International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 55 Effect of Temperature, Humidity and other Physical Parameters on Air Pollution in and Around Belagavi, Karnataka, India Goverdhan Rathla K.S., Sankarappa T.*, Ashwajeet J.S. and Ramanna R. Department of Physics, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, INDIA Available online at:, Received 6th May 2015, revised 15th June 2015, accepted 18th July 2015 Abstract Air pollution in and around the Belgavi city has been monitored. The pollutants measured to assess air quality have been the concentration of Sulphur dioxide (SO), Nitrogen dioxide NO, Ammonia (NH), Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) and Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5). The data were collected from five sampling sites of the city. In Belagavi city, Pollutants SO, NO, NH were found to be below acceptable limits defined by the National agencies which are meant for air quality management. Concentration of PM10 was found to be equal to the permissible limits in commercial area and small scale industrial area and exceeded the permissible limits in large scale industrial area. Concentration of PM2.5 was greater than permissible limits in heavy traffic and commercial areas, and almost twice more than the limits in the large scale industrial area, and lies far below the permissible limits in other sampling sites of the city. Keywords: Pollutants,sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, particulate matter.Introduction Clean air is essential for good health of humans, animals and birds. All the countries in the world are facing a common problem of air pollution. When the air pollution exceeds acceptable limits, it causes serious problems to human health. The understanding of quality of air requires the knowledge of many branches of Science such as Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Geography etc. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of untimely deaths are occurring due to the urban air pollution created from burning of solid fuels. Most of the deceases due to air pollution are from developing nations. As per WHO’s 2014 report, around seven million people were died in 2012. Of these, one in eight was due to air pollution. Certain guidelines have been framed to monitor and control air quality so that health problems due to air pollution can be reduced. As per the estimations of Central Pollution Control Board (2010) of India, air around many of the Indian cities contains particulate matter (PM) far exceeds the safe limit set by the World Health Organization standards. Particulate matter (PM) in air is defined to be a complex multiphase system consisting of particle sizes ranging from 2.5µm to 10µm. People dying in India due to pollution caused asthma decease are much more than other countries. In house air pollution caused by cooking fires and outdoor air pollution due to vehicular fuel burning and industrial smoke are known to inflict more deaths in India. According to the World Bank, annually India is paying heavy price due its environmental degradation. Estimations hint that if India achieves a reduction in PM content of 30% by 2030, it would save US $105 billion on health spending. It is quoted that there are about 23 major Indian cities having more than a million population measures air pollution which exceed WHO standards (Gupta 2002). Nanoparticles (dust particles of size few nanometers) have also been claimed to affect adversely the cardiopulmonary system. Cities produce high levels of pollution and they are densely populated and therefore, people living in them are the ones largely affected by air pollution. The reason for faster urbanization of Belagavi city in Karnataka, India is due to being a district head quarter and fourth largest city in Karnataka State. It is bordered with the States of Maharashtra and Goa and close to twin cities Hubli-Darwad. It is well connected to other parts of the country by road and rail. Recently, Belgaum has witnessed tremendous growth in large and small scale industries and also in trade and other commercial activities. Contamination of air in Belgavi city is increasing continuously due to industrial and vehicle emissions. This has necessitated monitoring of air quality in the city and that has been carried out by us and presented in this communication. Material and Methods Instruments: Respirable Dust Sampler RDS (Envirotech APM 460 NL (PM10): Respirable Dust Sampler has been used to monitor the concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter in air.Fine Particulate Sampler Envirotech APM 550 (PM2.5): The APM 550 system has been used for sampling fine particles (PM2.5 fraction) and this equipment was designed by United States Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) for ambient air quality monitoring. