haida S., Aboulabbes O., Benaabidat L., Zahraoui M. and Ozer A. (2006).@Evolution of the pluviometric and hydrometric mode of the drainage basin of Srou (Middle Atlas, Morocco).@Geo-Eco-Trop., 30(2), 41-56.@Yes$Soro G.E., Anouman D.G.L., Goula B.T.A., Srohorou B. and Savane I. (2014).@Characterization of Meteorological Drying Sequences at Various Time Scales in Sudanese-type Climates: Case of the extreme north-west of the Ivory Coast.@Larhyss Journal, 18, 107-124.@Yes$Bergaoui M. (2001).@Characterization of meteorological and hydrological drought: The case of Siliana watershed in Tunisia.@Science and Global Change Drought, 12(4), 205-213.@Yes$Heathcote S. (1973).@Aareism and aridity index.@C R Acad Sc Paris, 182.@No$Stour L. and Agoumi A. (2008).@Climatic drought in Morocco during the last decades.@Hyd. Appl., 16, 215-232.@Yes$White D.H. and Omeagher B. (1995).@Coping with exceptional droughts in Australia.@Drought Network News, 13-7.@Yes$Bootsma A., boisvert J.B., De Jong R. and Baier W. (1996).@Drought and Canadian Agriculture: A Review of Ways of Action.@Drought, 7, 277-285.@Yes$Kharin V. and Zwiers F. (2000).@Changes in the extremes in the ensemble of transient climate simulations with a coupled atmosphere–ocean GCM.@J. Climate, 13(21), 3760-3788.@Yes$Huntingford C., Jones R.G., Prudhomme C., Lamb R., Gash J.H.C. and Jones D.A. (2003).@Regional climate model predictions of extreme rainfall for a changing climate.@Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 129(590), 1607-1621.@Yes$Faye C., Amadou A.S. and Jean B.N. (2015).@Study of rainfall and hydrological droughts in tropical Africa: Characterization and mapping of index drought in the upper Senegal River Basin.@Physio-Geo, 9, 17-35.@Yes$WMO (2012).@Guide to using the standard precipitation index.@World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1090 ISBN 978-92-63-21090-6.@No$Doumouya F.R., Traore V.B., Sadio M., Sambou H., Issaka A.A.H., Diaw A.T., Sambou B. and Beye A.C. (2016).@Rainfall Variability in Sine Saloum River Basin in a Context of Climate Change and Variability.@Advances in Research, 6(6), 1-12.@Yes$Christensen N.S., Wood A.W., Voisin N., Lettenmaier D.P. and Palmer R.N. (2004).@Effects of Climate Change on the Hydrology and Water Resources of the Colorado River Basin.@Clim. Change, 62(1-3), 337-363.@Yes$Rosine M.N.F., Nagnin S., Traore V.B., Théophile L., Soussou S. and Tanina S. (2014).@Climate variability and its impact on surface water resources: The case of stations of Bocanda and Dimbokro, eastcentral of Ivory Coast in West Africa.@Africa Science, 10(4), 118-134.@Yes$Pareek N. (2017).@Climate Change Impact on Soils: Adaptation and Mitigation.@MOJ Eco environ.Sci., 26(3), 1-4.@No$Kingumbi A., Bargaoui Z. and Hubert P. (2005).@Investigation on rainfall variability in the central part of Tunisia.@Hydrol. Sci. J., 50(3), 493-508.@Yes$Soro T.D., Soro N., Oga Y.M.S., Lasm T., Soro G., Ahoussi K.E. and Biemi J. (2011).@Climatic variability and its impact on the water resources in the square degree of Grand Lahou (Southwestern of Ivory Coast).@Physio-Geo Geography Physical and Environment, 5, 55-73.@Yes$Diouf R., Traore V.B., Mamadou L.N., Hyacinthe S., Ngargoto N., Boubacar C., Youssou L., Bienvenu S., Amadou T.D. and Aboubaker C.B. (2018).@Spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall in agro-climatic zone of Fatick region, Senegal.@Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(1), 50-62.@No$Servat E., Paturel J.E., Lubès N.H., Kouamé B., Masson J.M., Travaglio M. and Marieu B. (1999).@Different aspects of the rainfall variability in West Africa and Sahel Central not.@Journal of Water Science, 12(2), 363-387.@Yes$Ardoin B.S., Lubes N.H., Servat E., Dezetter A. and Boyer J.F. (2003).@Analysis of the persistence of drought in West Africa: Characterization of the situation of the 1990s.@In: Hydrology of Mediterranean and Semiarid Regions, É. SERVAT, W. NAJEM, C. LEDUC and A. 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(2006).@Regional economic situation.@2005 edition, 58.@No$Sanogo T. and Tamba A. (2002).@Inventory of baobab pares and potential of monkey bread in CR Koussanar and Bala in the Tambacounda region and the rural community of Dar Salam in the Kedougou region.@Final Report, June 2012, USAID Wula Nafaa, 58.@No$Manga A. (2008).@The tree, the building site, the millstone: Sliding towards the end of a logic of \"perennial\" sampling.@Analysis and mapping of charcoal production in the department of Tambacounda (Senegal), Ph.D., Department of Geography, FLSH, UCAD, Dakar, 283.@No$Aghrab A. (2003).@Characterization of drought and development of climate indicators for its early warning in the region of Saïss. End of studies memory.@National School of Agriculture of Meknes, Morocco.@Yes$Mckee T.B., Doesken N.J. and Kleist J. (1993).@The relationship of drought frequency and duration times scales.@American Meteorological Society. 8th conference on Applied Climatology, 17-22 Janvier,Anaheim, CA, 179-184.@Yes$Mckee T.B., Doesken N.J. and Kleist J. (1995).@Drought monitoring with multiple times scales.