International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 15 Invertebrate Fauna in Flyash Discharge PondShrivastava Lekhikaand Shrivastava ShikhaDepartment of Zoology, Govt. V. Y. T. P. G. Auto. College, Durg, Chhattisgarh, INDIA Available online at:, Received 26th May 2014, revised 5th July 2014, accepted 20th July 2014 AbstractFly ash is a by-product. It was produced during the coal combustion process at high temperature in thermal power plants. This fly ash is disposed-off outside of the power-plant in fly ash dyke in form of slurry. Fly ash discharge pond is made for the discharged water storage and settlement of the slurry to allow it to drain in natural water body. Present research work deal with the presence of invertebrates’ community in fly ash discharge pond. To study the invertebrate community, fly ash discharge pond was divided into 5 zones and samples were collected with the help of nets and sieves of different mesh sizes. Physico-chemical parameters of pond were also tested. During the study period of two years, presence of Protozoan, Rotifers and Arthropods were reported in fly ash discharge pond. Keywords: Fly ash, fly ash discharge pond, invertebrates, protozoa, rotifers. IntroductionFauna, on basis of their habituating medium, are classified as aquatic, terrestrial and avian which are again divided in vertebrate and invertebrates. Among all these life forms water is the foremost where life starts as a single cell known as Koaservate, and protozoans are supposed to be the first to appear, Aquatic medium always have a rich and versatile life form. Though many water bodies have been studied earlier like the ground water and also for estuary in India, but no work has been done for fly ash water till now. As we know fly ash is a byproduct produced during coal combustion at high temperature and its properties depends on the feed coal and combustion condition and no life form is reported yet in this hot slurry. Thorat and Charde, in 2013, studied the physico-chemical parameters of Kanhan river after receiving fly ash disposed water, but it was only a physico-chemical study and no biological form were discussed. Excess water from the slurry is collected in a manmade pond; The fly ash discharge water pond, which gets water from ash dyke as main source all over the year. Chemically this water is very different from normal fresh water ponds. But in our study we have reported that this type of water is also supporting life, some submerged, long weeds also grow in this pond. Local people and labours use this water for their daily chores; this water gets affected not only through atmospheric factors as wind and monsoon etc. but also by anthropogenic activities. All these factors become reason for invasion of life forms. This invaded fauna may be invertebrates or vertebrates. As we know from previous studies, some protozoan and grasshopper were already reported in wet slurry4,6. So it was possible to find these organisms in this pond also. Though some work on fly ash habituating animals has been done but no data was available for invertebrate fauna in this type of water till now, thus this study was undertaken. Present work was done during January 2010 to December 2011 at Dhanras village in Korba district. Korba is the largest fly ash producer in Chhattisgarh state8 Material and Methods The physiochemical parameters and fauna identification, both were done in monthly manner. To test physiochemical properties of fly ash discharge water samples were collected and preserved in sterile plastic bottles. Temperature ,pH tested on the spot and BOD, COD, DO, Hardness, Sulphate, Phosphate and Chloride tested in lab by standard method followed by APHA and Work book on limnology by Adoni et al10. To study invertebrate fauna in fly ash discharge water pond, samples were collected from five stations as following: Station A: inlet point, Station B: pond bank at right from inlet, Station C: pond bank at left side from inlet, Station D: outlet of pond, Station E: middle portion of pond. Sampling was done at most probable biological point of each station, with the help of planktonic net and sieves of different mesh size. Lugol solution and formalin solution were used for sample preservation during study. Some samples without preservative were also taken to lab for culture. Observation for (invertebrates) sample was done with the magnifying glasses and compound research microscope at 45 X 10 and 45X 15 magnification and photographs were also taken with the help of camera attachment system. All collected invertebrate fauna were identified by Endmson11 and with help of subject experts. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 16 Results and Discussion Physiochemical parameters help to assess the water quality which affects directly the inhibitating fauna12. Every organism has their own niche that’s why they are marked as bio-indicator in limnology13. Any kind of contamination in water body creates changes the physiochemical aspects and relative composition of inhibitating organisms14. Walia et al, studied some physiochemical parameters of fly ash pond and river Yamuna. They reported slightly high temperature, where river was received effluents from thermal power plant15. In the ground water study the pH was above 7.8 in Motiram Adda and 8.41 in Gahira Gaon16, while in our study mean value of pH was recorded 7.72 during 2010 and 8.12 during 2011 in fly ash discharge pond. The present study showed the physic-chemical parameters of fly ash discharge water pond. The Temperature was stable between 27 OC to 30 C but it reached to 39 OC to 40 OC at the time of receiving hot discharge from dyke . pH was at the range of 7.72 to 8.12 but increased to 11-12 at a time of receiving discharge from dyke. Hardness was 74.72 in 2010 and increased in 2011 to 103.23; BOD and COD both increased in 2011 but DO decreased in 2011; Ion concentration of sulphate, phosphate and chloride increased in 2011, table 1. In Morocco Mounjid with his co-workers studied the physicochemical and microbiological quality of river water at Oued Bouskoura but no invertebrate and rotifers reported by him17. Table-1 Physiochemical parameter of fly ash discharge water pond (2010 and 2011) S. No. Physiochemical Parameters Year 2010 Year 2011 Mean value Mean value 1 Temparature 0 C 27.00 29.83 2 Ph 7.72 8.12 3 Hardness (mg/l) 74.72 103.23 4 BOD (mg/l) 2.77 3.4 5 COD (mg/l) 19.27 20.00 6 DO (mg/l) 7.44 6.26 7 Sulphate (mg/l) 3.28 5.99 8 Phosphate (mg/l) 0.34 0.82 9 Chloride (mg/l) 16.49 19.58 In present study total 36 species of invertebrates belonging from only 3 phyla were found in fly ash discharge water during study period of 2 years. This study reveals the presence of only 3 phyla of invertebrates as I – protozoa; II – Rotifera; III – Arthropoda, table 2. We found pseudopodia, flagellates, ciliates protozoan’s. Whereas in some earlier studies, Arthropoda as Dipterans’ and cyclopedia’s were also reported with Cladocera and Copepod in waters receiving industrial effluent14. Table-2 Invertebrates Phyla in Fly ash Discharge Water Pond (January 2010 to December 2011) Sharma et al. in 2013 reported Annelids, Arthropods’, and Mollusks’ in normal pond water18 but there is no Annelids and molluscan found in fly ash discharge water pond during our study period. Spencer D.F. with his coworkers’ in1983, studied the water quality of lake in relation to zooplanktonic community structure after the fly ash treatment. They were found alteration in inhibitating Cladocerance community structure after the fly ash treatment19. In the present study phylum protozoa, showed highest number of species with 22 is species and Rotifera and Arthropoda both had only 7 species of invertebrates. All organism of above stated phylum had reported 19 genus of protozoa, 5 genus of Rotifera and 5genus of Arthropoda phyla. As reported in fly ash discharge pond ,protozoa is the major and dominant phylum followed by rotifer and Arthropoda,while in Tighra reservoir the Rotifera were dominant on protozoa20. In fly ash discharge pond, the Protozoan’s, Paramecium and Spirostomum genus had 2 species and other genus reported only 1 species (table 3); Phylum Rotifera had three species of keretella and other genus had only one species of Philodina, Epiphanus, Eosphora and Proalonopisis, table 3. Phylum Arthropoda 3 species of Monia genus and Daphnia, Macrothrix, Nauplis larvae, Cyclopes reported only one species present in fly ash discharge water pond. S.No. Invertebrate Phylum According to Classification Invertebrate Species FADP 1 Protozoa 22 species 2 Porifera nil 3 Cnidaria nil 4 Ctenophora nil 5 Mesozoa nil 6 Platyhelminthes nil 7 Nemertini nil Rotifera 7 species 8 Aschelminthes nil 9 Acanthocephala nil 10 Entoprocta nil 11 Annelida nil 12 Echiurida nil 13 Sipunculida nil 14 Arthropoda 7species 15 Mollusca nil 16 Priapuloidea nil 17 Bryozoa nil 18 Phoronida nil 19 Brachiopoda nil 20 Pogonophora nil 21 Echinodermata nil International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 17 Table-3 Invertebrate