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 56 Gaseous Pollutants Sampler Envirotech APM 433 (NO, SO and NH): The APM 433 Gaseous Pollutants Sampler has been used for Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring. Gas pollutants were sampled using this instrument. In the sampler, air has been sucked through appropriate reagents that have absorbed certain gaseous pollutants such as SO2, NO, Cl, HS, NH, Formaldehyde, CS2 etc. Study Area: The city of Belgaum (latitude is 15 52 N and Longitude is 7434E) is situated nearly 762 meters above sea level. It has a geographical spread of 98.04 and population of 4,778,439 (Census of India, 2011). Number of vehicles registered in Belgaum as on 2014 was 3.55 lakhs. The core area of Belgavi city is overcrowded and congested. The selected sampling sites include industrialized, heavy traffic, commercial, residential and less populated areas. The natures of the sites are described in table-1. Table-1 Sampling sites selected for study in and Belgaum city Site Description of the site Code no Near K.S.R.T.C. Bus Station Heavy traffic, Max commercial activities A1 Auto Nagar Industrial Area Small scale industries, moderate traffic A2 Sadashivnagara Residential area with moderate traffic A3 Machhe Industrial Area Large scale industries, Moderate traffic A4 Kangralli village Extension area with less traffic, population, activity. A5 Sample collection and preparation: RDS, Envirotech, model APM–460, APM-550 and APM-433 respirable dust samplers were used for the sampling of PM10, PM2.5 and gases such as SO, NO, NH etc. Using APM samplers the sample was collected at the height of 10 feet for 24 hours on 8 hourly basis. An average sample flow rate was maintained to be 1.1m/min. Gas pollutants sampler was also operated for 24 hours on 4 hourly bases. At each site, samples were collected for a month during each of the three seasons; Monsoon, Winter and Summer. PM10 samples were collected using microfiber filter paper (PTFE) of size-20.3x25.4cm and PM2.5 samples were collected in filter paper (TFM) of size 47mm. The filters were fitted with a respirable dust sampler. The filter papers have been treated before and after the sampling, in moisture-free desiccators and then dried in an oven for 24 hours. Filters were weighed in a digital balance before and after the sampling. The meteorological parameters such as temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity were recorded during the days of sampling. The collected meteorological data has been used for evaluation. Analysis of the data was done by following the standard Gravimetric method. Also, air was sucked through suitable reagents into the sampler APM-433. The specific gaseous pollutants like SO, NO, and NH3 were absorbed by the reagents. The absorbents were collected in separate sampling bottles at an interval of 4 hours. About 18 samples were collected at each sampling site. The collected samples were analyzed by following standard wet chemistry method. Measurement of other Physical parameters: Physical parameterssuch as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, solar radiation and rainfall affects concentration of pollutants in the study area10. Therefore, these parameters have been recorded over different seasons and are shown in table-2. Meteorological Parameters: Wind speeds in different seasons have been recorded from Sambra Meteorological Station, Belgaum. In summer, the speed of the wind was in the range from 10.8 m/s to 18 m/s. In winter, the highest percentage of wind blows with speed in the range from 3.6 m/s to 10.8 m/s. The calm conditions were 28.496 of the month. In monsoon, the highest percentage of wind blows with speed in the range from 13.6 m/s to 20.4 m/s. The calm conditions were 15.455 of the month. Table-2 Average temperature, Relative Humidity and number of Rainy days Month and Year Average maximum temperature, C Average minimum temperature, C Average relative humidity %Number of rainy days September 2013 30 20 83 10.6 October 2013 31 20 69 6.1 November 2013 31 16 57 3.3 December 2013 31 