International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 1 Diversity and Distribution of mangroves of Kundapura, Udupi District, Karnataka, Southwest Coast of India Vijaya Kumar K.M.1* and Vijaya KumaraDepartment of Zoology, Bhandarkars’ Arts and Science College, Kundapura-576 201, INDIA Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Wildlife and Management, Bioscience Block, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta-577 451, INDIA Available online at:, Received 16th August 2014, revised 23rd January 2015, accepted 22nd February 2015 Abstract The present study documents the diversity and distribution of true mangroves and their associates, from four sampling stations ofKundapura, Udupi district, Karnataka, Southwest Coast of India. These four sampling points selected along the backwaters of the river Haladi. Nine true mangrove floral species belonging to six families and ten mangroves associated floral species belonging to nine families were identified. In order to study the distribution pattern of mangrove species, Quadrate analysis was adopted. This paper highlights the need of present study to further gain knowledge about the mangrove flora in order to help the conservation of mangrove ecosystem. Keywords:Diversity, True mangroves, Mangrove floral species, Quadrate analysis, Conservation. Introduction Mangroves are coastal wetland forests established at the intertidal zones of estuaries, backwaters, deltas, creeks, lagoons, marshes and mudflats of tropical and subtropical latitudes. Mangrove forests are among one of the world’s most productive tropical ecosystems. They are endowed with rich and diverse living resources that provide forestry and fishery products to a large human population. Mangrove as, “a tree, shrub, palm or ground fern, generally exceeding one and half metre in height, and which normally grows above mean sea level in the intertidal zone of marine coastal environments, or estuarine margins”. The word mangrove has traditionally been used to describe either the total community or the individual tree/bushes, growing in the clayey, silty, inter-tidal coastal zones, deltaic and estuarine coasts and backwaters/sheltered regions, in the tropical/subtropical belts of the world. Mangrove forests serve as ecotones between land and sea and elements from both are stratified horizontally and vertically, between the forest canopy and subsurface soil Mangroves play an important role in the functioning of adjacent ecosystems, including terrestrial wetlands, peat swamps, salt marshes, sea grass beds and coral reefs Material and methods Study area: Our study area was at Kundapura, 445 kilometers west of Bangalore and 36 kilometers north of Udupi, at 13° 37' 24" N latitude and 74° 41' 30" E longitude and maximum elevation of 18 m asl. Four study sites along the coastline of Kundapura were separated by approximately five kilometers. The study sites are islands along the backwaters of the Haladi River. Table-1 Study sites Study sites Latitude Longitude Elevation Site-1.Herikudru 13°38'28"N 74°42'01"E 28' Site-2.Uppinakudru 13°39'21"N 74°41'59"E 25' Site-3.Jaladi 13°39'41"N 74°42'16"E 16' Site-4.Hemmadi 13°40'46"N 74°41'20"E 32' Data collection and curation: Regular surveys were made along the beaches, deltaic regions, river channels and the mouth of estuaries to explore the successful results of the true mangroves and their associates. The mangroves and mangrove associated vegetation were plucked during their flowering and fruiting seasons for identification and took photographs with the help of camera. The nomenclature of the specimens followed7,8. Community analysis: Community analysis is carried out in rainy season when majority of the plants are at the peak of their growth. In each study sites, 10 quadrats of 10 m X 10 m (100 sq m) size are randomly laid on to study the tree and shrub species. The tree species include all the saplings, poles and trees present in the study area. The herbaceous species is studied through 15 quadrats of 1m X 1m (1sq m) size randomly in each study site. Quantitative analysis: The important quantitative analysis such as density, frequency, and abundance of tree species, shrubs and herbs species are determined. Density: Density is an expression of the numerical strength of a species where the total number of individuals of each species in all the quadrates is divided by the total number of quadrates studied. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 2 Figure-1 Map showing the geographical location of study sites Density is calculated by the equation: Total number of individuals of a species in all quadrates Density = Total number of quadrates studied Frequency (%): This term refers to the degree of dispersion of individual species in an area and usually expressed in terms of percentage occurrence. It was studied by sampling the study area at several places at random and recorded the name of the species that occurred in each sampling units. It is calculated by the equation: Number of quadrates in which the species occurred X 100 Frequency (%) = Total number of quadrates studied After determining the percentage frequency of each species, various species are distributed among the five frequency classes as shown in the table-2. Abundance: It is the study of the number of individuals of different species in the community per unit area. By quadrates method, samplings are made at random at several places and the number of individuals of each species was summed up for all the quadrates divided by the total number of quadrates in which the species occurred. It is represented by the equation: Total number of individuals of a species in all quadrates Abundance = Total number of quadrates in which the species occurred Table-2 Frequency (%) and Frequency classSl. No. Frequency (%) Frequency class 1 0-20 A 2 21-40 B 3 41-60 C 4 61-80 D 5 81-100 E Results and Discussion Nine true mangrove floral species of six families and ten mangroves associated floral species of nine families are identified with the inundated and adjacent regions in the study area. Frequency, density and abundance of true mangroves and mangrove associates are recorded. Similar observations are reported in Kumbalam Island of Kerala10 The study site is an island along the back waters of the river Haladi. The area is dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, followed by Excocaria agallocha, Avicennia officinalis and in the borders Acanthus ilicifolius. A few trees of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegicerus corniculatum, Kandelia candel, Rhizophora apiculata, Sonneratia alba were recorded. Mangrove associates such as Acrostichum aureum, Chlerodendron inerme, Derris trifoliata, Caesalpinia crista, Ipomoea pes-carpae, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Aeluropus lagopoidesand Fimbristylis ferruginea were recorded. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 3 Table-3 Site-1 Frequency, density and abundance of true mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down (10mX10m) = 10 Density Frequency Frequency class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Avicennia officinalis 72 7.2 100 E 7.2 2 Rhizophora mucronata 178 17.8 100 E 17.8 3 Rhizophora apiculata 11 1.1 40 B 2.75 4 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 34 3.4 70 D 4.85 5 Kandelia candel 30 3.0 100 E 3.0 6 Sonneratia alba 37 3.7 90 E 4.11 7 Aegicerus corniculatum 31 3.1 100 E 3.1 8 Acantus ilicifolius 52 5.2 100 E 5.2 9 Excocaria agallocha 82 8.2 100 E 8.2 Table-4 Site-2 Frequency, density and abundance of true mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(1mX1m)=15 Density Frequency Frequency class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Chlerodendron inerme 15 1 40 B 2.5 2 Derris trifoliata 64 4.26 87 E 4.92 3 Dalbergia spinosa - - - - - 4 Acrostichum aureum 40 2.66 33 B 8 5 Ipomoea pes-carpae 14 0.93 33 B 2.8 6 Pandanus odoratissimus - - - - - 7 Sesuvium portulacastrum 10 0.66 33 B 2 8 Caesalpinia crista 16 1.06 60 C 1.77 9 Aeluropus lagopoides 1503 100.2 40 B 250.5 10 Fimbristylis ferruginea 1211 80.73 40 B 201.83 Figure-2 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of true mangrove floral species 20406080100120DensityFrequencyAbundance Avicennia officinalis Rhizophora mucronata Rhizophora apiculata Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Kandelia candel Sonneratia alba Aegicerus corniculatum Acantus ilicifolius Excocaria agallocha International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 4 Figure-3 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of true mangrove floral speciesFrequency: The frequency of true mangroves, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata, Kandelia candel, Aegicerus corniculatum, Acantus ilicifolius, Excocaria agallocha shown 100% and positioned in class E, Sonneratia alba shown 90% and positioned in class E, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza shown 70% and positioned in class D, Rhizophora apiculata shown 40% and positioned in class B. The frequency of associated mangrove