International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 55 Studies on Assessment of water Quality and Hydrological behaviour using Physico- chemical Parameters of surface water of Glacial fed Mountainous Goriganga river in Kumaun Himalaya-IAshok Kumar Department of Zoology, Kumaun University Soban Singh Jeena Campus Almora, Uttarakhand, 263601, INDIA Available online at:, Received 3rd February 2015, revised 20th February 2015, accepted 21st March 2015 AbstractGlacial fed rivers are vital fresh water systems that are critical for the sustenance of life. The present study was carried to access the quality of water and hydrological behaviour using physico-chemical parameters of surface water of glacial fed mountainous Goriganga River in Kumaun Himalaya. Study was conducted between Jauljibi to Madkot with in a river stretch of 44kms. Surface water samples were collected for the analysis of quality of water from three sampling stations (Station1-Jauljibi-600msl; Station2-Baram- 900msl and Staion3-Madkot-1300msl). A total of 12 water quality parameters such as: Ambient temperature, water temperature, conductivity, pH, alkalinity, carbonate, bicarbonate, free carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, velocity, acidity and water hardness were monitored from July-2006 to June-2008 for a period of two years. The studies on the analysis of water quality parameters of Goriganga river showed that ambient temperature fluctuated between 11.5C to 32.7C and 11.0C to 32.0C; water temperature 7.1C to 18.9C and 7.5C to 20.0C; Conductivity 0.131 µScm-1 to 0.361 µScm-1 and 0.058 µScm- to 0.322 µScm-; pH 7.0 to 8.87 and 7.0 to 8.5; Alkalinity 62 mg/l to 190 mg/l and 84 mg/l to 180mg/l; Bicarbonate 62.0 mg/l to 180.0 mg/l and 84.0 mg/l to 170.0 mg/l; Free Carbon dioxide zero or absent to 6.0; Dissolved Oxygen 5.6 mg/l to 12.0 mg/l and 6.4 mg/l to 16.8 mg/l; Velocity 0.52 m/sec to 1.72 m/sec and 0.47 m/sec to 1.61 m/sec; Acidity 5.0 mg/l to 30.0 mg/l and 5.0 mg/l to 40.0 mg/l and water hardness 80.0 mg/l to 166 mg/l and 90.0 to 198.0 mg/l during first year (2006-07) and second year (2007-08) respectively. Carbonate at all the selected stations in the Goriganga river remained below the detection limit or mostly absent except few months. Assessment of water quality parameters at the three selected sampling station in the Goriganga river has shown that the water at the surface level was well within the permissible limits prescribed by ISI, ICMR and WHO drinking water standards and the ecological situation in this region is stable, favourable and promising at the present time. Statistically, the correlation between different selected water quality parameters have also been drawn and discussed in the present paper. Keywords: Assessment, water quality, physico-chemicals, hydrological, Goriganga, Kumaun Himalaya. Introduction The well known axiom of biology is that, “The fire of life burns only in water”. Water is undoubtedly the Humankind’s most important resources in life. No matters how rich a person is? Without water he or she cannot live because water is both the least expensive and most essential commodities used by humans. Water occupies a central role in the transport of chemicals around the surface of our planet Earth. Although its appearance is bland and has certain properties that makes it unique. As the water is the most important component of ecosystem, any imbalance created in terms of quality (which is the presence of impurities added to it) can hard the whole ecosystem. Physico-chemical parameters play a vital role for providing information about the water bodies and are expected to serve as tools for assessing their suitability for fish culture and human consumption. It is a fact that good water quality produces healthier humans than one with poor water quality. Nevertheless individual variations of water bodies caused by anthropogenic influences or variations in bottom structure and chemistry are other important features that bring drastic changes in medium and causes deterioration effects on biota in general and fish in particular (i.e. the physico-chemical characteristics of a water body exerts great effects on its biota). The wide fluctuations in abiotic variables have significant impact on biotic life. Lotic water bodies which are characterized by a continual downstream movement of dissolved substances a suspended material results in dynamic interaction between components of ecosystem. Human activities had been a major factor for creating most serious problems of water contamination and pollution. By the middle of 19th century most of the rivers become polluted and deterioration in water quality of surface water has become a matter of serious concern across the world and initiation of hydrobiological investigations taken place. The Kumaun region lies between latitudes, 28 44to30 49 N and longitudes 78 45 to 81 5 E. The peaks and valleys of Kumaun were well known in ancient times as the abode of Gods and Goddesses and source of the Ganga river. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 56 Among many large rivers, the GorigangaRiver is lying in Munsiyari Tehsil of the Pithoragarh District, part of Uttarakhand state in north India, falls between the latitudes 29\r 45 to 36\r 36 N and longitudes 79\r 59 to 80\r 45. The Goriganga river originates Milam glacier (3600 msl). Water from surface sources provides sustenance to plants and animals and constitutes the habitat for aquatic organisms and meets importance of agriculture and industrial needs. Many workers have worked on the assessment of water quality by conducting physico-chemical and biological analysis1-10. In the present study an attempt was made to assess the quality of water and hydrological behaviour using physico-chemical parameters of surface water of glacial fed mountainous Goriganga river. Material and MethodsPhysiography of the River: The Goriganga river originates from a dual source in a glacier near south of Untadhura ridge feeding the eastern branch and another glacier near Milam (3600 msl) feeding the western branch. The basin of Goriganga river is located in eastern Kumaun Himalaya ranges of Pithoragarh district and falls between the latitudes 29\r 45 to 36\r 36 N and longitudes 79\r 59 to 80\r 45 and forms remote part of Uttarakhand state. The breath taking beauty of Uttarakhand Himalaya, wide expenses of grassy meadow, perennial rivers roaring down the zig-zag course, a stupendous variety of flora and fauna, above all, pure nature unsullied, seem to beckon the beholder in to their folds in to a charmed world of virgin beauty. The total catchment area of the river is about 2230 Out of which 346 is snowbound11. Goriganga river is fed by numerous small ghaderas (Routis gad, Kwiri, Jimba gad, Pina gad, Pyunshi gadhera, Gokhla gad etc.), few big tributaries (Gossi gad –joins Goriganga at Baram; Shera gad–joins Goriganga at Shera ghat and Mandakni joins Goriganga at Madkot), hot springs and various seasonal nallahs and finally joins Kali river at Jauljibi which then defines Indo-Nepal boundary. The Goriganga valley is bound in the North by the Tibetan plateau and in the south-east by the kingdom of Nepal which is separated by river Kali. The valley represents three geological sub-divisions i,e lesser, greater and trans-Himalaya and is divided in to two parts; the upper Gori valley or Malla Johar and the lower Gori valley. The whole stretch of valley is about 100 km. and the Goriganga river runs through the entire length of the valley. The Goriganga valley is a remote part of Uttatakhand state, where access by road is very limited. Sampling and Analysis: Water samples were collected for physico-chemical analysis from three different sampling stations i.e. sampling station-1, Jauljibi (600MSL); sampling station -2, Baram (900MSL) and Sampling station -3, Madkot (1300MSL) figure-1. Monthly water samples were collected once in every