12 52 0.0 January 2014 31 14 46 0.0 February 2014 33 17 42 0.1 March 2014 38 21 42 1.0 April 2014 39 21 52 3.8 May 2014 37 20 68 6.3 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 57 Temperature: The variation in surface temperature controls the atmospheric convection11. This in turn affects the concentration of pollutants. The temperature was recorded in the study area using a thermometer and that was found to be in the range between 20C and 30C during September 2013, 12C and 31C during December and, 20C–37C during May. The minimum temperature of 12C was recorded during December 2013 and maximum of 37C during May 2014. The monthly maximum and minimum temperature recorded from 15th September-2013 to May- 2014 are depicted graphically in figure-1. Annual Rainfall: The annual rain fall recorded from Sambra Meteorological station, annual rainfall was 1031mm. The present study area has a probability of getting rain in the range between 750mm to 800mm.The amount of rain fall affects humidity in the area. The humidity in turn changes concentration of pollutants in the region. The average rain fall noted during the period September-2013 to May-2014 is shown graphically in figure-2. Figure-1Bar graph indicating temperature variation during sampling period Figure-2 Average rainfall days during September 2013 to May 2014 1015202530354045 T Period Average maximum temperature, oc Average minimum temperature, oc 1012Rainfall (mmPeriod International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 58 Relative Humidity (RH): The recorded relative humidity during Sept 2013 to May 2014 was in the range of 42% to 82%. Maximum RH of 82% was noted during Sept 2013. Minimum RH of 42% was noted during Feb 2014, shown in figure-3. Results and DiscussionEffects of ambient conditions such as temperature and relative humidity on pollutants SO, NO, NH, PM10 and PM2.5 were analyzed and qualitative results are presented in the Tables 3-7 and the same are graphically represented in figures-4 to 8. Table-3 Concentration of SO in µg/m, NAAQS permissible limit of SO = 80 µg/m3 Sampling location September 2013 December 2013 May 2014 A1 12.57 12.20 15.08 A2 8.94 8.12 9.31 A3 4.02 3.81 4.81 A4 18.85 18.46 18.31 A5 3.49 3.17 3.66 Table-4 Concentration of NO in µg/m, NAAQS permissible limit of NO = 80µg/m3 Sampling location September 2013 December 2013 May 2014 A1 44.60 36.91 43.59 A2 36.90 30.96 36.70 A3 11.11 8.95 11.11 A4 20.26 19.88 17.80 A5 7.96 6.59 7.96 Table-5 Concentration of NH in µg/m, NAAQS permissible limit of NH= 400µg/m3 Sampling location September 2013 December 2013 May 2014 A1 6.69 3.21 6.92 A2 6.97 4.14 7.60 A3 7.46 5.73 7.06 A4 7.96 4.24 8.07 A5 7.97 11.26 7.27 Table-6 Concentration of PM2.5 in µg/m, NAAQS permissible limit PM10 = 60µg/m3 Sampling location September 2013 December 2013 May 2014 A1 59.30 59.30 58.00 A2 19.60 19.60 28.00 A3 10.60 10.30 15.00 A4 64.60 66.00 66.00 A5 9.60 9.60 14.00 Table-7 Concentration of PM10 in µg/m, NAAQS permissible limit PM10 = 100 µg/m3 Sampling location September 2013 December 2013 May 2014 A1 100.00 88.30 92.00 A2 78.66 76.60 71.00 A3 50.00 46.60 49.00 A4 137.00 143.00 155.00 A5 43.00 41.30 45.00 Figure-3Variation of R.H % during September 2013 to May 2014 102030405060708090 RH(%)Period International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 59 Figure-4 Concentration SO at the studied sitesFigure-5 Concentration of NO at the studied sites At A4 site, SO2 of maximum concentration was found during all the three months. At A5 site, minimum concentration of SO2 was observed during all the three months. At A1 site, during May 2014 (summer) SO2 was found to be more than other seasons. This may be due to the fact that A1 is a commercial and heavy traffic area as RH was around 68%, temperature was in the range 37 C to 20 C, and average rainy days of the month was 6.3days during May. A2 site is an area of small scale industries with minimum traffic and therefore, SO2 concentration in that area has been found to be same for all the three months. At A3 site which is a residential area with minimum traffic and nominal commercial activities, SO2concentration has been found to be least without much seasonal variation. A4 Site is an area of large scale industries and in that concentration of SO2 has been to be high in all the three months. A5 Site is a village near Belgaum, the concentration of SO2 in that area has been found to be very low. It can be pointed out that concentration