floral species, Derris trifoliata shown 87% and positioned in class E, Caesalpinia crista shown 60%and positioned in class C, Chlerodendron inerme, Aeluropus lagopoides, and Fimbristylis ferruginea shown 40%, Acrostichum aureum, Ipomoea pes-carpae, and Sesuvium portulacastrum shown 33% and positioned in class B. Density: The density analysis of true mangroves reveals that, Rhizophora mucronata is the densest species having the value 17.8, whereas Excocaria agallocha 8.2, Avicennia officinalis having 7.2, Acantus ilicifolius 5.2 and Sonneratia alba 3.7 followed by Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 3.4, Aegicerus corniculatum 3.1, Kandelia candel 3.0, Rhizophora apiculata 1.1. The density analysis of associated mangroves reveals that, Aeluropus lagopoides having the value 100.2, Fimbristylis ferruginea 80.73, Derris trifoliata 4.26, Acrostichum aureum 2.66, Caesalpinia crista 1.06, Chlerodendron inerme , Ipomoea pes-carpae 0.93, and Sesuvium portulacastrum 0.66. Abhundance: Analysis of the abundance of true mangroves shows that, Rhizophora mucronata (17.8) is the most abundant species. Avicennia oficinalis (7.2), Excocaria agallocha (8.2), Acantus ilicifolius (5.2), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (4.85), Sonneratia alba (4.11), Aegicerus corniculatum (3.1), Kandelia candel (3.0), Rhizophora apiculata (2.75) Analysis of the abundance of associated mangroves shows that, Fimbristylis ferruginea (201.83), Aeluropus lagopoides (250.5), Acrostichum aureum (8), Derris trifoliata (4.92), Ipomoea pes-carpae (2.8), Chlerodendron inerme (2.5), Sesuvium portulacastrum (2),Caesalpinia crista (1.77).Table-5 Site-3 Frequency, density and abundance of true mangrove floral species Sl.No Species Quadrates laid down(10mX10m)=10 Density Frequency Frequency class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Avicennia officinalis 74 7.4 100 E 7.4 2 Rhizophora mucronata 220 22 100 E 22 3 Rhizophora apiculata - - - - - 4 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 23 2.3 70 D 3.28 5 Kandelia candel 19 1.9 60 C 3.16 6 Sonneratia alba 13 1.3 40 B 3.25 7 Aegicerus corniculatum 37 3.7 60 C 6.16 8 Acantus ilicifolius 38 3.8 80 D 4.75 9 Excocaria agallocha 47 4.7 60 C 7.83 50100150200250300DensityFrequencyAbundance Chlerodendron inerme Derris trifoliata Dalbergia spinosa Acrostichum aureum Ipomoea pes-carpae Pandanus odoratissimus Sesuvium portulacastrum Caesalpinia crista Aeluropus lagopoides Fimbristylis ferruginea International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 5 Table-6Site-4 Frequency, density and abundance of true mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(1mX1m)=15 Density Frequency FrequencyClass Abundance Total number of plants 1 Chlerodendron inerme 22 1.46 73.33 D 2 2 Derris trifoliata 40 2.66 86.66 E 3.07 3 Dalbergia spinosa - - - - - 4 Acrostichum aureum 14 0.93 46.66 C 2 5 Ipomoea pes-carpae 18 1.2 40 B 3 6 Pandanus odoratissimus 5 0.33 20 A 1.66 7 Sesuvium portulacastrum 15 1 53.33 C 1.87 8 Caesalpinia crista 21 1.4 80 D 1.75 9 Aeluropus lagopoides 2642 176.13 66.66 D 264.2 10 Fimbristylis ferruginea 2361 157.4 53.33 C 295.12 Figure-4 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of true mangrove floral species Figure-5 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species 20406080100120DensityFrequencyAbundance Avicennia officinalis Rhizophora mucronata Rhizophora apiculata Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Kandelia candel Sonneratia alba Aegicerus corniculatum Acantus ilicifolius Excocaria agallocha 50100150200250300350DensityFrequencyAbundance Chlerodendron inerme Derris trifoliata Dalbergia spinosa Acrostichum aureum Ipomoea pes-carpae International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 6 The study site is an island along the back waters of the river Haladi. This area is being completely under the tidal influx. There are several mangrove patches measuring about 1 to 4 acres. The area is completely dominated by Rhizophora mucronata with good growth, followed by Avicennia officinalis, Excocaria agallocha, Acanthus ilicifolius, Aegicerus corniculatum, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,Kandelia candel, and Sonneratia alba. Mangrove associates such as Acrostichum aureum, Chlerodendron inerme, Derris trifoliata, Ipomoea pes-carpae, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Pandanus odoratissimus, Aeluropus lagopoides, Caesalpinia crista and Fimbristylis ferruginea were recorded during the study period. Frequency: On analyzing the frequency