International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(8), 32-36, August (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 32 Water Soluble Anions in Free Fall Dust in Sonepat NCR Region, Haryana, India Khandelwal MamtaSingh Anju and Kumar Sachin2 Dept. of Energy Studies and Environment Management; CEEES, DCR University of Sci. and Technology, Murthal, Sonepat, Haryana, INDIA Rajasthan Pollution Control Board, Rajasthan, INDIAAvailable online at: Received 26th June 2013, revised 13July 2013, accepted 11 August 2013 AbstractThree sets of free fall samples were collected at three sites in Sonepat NCR from March 2013 to April 2013. These samples were collected to monitor air in the Sonepat NCR. These samples were used for the analysis of anions, which Are Fluoride, Chloride. Sulphate, phosphate, nitrate. A small quantity of the samples obtained was used to analyse anions present in air and the rest was used to analyse the concentration of heavy metals in air sample which are lead, copper, arsenic, zinc, chromium, iron, manganese etc. These anions which are water-soluble in nature are extracted by ultrasonic methods with water and all the anions were analysed using ion exchange chromatography. Of the analysed anions, fluoride, chloride and sulphates ions were high in concentration. Nitrates and phosphates ions were lower in concentration. Main motive was used to examine the temporal variations of the anions ions at the three sites. The results indicated that there was as such no major difference among the three sites. However, when we compare the average concentrations of chloride and sulphate ions, it could be easily concluded that traffic area near NH-1, Murthal had comparatively more influence than the other two sites. Keywords: Aerosols, anions, free fall, Milli-Q, ion exchange chromatography (IC). Introduction Aerosols the ubiquitous component of atmosphere are suspension of particulate matter either solid or liquid droplet or both in gaseous medium. Aerosol, air and dust are considered synonyms and are frequently substituted for each other. The term aerosols strictly apply to both the gaseous and particulate phase in a system, but it is widely used to refer to the particulate phase alone. The physical attributes of airborne particulates include mass concentration and the size distribution10. Particle size distribution determines particles behaviour and the particle size and shape are clearly linked to the nature of their resources, history, process of their entrainment and transport and post formation process. The particles size is characterised by particle diameter. Particles below 100µm in size can stay in atmosphere for hours to a day, depending on wind condition. Highest residence time varying from hours to days in observed in 10µm sized particles. Particles below 10µm can be transported to several thousand kilometers in the atmosphere from the source region by wind. Biological contents of the aerosols include pollen grain, fungal, spores, mites, insects, plant fragments and animal biomass and such aerosols are called bio-aerosols. Chemically, aerosols are dominantly in homogeneous mixture of different chemical species. The elemental composition also strongly depends upon the particle formation and post formation process just as particle size. The fine particulates generally comes from manmade activity such as vehicular exhaust, industries, biomass burning and are rich in toxic metals3,4. Airborne particulate matter causes adverse effect on health through the inhalation of particles below 10 µm in size which can be deposited in the tracheobronchial and alveolar regions the lungs5,6. It is now well established that the fine aerosols are carrier of pollens, bacteria, fungal spores and cause allergic disease7,8. Dust is type of aerosols, related to, but distinct from smoke, mist, fumes and fogs. Free fall is a suspension of only solid particles in a solid gas phase, or deposits of such particles. This includes particles greater than 20µm in size, which settle back to the surface quickly due to gravity sedimentation processes. Description of Study Area: Sonepat is a town and a municipal council and a district in the state of Haryana, (India). It is 20 kms north from Delhi and also known as an education city in the India. Sonepat is bounded by 28047’15” to 29017’10” north latitude and 76027’40” to 77012’44” east longitude and covers an area of 2261.53 Sonepat comes under the National Capital Region (NCR). In map i. is residential area in Sonepat, Sec-15, Sonepat, ii. Is NH-1, Murthal, iii. is Kalpna chawla hostel. The climate of Sonepat is intense hot in summers and cold in winters. Season from November to March is of winter; of summer prevails during May and June. Temperature in January reaches 7C, while in May and June reaches 46C. Monsoon between July to September month fetches about 75% of rainfall from south-west direction. Weather is mild during this period and annual average rainfall in the district is 502.2 mm. In April International Research Journal of Environment Vol. 2(8), 32-36, August (2013) International Science Congress Association and May humidity level goes below 20% and in monsoon pe high humidity is experienced in the district. Likewise, winds are strong in the monsoon periods and light in winter and post monsoon months. During the period from April to June, dust and thunder storm, frequently accompanied with squalls is experienc ed. In air, concentration of aerosols like TSPM and PM10 observed in Sonepat was above the standard limits. Aerosols concentration was found higher during winter seasons and thus people are more prone to respiratory diseases in winters. MethodologySample collection: three aerosols samples of free fall were collected by using phenomenon of gravity settling. Free fall samples were collected from 3 sampling sites i.e. area Sec 15 Sonepat, DCRUST, ii. Area near NH Kalpna chawla ho stel using plastic trays filled with two layers of glass marble balls kept at a height of 15 meters above ground level. The purpose of using a bilayer of marble balls in trays was to trap the freely falling dust particles in between the marbles ball and th e trays so that the dust particles cannot escape easily. Dried sample was removed from trays with the help of a scrapper and the tray as well as marble balls were washed with milli- Q to remove the sticky particles. The solution Environment Sciences_______________ _________________________ International Science Congress Association and May humidity level goes below 20% and in monsoon pe riod high humidity is