International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(5), 67-72, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 67 Drinking Water Quality Assessment of Ground Waters of Bhachau - Kachchh, Gujarat, India with special reference to major Anions and CationsNithul Lal, K. P1,2., K. Karthikeyan, V. Praveesh, V. Devi, S. Suriyanarayanan1 and V. Vijay Kumar2 Department of Water and Health, J. S. S. University, Sri Varatheeswara Nagara, Mysore, Karnataka-570015, INDIA Division of Coastal and Marine Ecology, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Mundra road, Bhuj- Kachchh, Gujarat 370001, INDIA Available online at:, Received 7th April 2014, revised 15th April 2014, accepted 20th May 2014 AbstractThe major objective of the present study is to assess the quality of the groundwater in Bhachau district which is the only source of drinking water in arid and semi arid zones. To collect the information on the level of pollution 34 water samples were collected from various village of Bhachau districts, Gujarat during February 2013. The Physico-chemical parameters analyzed were based on their clinical significance. Parameters like color ,odor , pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, salinity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, fluoride, potassium, sulphate , lithium, bromide, ammonium, calcium were analyzed. Most of the parameters are exceeding the permissible limit recommended by BIS. Fluoride content in the water sample ranged from 3.20 to 5.37 mg/L. Analysis of various water quality parameters indicated the contamination of groundwater in the selected sites. Keywords: Water quality, ground water, physico-chemical, fluoride, bhachau taluka. Introduction Water is indispensable and one of the precious natural resources of this planet and groundwater is an important source of water supply throughout the world. Water is a prime need for human survival and industrial development and it is also considered as the only source of drinking water in many rural and small communities2,3. The chemical constituents in groundwater is one of the major factors which decides the water for suitability for various purposes such as domestic, industrial, agricultural. Groundwater is getting polluted due to urbanization and industrialization in the recent times. Though this water contributes about 0.6% of the total water resources on earth, it accounts for rural domestic water needs (80%) and urban water needs (50%) in developing countries . Geology of an area has great influence on water quality because in general ground water carries higher mineral contents than surface water and the quality of such waters also varies due to a change in chemical composition of the underlying sediments and aquifers2,3. Groundwater quality determination assumes significance in the field of water quality management because of its inconsistent variation with groundwater table, geological and soil conditions and contamination through percolation and seepage etc. The villages located near Bhachau are reported to encompass certain clinical problems such as kidney disorders, eye problems and cancers. Hence the present study was designed with this as a background since the villages subjected for study used ground water for drinking. Moreover there are no proper reports available regarding the groundwater quality of this particular area. Hence the water samples were collected from 7 different villages near Bhachau and were subjected for analysis of various anions and cations. Material and Methods Study area: The study area is Bhachau taluka, Kachchh district of Gujarat state, India. Its geographical co-ordinates is Latitude 23°17'0'' north and Longitude 70°20'0''east. There are 72 villages situated in Bhachau taluka and total population is around 25,389 according the census report of 2001. The drinking water source of Bhachau taluka is ground water mainly they were consider the groundwater for their drinking purposes and for day today activities. Bore well is the only supply of ground water in Bhachau taluka which is distributed through pipeline. Hence the study was designed to evaluate the parameters significant for potability purpose and the concentration in the water was compared with the standards prescribed by WHO (World Health Organization) and BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). Sample collection: A total of 34 samples were collected from different villages located in Bhachau during the month of February 2013. Samples were collected and preserved in a pre-cleaned, sterilized polyethylene bottles . After collection, the samples were transported to the laboratory within 6 hrs and subjected to analysis for various parameters such as color, odor, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, salinity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, fluoride, potassium, sulphate, lithium, bromide, ammonium, calcium, alkalinity, chlorides, magnesium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, sodium and lithium. Samples were estimated in the Laboratory by using Standard Procedures 6, 7. Fine grade chemicals were used throughout the study. All the reagents and standards required for the study was prepared using Millipore water. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 67-72, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 68 Figure-1 Map showing the study area in Kachchh district, Gujarat Results and Discussion Color: Color units of the water samples was recorded to be 10 in all 34 samples in the study area and which was exceeding the permissible limit of 5 (Pt.Co.units) recommended by BIS and there is no objectionable smell in the groundwater samples except the sample number 25 which shows a chlorinated smell. All samples were in the range of 10. In natural waters, color may occur due to the presence of humic acids, fulvic acid, metallic ions, suspended matter, industrial effluents . pH: The parameter pH generally indicates the acid or alkaline nature of any solution and usually does not bear any direct impact on consumers.. The data revealed that the pH value is ranged from 7.0 to 8.5. The maximum range found in the sample 14 and the minimum was observed in sample 26 and the average of the pH value fond as 7.59. The pH value of all the samples does not exceed the recommended limit (6.5-8.5) of BISwhereas the water samples were slight alkaline in characteristic. Similar pH value 7.1 -8.4 for the ground water of selected area of Mysore city, Karnataka and they have stated that the reason for such conditions may due to different types of buffers that may present in the ground water and presence of weak basic salt in the soil. Electrical Conductivity: In case of electrical conductivity, the value ranged between 298.50 S to 3283.50 S. The maximum value of EC observed in the sample 22 and the minimum value found in the sample 6 and 7, and the average of the electrical conductivity shown in the range 1574.45 S. Around 52% of the sample which exceeds the permissible limits 1400 recommended by BIS. Patil and Patil10 also found that high range of electrical conductivity was observed in Amalner Town ground waters in the range of 398 S to 2827s. Total Dissolved Solids: The Total Dissolved Solids ranged between 200mg/L to 2200mg/L. The maximum level found in the sample 22 and the minimum found in sample 28, 25, 20. Average TDS value is 1056 mg/L. About 76% of the sample which exceeds the BIS limit of 500 mg/L because incidence of higher level of TDS is considered to be objectionable. In general, salinity behavior of any water samples is characterized by total dissolved solids content. As per the classification11 , total dissolved solids for the water samples around 17 samples were found to be slightly saline. Similarly high level of TDS International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 67-72, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 69 ranging from 700 to 3200 mg/L groundwater samples in Kotputli Town, Jaipur, Rajasthan12. This parameter in general gains its entry in to ground water through various means such as sea water intrusion, sewage, urban runoff, industrial wastewater13. Turbidity: The maximum Turbidity found in the range of 3.0 – 8.0 NTU in sample 16 and the minimum value found in the range of 3 NTU in sample 1, the average value found in the range of 5 NTU. Almost 100% of the samples are in the prescribed limit of BIS. Turbidity nature of the water may be attributed due to colloidal and extremely fine dispersion of sediments, microorganisms and organic matter14. Similar values (0.3 to 1.4 NTU) of turbidity found in the study of Groundwater samples near Industrial Area, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu15. Total hardness: The Total Hardness is an important parameter of water quality whether it is to be used for drinking and Hardness of such water mainly depends upon the amount of calcium or magnesium salts or both16. The maximum Total hardness is found to be 630 mg/L in sample 10 and the minimum is observed as 104 mg/L in the sample 14. The maximum value observed for calcium hardness is 349 mg/L in the sample 16 and the minimum value 67 mg/L found in the sample 14. Similarly the maximum magnesium hardness 332 mg/L was seen in the bore well sample 10 and the