month from July 2006 to June, 2008 for a period of two years. In order to maintain uniformity in physico-chemicals throughout the study period, the samples from three sampling station were collected from surface layers between 4-5 p.m at station-1; 9-10 a.m at station -2 and 3-5 p.m at station–3 during the last week of each month. Some physico-chemical characteristics like free Co, D.O, pH, temperature, velocity, conductivity have been determined at the sampling stations and for other chemical parameters, water samples were brought to the laboratories of Zoology Department S. S. J. Campus Almora for analysis according to the conventional standard methods of APHA12, Adoni13, Welch14, Michael15 and Trivedy and Goel16. The data of physico-chemical characteristics were analyzed statistically for getting mean, standard deviation and correlation co-efficient among them Prasad17. Figure-1 Location map showing the three sampling stations, Jauljibi-1 (600 msl), Baram-2 (900 msl) and Madkot-3 (1300 msl) in the Gorigana River of Kumaun Himalaya International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 57 Results and Discussion Ambient Temperature: The ambient temperature varies monthly, seasonally, yearly and altitudinally at different sampling stations in the catchment area of Goriganga river tables-1, 2 and figures-2, 3, 4, 5. The ambient temperature ranged from 11.5C to 32.7 C in the first year (2006-07) and 11.0 C to 32.0C in the second year table-1 and figures-2, 3. In the present study it was observed that the highest seasonal mean values of ambient temperature (30.1 C, 28.97C and 24.17C) were recorded in monsoon season whereas the lowest (19.3C, 18.9C and 14.85C) values were recorded in winter season at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively during 2006-07, table 2; while it was the highest in monsoon season (29.0C and 27.12C ) at spot-1 and spot-2 and (23.37C) in summer at spot-3 and the lowest values (17.95C, 17.0C and 13.75C) were recorded in winter at spot-1, spot 2 and spot-3, respectively in the second year table-2. The highest annual mean values of ambient temperature (24.64C and 23.96C) were recorded at spot-1 (Jauljibi) and the lowest annual mean values (19.22C and 19.62C) were recorded at spot 3 (Madkot) during first and second year (2006-07 and 2007-08), respectively in the present study table-1. It was also observed that ambient temperature in the catchment area of Goriganga river was higher in second year (2007-08) than the previous year (2006-07) and altitudinally, the ambient temperature increases from upstream to downstream in the present study table-1.The ambient temperature showed a positive significant correlation (r=0.91563 and r=0.888236) with water temperature figures-6, 7, (r = 0.903467 and r = 0.724711) with velocity of water figures 8, 9 and (r = 0.687907 and r = 0.538506) with free CO2 figures-10, 11 in the first year (2006-07) and in the second year (2007-08), respectively. While it showed negative significant correlation (r=-0.9319 and r=-0.90573) with dissolved oxygen figures-12, 13 first year (2006-07) and second year (2007-08), respectively in the present study.  \n \r\r\r\n  \n\r \r\r\r !"# $ $ $ Figure-2 Monthly variations in ambient temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07  \n \r\r\r\n  \n\r \r\r\r !"# $ $ $ Figure-3 Monthly variations in ambient temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Table-1 Monthly variations in ambient temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Ambient Temperature ( 0 C) July -2006-June- 2007 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi-1 (Spot-1) Baram-2 (Spot-2) Madkot-3 (Spot-3) Jauljibi-1 (Spot-1) Baram-2 (Spot-2) Madkot-3 (Spot-3) July 32.7 32.0 24.0 30.0 29.5 23.0 Aug 28.9 28.6 22.3 32.0 29.0 22.0 Sept 28.1 28.0 21.6 23.0 22.0 18.0 Oct 21.8 21.5 19.8 22.0 20.0 16.0 Nov 20.6 20.2 12.3 20.8 20.0 15.0 Dec 19.0 18.5 11.5 15.0 14.5 13.0 Jan 15.8 15.4 15.0 14.0 13.5 11.0 Feb 16.5 16.4 14.0 18.5 22.0 21.5 Mar 22.7 18.1 13.2 22.8 22.5 23.0 Apr 27.7 24.3 21.7 28.5 24.7 24.0 May 31.2 25.4 26.5 30.0 26.0 25.0 Jun 30.7 27.3 28.8 31.0 28.0 24.0 Mean 24.64 22.97 19.22 23.96 22.64 19.62 S.D. 5.943 5.384 5.862 6.275 5.190 4.810 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 58 Table-2 Seasonal variations in Ambient Temperature (C) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Seasons (A): Ambient Temperature ( 0 C) 2006-07 2007-2008 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Monsoon 30.1 28.97 24.17 29.0 27.12 21.75 Winter 19.3 18.9 14.85 17.95 17.0 13.75 Summer 24.52 21.05 18.8 24.95 23.8 23.37 %\r \r \r \n\r \r\r\r !"# $ $ $ Figure-4 Seasonal variations in ambient temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 %\r \r \r \n\r \r\r\r !"# $ $ $ Figure-5 Seasonal variations in ambient temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 & '()* + ' & '-)()(-)(-%\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-6 Correlation between ambient temperature and water temperature in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 & '/00* $ ('-)0 & '0-/)(-)(-%\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-7 Correlation between ambient temperature and water temperature in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 & '-)* + -'/) & '-('')'('-'')'('-1\r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-8 Correlation between ambient temperature and velocity of water in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 & '* + ' & ''')'('-'')'(1\r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-9 Correlation between ambient temperature and velocity of water in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 y = 2.1253x + 17.681 = 0.47321015202530350123456Free COAmbient temperature Ambient temperature Linear (Ambient temperature) Figure-10 Correlation between ambient temperature and free CO2 in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 59 & '-* + -') & '/''''))'\r\r " \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-11 Correlation between ambient temperature and free CO2 in the Goriganga river during 2008-09 & $'/--* + ')/ & '-(-))(-)\r2 * \r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-12 Correlation between ambient temperature and dissolved oxygen (D.O)in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 & $'/00* + )'( & '-)(-)(-\r2 * \r \n\r \r\r\r \n\r \r\r\r .\r !\n\r \r\r\r# Figure-13 Correlation between ambient temperature and dissolved oxygen (D.O)in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Water Temperature: The water temperature ranged from 7.1C to 18.9C in the first year (2006-07) and from 7.5C to 20.0C in the second year (2007-08) table-3 and figures-14, 15. The highest seasonal mean values of water temperature were recorded in monsoon season (18.07 C, 17.37 C and 16.32 C) and (19.2C, 16.25C and 14.87C) while the lowest seasonal mean values of the parameter were recorded in winter season (13.15 C, 10.55C and 8.67C) and (14.75C, 12.25C and 9.87C) at spot-1 (Jauljibi), spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot) during first year and second year, respectively table-4 and figures-16, 17. On the yearly basis, the highest annual mean (15.4C and 16.83C) of the water temperature was recorded at spot-1 (Jauljibi). While the lowest annual mean (12.06C, 12.25C) was recorded at Spot 3 (Madkot) during first and second year (2006-07 and 2007-8), respectively table-3 and figures-14, 15. Altitudinally water temperature increases from upstream to downstream in the river, Goriganga table-3. It was also observed that water temperature at surface level was higher in the second year (2007-08) than the previous year (2006-07) table-3 and figures-14, 15. Water temperature showed positive significant correlation with free CO (r=0.671261 and r=0.71903, figures-18, 19 and velocity of water (r=0.957946 and r=0.79697) figure-20, 21. While it showed negative significant correlation with dissolved oxygen (r=-0.96886 and r=-0.98445) figures-22, 23; alkalinity (r =-0.82622 and r=-0.80622) figures-24, 25 during first year (2006-07) and second year (2007-08), respectively in the present study. 