experienced in the district. Likewise, winds are strong in the monsoon periods and light in winter and post - monsoon months. During the period from April to June, dust and thunder storm, frequently accompanied with squalls is ed. In air, concentration of aerosols like TSPM and PM10 observed in Sonepat was above the standard limits. Aerosols concentration was found higher during winter seasons and thus people are more prone to respiratory diseases in collection: three aerosols samples of free fall were collected by using phenomenon of gravity settling. Free fall samples were collected from 3 sampling sites i.e. i. Residence Area near NH -1, Murthal iii. stel using plastic trays filled with two layers of glass marble balls kept at a height of 15 meters above ground level. The purpose of using a bilayer of marble balls in trays was to trap the freely falling dust particles in between the e trays so that the dust particles cannot sample was removed from trays with the help of a scrapper and the tray as well as marble balls were Q to remove the sticky particles. The solution was evaporated at 70C in or der to get the sample in dried form and then scrapped dried and water dried were mixed and were stored in plastic vials for chromatography was used for the estimation of anions present in free fall samples. In this study Metrohm 882 1with all its attachments was used. 3.2m +1mMol Sodium Bi Carbonate solutions were prepared for mobile phase and flow rate was kept at 0.700 mL/min at a pressure of 7.94 MP a. Weight exactly 2mg of free fall samples, transfer it to 50ml plastic bottles and then add 20 ml of milli (in a proportion of 1:10). Mix thoroughly by shaking plastic vials for at least half an hour and then filter the solution through 0.2 m filter and sample was ready to be inserted in ion exch chromatography. Results and Discussion After running sample through IC, we got following results. From figure 2 and table 1, we can easily conclude that phosphate and chloride ion concentration is high as compared to the others anions. In residentia l area concentration of fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate is 13.898 PPM, 196.439 PPM, 94.685 PPM, 3.284 PPM and 414.420 PPM respectively. Figure-1 Map of Sonepat Area _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319–1414 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. 33 der to get the sample in dried form and then scrapped dried and water dried were mixed and were analysis. Ion exchange chromatography was used for the estimation of anions present in free fall samples. In this study Metrohm 882 Compact IC plus 1with all its attachments was used. 3.2m Mol Sodium Carbonate +1mMol Sodium Bi Carbonate solutions were prepared for mobile phase and flow rate was kept at 0.700 mL/min at a a. Weight exactly 2mg of free fall samples, transfer it to 50ml plastic bottles and then add 20 ml of milli -Q (in a proportion of 1:10). Mix thoroughly by shaking plastic vials for at least half an hour and then filter the solution through 0.2 m filter and sample was ready to be inserted in ion exch ange After running sample through IC, we got following results. From figure 2 and table 1, we can easily conclude that phosphate and chloride ion concentration is high as compared to l area concentration of fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate is 13.898 PPM, 196.439 PPM, 94.685 PPM, 3.284 PPM and 414.420 PPM International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(8), 32-36, August (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 34 Figure-2 Anions concentration in sample 1 (residential area sec 15, Sonepat)Figure-3 Anions concentration in sample 2 (NH-1, Murthal) International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(8), 32-36, August (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 35 Clearly seen from figure 3 and table 2, NH-1 Murthal has 4.829 PPM, 3501.498 PPM, 948.580 PPM, 6070.284 PPM concentrations of fluoride, chloride, nitrate and sulphate respectively. As we see, the concentration of chloride, nitrate and sulphate is very high. In figure 4 and table 3, we can see that the concentration of fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate is 10.668 PPM, 291.718 PPM, 340.490 PPM, 6.062 PPM and 608.247 PPM respectively. Concentration of sulphate, nitrate and chloride is comparatively high. Fluoride and phosphate are within limits. Table-1 Anions concentration in sample 1 showing retention time (residential area sec 15, Sonepat) Peak No Retention time min Area (µs/cm)* min Height µs/cm Concentration ppm Component Name 1 3.438 1.9979 5.797 13.898 Fluoride 2 4.915 37.2285 191.363 196.439 Chloride 3 7.987 9.5454 34.049 94.685 Nitrate 4 11.760 .1170 .242 3.243 Phosphate 5 13.587 54.8671 100.144 414.420 sulphate Table-2 Anions concentration in sample 2 shows retention time (NH-1, Murthal) Peak No Retention time min Area (µs/cm)* min Height µs/cm Concentration ppm Component Name 1 3.222 0.7491 2.966 4.829 Fluoride 2 5.552 663.2772 936.891 3501.498 Chloride 3 8.442 95.7442 169.882 948.580 Nitrate 4 13.155 802.4180 716.047 6070.284 sulphate Table-3 Anions concentration in sample 3 showing retention time (Kalpna chawla hostel) Peak No Retention time min Area (µs/cm)* min Height µs/cm Concentration ppm Component Name 1 3.472 1.5532 9.489 10.668 Fluoride 2 4.953 55.2862 258.139 291.717 Chloride 3 8.158 34.3583 101.532 340.490 Nitrate 4 11.773 .1998 0.418 6.602 Phosphate 5 13.552 80.4849 136.300 608.247 sulphate Figure-4 Anions concentration in sample 3 (Kalpna chawla hostel) International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(8), 32-36, August (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 36 ConclusionAir monitoring for Sonepat NCR was done so that levels of air pollution can be checked which put adverse effect on health of local people. Samples were collected over a period of one month from three sampling sites i.e. i. residential area ii. Kalpna chawla hostel iii. NH-1, Murthal. Concentrations of some ions are above limit as laid down by CPCB. Phosphate and chloride ion concentration is high as compared to the others anions in Residential area- Sec 15. The concentration of chloride, nitrate and sulphate is very high at NH-1 Murthal. In kalpna chawla hostel, Concentration of sulphate, nitrate and chloride is comparatively high. Fluoride and phosphate are within limits. References1.Prospero J.M., Charlson R.J., Mohnen V., Jaenicke R., Delany A.C., Moyers J., Zoller W., Rahn K., The Atmospheric Aerosol System, Res. J. 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