International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(7), 26-29, July (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 26 Diversity of Airborne Fungi in Kadegaon Tahsil, District Sangli, MS, IndiaGhatge M.M., Salunkhe V.S. and Jadhav R.R. Dept. of Botany, Bharati vidyapeeth’s Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam, Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kadegaon-415304, MS, INDIA Available online at: Received 17th April 2013, revised 4th May 2013, accepted 4th June 2013 AbstractThe present investigation deals with the study of Kadegaon. The observations were done during the two years. Study of aerospora of Kadegaon at different sites has been done. During the investigation the aerospora of Kadegaon in December to January shows some common fungal aerospora at particular period of appearance in the air. Dominating fungi are of duteromycetes about 25 species, phycomytes 6, ascomycetes 12 and basidiomycetes 5 spccies. Out of which some are pathogenic, some are saprophytic, some fruit rotting while Aspergillus Micheli ex Link, Mucor Micheli, Rhizopus Ehrenberg, Aspergillus Micheli ex Link are highly allergenic causing diseases to human being and plants also. Appearance of these particles is characteristic and metrological useful factor. By knowing the period and allergenic characteristic one can prepare a personal calendar to avoid allergenic diseases as well as metrological forecasting the weather conditions and to control the plant diseases. Keywords: Aerospora, pathogenic, allergic, meteorological. Introduction Aerobiology is a scientific and multi disciplinary approach focused on the transport of organisms and biologically significant materialsHowever term aerobiology came in to use since 1930 as a collective term for the studies of airborne fungal spores, pollen grains and other airborne microorganisms. Aerobiological research in its various aspects thus has opened almost new visits of investigations which for a rapid growth must be dealt with in co-coordinated manner involving, Agriculturists, plant pathologists, mycologist, Allergists, Entomologists and meterologies from all institutes of the country. Material and MethodsIt includes Air sampling – i. By Tilak Air sampler ii. Culture plate exposure method iii. Preparation of slides iii. Analysis of slide and Identification of slides. Study Area: Satara Government Gazettes Kadegaon at glance describe Kadegaon as Village of 25000 (2011) people on the Karad -Bijapur road about a mile and half west of Kadepur and twenty miles east of Karad. It is well situated on the bank of stream forming part of the catchments of Chikhali Canal, with on its west a fine mango groove which is one of the favorite campus in the district. It is rapidly growing city on account of trade and commerce located at 17.15 N. latitude and 74.15 E longitudes with an area over 174 hec. The sites selected are Market area, Clinical area, Industrial area (Sugar Mill, Spinning Mill), Poultry shed and Dairy farms. Accordingly collection of sample and analysis of the sample were done throughout the year. Figure- 1, 2, 3 Location map of Study Area. Figure-1 Maharashtra stateFigure-2 Sangli District International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(7), 26-29, July (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 27 Figure-3 Kadegaon Taluka Results and Discussion Result depicted in the table shows that fungal mycoflora is common and abundant in the areas of selected site. These are classified as fungal spore and hyphal fragments. Spores ranging from 3 to 100 µdiameter are found in the air. Spores of Phycomycetes e.g. Albugo, Mucor, Rhizopus, Schlerospora are encounted during rainy season followed by high humid conditions and low temperature, representing 6.1 to 8.25 of total airspora. Tilak S.T. and M. Babu studied fungal spore concentration in the air at Tiruchirapalli and their seasonal and annual variations in incidence in the air are discussed and spore calendar for Tiruchirapalli is presented. H.S. Bhatia, R.D. Gaur3 also studied Atmospheric fungal spores. In many season during the month of July to September the occurrence and seasonal variation of ascospores has been observed. Following the rainfall the ascospores are released in the first three hours. Tilak S.T.4 studied the relation between rainfall and release of ascospora. Generally concentration of ascospores gradually increases from June till of reaches maximum in August. Bijaykumar Nayak, Anima Nanda, Narayan Behera studied the airborne fungal spores in Industrial area and there seasonal and diurnal periodicity. Spores of Amphrsphaeria ces de Not. Ascotracha Berk, Bitrmonosprea Bombardra fr, Cladospora, Nistcheke, Cheatomium kunz eg. Cucurbitaria Diatrypella cooke, Erysiphae Hedwing, Eurotium link, Melanospora, Lacanidion, Otthia Nike, Meliola fr. ,Phyllachora Nib, Pleospora Roslllinia,, Triblidara, (jacc) Rehm, Xylara Hill etc are common ascospores found the airspora during rainy season. There contribution ranged form 0.4 to 4.6 % mainly during rang season during night and rarely day time. However detailed investigations about their concentration and seasonal periodicity count not be studied due to their rare and inconsistent presence in airspora classified ascospore as A, B, C and D type. Some basidiomycetes also commonly prevalent during rainy season when fructifications are formed and these are release in air currents. Cadham F.T.6 first time reported inhalant allergy due to rust spores Puccinia is important genus also shows relevance as allergen and pathogen as well extensive aerial transport of this pathogen. Sreeramulu and Vittal studying periodicity of uredinospores above and within a sugarcane field recorded peak concentration in December to January. J. Morales