minimum value 30 mg/L found in the sample 19 and 20. The average value of Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness and Magnesium Hardness was recorded in the range of 346 mg/L, 201 mg/L and 149 mg/L respectively. Around 48% of the samples were crossing the permissible limit recommended by BIS which 300 mg/L which may be due to presence of carbonate and bi-carbonate hardness. Based on the classification17 for total hardness of the water, around 25 samples are very hard water and 3 samples are hard water and 6 samples are moderately hard water. Such a high concentration of total hardness observed in the Ground Water of Alathur Block –Perambalur, Tamilnadu, India18 they observed values recorded in the range 259 to 697 mg/L. Salinity: In case of Salinity, maximum level found in the range of 2 ppt in the sample 8 and most of the sample having minimum level of 0.1 ppt. Around 50% of the sample shows a slightly saline characteristic in the water sample.Ammonia: Ammonia concentration found as maximum of 0.52 mg/L in the sample 26 and the minimum as found as 0.1 mg/L found in sample number like 15, 16 and 27. Average concentration found as 0.13 mg/L. Most of the samples are below detectable limit and average level as 4.26 mg/L. The presence of Ammonia in any aquatic environment may be due to its release as an end product of decomposition of organic matter and industrial effluents. A contrary result where found in the study near municipal solid waste dumping sites in Jabalpur and the concentration found to the maximum of 4.3 mg/L19 . Bromide: Maximum level of bromide found in the range of 2.46 mg/L in sample number 1 and the minimum value range in 0. mg/L. Average bromide of the sample was found as 0.746 mg/L. Fluoride: Fluoride in groundwater has drawn worldwide attention due to its considerable impact on human physiology20,21. In general, incidence of fluoride depends on the geological, chemical and physical characteristic of aquifer, and also on the porosity and acidity of the soil and rocks. Similarly, industries and agricultural activities also act as secondary sources22. Though fluoride is considered essential at very lower concentrations for human beings, whereas higher concentration will lead to health defects. The maximum level of fluoride 5.37 mg/L found in the sample 31 and the minimum value found in the range of 3.20 mg/L in the sample 4 .The average values detected as 4.43 mg/L. All the sample is not within in the limit 1 mg/L recommended by BIS. Researchers23 also reported quite higher values of this element’s contamination (0.03 - 16.6 mg/L) in the ground waters of Hisar region of Haryana. Potassium: Potassium is an essential nutrient for both plant and human life which has its natural occurrence in ground water by weathering of rocks and minerals. The potassium values ranged between 1 mg/L (sample no. 5) to 33 mg/L (Sample no. 34) and the average potassium concentration was in the range of 14 mg/L. As per the studies conducted12, higher values of potassium were observed (78 mg/L) in the groundwater Samples of Kotputli Town Jaipur, Rajasthan. Calcium ion is commonly present in the water. Calcium: The maximum level of calcium occurred in the sample 16 in the range of 272 mg/L and the minimum value occurred 16.7 mg/L in samples 6 and 29. The average value of calcium in the water sample was recorded as 95 mg/L and it is found that 59% of the sample exceeds the permissible limits recommended by BIS. It is found in great abundance in all natural waters and its source lies in the rocks which it is leached its concentration varies greatly in natural waters depending upon the nature of the basin Magnesium: Magnesium in ground water samples ranged between from 7.4 mg/L - 80.6 mg/L. The minimum value was observed in sample No. 19 and 20 and the maximum in the sample No.10. The average magnesium concentration was found to be 35.7 mg/L. Magnesium is considered to be a essential metal at lower concentrations whereas it becomes toxic when it is at higher range and also gives unpleasant taste in the drinking water. Similar range of magnesium 28 to 81 mg/L in the Alathur block, Perambalur, Tamilnadu, India were also reported18. Calcium and Magnesium Hardness: Calcium hardness is ranged between 67 to 349 mg/L. Magnesium hardness found to be between 30 to 332 mg/L A study carried out24 in the International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 67-72, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 70 groundwater of Barpeta District, Assam, India showed high values of calcium and magnesium. Sulphate: Sulphate is naturally occurring element result from leaching of