International Research Journal of Vol. 3(12), 52-57, December (201 International Science Congress Association Potential for Value Addition of Buffalo Dung through Eco Karttek D., Venkata Seshaiah Ch*., Suresh J., Punyakumari B., Dharma Rao M V. Department of Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, NTR College of Veterinary Science Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh Available online at: Received 7th November Abstract A study was carried out on value addition of buffalo dung through eco and subsequent vermicomposting with the objective of identifying a solid waste management system that is economical to the dairy producers besides protecting the environment. The average dung produced per day by a buffalo weighing 400±50 kg was ranged from 19.05 to 26.75 kg which was significantly (P0.01) different among buffaloes due to variation in body weight. The average total and volatile solids per cent of the buffalo dung and digested slurry were 20.56 0.12 and 78.37±0.38 and 67.13± 0.61 per cent, respectively which were significantly (P0.01) different. the buffalo dung and digested slurry was cooking (500g) rice plus lighting was 910.47±0.82 through biogas production and subsequent vermicomposting of digested slurry an amount earned compared to traditional open composting of fresh buffalo dung Keywords: Buffalo dung, value addition, biogas production, vermocomposting Introduction India has 105.3 million buffaloes which constitute 55.7 % of the total world buffalo population. Solid waste being generated from this huge number of buffaloes is a valuable source of nutrients and renewable energy. However, most of the solid waste being p roduced from these animals in India left to decompose in the manure pits and are exposed to rains as they are not covered. The green house gasses released from open decomposition of manure causing major environmental problems The leaching loss of nutrie nts, particularly N, not only reduces the quality of manure but also causes pollution in nearby wells and waterways . Therefore, it is essential to develop a new waste management system that makes dairy production operations economically viable to the far besides protecting the environment. Anaerobic digestion of dung helps in manure stabilization, sludge reduction, odour control, and produce biogas which is a good source of non conventional energy. During anaerobic digestion organic substances in th e dung converted in to biogas through sequential involvement of different groups of bacteria Biogas is a methane- rich gas, which is a colourless, blue burning gas that can be used as fuel for cooking, heating, lighting and electricity generation. Theref ore, biogas is an alternate energy source, which will decrease the demand of fossil fuels Biogas production in rural villages of India being carried out using two common anaerobic digesters i.e. the "Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) Floatin Dome" model and the "Janata, Fixed Dome" model Journal of Environment Sc iences________________________________ (201 4) Int. Res. International Science Congress Association Potential for Value Addition of Buffalo Dung through Eco - friendly Disposal in India Karttek D., Venkata Seshaiah Ch*., Suresh J., Punyakumari B., Dharma Rao M V. and Department of Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, NTR College of Veterinary Science Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh -521102, INDIA Available online at:, November 2014, revised 11th December 2014, accepted 17th December 201 A study was carried out on value addition of buffalo dung through eco - friendly disposal using anaerobic decomposition vermicomposting with the objective of identifying a solid waste management system that is economical to the dairy producers besides protecting the environment. The average dung produced per day by a buffalo weighing 400±50 to 26.75 kg which was significantly (P0.01) different among buffaloes due to variation in body The average total and volatile solids per cent of the buffalo dung and digested slurry were 20.56 per cent, respectively which were significantly (P0.01) different. the buffalo dung and digested slurry was 7.8±0.04 and 7.9±0.03. The average time (minutes) maintained the lighting and 910.47±0.82 and 708.47±0.53, respectively. Value addition of 50 kg buffalo dung through biogas production and subsequent vermicomposting of digested slurry an amount 102.0 may be additionally earned compared to traditional open composting of fresh buffalo dung besid es protecting the environment. Buffalo dung, value addition, biogas production, vermocomposting . India has 105.3 million buffaloes which constitute 55.7 % of the Solid waste being generated from this huge number of buffaloes is a valuable source of nutrients and renewable energy. However, most of the solid roduced from these animals in India left to manure pits and are exposed to