101214161820JulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Months Water temperature (C) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-14 Monthly variations in water temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 10152025JulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunMonthsWater temperature (C) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-15 Monthly variations in water temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 60 Table-3 Monthly variations in water temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Water Temperature ( 0 C) July - 2006 - June - 07 July - 2007 - June - 2008 Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) July 17.8 17.5 16.5 18.8 18.0 15.5 Aug 17.7 17.6 16.6 20.0 17.0 15.0 Sept 18.9 18.6 16.7 19.0 15.0 14.0 Oct 15.7 12.6 12.0 18.0 15.0 12.0 Nov 13.4 10.2 8.1 15.0 13.0 10.0 Dec 12.5 10.0 7.5 13.0 10.0 9.0 Jan 11.0 9.4 7.1 13.0 11.0 7.5 Feb 12.5 11.0 9.5 14.5 12.5 11.5 Mar 15.5 12.3 9.7 16.5 14.0 11.0 Apr 15.3 13.2 11.9 17.2 14.2 12.5 May 16.6 14.8 13.7 18.0 14.5 14.0 Jun 17.9 15.8 15.5 19.0 15.0 15.0 Mean 15.4 13.58 12.06 16.83 14.1 12.25 S.D. 2.545 3.222 3.687 2.420 2.264 2.562 Table-4 Seasonal variations in Water Temperature (C) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Water Temperature( 0 C) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - 1 Spot - 2 Spot - 3 Spot - 1 Spot - 2 Spot - 3 Monsoon 18.07 17.37 16.32 19.2 16.25 14.87 Winter 13.15 10.55 8.67 14.75 12.25 9.87 Summer 14.97 12.82 11.2 16.55 13.8 12.25 101214161820MonsoonWinterSummerSeasonsWater temperature (C) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-16 Seasonal variations in water temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 10121416182022Spot-1Spot-2Spot-3SeasonsWater temperature (0C) Monsoon Winter Summer Figure-17 Seasonal variations in water temperature at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 y = 1.1769x + 11.134 = 0.45061012141618200123456Free COWater temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-18 Correlation between water temperature and free CO in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 y = 1.0977x + 11.957 = 0.51710121416182000.511.522.533.544.55Free COWater temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-19 Correlation between water temperature and free CO in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 61 y = 7.9929x + 5.0943 = 0.917710121416182000. Water temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-20 Correlation between water temperature and velocity in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 y = 5.6874x + 9.9271 = 0.635110121416182000. temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-21 Correlation between water temperature and velocity in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 y = -1.9463x + 30.897 = 0.938710121416182002468101214Dissolved oxygenWater temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-22 Correlation between water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 y = -0.9652x + 25.762 = 0.9691101214161820024681012141618Dissolved oxygenWater temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-23 Correlation between water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 y = -0.0779x + 23.716 = 0.6826101214161820020406080100120140160180200Alkalinity Water temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-24 Correlation between water temperature and alkalinity in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 y = -0.0856x + 25.41 = 0.65101214161820020406080100120140160180AlkalinityWater temperature Water temperature Linear (Water temperature) Figure-25 Correlation between water temperature and alkalinity in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 62 Conductivity: Conductivity of water depends upon the concentration of ions and the quality of its nutrients. Like other physico-chemical parameters, conductivity also showed monthly, seasonal and altitudinal variations in the water of a glacial fed mountainous Goriganga river of Kumaun Himalaya tables-5, 6 and figures-26, 27, 28, 29. The conductivity of Goriganga river was recorded in the range of 0.131 µScm- to 0.361 µScm- during first year (2006-07) and 0.058 µScm- to 0.322 µScm- during second year table-5 and figures-26, 27. During first year (2006-07), the values of conductivity fluctuated between 0.133 µScm- to 0.361 µScm- at Jauljibi, 0.139 µScm- to 0.358 µScm- at Baram and 0.131 µScm- to 0.352 µScm- at Madkot table-5 and figure-26. During second year (2007-08), the values of conductivity fluctuated between 0.076 µScm- to 0.322 µScm- at Jauljibi, 0.063 µScm- to 0.280 µScm- at Baram and 0.058 µScm- to 0.263 µScm- at Madkot table-5 and figure-27. Monthly the highest values of conductivity were recorded in the month of May (0.361 µScm-, 0.358 µScm- and 0.352 µScm-) and the lowest values of conductivity were recorded in the month of January (0.133 µScm-, 0.139 µScm- and 0.131 µScm-) at Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot, respectively during first year table-5 and figure-26. During second year (2007-08), the highest values of conductivity were recorded in the month of July (0.322 µScm-and 0.263 µScm-) at Jauljibi and Madkot, respectively and it was in the months of June and July (0.280 µScm-) at Baram, while the lowest values of conductivity were recorded again in the month of January (0.076 µScm-, 0.063 µScm- and 0.058 µScm-) at Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot, respectively in the study table-5 and figure-27. The highest annual mean values of conductivity were recorded at Jauljibi (0.260 µScm- and 0.192 µScm-) and the lowest annual mean values of the parameter were recorded at Madkot (0.250 µScm- and 0.143 µScm-) during first year and second year, respectively in the study table-5. During first year (2006-07), the highest seasonal mean values of conductivity were recorded in summer (0.318 µScm-, 0.315 µScm- and 0.308 µScm-), moderate in monsoon (0.267 µScm-, 0.262 µScm- and 0.251 µScm-) and the lowest values of conductivity were recorded in winter (0.194 µScm-, 0.197 µScm- and 0.190 µScm-) at Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot, respectively table-6 and figure-28. During second year (2007-08), the highest values of conductivity were recorded in monsoon (0.284 µScm-, 0.255v and 0.30 µScm-), moderate in summer (0.173 µScm-, 0.163 µScm- and 0.123 µScm-) and the lowest value of conductivity were recorded again in winter (0.118 µScm-, 0.089 µScm- and 0.075 µScm-) at Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot, respectively in the study table-6 and figure-29. Altitudinally, the annual mean values of conductivity showed an increasing trend from upstream to downstream, in other words it was observed that increased values of conductivity were recorded to the decreased elevation in the Goriganga river table-5. Statistically, the conductivity showed positive significant correlation with velocity (r=0.5262 and r=0.9272) figures-30, 31 during first year and second year, respectively in the present study. Table-5 Monthly variations in conductivity at three spots in the Goriganga River during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Conductivity (µScm- 1 ) July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 0.273 0.271 0.247 0.322 0.280 0.263 Aug 0.250 0.248 0.232 0.264 0.252 0.242 Sept 0.201 0.188 0.187 0.242 0.210 0.178 Oct 0.273 0.281 0.273 0.182 0.118 0.101 Nov 0.165 0.160 0.150 0.118 0.091 0.078 Dec 0.208 0.209 0.207 0.099 0.084 0.066 Jan 0.133 0.139 0.131 0.076 0.063 0.058 Feb 0.257 0.250 0.244 0.111 0.098 0.074 Mar 0.314 0.312 0.307 0.168 0.148 0.130 Apr 0.341 0.340 0.332 0.185 0.178 0.115 May 0.361 0.358 0.352 0.228 0.230 0.176 Jun 0.344 0.342 0.338 0.311 0.280 0.239 Mean 0.260 0.258 0.250 0.192 0.169 0.143 S.D. 0.071 0.073 0.073 0.082 0.079 0.074 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 63 Table-6 Seasonal variations in Conductivity (µScm-) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Conductivity (µScm- 1 ) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 0.267 0.262 0.251 0.284 0.255 0.230 Winter 0.194 0.197 0.190 0.118 0.089 0.075 Summer 0.318 0.315 0.308 0.173 0.163 0.123 '''''''') \n \r\r\r\n   "2 !3 $# $ $ $ Figure-26 Monthly variations in conductivity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 '''''''') \n \r\r\r\n   "2 !3 $# $ $ $ Figure-27 Monthly variations in conductivity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 '''''''%\r \r \r "2 !3 $# $ $ $ Figure-28 Seasonal variations in conductivity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 '''''''%\r \r \r "2 !3 $# $ $ $ Figure-29 Seasonal variations in conductivity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 & '-/* + '--0 & '0(/'''')''('0''1\r "2 "2 .