gypsum and other common minerals. Maximum Sulphate concentration found in the range of 342.6 mg/L and a minimum of 0.001 mg/L. The recommended BIS limit for sulphate in drinking water is 150 mg/L and only 9% of the sample exceeds the permissible limit. A contrary result found in the study conducted in the groundwater samples near an Industrial vicinity of Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India15where the values were reported in the rang between 18 to 119 mg/L. Table-1 Physico-chemical characteristics of ground water samples of Bhachau taluka, Kachchh, Gujarat Sam pH EC TDS Col Tur T.H Ca.H mg.H Sal NH Br F K Ca S T.A Cl Mg NO 3 NO P Na 1 7.5 2338.05 1600 10 3 602 291.9 310.1 0.2 0.02 2.46 4.53 11.7 188 342.6 428 382.93 75.4 6.7 BDL 0.78 705.6 2 7.7 1940.30 1300 10 4 422 199.5 302.5 0.1 BDL 1.4 4.50 3.7 117 BDL 332 312.02 54.1 3.8 BDL BDL 446.4 3 7.9 298.50 200 10 7 126 77.7 48.3 0 BDL 0.03 3.90 16.3 17.2 0.03 180 14.18 11.7 1.5 0.01 0.03 76.8 4 7.1 2686.6 1800 10 4 582 308.7 273.3 0.2 0.25 BDL 3.20 10.8 164 BDL 434 368 66.4 7.4 0.01 0.004 532.8 5 8 1194.0 800 10 4 272 144.9 127.1 0 BDL 0.8 4.30 1 86.2 0.01 212 191.46 30.9 3.6 0.02 0.002 288 6 8.1 298.50 200 10 6 134 77.7 56.3 0 BDL 0.05 3.30 14.8 19.6 BDL 166 21.27 13.7 1.2 0.03 BDL 68.8 7 8.2 298.50 200 10 5 128 81.9 46.1 0 BDL 0.04 4.58 14.2 17.2 0.01 160 14.182 11.2 1.4 0.07 0.001 51.2 8 7.6 2238.80 1500 10 6 570 268.8 301.2 2 0.08 0.15 4.15 12 140 BDL 368 375.84 73.2 8.7 0.09 BDL 454.2 9 7.2 2238.80 1500 10 6 588 291.9 296.1 0.2 BDL 0.10 4.48 8.2 145 0.001 414 354.57 72.0 6.9 BDL 0.001 529.6 10 7.5 2388.05 1600 10 6 630 298.2 331.8 0.2 BDL 1.05 4.51 9.2 149 BDL 432 375.84 80.6 7.7 BDL 0.001 451.2 11 7.3 1194.0 800 10 5 564 308.7 255.3 0.1 BDL BDL 4.49 7.3 145 12.57 420 361.66 62.0 6.3 0.01 0.47 500.8 12 7.2 2686.60 1800 10 4 594 272.2 321.8 0.1 BDL BDL 4.53 8.4 140 BDL 412 361.66 78.2 10.6 0.001 BDL 529.6 13 7.3 2388.1 1600 10 6 442 262.5 179.5 0 BDL 1.38 3.51 5.5 137 8.74 408 397.11 43.6 3.6 0.001 2.40 627.2 14 8.5 895.52 600 10 6 104 67.2 36.8 0 BDL BDL 4.38 3.7 17.2 0.07 160 28.36 8.9 1.4 0.01 0.30 94.4 15 7.3 1492.53 1000 10 4 266 195.3 70.7 0.1 0.01 BDL 4.72 5.3 88 0.12 342 191.46 17.2 3.4 0.004 BDL 248 16 7.1 2985.0 2000 10 8 512 348.6 163.4 0.1 BDL BDL 4.61 6 272 2.27 358 546.03 39.7 5.0 0.01 BDL 596.8 17 7.2 1791.0 1200 10 6 290 199.5 90.5 0 0.01 BDL 4.47 13.5 87.7 1.01 352 234 22.0 3.3 0.001 3.04 216 18 7.3 1492.50 1000 10 7 290 199.5 90.5 0 BDL BDL 4.58 6.4 87.6 0.11 348 198.6 22.0 3.1 BDL 1.73 296 19 7.9 298.50 200 10 7 108 77.7 30.3 0 BDL BDL 4.62 18 16.7 0.06 166 21.27 7.4 10.8 0.001 0.30 52.8 20 8.2 298.50 200 10 7 108 77.7 30.3 0.1 BDL BDL 4.61 23.2 16.7 0.06 160 21.27 7.4 1.1 0.001 0.51 84.8 21 8 895.50 600 10 6 108 75.6 32.4 0 BDL BDL 4.66 17.8 16.7 0.08 164 14.18 7.9 1.5 BDL BDL 54.4 22 7.4 3283.50 2200 10 7 512 304.5 208 0.2 BDL BDL 4.10 8 90.9 3.20 430 453.8 50.4 11.4 0.001 BDL 661 23 7.3 2985.00 2000 10 4 510 285.6 224 0.3 0.05 BDL 4.01 6 130 2.64 422 293.8 54.5 10.5 0.003 BDL 794 24 7.8 2985.00 2000 10 7 510 296.1 214 0.1 0.27 BDL 3.77 6.5 127 0.33 404 375.8 52.0 9.5 0.01 0.23 635 25 7.8 298.50 200 10 5 108 75.6 32.4 0 BDL BDL 4.38 18.2 16.7 0.56 156 21.27 7.9 1.8 0.01 0.07 114 26 7 1791.00 1200 10 6 302 212.1 89.9 0 0.52 BDL 3.97 14.1 88.9 0.04 516 234 21.8 1.1 0.004 BDL 176 27 7.2 1492.50 1000 10 4 362 224.7 137 0 0.1 BDL 3.93 2.6 85.8 0.72 390 198.6 33.4 7.5 BDL BDL 251 28 7.6 298.50 200 10 4 488 317.1 171 0.2 0.10 BDL 4.97 14.8 128 1.16 368 404.2 41.5 5.7 0.01 0.13 302 29 8.1 2985.00 2000 10 7 120 81.9 38.1 0 BDL BDL 4.80 23.1 17.2 BDL 156 28.36 9.3 2.3 BDL 0.35 189 30 7.5 1194.00 800 10 4 284 193.2 90.8 0 0.18 BDL 4.94 31.6 78.1 0.74 352 163.1 22.1 4.2 0.003 BDL 248 31 7.8 1194.00 800 10 5 244 151.2 92.8 0.1 0.11 BDL 5.37 30.6 72.5 0.90 310 148.9 22.6 5.2 0.1 0.07 173 32 7.4 895.50 600 10 4 274 189 85 0 0.03 BDL 5.24 33 76 BDL 346 148.9 20.7 3.9 BDL 0.12 355 33 7.3 597.00 400 10 6 282 161.7 120 0 0.13 BDL 5.34 29.8 74.8 256.2 350 134.9 29.2 3.5 0.001 BDL 304 34 7.6 1194.00 800 10 4 294 189 105 0.1 BDL BDL 5.30 32.6 76.8 278.3 350 163.1 25.5 3.9 BDL 0.49 347 Min 7 298.5 200 10 3 104 67.2 30.3 0 0.01 0 3.2 1 16.7 0.001 156 14.18 7.4 1.1 0.001 0.001 51.2 Max 8.5 3283.5 2200 10 8 630 348.6 331.8 2 0.52 2.46 5.37 33 272 342.6 516 546.03 80.6 11.4 0.1 3.04 794 Mean 7.58 1574.45 1055.88 10 5.41 345 200.21 147.12 0.12 0.13 0.74 4.43 13.76 92.07 35.09 322.52 222.19 35.18 4.98 0.017 0.52 336.89 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(5), 67-72, May (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 71 Alkalinity: Alkalinity nature of the samples are generally attributed due to the