International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 32 Diversity of Water birds in Koothapar Periyakulam Wetland in Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu, IndiaTeneson R. and Ravichandran C. Department of EnvironmentalSciences, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 7th August 2015, revised 15th September 2015, accepted 20th October 2015 AbstractThe present study was undertaken to study the diversity of waterbirds in Koothapar Periyakulam wetland during August 2013 to July 2014.Fourty three species of waterbirds were observed in the wetland which belongs to 7 orders and 14 families. Five thousand six hundred and seventy one individual numbers of waterbirds and 33 species were recorded during December 2013. Water birds belong to the order: Peliconiformes, Charadriiformes, Anseriform, Gruiformes and of the families: Ardeidae, Anatidae, Rallidae, Scolopacidae, Threskiornithidae were recorded with high number of species in the wetland. “Threatened” and “near threatened” species were also recorded. This study reveals that Koothapar Periyakulam wetland acts as a refuge site for many waterbirds including wader, waterfowl and many migratory and threatened species. Hence, it is recommended that protection of the wetland from the human disturbance is of urgent need. Keywords: Ecosystem, macro flora, migratory bird, productivity, wader and water fowl. Introduction Waterbirds and wetlands are inseparable elements. Birds inhabiting wetlands for feeding, breeding, nesting or roosting are broadly defined as water birds. These waterbirds are essential component of the food web and nutrient cycles of the wetland ecosystems. Abundance of waterbirds in a particular wetland mainly depends on availability of food, nesting sites and predation risk. It is considered as a good bioindicators and useful models of the wetlands for studying the various environmental problems. Wetlands are the main custodians of the water birds6,7. Due to high nutritional value and productivity, it attracts the huge number of migratory and resident bird species. Among the various habitats, wetlands are considered as one of the most threatened one in the world. During the last century the world has lost over 50% of wetlands due to various human influences, and the remaining of them have been declined because of various human activities10. Wetlands in India face tremendous anthropogenic pressure mainly due to discharging of domestic sewage, discharging of industrial effluent, dumping of solid waste, over exploitation of their natural resources and conversion of wetlands in to barren lands. This resulted in biodiversity loss and disturbance of the wetland services11. A recent study has shown about 38% loss of inland wetland in India during 1971 to 200112. This loss of wetlands has dangerously reduced the availability stop over sites for migrating birds and has increased the importance of remaining wetlands to migrants as well as nesting species12Changes in the habitat condition may affect the relative abundance of bird species composition13. However, studying of waterbirds in a wetland are excellent indicators of water quality and measures of biodiversity. As no detailed study on waterbirds of Koothapar Periyakulam wetlands is available, this study was undertaken to determine the diversity of the waterbirds. Study Area: Koothapar Periyakulam (1047’50”N; 7846’16”E) is one of the important seasonal wetland which supplies water for irrigation. It acts as a feeding and breeding ground for many waterbirds and wetland dependent birds. In 1998, this wetland was prioritized as an important one by SAACON14. It is about 15 Km far away from Tircuhirappalli, Tiruchirappalli district, Tamilnadu, India (figure-1). This wetland receives water from Uyyakondan channel, the distributary of river Cauvery. The total area covering of the wetland is 74 hectares. Fish farming is another use of the wetland. Eichornia crassipes was the dominant macro flora covering the wetland. Hunting, fishing, open defecation, sewage discharging, solid waste dumping are the common human activities found in and around the wetland. Material and MethodsThe present study was carried out from August 2013 to July 2014. Birds were recognised in the field by using Bushnell (12x50 mm) binoculars and various field guides15-18. Birds were counted by the “direct count” and “total count” methods. In “direct count” method a suitable vantage point was selected and all the visible birds were counted. Another method “total count” was used wherever possible, by walking around the wetlands or from specific vantage points to count the birds. Systematically this survey was conducted in morning around 6.00 hrs to 10.00 hrs. Water depth was measured by the help of wooden scale. The water and atmospheric temperature was measured by using thermometer and sling psychrometer. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 33 Results and Discussion The list of observed waterbirds and their details are presented in the table–1. Monthly variations of individual waterbirds and their species richness are present in the figures-2 and 3. Percentage of various ecological groups, residential groups, feeding groups are presented in the figures-4 to 6. Water depth and temperature are presented in the figures-7 and 8. Table–1 Water birds present in Koothapar Periyakulam wetlandCommon Name Scientific Name Order Family Status Feeding Habits Ecological Group Grey heron Aredea cinerea (Linnaeus, 1758) Pelecaniformes Ardeidae LM CV Wader Purple heron Ardea purpurea(Linnaeus, 1766) Pelicaniformes Ardeidae LM CV Wader Purple moorhen Porphyrio porphyrio(Linnaeus, 1758) Gruiformes Rallidae R OM Swimmer Large egret Ardea alba (Linnaeus, 1758) Pelicaniformes Ardeidae LM CV Wader Little cormorant Microcarbo niger (Vieillot, 1817) Pelicaniformes Phalacrocoracidae LM CV Diver Indian pond heron Ardeola grayii(Sykes,1832)Pelicaniformes Ardeidae R CV Wader Pheasant – tailed jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus(Scopoli, 1786) Charadriiformes Jacanidae R OM Wader Median egret Mesophoyx intermedia(Wagler, 1827) Pelecaniformes Ardeidae RM P Wader Common red shank Tringa totanus(Linnaeus, 1758) Charadriiformes Scolopacidae RM IN Wader Black headed ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus(Latham, 1790) Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae RM IN Wader Black winged stilt Himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus, 1758) Charadriiforme Recurvirostridae R IN Wader Red wattled lapwing Vanellus indicus(Boddaert, 1783) Charadriiformes Charadriidae R IN Wader Great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo(Linnaeus, 1758) Pelecaniformes Phalacrocoracidae LM CV Swimmer International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 34 Common Name Scientific Name Order Family Status Feeding Habits Ecological Group Indian sagh Phalacrocorax fuscicollis (Stephens, 1826) Pelecaniformes Phalacrocoracidae RM P Swimmer Painted stork Mycteria leucocephala(Pennant, 1769) Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae RM P Wader Common teal Anas crecca(Linnaeus, 1758) Anseriformes Anatidae M HE Swimmer White - breasted water hen Amaurornis phoenicurus (Pennant, 1769) Gruiformes Rallidae R OM Wader Little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis(Pallas, 1764) Podicipediformes Podicipedidae R IN Diver Darter or snake bird Plotus anhinga(Linnaeus, 1766) Suliformes Anhingidae LM CV Diver Common coot Fulica atra(Linnaeus, 1758) Gruiformes Rallidae LM OM Diver Spot bill duck Anas poecilorhyncha(Forster, 1781) Anseriformes Anatidae LM HE Swimmer Northern pintail duck Anas acuta(Linnaeus, 1758) Anseriformes Anatidae M HE Swimmer Lesser whistling duck Dendrocygna javanica(Horsfield, 1821) Anseriformes Anatidae R OM Swimmer Glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus(Linnaeus, 1766) Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae RM IN Wader Common tern Sterna hirundo(Linnaeus, 1758) Charadriiformes Sternidae LM CV Aerial forager Marsh sand piper Tringa stagnatilis(Bechstein, 1803) Charadriiformes Scolopacidae M IN Wader Common green shank Tringa nebularia(Gunnerus, 1767) Charadriiformes Scolopacidae M IN Wader White bellied heron Ardea insignis(Hume, 1878) Pelecaniformes Ardeidae M CV Wader Common moorhen Gallinula chloropus(Linnaeus, 1758)Gruiformes Rallidae WM OM Swimmer International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 35 Common Name Scientific Name Order Family Status Feeding Habits Ecological Group Northern shoveller Anas clypeata(Linnaeus, 1758)Anseriformes Anatidae WM OM Swimmer Spot billed pelican Pelecanus philippensis(Gmelin, 1789)Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae M P Swimmer Eurasian Spoon bill Platalea leucorodia(Linnaeus, 1758)Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae M IN Wader Asian-open billed stork Anastomus oscitans(Boddaert, 1783)Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae R CV Wader Yellow wattled lapwing Vanellus malabaricus(Boddaert, 1783)Charadriiformes Charadriidae