\r !"2 # Figure-30 Correlation between conductivity and velocity in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 & '* $ ')/ & '-/0'''')''('0''1\r "2 "2 .\r !"2 # Figure-31 Correlation between conductivity and velocity in the Goriganga river during 2006-07pH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration): Hydrogen ion concentration expressed in terms of pH depends upon the amount of carbonate and free CO2 tension in the water. It is an important indicator that shows the acidic or alkaline nature of water. It is therefore, considered as an index of acidic, alkaline and neutral nature of water. The pH of water of Goriganga river was observed mostly alkaline at all the selected sites throughout the course of study. pH ranged from 7.0 to 8.87 in the first year (2006-07) and from 7.0 to 8.5 in the second year table-7 and figures-32, 33. pH values fluctuated between 7.38 (July) to 8.87 (March) at spot-1 (Jauljibi), 7.16 (June) to 8.61(October) at spot-2 (Baram) and International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 64 from 7.0 (September and March) to 8.5 (October, January and April) at spot-3 (Madkot) in the present study during first year table-7 and figure-32. During the subsequent year (2007-08), pH values fluctuated between 7.5 to 8.5 at spot-1 (Jauljibi), 7.0 to 7.5 at spot -2 (Baram) and from 7.0 to 7.5 at spot-3 (Madkot) in the Goriganga river table-7 and figure-33. The minimum values of pH (7.5) were recorded in all the months of the year except November and the maximum (8.5) value of pH was recorded in the month of November at spot-1 (Jauljibi); while spot-2 (Baram) showed the minimum values (7.0) in the months of July, September, October and February and maximum values (7.5) in August, November, December, January, March, April, May and June. At spot-3 (Madkot), the lowest values (7.0) of pH were in the months of July, August, October, February, March and May and the highest values of pH (7.5) were recorded in the months of September, November, December, January and June in the Goriganga river in the present study table 7 and figure-33. Seasonally, the high seasonal mean values of pH (8.41, 8.27 and 8.55) were recorded during the winter season and the low seasonal mean values of pH (7.64, 7.34 and 7.24) were recorded during the rainy season at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively during the first year table-8 and figure-34. During second year (2007-08), the high seasonal mean values of pH were recorded as: (7.75) in winter at spot-1, (7.37) in winter and summer equally at spot-2 and (7.5) in monsoon at spot-3, whereas the low seasonal mean values (7.5) in monsoon and summer equally at spot-1, (7.25) in monsoon at spot-2 and (7.05) in summer at spot-3 table-8 and figure-35. The highest annual mean values (8.07 and 7.58) were recorded at spot-1 (Jauljibi), while the lowest (7.70 and 7.22) annual mean values of pH were recorded at spot-3 (Madkot) during 2006-07 and 2007-08, respectively in the Goriganga River. Table-7. The data indicates the alkaline nature of Goriganga river and variations in the mean pH were relatively narrow among the selected sampling spots during the second year (2007-08). Altitudinally, pH increased from upstream to downstream in the present study table 7. Table-7 Monthly variations in pH at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months pH July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 7.38 7.42 7.12 7.5 7.0 7.0 Aug 7.67 7.29 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.0 Sept 7.76 7.5 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.5 Oct 8.8 8.61 8.5 7.5 7.0 7.0 Nov 8.14 8.39 7.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 Dec 8.29 8.04 7.72 7.5 7.5 7.5 Jan 8.43 8.15 8.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Feb 7.82 7.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 Mar 8.87 7.36 7.0 7.5 7.5 7.0 Apr 8.12 7.72 8.5 7.5 7.5 7.21 May 7.90 7.89 7.79 7.5 7.5 7.0 Jun 7.76 7.16 7.36 7.5 7.5 7.5 Mean 8.07 7.75 7.70 7.58 7.33 7.22 S.D. 0.454 0.463 0.566 0.288 0.246 0.249 Table-8 Seasonal variations in pH of water at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08pH of water Season 2006-2007 2007-2008 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Monsoon 7.64 7.34 7.24 7.5 7.25 7.5 Winter 8.41 8.27 8.55 7.75 7.37 7.37 Summer 8.17 7.61 7.82 7.5 7.37 7.05  \n \r\r\r\n 4 $ $ $ Figure-32 Monthly variations in pH at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 65  \n \r\r\r\n 4 $ $ $ Figure-32 Monthly variations in pH at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 ('0'-'%\r \r \r4 $ $ $ Figure-34 4.58 Seasonal variations in pH at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 ('(('-0'0')0'(0'- $ $ $ \r4  %\r \r Figure-35 4.58 Seasonal variations in pH at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08Alkalinity: The values of alkalinity ranged from 62 mg/l to 190 mg/l in the first year and from 84 mg/l to 180 mg/l in the second year table-9 and figures-36, 37. During first year (2006-07), the maximum values of alkalinity (170 mg/l, 190 mg/l and 190 mg/l) were recorded in the month of January at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively and the lowest values of alkalinity (64 mg/l and 62 mg/l) were recorded in the month of July at spot- 1 and spot-2, whereas it was in the month of August (82 mg/l) at spot-3 (table 4.5 and figures- 4.72). During second year (2007-08), the maximum value of alkalinity (170 mg/l) was recorded again in the month of January at spot-1, in January and March (148 mg/l) at spot-2 and in February (180 mg/l) at spot-3, while the lowest values of alkalinity (84 mg/l and 92 mg/l) were again recorded in the month of July at spot-1 and spot-3 while it was in the month of June (90 mg/l) at spot-2 in the present study table-9 and figure-37. Like other physico-chemical variables, alkalinity also showed monthly, seasonally, yearly and altitudinal variations in the present study tables-9, 10 and figures-36, 37, 38, 39. The highest seasonal mean values of alkalinity (148.5 mg/l, 157.5 mg/l and 157 mg/l) and (141 mg/l, 149 mg/l and 146 mg/l) were recorded in the winter season and the lowest seasonal mean values (96.25 mg/l, 100 mg/l and 99 mg/l) and (107.5 mg/l, 114 mg/l and 108 mg/l) were in the monsoon season at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 during first and second year, respectively in the study table-10 and figures-38, 39. On the yearly basis, the highest annual mean values of alkalinity (132.16 mg/l and 132.33 mg/l) were recorded at spot-3 (Madkot), while the lowest annual mean values of alkalinity (125.08 mg/l, 125.66 mg/l) were recorded at spot-1 (Jauljibi) in the first year (2006-07) and in the second year (2007-08), respectively in the present study table-9. Altitudinally, the annual mean values of alkalinity show an increasing trend from downstream to upstream (125.08 mg/l, 129.5 mg/l and 132.16 mg/l) in the first year and (125.66 mg/l, 128.16 mg/l and 132.33 mg/l) in the second year table-9. The annual mean values of alkalinity were slightly higher in second year than the first year in the study table-9. The alkalinity of water showed positive significant correlation with pH (r = 0.525275) in the first year figure-40 and nonsignificant (r = 0.173179) in the second year figure-41. )(-)(- \n \r\r\r\n \n5 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-36 Monthly variations in alkalinity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(-)(- \n \r\r\r\n \n5 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-37 Monthly variations in alkalinity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 66 Table-9 Monthly variations in alkalinity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Month Months Alkalinity (mg/l) July - 2006 - June - 07 July - 2007 - June - 2008 Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (S pot - 3) July 64 62 70 84 96 92 Aug 80 92 82 120 136 130 Sept 101 110 100 126 134 114 Oct 130 142 140 110 130 138 Nov 150 160 156 140 140 120 Dec 144 138 142 144 138 154 Jan 170 190 190 170 148 172 Feb 152 130 146 140 134 180 Mar 150 160 166 150 148 154 Apr 114 120 130 118 128 124 May 106 114 120 106 116 114 Jun 140 136 144 100 90 96 Mean 125.08 129.5 132.16 125.66 128.16 132.33 S.D. 32.219 33.662 34.530 24.163 18.575 28.062 Table-10 Seasonal variations in Alkalinity (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Alkalinity (mg/l) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 96.25 100 99 107.5 114 108 Winter 148.5 157.5 157 141 149 146 Summer 130.5 131 140.5 128.5 131.5 143 )(-)(-%\r \r \r\n5 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-38 Seasonal variations in alkalinity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(-)(%\r \r \r\n5 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-39 Seasonal variations in alkalinity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-09 & )'--* $ /') & '0/)(-)(-0'0')0'(0'---'-')-'(-'-4\n5 \n5 .\r !\n5 # Figure-40 Correlation between alkalinity and pH in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 & '(* $ /'0( & ')(-)(-0'0'0'0')0'0'(0'00'-0'/4\n5 \n5 .\r !\n5 # Figure-41 Correlation between alkalinity and pH in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Carbonate And Bicarbonate: Carbonates at all the spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river remained below the detection limit or mostly absent except few months (December, January, February and March) at spot-1, (December, January and March) at spot-2 and (December, January, February, March and April) at spot-3 during 2006-07 and (November and January) at spot-1, (November, January and February) at spot-2 and (October, November, December, January, February, March and April) at spot-3 during 207-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 67 table-11. Therefore, no clear cut pattern was discernible for the parameter. Bicarbonate was present throughout the study period at all the spots in the Goriganga river. The bicarbonate ranged from 62.00 mg/l to 180.00 mg/l in the first year (2006-07) and 84.00 mg/l to 170.00 mg/l in the second year table-12. The bicarbonate concentration in the Goriganga river has been fluctuated between 64.00 mg/l to 162.00 mg/l at spot-1, 62.00 mg/l to 180.00 mg/l at spot-2 and 70.00 mg/l to 180.00 mg/l at spot-3 in the first year table-12. The highest values of bicarbonate (162.00 mg/l, 180.00 mg/l and 180.00 mg/l) were recorded in the month of January and the lowest values (64.00 mg/l, 62.00 mg/l and 70.00 mg/l) of bicarbonate were observed in the month of July at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively in the first year table-12 and figure-42. In the second year (2007-08), it was fluctuated between 84.00 mg/l to 162.00 mg/l at spot-1, 90.00 mg/l to 148.00 mg/l at spot-2 and 92.00 mg/l to 170.00 mg/l at spot-3 in the present study table-12 and figure-43. Thehighest values of bicarbonate (162.00 mg/l) were recorded in the month of January at spot-1, (148.00 mg/l) in the month of March at spot-2 and 170.00 (mg/l) in the month of February at spot-3and the lowest values (84.00 mg/l and 92.00 mg/l) were recorded at spot-1 and spot-3 in the month of July, whereas it was (90.00 mg/l) at spot-2 in the month of June in the present study table-12 and figure-43. The highest seasonal mean values (145.00 mg/l, 153.5 mg/l and 153.00 mg/l) and (137.5 mg/l, 135.00 mg/l and 139.5 mg/l) were recorded in winter and the lowest seasonal mean values (96.25 mg/l, 100.00 mg/l and 99.00 mg/l) and (107.5 mg/l, 114.00 mg/l and 108.00 mg/l) of bicarbonate were recorded during monsoon at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 during first year (2006-07) and second year (2007-08), respectively table-14 and figures-44, 45. The highest annual mean was recorded as (129.5 mg/l) during 2006-07 and (128.5 mg/l) during 2007-08 at spot-3, while the lowest annual mean was recorded as (123.25 mg/l) in the first year and (124.5 mg/l) in the second year at spot-1 in the Goriganga river table-12. Altitudinally, bicarbonate concentration decreases from upstream to downstream (123 mg/l, 127.5 mg/l and 129.5 mg/l) in the first year (2006-07) and (124.5 mg/l, 126.5 mg/l and 128.5 mg/l) in the second year table-12. )(-)(- \n \r\r\r\n  7\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-42 Monthly variations in bicarbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(-)(- \n \r\r\r\n 7\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-43 Monthly variations in bicarbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Table-11 Monthly variations in Carbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Month Months Carbonate (mg/l) July - 2006 - June - 07 July - 2007 - June - 2008 Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) July nd nd nd nd nd nd Aug nd nd nd nd nd nd Se pt nd nd nd nd nd nd Oct nd nd nd nd nd 3.00 Nov nd nd nd 3.00 4.00 4.00 Dec 3.00 3.00 3.00 nd 0.00 3.00 Jan 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 Feb 2.00 nd 3.00 nd 2.00 5.00 Mar 2.00 4.00 3.00 nd nd 2.00 Apr nd nd 2.00 nd nd 3.00 May nd nd nd nd nd nd Jun nd nd nd nd nd nd Mean 0.91 1.00 1.33 0.58 0.83 1.91 S.D. 1.483 1.921 1.809 1.433 1.640 1.814 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 68 Table-12 Monthly variations in Bicarbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Month Months Bicarbonate (mg/l) July - 2006 - Ju ne - 07 July - 2007 - June - 2008 Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) July 64 62 70 84 96 92 Aug 80 92 82 120 136 130 Sept 101 110 100 126 134 114 Oct 130 142 140 110 130 132 Nov 150 160 156 134 132 112 Dec 138 132 136 144 138 148 Jan 162 180 180 162 140 166 Feb 148 130 140 140 130 170 Mar 146 152 160 150 148 150 Apr 114 120 126 118 128 118 May 106 114 120 106 116 114 Jun 140 136 144 100 90 96 Mean 123.25 127.5 129.5 124.5 126.5 128.5 S. D. 30.376 31.358 32.227 22.613 17.459 25.543 Table-13 Seasonal variations in Carbonate (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Carbonate (mg/l) Season 2006-2007 2007-2008 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Monsoon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Winter 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.75 2.00 3.25 Summer 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.5 2.5 Table-14 Seasonal variations in Bicarbonate (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08.BiCarbonate (mg/l) Season 2006-2007 2007-2008 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Monsoon 96.25 100.00 99.00 107.5 114.00 108.00 Winter 145.00 153.5 153.00 137.5 135.00 139.5 Summer 128.5 129.00 136.5 128.5 130.5 138.00 )(-)(-%\r \r \r 7\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-44 Seasonal variations in bicarbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(-)(%\r \r \r 7\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-45 