presence of carbonates and bi-carbonates. Though alkalinity if not harmful to human health, its presence in the water imparts unpleasant taste. Alkalinity of water is due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and strong bases. In case of Alkalinity, the samples subjected in the present study revealed the maximum alkalinity value of 516 mg/L and the minimum alkalinity of 156 mg/ L. All the samples were compared with the BIS and found that 32% of the samples are exceeding the permissible limit of 400 mg/L. A study conducted in the bore well samples along the Vrushabhavathi river stream reported a similar total alkalinity values ranging between 68 to 660 mg/L25. Chloride: The chloride concentration was recorded maximum of 546 mg/L in sample No.16 and minimum 14 mg/L in the sample No. 21, 7 and 3. The average concentration of the chloride was found to be 225 mg/L. When the samples are compared with the BIS standard around 38% of the samples are exceeding the permissible limit 250 mg/L. Chloride in ground water gains its entry from various sources such as agricultural activities, industrial activities, geological formation, domestic water contamination and sea water intrusion in case on coastal stretches. Values of chloride ranged from 7.10 to 8.45 mg/L in the ground water samples of Bichi, Kano state of Nigeria as reported26. Nitrate: The major source of nitrate in ground water is due to excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers, sewage, plant and animal matters etc and nitrate at higher levels in the drinking water may cause adverse effects on human and animal health. The concentration of nitrate in ground water samples ranged from 1.1 mg/L -11.4 mg/ L. The minimum value was observed in the sample No. 20 and 26 and the maximum in sample No. 22. The average concentration of the nitrate was found to be 5.0 mg/L. All the samples are compared with the BIS standard and are found within the permissible limit 45 mg/L. Sivasankaran27 reported that the ground water samples from Pondicherry region has high concentration of nitrate. Nitrate values from 1.10 to 5.70 mg/Lin the water samples of Nujendla area in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India has been reported28. Nitrite: Nitrite is the partially oxidized form of nitrogen found in very low concentration in natural waters. It occurs as an intermediate form during denitrification and nitrification reactions and presence of even minute quantity of nitrite in water is indicative of organic pollution. The concentration of nitrite was found to be the maximum of 0.09 mg/ L in the sample No.8 and the minimum of 0.001 mg/L in some samples. The average concentration of nitrite was found to be 0.02 mg/L. Phosphate: Phosphate in the ground water samples was observed the maximum of 3.40 mg/ L in the sample No. 13 and the minimum of 0.001 mg/L in some samples. The average of the phosphate was found to be 0.525 mg/L. Lower distribution of phosphate concentrations in the ground waters of Tirupur was also reported29. Sodium: Sodium in the ground water samples was observed to the maximum of 794 mg/L and the minimum of 51 mg/L. Average sodium values were found to be 342 mg/L. Rout and Sharma30 reported that the range of sodium varied from 5.25 to 35.49 mg/L in the Ambala cantonment area, Haryana, India. Reports on health effects at higher concentration of sodium ions in drinking water were also reported. Conclusion As a whole, this study concluded that most of the parameters exceed the permissible limits of BIS standards. Parameters such as Fluoride were found to be beyond the permissible levels (3.2-5.3 mg/L). Similarly, some significant parameters for potability such as total hardness, total dissolved solids, chloride, Total hardness etc. were also recorded at higher range. Thus from the present study it is very evident that the groundwater source is the only reliable source of drinking water for the residents in the study area. Among the various parameters studies, most of the chemical constituents do not comply with the water quality standards prescribed by BIS. People should be aware about the quality of water they are drinking and this problem will be more aggressive when similar water sources are used for drinking purpose for a longer period (Chronic) because of the possible clinical problems associated with these chemicals in the drinking water. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the Director, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology for providing necessary Laboratory facilities and for the support to conduct this work. 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