of true mangroves, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata shows 100% are positioned in class E, Acantus ilicifolius shows80%, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza shows 70% are positioned in class D, Kandelia candel, Aegicerus corniculatum, Excocaria agallocha shows 60% are positioned in class C, Sonneratia alba shows 40% are positioned in class B. On analyzing the frequency of associated mangroves, Derris trifoliata shows 86.66% are positioned E, Caesalpinia crista shows 80%, Chlerodendron inerme shows 73.33%, and Aeluropus lagopoides shows 66.66% are positioned in class D, Sesuvium portulacastrum shows53.33%,Fimbristylis ferruginea shows53.33%, and Acrostichum aureum shows 46.66%, are positioned in class C, Ipomoea pes-carpae shows40% are positioned in class B, Pandanus odoratissimus 20% are positioned in class A. Density: The density analysis of true mangroves reveals that, Rhizophora mucronata is the densest species having the value 22, Avicennia officinalis 7.4, Excocaria agallocha 4.7, Acantus ilicifolius 3.8, Aegicerus corniculatum 3.7, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 2.3Kandelia candel 1.9, Sonneratia alba 1.3. The density analysis of associated mangroves reveals that, Aeluropus lagopoides 176.13, Fimbristylis ferruginea 157.4, Derris trifoliata 2.66, Chlerodendron inerme 1.46, Caesalpinia crista 1.4, Ipomoea pes-carpae 1.2, Sesuvium portulacastrum 1, Acrostichum aureum 0.93, and Pandanus odoratissimus 0.33. Abhundance: Analysis of the abundance of true mangroves shows that, Rhizophora mucronata (22) is the most abundant species. Excocaria agallocha (7.83), Avicennia officinalis (7.4),Aegicerus corniculatum (6.16), Acantus ilicifolius (4.75),Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (3.28), Sonneratia alba (3.25), Kandelia candel (3.16). Analysis of the abundance of associated mangroves shows that, Fimbristylis ferruginea 295.12, Aeluropus lagopoides 264.2, Derris trifoliata 3.07, Ipomoea pes-carpae 3, Acrostichum aureum 2, Chlerodendron inerme 2, Sesuvium portulacastrum 1.87, Caesalpinia crista 1.75, and Pandanus odoratissimus 1.66. Table-7 Site-1 Density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(10mX10m) = 10 Density Frequency Frequency class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Avicennia officinalis 70 7 100 E 7 2 Rhizophora mucronata 390 39 100 E 39 3 Rhizophora apiculata 25 2.5 50 C 5 4 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 32 3.2 60 C 5.33 5 Kandelia candel 40 4 80 D 5 6 Sonneratia alba 33 3.3 80 D 4.22 7 Aegicerus corniculatum 50 5 60 C 8.33 8 Acantus ilicifolius 84 8.4 90 E 9.33 9 Excocaria agallocha 40 4 30 B 13.33 Table-8 Site-2 Density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(1mX1m)=15 Density Frequency Frequency Class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Chlerodendron inerme 77 5.13 73.33 D 7 2 Derris trifoliata 121 8.06 86.66 E 9.30 3 Dalbergia spinosa 4 0.26 6.66 A 4 4 Acrostichum aureum 43 2.86 33.33 B 8.6 5 Ipomoea pes-carpae 50 3.33 26.66 B 12.5 6 Pandanus odoratissimus - - - - - 7 Sesuvium portulacastrum - - - - - 8 Caesalpinia crista 12 0.8 20 A 4 9 Aeluropus lagopoides 3620 241.33 40 B 603.33 10 Fimbristylis ferruginea 3541 236.06 40 B 590.16 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 7 Figure-6 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species Figure-7 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral speciesIt is an area covering the backwaters of the river Haladi. This area is known as Jaladi or Rajadi bridge and is completely under tidal influence. In view of this situation there is a good formation of mangroves. The trees here are about 70 years old. In frequently, patches of land have been planted by Rhizophora mucronata and Avicenni afficinalis to protect their agricultural fields from erosion and floods. Totally about 20-25 acres of land is reserved for mangrove regeneration. The area is completely dominated by pure formations of Rhizophora mucronata and on the borders Acanthus ilicifolius was seen measuring 2m in height. Only a few trees of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Avicennia officinalis, Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora apiculata and Kandelia candel are observed. Excocaria agallocha is found sparsely distributed along the banks. Aegicerus corniculatum is found distributed in groups in association with Acanthus ilicifolius. Mangrove associates such as Acrostichum aureum, Dalbergia spinosa, Chlerodendron inerme, Derris trifoliata, Ipomoea