Seasonal variations in bicarbonate at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08Free CO2:Free CO ranged from zero or absent to 6.0 mg/l during both the investigating years (2006-07 and 2007-08). Free CO values fluctuated between zero or absent to 6.0 mg/l at spot-1 (Jauljibi) and spot-2 (Baram) while it fluctuated from zero or absent to 4.0 mg/lat spot-3 (Madkot) in the Goriganga river during first year, 2006-07 table-15 and figure-46. The lowest or absent free CO was recorded in the months of December, January, February and March while the highest value (6.0 mg/l) of free CO2 was recorded in the month of October at spot-1 (Jauljibi); the lowest or absent free CO was recorded in the months of December, January and March, while the highest value (6.0 mg/l) were recorded in the months of September and May at spot -2 (Baram) and at spot-3 (Madkot), the lowest value or absent free CO was recorded in the months of December, January, February, March and April while the highest values (4.0 mg/l) were recorded in the months of September and May during first year in the study table-15 and figure-46. During the subsequent year (2007-08), free CO values fluctuated between zero or absent to 6.0 mg/l at spot-1 (Jauljibi) and spot -2 (Baram) while it fluctuated between zero or absent to 4.0 mg/l at spot-3 (Madkot) in the Goriganga river table 15 and figure- International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 69 47. The minimum or absent free CO2 was recorded in the months of November and January while the maximum value (6.o mg/l) was recorded in the month of September at spot-1 (Jauljibi); the minimum or absent free CO2 was recorded in the months of November, January and February at spot-2 (Baram) and at spot-3 (Madkot), the minimum or absent valueswere recorded in the months of October to April and the maximum value (4.0 mg/l) was recorded in the months of August and June in the Goriganga river in the present study table-15 and figure-47. The maximum seasonal mean values of free CO were recorded during the rainy season (3.05 mg/l, 3.0 mg/l and 2.05 mg/l) and (4.05 mg/l, 3.05 mg/l and 3.0 mg/l), while the minimum seasonal values of free CO2 were recorded in the summer season (2.0 mg/l, 1.05 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l) and (2.0 mg/l, 2.0 mg/l and 0.0 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 during first year and second year (2006-07 and 2007-08), respectively in the study table 16 and figures-48, 49. The highest annual mean values of the free CO2 (2.66 mg/l and 3.0 mg/l) were recorded at spot-1 (Jauljibi), while the lowest annual mean values (1.5 mg/l and 1.16 mg/l) of free CO were recorded at spot-3 (Madkot) during 2006-07 and 2007-08, respectively in the Goriganga river Table 15. On the basis of present data it was observed that higher concentration of free CO2 was observed in the study of first year (2006-07) as compared to the second year (2007-08) in the study table-15 and figures-46, 47. The values of free CO decreased from downstream to upstream in the Goriganga river (2.66 mg/l, 2.33 mg/l and 1.5 mg/) during first year (2006-07) and (3.0 mg/l, 2.5 mg/l and 1.16 mg/l) in the second year (2007-08) in the present study table 15.  \n \r\r\r\n \r\r " ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-46 Monthly variations in free CO at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07  \n \r\r\r\n \r\r " ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-47 Monthly variations in free CO at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08Table-15 Monthly variations in free co at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Free CO (mg/l) July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 Aug 4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 Sept 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 Oct 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 Absent Nov 4.0 2.0 2.0 Absent Absent Absent Dec Absent Absent Absent 4.0 4.0 Absent Jan Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Feb Absent 2.0 Absent 2.0 Absent Absent Mar Absent Absent Absent 2.0 2.0 Absent Apr 4.0 2.0 Absent 2.0 2.0 Absent May 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Jun 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 Mean 2.66 2.33 1.5 3.0 2.5 1.16 S.D. 2.146 2.059 1.507 1.809 1.930 1.585 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 70 Table-16 Seasonal variations in Free CO2 (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Free CO 2 (mg/l) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 3.05 3.0 2.05 4.05 3.05 3.0 Winter 2.0 1.05 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 Summer 2.05 2.05 1.0 2.05 2.0 0.5 '''')'%\r \r \r\r\r " ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-48 Seasonal variations in free CO at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 '''')'%\r \r \r\r\r " ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-49 Seasonal variations in free CO at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08Dissolved Oxygen (D.O): Dissolved oxygen is the most important factor that supports aquatic life and self purification capacity of water body in the high altitude rivers. Dissolved oxygen is the most important gas produced during photosynthesis by plankton and higher aquatic plants in an aquatic environment. It is thus, considered as an index functioning of biological and physical processes. The dissolved oxygen ranged from 5.6 mg/l to 12.0 mg/l in the first year and from 6.4 mg/l to 16.8 mg/l in the second year in the present study table-17 and figures-50, 51. The concentration of dissolved oxygen has shown substantial variations in Goriganga river fluctuated between 5.6 mg/l to 11.6 mg/l, 7.2 mg/l to 10.8 mg/l and 6.0 to 12.0 mg/l at spot-1 (Jauljibi), spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot), respectively, during first year table-17 and figure-50. While it has been fluctuated between 8.0mg/l to 16.8 mg/l, 6.4 mg/l to 16.0 mg/l and 9.6 mg/l to 16.8 mg/l at spot-1 (Jauljibi), spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot) respectively, during second year table-17 and figure-51. Monthly maximum values of dissolved oxygen were recorded in the month of January (11.6 mg/l, 10.8 mg/l and 12.0 mg/l) at spot-1 (Jauljibi), spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot), respectively and the minimum values were recorded in the month of September, (5.6 mg/l and 7.2 mg/l) at spot-1 (Jauljibi) and spot-2 (Baram), respectively, while it was minimum in the month of June (6.0 mg/l) at spot-3 (Madkot) during 2006-07 table-17 and figure- 50. During second year (2007-08), monthly maximum values of dissolved oxygen were recorded in the month of December (16.8 mg/l) at spot-1 (Jauljibi), and in January (16.0 mg/l and 16.8 mg/l) at spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot), respectively, and the minimum values were recorded in the month of July (8.0 mg/l, 6.4 mg/l and 9.6 mg/l) at spot-1 (Jauljibi), spot-2 (Baram) and spot-3 (Madkot), respectively table-17 and figure-51. Seasonally, low values of dissolved oxygen (6.8 mg/l, 7.5 mg/l and 6.85 mg/l) and (8.9 mg/l, 9.2 mg/l and 10.2 mg/l) were recorded during the monsoon and high values (9.7 mg/l, 9.4 mg/l and 10.9 mg/l) and (13.6 mg/l, 13.7 mg/l and 14.9 mg/l) were recorded during the winter season at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 during first and second year, respectively in the study table-18 and figures-52, 53. The highest annual mean values were recorded at spot-3 (9.31 mg/l and 12.83 mg/l), while the lowest annual mean values were recorded at spot-1 ( 8.36 mg/l and 11.03 mg/l) during 2006-07 and 2007-08, respectively table-17. On the yearly basis, second year (2007-08) recorded more dissolved oxygen content than the previous year table-17 and figures- 50, 51. In the study, altitudinally dissolved oxygen values (annual mean values) decrease from