R/LM IN Wader Oriental White ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus (Lantham 1790) Ciconiiformes Threskiornithidae LM P Wader Whiskered tern Chlidonias hybridus(Pallas, 1811)Charadriiformes Sternidae M CV Aerial forager Black crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax(Linnaeus, 1758)Pelecaniformes Ardeidae R CV Wader Comb duck Sarkidiornis melanotos(Pennant, 1769)Anseriformes Anatidae WM OM Swimmer Eurasian wigeon Anas penelope(Linnaeus, 1758)Anseriformes Anatidae WM HE Swimmer Garganey Anas querquedula(Linnaeus, 1758)Anseriformes Anatidae M HE Swimmer Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis(Linnaeus, 1758)Ciconiiformes Ardeidae LM CV Wader Common sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos(Linnaeus, 1758)Charadriiformes Scolopacidae R/WM CV/IN Wader Little ringed plover Charadrius dubis (Scopoli, 1786) Charadriiformes Chardriidae M CV/IN Wader R – Resident; M – Migrant; RM – Resident Migrant; LC- Local Migrant; WM- Winter Migrant; CV – Carnivores; IN – Insectivores; OM – Omnivores; P – Piscivores International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 36 Figure-1 Koothapar Periyakulam Wetland Figure-2 Total number of individual waterbirds in the wetland during 2013 - 2014 1357087093300567135071910418712087161220646 Total no. of waterbirds International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 37 Figure-3 Total number of species in Koothapar wetland during 2013 - 2014 Figure-4 Percentage of various ecological groups of water birds during 2013 – 2014 121916233329282419151618 No. of bird species 56%30%5%9% Wader Swimmer Areal forager Diver International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 Figure-5 Percentage of various residential groups of waterbirds in Koothapar wetland during 2013 - 2014 Figure-6 Percentage of various feeding groups of waterbirds in Koothapar wetland during 2013 – 2014 27%27%13%22%11% Local migrant Resident Resident migrant Migrant Winter migrant 33%18%11%27%11% Carnivores Omnivores Piscivores Insectivores Herbivores International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 39 Figure-7 Average water depth of Koothapar wetland during 2013 – 2014 Figure-8 Variations of atmospheric and water temperature in Koothapar wetland during 2013-14 Water Depth 10152025303540Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyoC Wet Dry Water Temp International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 40 Koothapar wetland attracts many waterbirds includes migrants, local migrants, waterfowls, swimmers, divers, waders and several threatened and near threatened species. During the study, 43 species of waterbirds were observed in the wetland which belong to 7 orders and 14 families, which contain various ecological, residential and feeding groups. Maximum bird species was recorded in the wetlandbelonging toOrder Peliconiformes, Charadriiformes, Anseriform and Gruiformes and of the families Ardeidae, Anatidae Rallidae, Scolopacidae and Threskiornithidae.The waterbird abundance and species richness of the wetland fluctuated during different months and the seasons. In December the maximum of 5671 individual number of waterbirds belonging to 33 species were recorded in the wetland. During the same month the maximum water level and minimum temperature (water and atmosphere) were also recorded. This was due to heavy rains and inflow of the channel water during Northeast Monsoon (November and December). The water level of the wetland increased towards the winter and decreased towards the summer. This could be the possible reason for attracting high number of waterbirds especially of migratory birds and waterfowl during December. Various studies reported that water level and the bird abundance are inter-related19. Migratory waterbirds are the remarkable components of the wetland. The presence of a large number of migratory birds in a particular wetland makes charismatic20. These birds connect continents and countries. Therefore it is considered as an excellent environmental indicator at both global and local scales21. Next to the waders and the swimmers, 22% of migratory birds were present in the wetland. They included: Eurosian spoon bill (Platalea leucorodia), Common teal (Anas crecca), Marsh sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis), Common green shank (Tringa nebularia), White bellied heron (Ardea insignis), Northern pintail duck (Anas acuta), Spot billed pelican Pelecanus philippensis), Whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus). Eleven