International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 3(3), 59-61, March (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 59 Short Communication Comparative Physico-Chemical Analysis of River Water and underground Water in Winter Season of Rewa City, MP, IndiaSolanki Manoj Kumar1*Gupta O.P., Singh D.K. and Ahirwar Shukdeo Prasad4 Department of Chemistry, Govt. Engineering College, Rewa, 486002, MP, INDIA Department of Chemistry, Govt. science College, Rewa, 486001, MP, INDIA Department of Geology, Govt. Engineering College, Rewa, 486002, MP, INDIA Department of Chemistry, Govt. PG College, Niwari, Tikamgarh, 472442, MP, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 5th February 2014, revised 15th March 2014, accepted 22nd March 2014 AbstractIn this paper we are analyzed to seasonal variation and comparative physico-chemical study of river water and underground water of Rewa city (M.P.), INDIA in winter season. A most of samples are within prescribed limits as suggested by World Health Organization and Indian Standard Institute for drinking purpose.Seasonal variation in physical and chemical parameters like colour, odour, taste, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total hardness, calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), Sulphate (So2-), carbonate (Co2-), bicarbonate (HCo), Total alkalinity etc. We are studied for a period of year 2013 in winter season. Some data were found in some limits. Keywords: Physico-chemical study, water hardness, seasonal, variation. IntroductionPresent paper reports results of the study of seasonal variation and comparative physico-chemical analysis of river water and underground water in winter season for colour, odour, taste, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total hardness, Ca2+, Mg2+ , So2-, Co2-, HCo, Total alkalinity etc. Were analyzed for a period of 2013 in winter season and river water sample are indicated by sample “A” and underground water sample are indicated by sample “B”1-2. Material and Methods The water sample were collected during the winter season of 2013 of river water and underground water from rewa, city. Material requirement for sampling and analysis of water of Itinerary for the trip, sample transport arrangement, location map, sampling site location map, icebox, weighted bottle sampler, bottles, sample containers, special sample containers, glassware, thermometer, tissue papers, other field measurement are sample identification forms, Labels for sampling containers, field note bottle, markers, soap, towel etc. All analysis were carried out as per APHA and BIS desirable limit for drinking water. Some material and methods are depicted as follows like colour, odour and taste in water is determined by physically, pH Value in water is determined by pH meter, total dissolved solids in water is determined by TDS measurement apparatus, total Hardness in water is determined by EDTA complexometric titration using EDTA solution, buffer solution, EBT indicator, distilled water and titration apparatus, calcium in water is determined by EDTA titrimetric method using NaOH, ammonium purpurate, standard EDTA solution, standard calcium solution, magnesium in water is determined by calculation from total hardness and calcium by EDTA method, sulphate in water is determined by Nephelometry method using Nephelometric turbidity meter with sample cells, magnetic stirrer, timer within dicator of second, carbonate, bicarbonate, total alkalinity in water is determined by titration method using HCl solution methyl orange, phenolphthalein as a indicator etc1-2. Results and Discussion Table 1 shows values of river water and underground water pH ranges 8.1, 7.6, value of TDS (mg/L) 143, 106, colour of water colourless, colourless, odour of water odourless, odourless, taste of water unpleasant, total hardness (mg/L) of water 76, 170, total alkalinity (ppm) 124, 180, value of Ca2+ (mg/L) 25.6, 60, value of Mg2+ (mg/L) 2.9, 12, value of SO2-(mg/L) 22, 14, value of CO2- (ppm) 1.2, 2.0 value of HCO- (ppm) 122, 125 etc. ConclusionThe result of seasonal variation and physico–chemical study of river water and underground water sample indicate overall alkaline nature. The river water and underground water pH between desirable limit can affect the mucous membrane. sample have Total dissolved solid less than 1000 mg/l, hence suitable for drinking and samples have normal carbonate (CO2-), normal sulphate (SO2-) and moderate to hard, very hard and hard in nature. The comparison of analyzed data with WHO, ISI and BIS desirable limit for drinking water indicate that all water are more or less suitable for drinking1-2. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(3), 59-61, March (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 60 Table-1 Showing variable average value of all parameters of sample A and B Parameters Sample-A Sample-B Colour Colourless Colourless Odour odourless Odourless Taste unpleasant Unpleasant pH 8.1 7.6 TDS (mg/l) 143 106 Total hardness (mg/l) 76 170 Ca 2+ (mg/l) 25.6 60 Mg 2+ (mg/l) 2.9 12 So 4 2 - (mg/l) 22 14 Co 3 2 - (ppm) 1.2 2.0 HCo 3 - (ppm) 122 125 Total alkalinity (ppm) 124 180 Table-2 Water Quality parameters and drinking water Standards Parameters Drinking Water WHO (1984) and ISI (1991) Desirable Maximum pH value 6.5to8.5 Nor elaxation Dissolved Solids mg/l 500 2000 Colour Hazen units 5 25 Odour Unobjectionable - Taste Agreeable - Total hardness (asCaCO 3 ) mg/l 300 600 Alkalinity mg/l 200 600 Calcium mg/l 75 200 Manganese mg/l 0.1 0.3 Sulphate mg/l 200 400 Table-3 Water Quality parameters and drinking water Standards Parameters BIS Desirable limit for drinking water pH6.5–8.5 TDS (mg/l)500 Total hardness(mg/l) 300 Total alkalinity(mg/l) 200 Ca 2+ (mg/l) 75 Mg 2+ (mg/l) 100 So 4 2 - (mg/l) 200 Co 3 2 - (mg/l) - HCo 3 - (mg/l) 250 References 1.Manoj Kumar Solanki, O.P. 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