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Effect of Temperature, Humidity and other Physical Parameters on Air Pollution in and Around Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Physics, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, INDIA
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (7), Pages 55-62, July,22 (2013)


Air pollution in and around the Belgavi city has been monitored. The pollutants measured to assess air quality have been the concentration of Sulphur dioxide (SO), Nitrogen dioxide NO, Ammonia (NH), Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) and Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5). The data were collected from five sampling sites of the city. In Belagavi city, Pollutants SO, NO, NH were found to be below acceptable limits defined by the National agencies which are meant for air quality management. Concentration of PM10 was found to be equal to the permissible limits in commercial area and small scale industrial area and exceeded the permissible limits in large scale industrial area. Concentration of PM2.5 was greater than permissible limits in heavy traffic and commercial areas, and almost twice more than the limits in the large scale industrial area, and lies far below the permissible limits in other sampling sites of the city.


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