found in Fly ash discharge water pond Stations Year 2010 Year 2011 S.No. Invertebrate Phylum Invertebrate found in fly ash discharge pond A BA B I Protozoans 1 Amoeba species + + + + + + + + + + 2 Mastigamoeba Reptans + -- + -- -- + -- + -- -- 3 Mastigella simplex + -- + -- -- + -- + -- -- 4 Bodopsis godboldi -- + + -- -- -- + + -- -- 5 Bodo caudatus -- + + + -- -- + + + -- 6 Arcella vulgaris -- + + -- -- -- + + -- -- 7 Clathrulina elegans + + + + -- -- + + -- -- 8 Urotricha species -- + + + -- -- + + + -- 9 Askenasia volvox -- + -- -- -- -- + -- -- 10 Didinum nasutum -- + + -- -- -- + + -- -- 11 Dogiella minuta -- + + -- -- -- + + -- -- 12 Chilodonella species -- + + + + -- + + + + 13 Paramecium caudatum -- -- + -- -- -- + + + + 14 Paramecium Multimicronucleatum + + + + -- + + -- -- -- 15 Frontoria leucas -- -- + -- + -- + + + + 16 Spirostomum minus -- -- + -- -- -- + + + -- 17 Spriostomum teres -- --- + -- -- -- + + + -- 18 Condylostoma species -- + + -- -- -- + + + -- 19 Stenor roseli -- -- + -- -- -- + + -- -- 20 Stylonchia mytilus -- + + -- -- -- + + + + 21 Euplotes patella -- --- + -- -- -- + + + + 22 Vorticella campanula -- -- + -- -- -- + + -- -- II Rotifers 1 Keratella species -- + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- 2 Keratella cochlearis -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 Keratella earlinae -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- -- 4 Philodina rocelli + + + -- -- + + + -- -- 5 Epiphanes macrourus -- + + + -- -- -- + -- -- 6 Eosphora species -- + + + -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 Proalinopsis caudatus -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IIIAthropods 1 Monia species -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- -- 2 Monia brachiata -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 Monia dubia -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 Dephnia species -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5 Macrothrix spinosa -- -- -- -- -- -- + + -- -- 6 Nauplius larvae -- + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- 7 cyclopes species -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- (+ Stands for Presence of organism, -- stands for Absence of organism) International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 18 In some earlier studies done in Egypt at stressed coastal spots and assessed the protozoan diversity in relation to fish fry and pollution load and reported the significant effect of salinity and pollution on the protozoan communities21. In some studies Rotifer diversity assess in relation to recreational use of artificial water body in Poland at Pond located in Natural Landscape Complex “Szopienice-Borki” and significant change community composition of rotifers were reported in pond water which is frequently used in recreational activities22. Vaishali S. in studied the rotifer occurrence in relation to water quality during the bioremediation process at lake Kacharali, Maharstra.They reported 13 species of rotifers and find Brachionus spp. and Keretella abundance23; but Branchionus species was not observed during the study period and only 3 species of keretella were reported in fly ash discharge pond. In same agreement and Summarwar studied the water reservoir and found the Brachionus and Keratella genuses of rotifer phylum were reported in abundant24. In fly ash discharge water philodina roseli was found during whole study duration in fly ash discharge pond, it was not reported by other workers in fresh water pond 23, 25 in fresh water bodies as lakes, river etc. but they found Branchionus and Keratella. In our study rotifers were found in higher number as compared with Cladocera and Copepods, same result showed in the study of pond water in Bihar25 but in fly ash discharge water pond Brachionus species were not observed whears it was reported in abundance in Mahendra Nath pond water in Bihar25. In some studies of pond water, invertebrates belonging from the rotifer phylum were reported in numeric superiority on the Cladocera and Copepods24, 26. Amsha and Suresh has reported more than 35 rotifers in Kullurchandai reservoir among them Brachionus caudatus and Brachionus calyciflorus were reported in highest number27 while both were not found in our study in fly ash discharge pond. While in our study members belonging from phylum protozoa were showed numeric superiority over the Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda. Presence of Ostracoda was also reported26, but it was not found in