rains as they The green house gasses released from open decomposition of manure causing major environmental nts, particularly N, not only reduces the quality of manure but also causes pollution in . Therefore, it is essential to a new waste management system that makes dairy production operations economically viable to the far mers Anaerobic digestion of dung helps in manure stabilization, sludge reduction, odour control, and produce biogas which is a good source of non conventional energy. During anaerobic e dung converted in to biogas through sequential involvement of different groups of bacteria . rich gas, which is a colourless, blue burning gas that can be used as fuel for cooking, heating, lighting and electricity generation. Theref ore, biogas is an alternate energy source, which will decrease the demand of Biogas production in rural villages of India being carried out using two common anaerobic digesters i.e. the "Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) Floatin g Dome" model and the "Janata, Fixed Dome" model . The slurry obtained after anaerobic digestion of dung can be directly applied to the agricultural fields as a soil conditioner. However, due to its wateriness, farmers are not showing interest to apply it directly to agricultural fields essential to convert the slurry obtained from the biogas plants in to other farms like vermicompost in which earthworms can modify its physical and biochemical properties dearth of informa tion on value addition of buffalo dung, the present research has been carried out to study the eco disposal buffalo solid waste through anaerobic decomposition and vermicomposting. Materials and methods Ten Graded Murrah buffaloes were randomly selected from the Instructional Livestock Farm Complex (ILFC), NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram with an average body weight of 400±50 kg. The buffaloes were stall fed in the shed and offered 20 kg chopped green jowar f straw to each buffalo per day to meet the maintenance requirement. Concentrate feed was offered at the time of milking as per the milk production i.e 1 kg concentrate per 2 kg milk production. The dung voided by the buffaloes was coll ected manually for 24 hours and quantified using weighing balance on weekly basis for a period of 2 months. Estimation o f Total solids in the dung (TS): grams were used to determine the total solids (TS %) per cent for the fresh dung and di gested slurry. The samples were weighed in petri plates and kept in hot air oven at 105 iences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 52 friendly Disposal and Srivani M. Department of Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, NTR College of Veterinary Science , 201 4 friendly disposal using anaerobic decomposition vermicomposting with the objective of identifying a solid waste management system that is economical to the dairy producers besides protecting the environment. The average dung produced per day by a buffalo weighing 400±50 to 26.75 kg which was significantly (P0.01) different among buffaloes due to variation in body The average total and volatile solids per cent of the buffalo dung and digested slurry were 20.56 ±0.48 and 9.05± per cent, respectively which were significantly (P0.01) different. The average P of The average time (minutes) maintained the lighting and Value addition of 50 kg buffalo dung 102.0 may be additionally es protecting the environment. The slurry obtained after anaerobic digestion of dung can be directly applied to the agricultural fields as a soil conditioner. However, due to its wateriness, farmers are not showing interest directly to agricultural fields . Therefore, it is essential to convert the slurry obtained from the biogas plants in to other farms like vermicompost in which earthworms can modify its physical and biochemical properties . Since there is tion on value addition of buffalo dung, the present research has been carried out to study the eco -friendly disposal buffalo solid waste through anaerobic decomposition buffaloes were randomly selected from the Livestock Farm Complex (ILFC), NTR College of with an average body weight of 400±50 kg. The buffaloes were stall fed in the shed and offered 20 kg chopped green jowar f odder and 10 kg paddy straw to each buffalo per day to meet the maintenance requirement. Concentrate feed was offered at the time of milking as per the milk production i.e 1 kg concentrate per 2 kg milk production. The dung voided by the buffaloes was ected manually for 24 hours and quantified using weighing balance on weekly basis for a period of 2 months. f Total solids in the dung (TS): Samples of 50 grams were used to determine the total solids (TS %) per cent gested slurry. The samples were weighed in petri plates and kept in hot air oven at 105 0 c for a International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(12), 52-57, December (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 53 period of 24 hours. The solids remaining after removal of moisture was estimated using following formula. TS % = (Final weight/Initial weight) X 100 Estimation of Volatile Solids (VS): The dried residue obtained from total solid analysis was weighed and heated in crucible for 2hrs at 500 C in furnace. After cooling crucible residue was weighed. VS % = [100-(V3-V1/V2-V1)] X 100 Where, V1= Weight of crucible, V2= Weight of dry residue and crucible, V3= Weight of ash and crucible (after cooling) PH of the dung and digested slurry: H of the dung and digested slurry was measured at weekly intervals. 