@American Meteorological Society, 9th Conference on Applied Climatology, 15-22 Janvier, Dallas, TX, 233-236.@Yes$Shapiro S.S and Wilk M.B. (1965).@An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples).@Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591-611.@Yes$Rahman M.M. and Govindarajulu Z. (1997).@A modification of the test of Shapiro and Wilk for normality.@Journal of Applied Statistics, 24(2), 219-236.@Yes$Shapiro S.S., Wilk M.B. and Chen H.J. (1968).@A comparative study of various tests for normality.@Journal of the American Statistical Association, 63(324), 1343-1372.@Yes @Short Communication <#LINE#>Effect of different levels of NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) in Yola Adamawa State of Nigeria<#LINE#>Idris @Masa’udu,Abraham @Emmanuel,Oyebanji O. @Funmilayo,Emmanuel K. @Chinedu,Etah S. @Ojeka,Emmanuel @Abiloye,Hitler @Louis <#LINE#>37-41<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-061.pdf<#LINE#>Dept. of Crop Science, School of Agri. and Agricultural Technology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola – Adamawa State Nigeria@Dept. of Soil Science, School of Agri. and Agricultural Technology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola – Adamawa State Nigeria@Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria@Department of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria@Dept. of Fisheries, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Tech., Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola–Adamawa State Nigeria@Dept. of Crop Science, School of Agri. and Agricultural Technology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola – Adamawa State Nigeria@Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria<#LINE#>13/7/2018<#LINE#>19/10/2018<#LINE#>The research was conducted to study the effect of different levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on growth and yield of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State, during the annual rainy season from May–June 2015, with six different levels of NPK fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250kg/ha). The treatment was laid in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Results obtained from this research showed that application of 200 and 250kg/ha has a significant impact as seen in the number of leaves and branches per plant as well as plant height, leaf length and fresh weight of Roselle compared to 0, 50, 100, and 150kg/ha.<#LINE#>Babajide Okosun L.A., Magaji M.D. and Yakubu A.L. (2006).@Effect of Nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in a semi-arid agro ecology of Nigeria.@Journal of plant sci., 1, 154-160.@Yes$Abo-bakar A. and Mustapha M. (2011).@Effects of bio and chemical fertilizer on growth, sepal yield and chemical composition of Roselle New retained soil of the south valley area.@Asian journal of crop sci.@No$Fasoyi S.B. and Ashaye O.A. (2005).@Chemical and Storability of fruit-flavoral (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) drink.@World journal of agricultural sci., l, 165-168.@Yes$Rehm S. and Espig G. (1994).@The cultivated plants ofthe tropics and sub-tropics.@Josel margrave scientific books Verlag.@No$Medlinger S.J. and Chweye A.B. (1992).@Collection, evaluation and breeding of African edible vegetable.@BGUN-ARI-25-92. Ann report on AID-CDR Programme.@Yes$Ojokoh A.O. (2002).@Roselle Calyx Diet and its pathological changes in liver of Albino Rats Pakistan.@Journal of nutrition New York, 1995, 5(2), 110-113.@No$Abbas M.K. and Ali A.S. (2011).@Effect of foliar application of NPK on some growth characters of two cultivars of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).@American Journal of Plant Physiology, 6(4), 220-227.@Yes$Okusim I.A., Magaji M.D. and Yakubu A.1. (2010).@Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in a semi-arid agro-ecology of Nigeria.@Journal of plant sci., 12154-160.@No$Babatunde F.E. (2001).@Response of red variant Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarwa) to some agronomy practices.@Unpublished Ph.D. thesis presented to the post graduate school, Abubakar TafawaBalewa university Bauchi, Nigeria, l16.@Yes$Wong P.K., Yusof S., Ghazali H.M. and Che Man Y.B. (2002).@Physico-chemical characteristics of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).@Nutrition & Food Science, 32(2), 68-73.@Yes$Enwezor W.O. and Udo E.J. (l989).@Fertility states and productivity of acid sands of south eastern Nigeria.@Monograph no. 1 Soil society of Nigeria, 56-73.@No$Thiraporn R., Feil B. and Stamp P. (1992).@Effects of Nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield and accumulation of nitrogen and potassium in the grains of tropical Maize.@Journal of agronomy and crop sci., 169, 9-16.@Yes$Muray U., Jeff B. and Mathew F. (2010).@Variability in harvest index of grain crops and potential significance for carbon accounting.@Advances in agronomy, 105, 173-219.@Yes$Bake I.D., Saidu S.M. and Futuless K.N. (2011).@Performance of different level of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdarwa L.) In Yola Adamawa state Nigeria.