SO2 in the studied area lies far below the prescribed limits by NAAQS which is about 80µg/m At A1 site, concentration of NO2 is found to be maximum in September-2013 and minimum in December-2013. NOconcentration at A1 is more than the measured values in other four sites. This may be due to the fact that A1 site is a heavy traffic prone and has high RH value of 83% in September-2013. Concentration of NO at A2 site is found to be less than A1 for 0 1020 Concentration of NO µg/m 3 4050A-1A-2A-3A-4A-5Study sites Sep-13 Dec-13 May-14 0 5 101520A-1A-2A-3A-4A-5 Study sites Sep-13 Dec-13 May-14 Concentration of So µg/m International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 60 all the three months. A3 site showed even less NOconcentration compared to A1 site. A4 site measured NO2 levels higher than that measured in small scale industrial area A2. For all the three months, site A5 showed low levels of NOcompared to other four sites. NO2 concentration at A1 site is more than half the prescribed limit of 80µg/m by NAAQS. At the remaining four sites NO concentration is much below NAAQS limit. Concentration of NH is far below the permissible limits in the studied area. Maximum concentration of 11.26µg/m was measured in December 2013 at A5 site and this may be attributed to the fact that A5, site is a village where bio-degradation is more. At A1 site, the concentration of PM2.5 has been found to be high in all the three months of the study period which is very close to the NAAQS limit of 60µg/m. This could be due to the fact that A1 site is a heavy traffic area with busy commercial activity surrounded. A2 site measured second highest levels of PM2.5. This site is surrounded by number of small scale industries which ejects lot of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Figure-6 Concentration of NH at studied sitesFigure-7 Concentration of PM2.5 at studied sites 0 10203040506070A-1A-2A-3A-4A-5Study sites Concentration of PM2.5 µg/m 3 . Sep-13 Dec-13 May-14 0 2 4 6 8 1012A-1A-2A-3A-4A-5 Study sites C oncentration of NH µgm 3 Sep-13 Dec-13 May-14 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(7), 55-62, July (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.International Science Congress Association 61 Figure-8 Concentration of PM10 at studied sites A3 site being the residential area and having very minimum vehicle traffic measured low levels of PM2.5. A4 site is a large scale industrial area where PM2.5 has been found to be maximum exceeding prescribed limits. For all the three months, PM2.5 has been measured to be more than the safe limits. A5 site is a village area where PM2.5was minimum except during May 2014 in which it has reached the levels of A3 site12. At A1 site, the concentration of PM10 has reached the critical limits in september-2013 which is almost same as the prescribed limit of 100µg/m3 during December-2013 and May-2014. At A2 site, the concentration of PM10 was found to be around 80µg/m3 in all the three months of study period. A3 and A5 sites had minimum PM10 levels in all the three months. These two sites are in non traffic and non-commercial areas. At A4 site, the areas of large scale an industry which showed concentration of PM10 to be high and has crossed the prescribed limits of NAAQS13 during all the months of the study period. ConclusionFor the first time the effect of industries, urbanization and vehicle emissions on air quality in and around Belgavi city has been experimentally studied. Meteorological data of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and rain fall recorded during the sampling period , has been used to understand the changes occurring in the pollution levels of sampled area. It is concluded that the dispersion of suspended particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5) and gases such as SO, NO, and NH in the atmosphere in the sampled area are greatly affected by meteorological parameters. Our monitoring of the pollutants at the receptor zones revealed that the Industries play very important role in air quality. On the basis of these factors, monitoring of air pollutants has been carried out in and around Belgaum city, Karnataka state, India. PM10 and PM2.5 were found in high concentration in the heavy industrial and heavy traffic areas. This indicates that industrialization and automobile emission are associated closely with healthy hazards. References 1.Taisa S. 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