upstream to downstream in the Goriganga river (9.31 mg/l, 8.73 mg/l and 8.36 mg/l) at spot-3, spot-2 and spot-1, respectively in the year 2006-07, and (12.83 mg/l, 11.43 mg/l and 11.03 mg/l) at spot-3, spot-2 and spot-1, respectively in the year 2007-08 table-17. )(- \n \r\r\r\n  \r2 * \r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-50 Monthly variations in total dissolved oxygen (D.O) at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(- \n \r\r\r\n  \r2 * \r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-51 Monthly variations in total dissolved oxygen (D.O) at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 71 Table-17 Monthly variations in dissolved oxygen (D.O) at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 7.2 7.6 7.6 8.0 6.4 9.6 Aug 7.2 7.2 6.8 8.8 9.6 7.6 Sept 5.6 7.2 7.0 9.6 10.8 12.0 Oct 8.4 9.2 9.2 10.0 11.2 13.6 Nov 8.8 10.0 10.4 12.8 12.8 14.0 Dec 10.0 9.6 12.0 16.8 14.8 15.2 Jan 11.6 10.8 12.0 14.8 16.0 16.8 Feb 9.6 9.6 11.6 12.6 12.0 14.8 Mar 8.8 8.8 12.0 10.0 12.0 13.6 Apr 8.4 8.4 10.0 9.6 11.6 12.8 May 7.6 8.4 7.2 10.8 10.0 12.4 Jun 7.2 8.0 6.0 9.2 10.0 11.6 Mean 8.36 8.73 9.31 11.03 11.43 12.83 S.D. 1.576 1.142 2.308 2.642 2.486 2.486 Table-18 Seasonal variations in Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - 1 Spot - 2 Spot - 3 Spot - 1 Spot - 2 Spot - 3 Monsoon 6.8 7.5 6.85 8.9 9.2 10.2 Winter 9.7 9.4 10.9 13.6 13.7 14.9 Summer 8.6 8.54 10.2 10.75 11.4 13.4 Velocity: The velocity of Goriganga river ranged from 0.52 m/sec. to 1.72 m/sec. in the year 2006-07 and from 0.47 m/sec. to 1.61 m/sec. in the year 2007-08. The values of velocity of Goriganga river vary monthly, seasonally, yearly and spot-wise Tables 19, 20 and figures 54, 55, 56, 57. Monthly values of velocity of water of Goriganga river fluctuated between 0.52 m/sec.(January) to 1.67m/sec. (August) at spot-1; from 0.58 m/sec.(January) to 1.72 m/sec. (August) at spot-2 and from 0.60 m/sec.(December) to 1.63 m/sec. (August) at spot-3 during first year (July-2006 to June-2007) table 19 and Fig 54, while it fluctuated between 0.47 m/sec. (February) to 1.49 m/sec.(July) at spot-1, from 0.50 m/sec. (January) to 1.61 m/sec.(July) at spot-2 and from 0.49 m/sec. (February) to 1.38 m/sec.(July) at spot-3 during second year (from July-2007 to June-2008) Table 19 and figure-55. The velocity increased from February (0.83 m/sec., 0.83 m/sec.) to onwards and reached at the maximum in August (1.67 m/sec., 1.72 m/sec) at spot-1 and spot-2, respectively during 2006-07, while it increased from January (0.62 m/sec.) and reached at its peak in August (1.63 m/sec.) at spot-3 during the same year table-19 and figure-55. While during the second year (from July-2007 to June-2008), the values of velocity of water increased from March (0.50 m/sec. at spot-1), from February (0.56 m/sec. at spot-2) and from March (0.61 m/sec. at spot-3) and reached at maximum in July (1.49 m/sec. at spot-1;1.61 m/sec. at spot-2 and 1.38 m/sec. at spot-3) table-19 and figure-55. )(%\r \r \r \r2 * \r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-52 Seasonal variations in total dissolved oxygen (D.O) at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(%\r \r \r \r2 * \r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-53 Seasonal variations in total dissolved oxygen (D.O) at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 72 The highest values of velocity of water was in the month of August (1.67 m/sec. at spot-1; 1.72 m./sec. at spot-2 and 1.63 m/sec at spot-3) during first year table-19 and figure-54, while it was in the month of July (1.49 m/sec. at spot-1; 1.61 m/sec. at spot-2 and 1.38 m/sec. at spot-3) during second year (2007-08) table-19 and figure-55. Generally, the highest seasonal mean values of velocity of water at all selected sites were recorded, during rainy season followed by summer and minimum seasonal mean values were recorded in winter season during both the years, 2006-07 and 2007-08 table-20 and figures-56, 57. The annual mean values of velocity of water were higher during first year (1.04 m/sec., 1.14 m/sec. and 1.05 m/sec.) at spot-1, spots-2 and spots-3, respectively table 19 and figures-54, 55 as compared to the second year (0.76 m/sec., 0.85 m/sec. and 0.74 m/sec.) at spot-1, spot-2 and spots-3, respectively table-19 and figures 4.38, 4.39). During the entire course of the study it was observed that the velocity was higher at spot-2 than the rest of the two spots because of the higher gradients, in other words, the velocity of water of Goriganga river was the highest at spot-2 (Baram) in comparison to the river current at spot-3 (Madkot) and spot-1 (Jauljibi) due to the gradual increase in slope and decrease in latitude from Madkot to Jauljibi and changing phase of the geography of the river bed. It was also observed that high velocity during summer months might be because of melting of snow at the origin of the river. (m/sec) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-54 Monthly variations in velocity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 (m/sec) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-55 Monthly variations in velocity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Table-19 Monthly variations in velocity of water at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Velocity (m/sec) July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 1.43 1.53 1.43 1.49 1.61 1.38 Aug 1.67 1.72 1.63 1.0 1.08 0.98 Sept 1.25 1.43 1.51 0.81 0.88 0.78 Oct 1.11 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.68 0.61 Nov 0.58 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.60 0.54 Dec 0.56 0.62 0.60 0.50 0.66 0.50 Jan 0.52 0.58 0.62 0.49 0.50 0.50 Feb 0.83 0.83 0.76 0.47 0.56 0.49 Mar 0.90 0.83 0.83 0.50 0.67 0.61 Apr 1.11 1.25 1.11 0.64 0.75 0.61 May 1.33 1.43 1.00 0.71 0.81 0.85 Jun 1.25 1.51 1.25 1.38 1.47 1.13 Mean 1.04 1.14 1.05 0.76 0.85 0.74 S.D. 0.370 0.402 0.367 0.350 0.355 0.261 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 73 Table-20 Seasonal variations in Velocity of water (m/sec) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Velocity of water (m/sec) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 1.40 1.56 1.45 1.17 1.26 1.06 Winter 0.69 0.79 0.77 0.54 0.61 0.53 Summer 1.04 1.08 0.92 0.58 0.69 0.64 (m/sec) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-56 Seasonal variations in velocity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 (m/sec) Spot-1 Spot-2 Spot-3 Figure-57 Seasonal variations in velocity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Acidity: The values of acidity ranged from 5.0 mg/l to 30.0 mg/l in the first year and from 5.0 mg/l to 40.0 mg/l in the second year in the present study table-21. The values of acidity fluctuated between 7.5 mg/l (January) to 30.0 mg/l (August) at Jauljibi, 5.0 mg/l (February) to 30.0 mg/l (August) at Baram and 5.0 mg/l (February) to 22.5 mg/l (July) at Madkot during first year (2006-07), while it fluctuated between 7.5 mg/l (December) to 40.0 mg/l (July and August) at Jauljibi, 7.5 mg/l (November) to 35.0 mg/l (June and July) at Baram and 5.0 mg/l (November) to 30.0 mg/l (July) at Madkot during second year table-21 and figures-58, 59. In general, the acidity content of water at different spots in the Goriganga river was observed to be influenced by the seasons of the year and a rising trend was noticed from summer and reached peak during monsoon season in the present study table-22 and figures-60, 61. It was observed that the values of acidity were low (18.12 mg/l and 10.62 mg/l) at Jauljibi and Baram during the winter season, whereas at Baram (spot-2) the low values (13.75 mg/l) of acidity were recorded in summer season and the high values of acidity (23.67 mg/l, 23.05 mg/l and 19.37 mg/l) were recorded in monsoon season during first year, table-22 and figure-60. During second year (2007-08), the low values of acidity (13.75 mg/l, 12.5 mg/l and 9.37 mg/l) were recorded in winter season and the high values of acidity (30.62 mg/l, 26.87 mg/l and 20.0 mg/l) were recorded in monsoon season table-22 and figure-61. On the yearly basis, the highest annual mean values (19.9 mg/l and 19.29 mg/l) were recorded at Jauljibi (spot-1) and the lowest annual mean values (14.14 mg/l and 14.16 mg/l) were recorded at Madkot during first year (2006-07) and second year (2007-08), respectively in the present study table-21. It has been observed that acidity increases from upstream to downstream during the years, 2006-07 and 2007-08. Table-21 Monthly variations in acidity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Acid ity (mg/l) July - 2006 - June - 07 July - 2007 - June - 2008 Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) Jauljibi (Spot - 1) Baram (Spot - 2) Madkot (Spot - 3) July 25.0 25.0 22.5 40.0 30.0 30.0 Aug 30.0 30.0 20.0 40.0 25.0 17.5 Sept 17.2 17.2 15.0 17.5 17.5 1 2.5 Oct 22.5 25.0 10.0 15.0 22.5 15.0 Nov 20.0 20.0 12.5 22.5 7.5 5.0 Dec 22.5 20.0 10.