International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(6), 5-10, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 5 Analysis of Ambient Air Pollution and Determination of Air Quality Status of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Nair Neelima, Bamniya B.R, Mahecha G.S. and Saini Dhavan Department of Environmental Science, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA Available online at:, Received 13th March 2014, revised 10th June 2014, accepted 22nd June 2014 AbstractThe present investigation is carried out to analyze the ambient air in Udaipur city and determine the air quality. This investigation represented the assessment of ambient air quality with respect to PM10 (RSPM), SPM, Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) for the year 2013 at three different sites (Industrial, Residential and Urban). The AQIs were calculated using IND-AQI procedure. It has been observed that the calculated AQIs values for SOx and NOx fall under ‘good’ and ‘good-to-moderate’ categories. The calculated AQI value of SPM and RSPM for all areas are more than the prescribed standards given by Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, India. The overall AQI was found to fall under the category ‘moderate’ and ‘poor’ owing to RSPM and SPM, respectively. Thus it is observed that SPM is critical pollutant at these three sites in Udaipur. Keywords: Air pollution, Ambient air quality, AQI, SOx, NOx, PM10, SPM. IntroductionThere has been considerable increase in vehicle density in India in recent years. The increase in traffic has led to increased pollutant emissions which have resulted in the deterioration of environmental quality and human health in major cities of India. Specifically, concentrations of roadside pollutant in the cities are exceeding the Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The residents of such areas and motorists, pedestrians travelling near these areas are exposed to unhealthy pollution levels. Since ages, Air pollution is considered to be the most potential lethal form of pollution as it becomes unpredictable due to continuous mixing, transformation and trans-boundary transportation of air pollutants. The population growth, industrialization and increased vehicles along with improper implementation of environmental rules make the air pollution problem still more worse. Increased concentration of pollutants like Particulate matter (PM), Sulfur Dioxide (SO) etc has resulted in a number of health problems. Every year 4 to 5 million new cases of chronic bronchitis are being reported. Reports reveal that 4% to 8% premature deaths occurdue to exposure of high levels of particulate matter in ambient air, globally. A high level of PM10 in the ambient environment in most of the north Indian cites unknowingly results to serious health issues in humans. Rapidly increasing urban population has resulted in unplanned urban development, increased consumption and higher demands for transportation, energy, other infrastructural facilities, thereby leading to problems of pollution. Exposure of humans to invisible air pollutants is unavoidable in today’s perspective especially in the urban area in most of developing countries including India. There are criteria air pollutants like SO(sulphur dioxide), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), particulate matter (PM), etc. which are common for the assessment of air quality in a particular area. Although, a large population lives in the medium sized cities or towns in India, data on ambient air quality, needed for health studies, is not available. In 1976, EPA established Air quality index or AQI to assess urban air quality, primarily for the use of regional and local agencies. Air Quality Index is one of the important tools available for analysis and representation of air quality status. The sub-indices for ozone (O), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO), nitrogen dioxide (NO) and PM are included in AQI which relate ambient pollutant concentrations to index values on a scale from 0 to 500 which were sub-divided into six groups based on the health criteria. Table-1 Air Quality Index scale and its categories S. NoCategoryScale 1 Good 0-50 2 Moderate 51-100 3 Unhealthy for sensitive groups 101-150 4 Unhealthy 151-200 5 Very unhealthy 201-300 6 Hazardous 300 above (Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 3(6), 5-10, June (2014) International Science Congress Association Material and Methods Udaipur city of Rajasthan is situated at 24.5800° N, 73.6800° E and around 598 m above mean sea level with an area of 37Km and population of about 4, 51,735 according to 2011 census. Monitoring was carried out at three air quality monitoring sites residential, Urban, I ndustrial. Sampling was carried out at three different locations using High Volume Samplers and Respirable Dust Samplers. The frequency of the sampling was twice a week and 104 samples in a year wre collected. The collected samples were analyzed for variou s parameters (SOx, NOx) using standard methods prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board. Particulate matter that is SPM and RSPM were estimated by gravimetric method. Air Quality Index (AQI): The following mathematical equation is for the calculation of sub- indices developed while considering health criteria as shown in Table1. Environment Sciences_______________ _________________________ International Science Congress Association Figure-1 Map of study area Rajasthan is situated at 24.5800° N, 73.6800° E and around 598 m above mean sea level with an area of 37Km 2 and population of about 4, 51,735 according to 2011 census. Monitoring was carried out at three air quality monitoring sites ndustrial. Sampling was carried out at three different locations using High Volume Samplers and Respirable Dust Samplers. The frequency of the sampling was twice a week and 104 samples in a year wre collected. The collected s parameters (SOx, NOx) using standard methods prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board. Particulate matter that is SPM and RSPM were estimated Air Quality Index (AQI): The following mathematical equation indices developed while considering Where I is AQI for pollutant, C is the actual ambient concentration of pollutant, Chigh concentration that is greater than or equal to C, C end breakpoint concentration that is less than or equal to C, I the sub index or AQI value corresponding to C index or AQI value corresponding to C Results and Discussion Monthly average concentration value of criteria p SPM, PM10, SOx, NOx, have been plotted in graphs ( for the year 2013 for Industrial, Urban