percent of the birds were winter migrants such as Norther shoveller (Anas clypeata), Common sand piper (Actitis hypoleucos), Comb duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos), Eurosian wigeon (Anas penelope) and Common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus).The selection pattern of the wetland by migratory birds is based on their feeding and breeding demands for maintaining their physiological requirements22. They feed on rich protenesious food in winter. About 56% of waders and 30% of swimmers were dominating the wetland. Carnivore and insectivore guild were the major feeding guilds in the study area. Water fowls are another important waterbirds found in the wetland which often concentrates where the natural foods are abundant23. Their migratory behavior and seasonal distributions are facing great challenge due to changes in climate and water quality and quantity24. Eight species of waterfowls such as Spott-billed pelican Pelecanus philippensis, Commen teal Anas crecca, Spott-billed duck Anas poecilorhyncha, Northern pintail duck Anas acuta, Lesser whistling duck Dendrocygna javanica, Northern shoveller Anas clypeata, Comb duck Sarkidiornis melanotos, Garganey Anas querquedula, Eurasian wigeon Anas penelope were observed in the wetland. Waterfowls are known as Swans, Geese, and Ducks belonging to the family Anatidae, of which Teals are smallest one25. Large number of duck populations can act as a barometer of the wetlands which indicate the health of the surrounding environment24. More than 60 individuals of Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis a “Globally threatened” species were recorded during April to July in the wetland. “Near threatened” Darter Anhinga rufa, Oriental white ibis Threskiornis melanocephalusPainted stork Mycteria leucocephalaGlossy Ibis Plegadisfalcinellus, Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia and Little Egret Egretta garzetta breed in this wetland. These are the remarkable species of the wetland. Heronry species namely Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Purple Heron Ardeapurpurea, cormorants Phalacrocorax spp., Cattle Egret Bubulcusibis, Little Egret Egretta garzetta and Large or Great Egret Casmerodius albus were recorded. Vegetation cover was also recorded in the wetland. Eichornia crassipes, the most spreaded and dominant weed plant was found in the wetland. It acts as sheltering and foraging area for the waterbirds such as Jacanas and Moorhens25. The Acacia nilotica trees are the major nesting places for the waterbirds. Other trees namely Neem tree Azadirachta indica, Portia treeThespesia populnea, Banyan tree Ficus benghalensis, Peepal tree Ficus religiosa, Asian palmyra palm Borassus flabellifer, Golden Shower Cassia fistula, Red date Zizyphus jujuba, Indian Ash Lannea coromandelica were identified around the wetland. Thus this wetland is an important habitat for many migratory and several threatened and near threatened waterbirds. Besides hunting, solid waste dumping near the wetland, open defecation, sewage discharges were some of the human activities found in the wetland. It is recommended to plant high number of acacia tree that would attract high diversity of waterbirds in the wetland. Conclusion Koothapar Periyakulam wetland acts as a feeding and breeding ground for many waterbirds such as migratory birds, waterfowl, wader, swimmer, diver and threatened bird species. Globally threatened Spot billed pelican was one of the remarkable species found in the wetland. Many bird species like Little grebe, Northern pintail duck, Spot billed duck, Common teal, whistling duck, Herons, Egrets, Cormorants, Jacanas, Terns, Lapwings, Common coot, White breasted water hen, Purple moorhen, Painted stork, Comb duck, Eurosian wigieon, Garganey, and Eurosian spoon bill were found to be dominating and bulk of the waterbirds sighted at this wetland. Hence Koothapar periyakulam wetland is ecologically very important for several taxa of water birds especially migratory birds, waterfowls and threatened species. It is recommended that necessary action be undertaken to conserve this important International Research Journal of Environment Sciences _____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 4(11), 32-41, November (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 41 wetland: Planting large number of Acacia nilotica species. Prohibition of Hunting in the wetland. Banning of solid waste dumping near the wetland. 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