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 Jan 7.5 12.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 Feb 15.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 12.5 12.5 Mar 22.5 20.0 17.2 12.5 10.0 7.5 Apr 15.0 15.0 12.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 May 20.0 15.0 15.0 17.5 20.0 17.5 Jun 22.5 20.0 20.0 25.0 35.0 20.0 Mean 19.9 18.72 14.14 19.29 17.70 14.16 S.D. 5.753 6.533 5.132 11.256 8.884 6.770 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 74 Table-22 Seasonal variations in Acidity (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Acidity (mg/l) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 23.67 23.05 19.37 30.62 26.87 20.0 Winter 18.12 19.37 10.62 13.75 12.5 9.37 Summer 18.12 13.75 12.42 13.75 13.75 13.12  \n \r\r\r\n \n2 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-58 Monthly variations in acidity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )) \n \r\r\r\n \n2 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-59 Monthly variations in acidity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 %\r \r \r\n2 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-60 Seasonal variations in acidity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 %\r \r\n2 ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-61 Seasonal variations in acidity at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Water Hardness: The hardness of water of Goriganga river ranged from 80 mg/l to 166 mg/l in the first year (2006-07) while it increased in the second year which range between 90 mg/l to 198 mg/l in the present study table 23 and figurts-62, 63. The values of hardness at different sampling spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river were observed, fluctuating month wise, season wise, year wise and altitudinally in the present study tables 23, 24 and figures-62, 63, 64, 65. Monthly, the highest values of hardness were recorded as, 166 mg/l and 156 mg/l in the month of September at spot-1 and spot-2 and 138 mg/l in the month of March at spot-3 during first year table-23 and figure-62, and the minimum values of hardness were recorded in the month of July (82 mg/l, 84 mg/l and 80 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 respectively table 23 and figure- 62. In the second year (2007-08), the highest values of hardness were recorded in the month of October (198 mg/l, 194 mg/l and 180 mg/l) whereas the lowest values of hardness were recorded in the month of June (90 mg/l, 92 mg/l and 90 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-2 respectively table-23 and figure-63. The data of seasonal mean values of hardness have shown an increasing trend from winter (135.5 mg/l and 117.5 mg/l) to summer (138.5 mg/l and 121.5 mg/l) at spot-1 and spot-3 and from summer (129 mg/l) to winter (133 mg/l) at spot-3 during first year table-24 and figure-64. In the subsequent second year (2007-08), it showed an increasing trend from monsoon (135.5 mg/l, 135 mg/l and 127.5 mg/l) to winter (162.5 mg/l, 159 mg/l and 149.5 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3 respectively table-24 and figure-65. It was also observed that highest seasonal mean values of hardness were recorded in summer (138.5 mg/l and 121.5 mg/l) at spot-1 and spot-3, whereas it was (133 mg/l) in winter at spot-3, while the lowest seasonal mean values were recorded in monsoon (124 mg/l, 120.5 mg/l and 107 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively during first year table-24 and figure-64. But in the second year (2007-08), the highest seasonal mean values were recorded in winter (162.5 mg/l, 159 mg/l and 149.5 mg/l) and the lowest seasonal mean values of hardness were recorded in summer (130 mg/l, 127 mg/l and 126.5 mg/l) at spot-1, spot-2 and spot-3, respectively in the present study table-24 and figure-65. On the yearly basis, the annual mean values of the concerned parameter were recorded to be the highest mean values (132.66 mg/l and 142.66 mg/l) at spot-1, whereas the lowest annual mean values of hardness (115.33 mg/l and 134.5 mg/l) were recorded at Madkot during first and second year International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 75 respectively in the present study table-23. The data at different sampling stations also indicated that the few abrupt changes in the first year than in the second year. Altitudinally, the hardness of water has been increasing from upstream to downstream in the present study table-23. It was also observed that hardness of water at different spots in the Goriganga river was higher during second year (2007-08) than the previous year table-23 and figures-62, 63. )(-)(- \n \r\r\r\n 42\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-62 Monthly variations in hardness at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07  \n \r\r\r\n 42\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-62 Monthly variations in hardness at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 )(-)(%\r \r \r42\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-64 Seasonal variations in Hardness at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 )(-)(-%\r \r \r42\r ! 6# $ $ $ Figure-65 Seasonal variations in Hardness at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2007-08 Table-23 Monthly variations in water hardness at three spots in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Months Water Hardness (mg/l) July -2006-June- 07 July-2007-June-2008 Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) Jauljibi (Spot-1) Baram (Spot-2) Madkot (Spot-3) July 82 84 80 112 114 110 Aug 162 152 132 172 160 140 Sept 166 156 132 168 174 170 Oct 150 140 124 198 194 180 Nov 152 142 126 174 166 154 Dec 138 134 116 140 140 130 Jan 102 116 104 138 136 134 Feb 146 136 128 144 136 138 Mar 148 136 138 140 136 138 Apr 152 140 120 130 124 126 May 108 104 100 106 112 104 Jun 86 90 84 90 92 90 Mean 132.66 127.5 115.33 142.66 140.33 134.5 S.D. 27.778 23.558 19.151 31.337 28.943 25.882 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 55-76, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 76 Table-24 Seasonal variations in Water hardness (mg/l) at three spots (Jauljibi, Baram and Madkot) in the Goriganga river during 2006-07 and 2007-08Water hardness (mg/l) Season 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Spot - Monsoon 124 120.5 107 135.5 135 127.5 Winter 135.5 133 117.5 162.5 159 149.5 Summer 138.5 129 121.5 130 127 126.5 Acknowledgement My sincere appreciation goes to the Head, Department of Zoology, Kumaun University, Soban singh Jeena Campus Almora for providing necessary laboratory facilities. The author is also very much grateful to Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology (UCOST) Dehradun for providing financial assistance and authorities of Kumaun University for providing all the facilities and encouragement. 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