and Residential sites of Udaipur. The table 2 represents monthly variation of Sox, NOx, PM10, SPM at monitoring sites. The ambient air conce ntration of particulate matter both SPM and RSPM were observed to be greater than the prescribed standard at all the three sites. SPM ranged from 295ug/m3 in the month of August to 448ug/m3 in the month of December in residential area. In urban area SPM ra the month of august to 450ug/m3 in the month of December. In industrial area SPM level was much higher. It ranged from 335ug/m3 in August to 592ug/m3 in November. _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319–1414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 6 Where I is AQI for pollutant, C is the actual ambient the upper end breakpoint concentration that is greater than or equal to C, C low is the lower end breakpoint concentration that is less than or equal to C, I low the sub index or AQI value corresponding to C low, high the sub index or AQI value corresponding to C high. Monthly average concentration value of criteria p ollutants like SPM, PM10, SOx, NOx, have been plotted in graphs ( figure 2) for the year 2013 for Industrial, Urban and Residential sites of Udaipur. The table 2 represents monthly variation of Sox, NOx, ntration of particulate matter both SPM and RSPM were observed to be greater than the prescribed standard at all the three sites. SPM ranged from 295ug/m3 in the month of August to 448ug/m3 in the month of December in In urban area SPM ra nged from 342ug/m3 in the month of august to 450ug/m3 in the month of December. In industrial area SPM level was much higher. It ranged from 335ug/m3 in August to 592ug/m3 in November. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(6), 5-10, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 7 Figure-2 Monthly variations of SOx, NOx, PM10, SPM at three selected sites in Udaipur JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecug/m3Sulphur Dioxide SOx Resi SOx Resi SOx Ind 10203040JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecug/m3Nitrogen Dioxide NOx Resi NOx Urban NOx Ind 50100150200250300JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecug/m3Particulate Matter 10 µ PM10 Resi PM10 Urban PM10 Ind 100200300400500600700JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecug/m3Suspended Particulate Matter SPM Resi SPM Urban SPM Ind International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(6), 5-10, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 8 Table-2 Ambient air pollution data from Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 Months SOx NOx PM10 SPM Resi Urban Ind Resi Urban Ind Resi Urban Ind Resi Urban Ind Jan 5.21 6.04 6.46 23.82 34.96 36.56 144 165 240 432 445 552 Feb 5.26 6.08 6.56 25.10 35.74 36.46 140 125 235 420 412 530 Mar 5.33 5.84 6.32 24.50 33.82 36.58 134 120 201 380 430 490 Apr 5.30 6.23 6.42 24.49 35.07 37.04 147 147 188 390 422 469 May 5.51 6.24 6.80 23.98 35.37 35.89 118 147 171 348 408 449 Jun 5.49 6.18 6.57 24.56 35.47 36.44 117 115 124 352 384 399 Jul 5.21 6.02 6.49 23.86 34.10 35.96 124 115 124 343 360 366 Aug 5.53 6.29 6.59 25.81 35.93 36.21 104 126 122 295 342 335 Sept 5.42 6.23 6.53 26.58 36.15 36.22 74 125 140 476 389 442 Oct 5.25 6.44 6.23 22.19 35.82 35.32 78 98 228 445 409 541 Nov 5.70 6.19 6.51 25.88 35.73 36.36 107 131 251 348 438 592 Dec 5.47 5.99 6.14 25.46 35.79 35.76 91 126 175 448 450 562 Table-3 AQI ratings and category for various pollutants S.No Pollutants AQI rating Residential AQI Category AQI rating Urban AQI Category AQI rating Industrial AQI Category 1 SOx 13 Good 15 Good 16 Good 2 NOx 62 Moderate 89 Moderate 91 Moderate 3 PM10 158 Unhealthy 165 Unhealthy 192 Unhealthy 4 SPM 293 Poor 302 Very poor 316 Very poor 5 Average of all 131 Unhealthy for sensitive groups 142 Unhealthy for sensitive group 153 Unhealthy Similarly PM10 level in residential areas was also observed to be much above the prescribed limits. It ranged from 74ug/m3 in September to 147ug/m3 in the month of April. In urban area due to high traffic load PM10 concentration ranged between 98ug/m3 in the month October to 165ug/m3 in the month January. In industrial area PM10 concentration was between 122ug/m3 in August to 251ug/m3 in November. The maximum concentration of pollutant occurred during winter months and a general trend of minimum values occurred during Monsoon season. Since frequent rains washes down the air borne particulates, period from July to September is much cleaner as compared to other months of the year. However, as the winter months have comparatively calm weather conditions, facilitating more stability to atmosphere and thus, slow dispersion of pollutants resulting in higher concentrations of pollutants in the ambient air. In case of gaseous pollutants (SOx, NOx) the concentration observed were much below than the prescribed limit. Sulphur Dioxide concentration in residential area ranged from 5.21ug/m3 to 5.70ug/m3. In urban area it ranged from 5.84ug/m3 to 6.44ug/m3 and in industrial area it ranged from 6.14ug/m3 to 6.80ug/m3. Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in residential area was observed between 22.19ug/m3 to 26.58ug/m3. In urban area it ranged from 33.82ug/m3 to 36.15ug/m3 while in Industrial area it was observed to be 35ug/m3 to 37ug/m3. Result of AQI: The index is designed in such a way that a minimum of three pollutants, SPM, SO and NO are sufficient to calculate the index. The method involved formation and aggregation of sub-indices for each pollutant. Data obtained from monitoring of ambient air at three different sites is used to calculate the sub- indices for critical parameters. The calculated AQI values for 24 hourly average SOx and NOx concentrations are categorized as “good” and “good to moderate” at all the three sites. But in case of PM10 and SPM AQI rating falls under “Unhealthy to Very poor” category during most of the time of the year. The average AQI was 131, 142, and 153 for residential, urban, industrial areas respectively. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(6), 5-10, June (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 9 Figure-3 Average AQI Ratings Conclusion The overall AQI can give a clear view about ambient air and the critical pollutant The AQIs were calculated to assess the ambient air quality at three different sites namely the industrial, commercial and residential during the year 2013. The AQI study reveals that SPM and RSPM were mainly responsible for most of the times in all sites in Udaipur. The majority of AQI values of SPM and RSPM fall under the category of Unhealthy to poor. 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