pes-carpae, Aeluropus lagopoides, Caesalpinia crista and Fimbristylis ferruginea were recorded during the study period. Frequency: On analyzing the frequency of true mangroves, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata shows 100%, Acantus ilicifolius shows 90% are positioned in class E, Kandelia candel, Sonneratia alba 80% are positioned in class D, Rhizophora apiculata 50%, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegicerus corniculatum 60% are positioned in class C, 20406080100120DensityFrequencyAbundance Avicennia officinalis Rhizophora mucronata Rhizophora apiculata Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Kandelia candel Sonneratia alba Aegicerus corniculatum Acantus ilicifolius Excocaria agallocha 100200300400500600700DensityFrequencyAbundance Chlerodendron inerme Derris trifoliata Dalbergia spinosa Acrostichum aureum Ipomoea pes-carpae Pandanus odoratissimus Sesuvium portulacastrum Caesalpinia crista Aeluropus lagopoides Fimbristylis ferruginea International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 8 Excocaria agallocha, 30% are positioned in class B. On analyzing the frequency of associated mangroves, Derris trifoliata shows 86.66% are positioned in class E, Chlerodendron inerme shows 73.33% are positioned in the class D, Fimbristylis ferruginea 40%, Aeluropus lagopoides 40%, Acrostichum aureum 33.33%,and Ipomoea pes-carpae 26.66%are positioned in the class B, Caesalpinia crista 20%, and Dalbergia spinosa 6.66% are positioned in the class A. Density: The density analysis of true mangroves reveals that, Rhizophora mucronata is the densest species having the value 39, followed by Acantus ilicifolius 8.4, Avicennia officinalis , Aegicerus corniculatum , Kandelia candel , Excocaria agallocha , Sonneratia alba 3.3, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 3.2, Rhizophora apiculata 2.5. The density analysis of associated mangroves reveals that, Aeluropus lagopoides 241.33, Fimbristylis ferruginea 236.06, Derris trifoliata 8.06, Chlerodendron inerme 5.13, Ipomoea pes-carpae 3.33, Acrostichum aureum 2.86, Caesalpinia crista 0.8, and Dalbergia spinosa 0.26. Abhundance: Analysis of the abundance of true mangroves shows that, Rhizophora mucronata (39) is the most abundant species, Excocaria agallocha (13.33), Acantus ilicifolius (9.33), Aegicerus corniculatum (8.33), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (5.33),Rhizophora apiculata and Kandelia candel (5), Sonneratia alba (4.22). Analysis of the abundance of associated mangroves shows that, Aeluropus lagopoides 603.33, Fimbristylis ferruginea 590.16, Ipomoea pes-carpae 12.5, Derris trifoliata 9.30, Acrostichum aureum 8.6, Chlerodendron inerme 7, Dalbergia spinosa and Caesalpinia crista Table-9 Site-3 Density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(10mX10m)=10 Density Frequency Frequency class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Avicennia officinalis 63 6.3 100 E 6.3 2 Rhizophora mucronata 360 36 100 E 36 3 Rhizophora apiculata 8 0.8 50 C 1.6 4 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 28 2.8 50 C 5.6 5 Kandelia candel 4 0.4 20 A 2 6 Sonneratia alba - - - - - 7 Aegicerus corniculatum 18 1.8 60 C 3 8 Acantus ilicifolius 94 9.4 100 E 9.4 9 Excocaria agallocha 18 1.8 50 C 3.6 Table-10Site-4 Density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species Sl. No Species Quadrates laid down(1mX1m)=15 Density Frequency Frequency Class Abundance Total number of plants 1 Chlerodendron inerme 23 1.53 40 B 2.83 2 Derris trifoliata 172 11.46 100 E 11.46 3 Dalbergia spinosa - - - - - 4 Acrostichum aureum 30 2 13.33 A 15 5 Ipomoea pes-carpae - - - - - 6 Pandanus odoratissimus - - - - - 7 Sesuvium portulacastrum - - - - - 8 Caesalpinia crista 25 1.66 73.33 D 2.27 9 Aeluropus lagopoides 3335 222.33 40 B 555.83 10 Fimbristylis ferruginea 3491 232.73 40 B 581.83 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 9 Figure-8 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral speciesFigure-9 Graph showing the density, frequency and abundance of associated mangrove floral species The study site is a riverine bank along the back waters of the river Haladi and the area is completely under the tidal influence. Good formations of mangroves were recorded. This area is dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, and Avicennia officinalis. Acanthus ilicifolius is seen all along the banks reaching to a height of 2 metres, in association with Aegicerus corniculatum. Excocaria agallocha, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Kandelia candel are found sparsely distributed along the banks. Mangrove associates such as Acrostichum aureum, Chlerodendron inerme, Derris trifoliata, Aeluropus lagopoides, Caesalpinia crista and Fimbristylis ferruginea were recorded during the study period. 