1gm samples of the dung and digested slurry were mixed with distilled water and the PH was measured with EU tech P meter (ECFC 7252101 BE). Estimation of biogas gas requirement: The size of the digesters was determined by the cooking and lighting requirement of a family comprising 4 persons. For cooking, the quantity of gas required per person is 0.227 m3 9. The required gas per house hold of 4 persons is 0.908 m. For lighting, the quantity of gas required to illuminate a 100 candles lamp (60 watt electric bulb) is 0.125 m. For 3 lights the requirement is 1.13 m. Therefore, the requirement of biogas to meet the cooking and lighting requirement for a family of 4 persons is 0.908+1.13=2.038. one kg of fresh buffalo dung produces 0.04 of biogas10. To produce approximately 2.0 m biogas, nearly 50 kg of fresh dung will be required. Estimation of Plant capacity: To estimate digester volume, V=V X Tr Where, V = Volume of fluid in the digester, T = Hydraulic retention time, V = Volume of fluid in the digester = mass/density, 1 kg fresh dung contains 0.18 kg solids and 50 kg dung contains 9.0 kg solids. Therefore, volume of the fluid is 9/50=0.18 m per day. If the hydraulic retention time taken as 30 days (8-50 days9 ), the volume of the digester (V) is 0.18X30=5.4 m. The actual volume of the digester is 1.1 X V. Therefore, the digester volume is 5.94 m i.e. around 6.0 m3. The digesters were constructed as per the specifications provided by New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd., (NREDCAP), and Vijayawada. Feeding to the Digester: A homogenous mixture was prepared by mixing with equal quantity of water to the buffalo dung i.e 50:50 ratio. The digester was charged with buffalo dung at 8-10 per cent total solids up to 75 per cent of its volume. After stabilization, 50 kg of buffalo dung and 50 liters of water was fed daily at total solid concentration of 8-10 per cent for 60 days. The gas started generating from third week after charging the digester. After 30 days of stabilization, the results were measured for the period of next 30 days. Cooking and lighting measurement: The quantity of biogas generated from the floating and fixed dome anaerobic digesters was measured in terms of its fuel value for lighting and cooking. The lighting efficiency of the floating and fixed dome anaerobic digesters was measured by the number of minutes a 100 candle lamp illuminated for first 15days. The cooking plus lighting was measured by the time (minutes) taken to cook 500g of rice with one litre of water on separate biogas stove fixed with household burner of 200 liters capacity / hour for the next 15 days of the experiment. Vermicomposting of digested slurry: About 100 kg digested biogas slurry (equal to 50 kg fresh dung in total solids) was taken from the storage tank and piled on the ground for one week. At approximately 40 per cent TS level 25kg semidried biogas slurry (equal to 50 kg fresh dung) mixed with 5 kg feed residue were used for the preparation of vermicompost. The slurry was mixed with the residual feed material and mixture was spread on a plastic sheet with a thickness of 30 cm and allowed the material to decompose for 3 weeks. In to the cracks developed on the material, about 2000 earthworms belongs to Eisenia fetida species released and water was sprinkled to maintain the moisture about 80 per cent. The material was covered with gunny bags to prevent the evaporation of moisture. After 50 days, the converted vermicompost which is in black granules, light in weight and free from bad odour, recovered after separation of earth worms. The procedure was carried out in triplicate to avoid error. The fuel value of biogas produced from the digesters was calculated with comparative fuel values of other sources11 and the prices fuel and vermicompost was taken from the prevailing market prices. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out according to the procedures suggested12. Results and Discussion The mean quantity of dung voided by Graded Murrah buffaloes are presented in Table 1. Significant (P0.01) difference was observed in the quantity of dung voided by the buffalos. This might be due to variations in the body weight of the buffaloes which might be responsible for difference in dung production. The average quantity of dung voided by the buffalo ranges from 19.35 to 22.kg13 and cow ranges from 25-30 kg14 corroborated the present findings. The average total solids (TS) content of buffalo dung and digested slurry was 20.56 ±0.48 and 9.05± 0.12 per cent, respectively (Table 2 and Figure1). Significant (P0.01) difference in TS per cent of dung and digested slurry might be due to dilution effect of the dung with water. The TS per cent recorded in the present study was similar to the results reported15 for buffalo dung (22.3 per cent). Majority of the International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 3(12), 52-57, December (2014) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 54 biogas plants constructed in India are using cattle/buffalo dung as substrate and operate at 10 per cent TS concentration16. It was reported17 that 9 per cent TS is optimum for biogas production from agricultural wastes. The TS content after dilution should be 5 to 12 per cent for optimum performance of anaerobic digester18 which was 10.28 TS per cent in the present study. Compared to the diluted fresh buffalo dung (10.28 % TS), the TS content in the digested slurry was reduced to 9.05 per cent. After anaerobic digestion, the total solids content was decreased from 10 to 7 per cent in slurry than in fresh dung19. Table -1 Quantity of dung voided per day by the Graded Murrah buffaloes Buffalo number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dung voided 25.44 a ±0.23 26.69 a ±0.29 19.05 b ± 0.30 26.75 a ± 0.34 26.39 a ± 0.27 26.63 a ± 0.41 20.18 b ± 0.34 26.11 a ± 0.16 26.55 a ±0.19 26.2 a ± 0.18 a,b, values bearing different superscripts in a column differ significantly (P0.01)Table- 2 Physical and chemical properties of buffalo dung and digested slurry Parameter Dung Digested slurry Total solids 20.56 a ±0.48 9.05 b ±0.12 Volatile solids 78.37 a ±0.38 67.13 b ±0.61 P H 7.8 a ±0.04 7.9 b ±0.03 a,b, values bearing different superscripts in a column differ significantly (P0.01) The mean volatile solids (VS) content of the buffalo dung and digested slurry was 78.37±0.38 and 67.13± 0.61 per cent, respectively (Table 2 and Figure 2). Significant (P0.01) difference was observed in the VS content of the dung and digested slurry which might be due to dilution effect of the dung with water. The VS content is the total amount of organic matter and is an important indicator for biogas production. The VS content of the fresh cow dung and digested slurry was 78.60 and 60.80 per cent, respectively reported15 corroborating the present study. The average P of the buffalo dung and digested slurry was 7.8±0.04 and 7.9±0.03, respectively (table-2). Significant difference was not observed in PH value of dung and digested slurry. Optimum biogas production is achieved when the Pvalue of input dung mixture is around 7 to 9 which favours the growth of methanogenic microorganisms20. Increase of P in the cow dung from 7.58 to 7.86 due to anaerobic digestion was reported19. Figure–1Total solids percent of buffalo dung and digested slurry          \n \r\n \n \r   International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 3(12), 52-57, December (2014) International Science Congress Association Volatile solids The average time spent by the dung inside the digester before it comes out is known as the hydraulic retention time (HRT). In the present study, the HRT for the buffalo dung was kept at 30 days. The dung requires HRT at least 10- 30 days in mesophilic cond ition, while in thermophilic environment HRT is shorter In India, typical HRT of the KVIC floating dome digesters are in the tropical south was 30 days and in the north it was 50 days22. The average time (minutes) maintained the lighting and cooking 500g rice plus lighting was 910.47±0.82 and 786.33±0.29 day respectively, by the biogas generated from 50 kg buffalo dung in floating digester (Table 3). The biogas required to light 100 candle lamp (60 watt bulb) is 0.125 m 3 Therefore, 1.90 cubic meters of biogas was produced from 50 kg buffalo dung i.e.. 0.038 cubic meters of biogas /kg buffalo dung. One kg buffalo dung produce 0.040 cubic meters of biogas10 which is clo se to the output of biogas obtained in the present study. Table 3 Fuel value of biogas produced from buffalo dung Fuel efficiency Quantity of dung Dilution rate Lighting * (hrs) 50 kg 1:1 910.47 ±0.82 Lighting of 100candle lamp (60 watt bulb) , rice plus lighting of 100candle lamp (60 watt bulb)      \n \r Environment Sciences_______________ _________________________ International Science Congress Association Figure –2 Volatile solids percent of buffalo dung and digested slurry The average time spent by the dung inside the digester before it comes out is known as the hydraulic retention time (HRT). In the present study, the HRT for the buffalo dung was kept at 30 30 days in mesophilic ition, while in thermophilic environment HRT is shorter 