fly ash discharge water pond during the study period. In study of lake water, 32 texa of invertebrates were found in positive relation to vegetation at Iran, all reported invertebrates were macro invertebrates29, which were not found in fly ash discharge pond. During our study period only 3 microscopic phyla were observed in fly ash discharge pond, figure 1. In present invertebrates Protozoan species were dominant in number with 61%, which was followed by rotifers and Arthropods with 19% in species composition, figure 2. As in similar agreement protozoan were reported as an adaptive organism in river water which had been affected by industrial waste water30. During the study in year 2010, protozoan’s were observed in all studied station but reported at station C, which was full with vegetation. Minimum species of protozoa were observed at station E, which is the middle portion of pond and there is very less or none vegetation reported over the year. Rotifers were observed maximum species at station C and minimum species at station A; while there was no rotifers observed in station E. Arthropoda observed only at station B and they are not present at stations A, C, D and E., figure 3. During the study in year 2011, protozoans were again observed in all studied station but reported highest no of species at station C, which was full with vegetation. Minimum no of species of protozoa observed at station A, figure 4, which was also less in comparison to year 2010. Rotifers were observed in maximum species number at station C, followed in decreasing order by station D, A, B and C. station A. Arthropods observed only at station B and C. and reported maximum no. of species at station C., figure 4. During the year 2010, maximum numbers of invertebrate species were reported in station C and minimum in station E, figure 5. After the study of two year in total 36 species of invertebrates are reported in fly ash discharge water pond, and station C was most diversified station during the study period. Protozoans were developed as most adaptive phylum in fly ash discharge water pond. During the year 2011, maximum numbers of invertebrate species were reported in station C and minimum in station A, figure 6. Conclusion Present study is reported maximum number of invertebrates at Station C which situated far from the pond inlet in fly ash discharge pond. Minimum number of invertebrate species reported in Station A, which is very near to inlet of pond as compared other stations. Station A received maximum fluctuation according to receiving discharge from ash dyke. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 19 Figure-1 Yearly Comparative Overview of Physio-chemical parameters of FADP Figure-2 Invertebrate Phylum-wise Composition in %     \n \r \n \r\n   \r International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) International Science Congress Association \n \n  \n \n   \n \n \n   \n   \n \n   \n \n  \n \n   \n \n \n   \n   \n  \n   Environment Sciences_______________ _________________________ International Science Congress Association Figure-3 Invertebrates in year 2010 Figure-4 Invertebrates in year 2011  \n  \n \n \n  \n \n \n \n  \n \n  \n \n \n \n \n \n         \n  \n \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n \n \n \n \n         _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319–1414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 20  \n  \n \n   \n \n      \n  \n \n   \n \n     International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 21 Figure-5 Station wise distribution of invertebrates Figure-6 Station wise distribution of invertebrates in 2011 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n  \n         \n    \n  !!   \n \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n         \n       \n  !!   \n International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(7), 15-23, July (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 22 Figure-7 Location of Korba District in Chhattisgarh State Reference 1.Verma A. and Pandey G. , A Study of Groundwater Quality in Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Gorakhpur City in India, Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 3(1), 6-8 (2014) 2.Sugirtha P. Kumar and M.S. Sheela, Studies on the Sediment Characteristics of Manakudy Estuary, South west coast of India, Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 2(11), 78-83 (2013)3.Hower J.C., M. Mastalerz, A. Drobniak, S. Mardon and G. 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