@Journals of Agricultural Science, 1(l), 105-108.@No$Olufokunbi B. (1985).@Farm Management and Profit Orientation Management in Nigeria.@J. Nigeria Inst Manag., 21, 7-9.@No$Sanoussi A. and Yaboubou B. (2010).@Roselle yield and yield component in response to nitrogen fertilizer in Nigeria.@Ibadan Journal of Agricultural research, 44(2), 96-103.@No @Short Review Paper <#LINE#>Conserving wood biodiversity with the help of wood science and technology<#LINE#>Sauradipta @Ganguly <#LINE#>42-44<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2018-065.pdf<#LINE#>Forest Products Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India<#LINE#>21/7/2018<#LINE#>28/10/2018<#LINE#>Over the past few years, several emerging technologies have been introduced to produce eco-friendly wood based products. The concept of wood modification has moved from the development phase to reality of late as many wood modification methods have been adopted and implemented successfully across the globe for its sustainable use for a longer run. Many of these technologies add value through modification and enhancement of various wood properties by means of increasing the service life of the product and maintaining the biodiversity in return as the consumption of raw material becomes less. Among the wood modification technologies, microwave treatment is found to be highly effective as it has the flair in it and henceforth is gaining popularity because of having many advantages over other conventional modification techniques in practice. If implemented successfully this technique can result in subsequently lesser energy consumption for woodworking processes and sustainable use of the arte facts for eons.<#LINE#>Thompson I.D., Okabe K., TylIanakis J.M., Kumar P., Brockrhoff E.G., Schellhorn N.A., Parrotta J.A. and Nasi R. (2011).@Forest Biodiversity and the Delivery of Ecosystem Goods and Services: Translating Science into Policy.@Bioscience, 61(12), 972-981.@Yes$Anon (2008).@Methods of laboratory testing of wood preservatives against fungi.@IS:4873 (2008). Bureau of Indian standards. 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, India.@No$Torgovnikov G. and Vinden P. (2006).@New microwave technology and equipment for wood modification.@AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, 1497-1498.@Yes$Torgovnikov G. and Vinden P. (2009).@High intensity microwave wood modification for increasing permeability.@Forest Products Journal, 59(4), 84-92.@Yes$Treu A., Rieche H. and Militz H. (2008).@Spruce and pine heartwood treatment by means of microwave radiation@IRG document no. IRG/WP 08-40411 the International Research Group on Wood Protection, Stockholm.@Yes$Seyfarth R., Leiker M. and Mollekopf N. (2003).@Continuous drying of lumber in a microwave vacuum kiln.@Proceedings of 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Brasov, Romania, 8, 159-163.@Yes$Bao F.C. and Lv J.X. (1992).@A study on fluid permeability of important Chinese woods.@Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 28(3), 237-246.@Yes$Zielonka P. and Gierlik E. (1999).@Temperature distribution during conventional and microwave wood heating.@HolzalsRoh- und Werkstoff, 57(4), 247-249.@Yes$Tripathi S. (2013).@Indian Patent.@2, 57, 393.@No$Tripathi S. (2012).@Treatability evaluation of meranti with ZiBOC and CCA.@International Wood Products Journal, 3(2), 70-76.@Yes$McAlister W.R. and Resch H. (1971).@Drying 1-inch ponderosa pine lumber with a combination of microwave power and hot air.@Forest Prod. J, 21(3), 26-34.@Yes$Meredith R. (1998).@Engineers@Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.@Yes$Metaxas A.C. and Meredith R.J. (1983).@Industrial Microwave Heating.@357. IET, 9780906048894.@Yes$Oloyede A. and Groombridge P. (2000).@The influence of microwave heating on the mechanical properties of wood.@Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 100(1-3), 67-73.@Yes$Perré P. and Turner I.W. (1999).@A 3-D version of TransPore: a comprehensive heat and mass transfer computational model for simulating the drying of porous media.@International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42(24), 4501-4521.@Yes$Poonia P.K., Hom S.K., Sihag K. and Tripathi S. (2016).@Effect of Microwave treatment on longitudinal air permeability and preservative uptake characteristics of chir pine wood.@Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 18, 125-132. 10.4067/S0718-221X2016005000013.@Yes$Ramezanpour M., Tarmian A. and Taghiyari H.R. (2014).@Improving impregnation properties of fir wood to acid copper chromate (ACC) with microwave pre-treatment.@iForest (early view): e1-e6, 8(1), 89. [online 2014-04-01] URL: http://www.sisef.it/iforest/contents/? id=ifor1119-007@Yes$Vinden P., Romero J. and Torgovnikov G. (2003).@A method for increasing the permeability of wood.@US patent 6: 596-975.@Yes$Vinden P., Torgovnikov G. and Hann J. (2011).@Microwave modification of radiata pine railway sleepers for preservative treatment.@European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69(2), 271-279.@Yes