20406080100120DensityFrequencyAbundance Avicennia officinalis Rhizophora mucronata Rhizophora apiculata Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Kandelia candel Sonneratia alba Aegicerus corniculatum Acantus ilicifolius Excocaria agallocha 100200300400500600700DensityFrequencyAbundance Chlerodendron inerme Derris trifoliata Dalbergia spinosa Acrostichum aureum Ipomoea pes-carpae Pandanus odoratissimus Sesuvium portulacastrum Caesalpinia crista Aeluropus lagopoides Fimbristylis ferruginea International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 4(3), 1-11, March (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 10 Frequency: On analyzing the frequency of true mangroves, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata, Acantus ilicifolius, shows100% are positioned in class E, Aegicerus corniculatum shows 60% are positioned in class C, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Excocaria agallocha shows 50% are positioned in class C, Kandelia candel shows 20% are positioned in class A. On analyzing the frequency of associated mangroves, Derris trifoliata shows 100% are positioned in the class E, Caesalpinia crista shows73.33% are positioned in the class D, Chlerodendron inerme 40%, Aeluropus lagopoides 40%, and Fimbristylis ferruginea 40% are positioned in the class B, Acrostichum aureum 13.33%, are positioned in the class A. Density: The density analysis of true mangroves reveals that, Rhizophora mucronata is the densest species having the value 36, followed by Acantus ilicifolius 9.4, Avicennia officinalis 6.3, Aegicerus corniculatum 1.8, Kandelia candel 0.4, Excocaria agallocha 1.8, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 2.8, Rhizophora apiculata 0.8. The density analysis of associated mangroves reveals that, Fimbristylis ferruginea 232.73, Aeluropus lagopoides 222.33, Derris trifoliata 11.46, Acrostichum aureum 2, Caesalpinia crista 1.66, and Chlerodendron inerme 1.53. Abhundance: Analysis of the abundance of true mangroves shows that, Rhizophora mucronata (36) is the most abundant species, followed by Acantus ilicifolius (9.4), Avicennia officinalis (6.3), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (5.6), Excocaria agallocha (3.6), Aegicerus corniculatum (3), Kandelia candel (2), and Rhizophora apiculata (1.6). Analysis of the abundance of associated mangroves shows that, Fimbristylis ferruginea 581.83), Aeluropus lagopoides (555.83), Acrostichum aureum 15), Derris trifoliata (11.46), Chlerodendron inerme (2.83), and Caesalpinia crista (2.27). Conclusion The rich diversity of mangrove species were seen in all the selected sites, this is due to availability of suitable habitat, low lying marshy land, brackish water with low salinity and the addition of fresh water from various rivers, channels and canals favour the growth and development of this vegetation. Saenger et al (1983) have summarized the role of fresh water on the mangrove ecosystem. Blasco (1984) suggested that both temperature and rainfall are the two essential bioclimatic factors for mangrove and other terrestrial ecosystems. The edaphic factor with the micronutrients, rainfall, temperature, humidity and pH of water also favour the growth and development of mangroves (N. Balachandran et al. 2009). Acknowledgement The author thanks the University Grants Commission, New Delhi for financial support, and the authorities of Bhandarkars’ Arts and Science College, Kundapura for the facilities provided.References 1.Arun T. Ram and Shaji C.S., Diversity and distribution of mangroves in Kumbalam Island of Kerala, India, IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 4(4), 18-26 (2013) 2.Blasco F., Climatic factors and the biology of mangrove plants. In Snedaker, S. and J. Snedaker, eds. The mangrove ecosystem: Research methods, UNESCO/SCOR, Paris, 18–35, (1984) 3. Brij Gopal and Chauhan Malavika , Biodiversity and conservation in the Sundarban mangrove ecosystem. Aquatic Science, 68, 338-354, (2006)4. Debnath H.S. and Naskar K.R., A comparative study on the mangroves and associated flora in the Ganga delta (Sunarbans) and Bay Islands (Andaman and Nicobar). In: D. N. Guhabakshi, P. Sanyal and K. R. Naskar (eds.), Sundarbans Mangal. 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