21. of the KVIC floating dome digesters are in the tropical south was 30 days and in the north it was 50 -55 The average time (minutes) maintained the lighting and cooking 910.47±0.82 and 786.33±0.29 per respectively, by the biogas generated from 50 kg buffalo The biogas required to light 3 per 60 minutes10. Therefore, 1.90 cubic meters of biogas was produced from 50 kg buffalo dung i.e.. 0.038 cubic meters of biogas /kg buffalo dung. One kg buffalo dung produce 0.040 cubic meters of se to the output of biogas obtained in the Fuel value of biogas produced from buffalo dung Fuel efficiency cooking plus lighting* (hrs) 786.33 ±0.29 , **Cooking 500 g rice plus lighting of 100candle lamp (60 watt bulb) The TS per cent of the fresh buffalo dung ( almost to half (9.05) after digestion due to dilution effect with equal quantity of water and 25 kg dried slurry with 40 per cent total solids which was equal to 50 kg fresh dung used for vermicompost preparation. Vermicomposting efficiency of E. fetida earthworms increased when fresh mixed with other organic ma terials like straws quantity of vermicompost obtained in the present study from 25 kg dried slurry and 5 kg residual feed material was 16.3 kg which is 54.33 per cent of the original substrate. Vermicompost output from the cattle dung at mo isture content 60% varied from 39-86 % 24 corroborated yield obtained in the present study. The economic benefit of biogas utilization for cooking and lighting and subsequent vermicompost preparation of the digested slurry was presented in Table 4. plant is having double benefits as firstly, it provides clean combustion fuel for cooking and secondly, the residual slurry is a good source of bio-fertilizer25 The cost of 50 kg buffalo solid waste without value addition at present market price is around addition of 50 kg buffalo dung through biogas production and subsequent vermicomposting of digested slurry an amount of 127.00/- c an be earned with an additional amount of over conventional disposal of buffalo dung in India.      \n _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319–1414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 55 The TS per cent of the fresh buffalo dung ( 10.28) was reduced almost to half (9.05) after digestion due to dilution effect with of water and 25 kg dried slurry with 40 per cent total solids which was equal to 50 kg fresh dung used for vermicompost preparation. Vermicomposting efficiency of E. fetida earthworms increased when fresh digested biogas slurry terials like straws 23. The average quantity of vermicompost obtained in the present study from 25 kg dried slurry and 5 kg residual feed material was 16.3 kg which is 54.33 per cent of the original substrate. Vermicompost isture content 60% varied from corroborated yield obtained in the present study. The economic benefit of biogas utilization for cooking and lighting and subsequent vermicompost preparation of the digested slurry was presented in Table 4. The dung based biogas plant is having double benefits as firstly, it provides clean combustion fuel for cooking and secondly, the residual slurry is The cost of 50 kg buffalo solid waste without value addition at 25/-. However, after value addition of 50 kg buffalo dung through biogas production and subsequent vermicomposting of digested slurry an amount of an be earned with an additional amount of 102.0 over conventional disposal of buffalo dung in India. Similar \n \r   International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 3(12), 52-57, December (2014) International Science Congress Association findings reported16 that benefit cost ratio of fixed dome type pilot size biogas plant was calculated to be as 1.49:1. Other benefits of biogas p lants include decrease in fuel wood consumption for cooking and use of chemical fertilizer in agriculture. Buffalo manure for the production of biogas is beneficial both for the environment and the economy; the former when the gas is used as a vehicle fuel petrol/diesel as well as reducing direct emissions from the manure storage26 corroborating the present findings. Table -4 Economic benefit of biogas production and vermicomposting of buffalo dung Parameter Without value addition () Cost of 50 kg raw dung 25 Cooking and lighting value of Biogas produced (1.9m in the floating digester)* equal to the cost of 0.99/1.0 litre diesel - Value of Vemicompost 16.3 kg @ Rs 4 per kg Total savings *15.16 hours lighting of 100candle lamp (60 watt bulb) @ 0.125 per hour8 is equal to 1.9 m biogas. One m of biogas can save 3.50 kg of wood, 12.30 kg of dung cakes, 1.6 kg of coal, 0.62 litre of kerosene oil, 0.43 kg of LPG and 0.52 litre of diesel Based on the present study it was concluded that allowing open decomposition of buffalo solid waste not only posing environmental hazards but also cause economic loss to the dairy producers. 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