etal7 also reported the same during the study of airborne basidiospores spores in the atmosphere of Seville (south Spain). Some commonly encountered spores of basidiomycetes are Agaricus, coprinus, Ganoderma, Melamspora, Puccinia, Ravenalia, Sphecelotheca, Uromyces, Ustilago etc. Spores of Deuteromycotina are encounted more or less maximum spores are exported during the month of November, while lower is recorded in April -May in hot dry month. Rainfall influences the concentration of spores of fusarium, Pithomyces, Torula, Periconia,Haplosporella, higher prevalence wills begin of rainfall. Spores of Nigrospora Beltraniella, Stemphylium are abundant during morning when the rain was followed by dry day there was abundance of spores of Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Curvularia, Cladosporium, Sadasivania,Heterospories, Epicoccum, fusarrella and Bispora. The spores of Deuteromycotina contribute almost up to 70% of total aerospora during November to December of which Cladosporium 30%, Alternara 5% and Periconia 4% Helmenthosporium 3%. S.J. Baitule and A.A. Saoji8 studied textile deterioration activity of nine common airborne fungal out and found that growth rate of test fungi was recorded at 25 and 30c temperature and relative humidity 100, 80 and 60%. The growth rate in all test fungi was found to be affected by temperature and relative humidity. However while studying thermophilic actinomycetes in cane sugar mills. Z.U. Khan etalreported clinically important thermophilic study actinomycetes are widely prevalent in sugarcane mills studies. fungal mycoflora has become interesting study in other areas like residential area, market area, museums or historical buildings, clinical areas dairy farms etc. Archana Manish Sawane and Aarti Ashok Saoji10 reported a Penicillium in the intramural and extramural air of the residential areas of Nagpur city which was bound higher percentage in winter than other season. While Marcia A etal11 studied fungal colonization and succession on newly painted buildings and effect of biocide. Arun Arya, A, R.Shaha and Satish Sadasiva12 studied Indoor aeromycoflora of Baroda museum and deterioration of Egyptian mummy and reported a no. of a biotic and biotic agencies like pollution light, humidity, temperature. Actinomycetes, algae, fungi, bacteria, insect etc have deteriorating effect on museum materials. Greicy Kiel, Christine C., Gaylarde13 studied diversity of salt tolerant culture able aerobic microorganism of historic building and also studied recovery and identification of fungal spores from nasal cavity, Which shows allergy. Chitra Arya and Arun Arya14studied aeromycoflora and associated disease of certain fruits of fruit market of Baroda (India) and found fungal organisms causes diseases in plants, animals and human beings. Direct correlation was found between percentage rot of fruits and occurrence of fungal spore in different month. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(7), 26-29, July (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 28 Table-1 Shows some common Fungal Aerospora of Kadegaon and their period of appearance in the air Class of fungi Sr. No Name of fungi Season Month Characters Phycomycetes 1 Albugo Pers. Rainy July- Sept Pathogenic 2 Cunninghamella e Matr. Rainy Aug. Saprophytic 3 Mucor Micheli Rainy July- Aug. Allergic 4 Phytophthora de Bary. Rainy&winter July- Sept. Pathogenic 5 Rhizopus Ehrenberg. Rainy July- Aug. Allergic 6 Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet Rainy July- Aug. Pathogenic Ascomycetes 1 Chatomium kunz Rainy- winter July –Octo. Saprophytic 2 Claviceps Tal. winter Sept. Pathogenic 3 Erysiphae Hedwig x Meerat winter Aug. -Dec. Pathogenic 4 Hypoxylon Bull Rainy July -Sept Saprophytic 5 Melanospara Corda Rainy- Winter July -Sept Saprophytic 6 Meliola Fr. Winter Dec. Pathogenic 7 Didymosphaeria Fuck. Rainy Aug - Sept Saprophytic 8 Phyllachora Nits Rainy- Winter July -Sept Pathogenic 9 Xylarla Hill Pre Grev Winter Jan- Dec. Saprophytic 10 Sporormia do not. Rainy July –Aug. Saprophytic 12 Sordaria ces&de Not. Rainy July Saprophytic Basidiomycetes 1 Puccinia sorghi Pers. Winter Jan. Pathogenic 2 Puccinia sacchari Pers. Winter Jan. Pathogenic 3 Puccinia penniseti Pers. Winter Sept. Pathogenic 4 Uredospores Winter July- Dec. Pathogenic 5 Smuts-Ustilago scitaminae winter July- Dec Pathogenic Deuteromycetes 1 Bispora Corda Rainy July –Aug. Saprophytic 2 Botrytis Pres Rainy July- Aug. Pathogenic 3 CandidaBerkhout. winter sept Saprophytic 4 Alternaria sps. All season Sept- oct Pathogenic 5 Aspergillus Micheli ex Link Rainy - inter Aug.- Sept. Highly allergic 6 Cercospora personata Fr. winter Oct. –Nov. Pathogenic 7 Cercospora arachidicola winter Oct. –Nov Pathogenic 8 Cladosporium Link Rainy July –Aug. Pathogenic 9 Colletotrichum Corda Rainy July- Aug. Pathogenic 10 Curvularia Boed. winter Sept Pathogenic 11 Fusarium Link. Rainy July Pathogenic 12 Helminthosprium Link. Winter Sept- Oct. Pathogenic 13 Oidium (Sacc) Link. Rainy- winter Aug. –Dec. Pathogenic 14 Penicillium Link. Rainy July-Sept Allergic 15 Verticillium Nees Winter Nov. –Dec. Pathogenic 16 Beltraniella Subram. winter Sept.- Oct. Pathogenic 17 GloeosporiumDesm.&Mont. Rainy -winter Aug – Oct. Fruit rotting 18 Monilia Pers. All season Red bread mold 19 Nigrospors zimm Rainy- Winter July- Nov. Saprophytic 20 Periconia Tode ex.Schw. winter Nov. –Dec. saprophytic 21 Pithomyces Berk. Rainy Sept.- Oct Saprophytic 22 Pseudptorula rainy July- Aug. Saprophytic 23 Spegazzinia sacc. Winter Dec. saprophytic 24 Torula (Pers ) Link. rainy July- Aug. saprophytic 25 Trichoderma Pers.ex Fr. Winter Sept saprophytic International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(7), 26-29, July (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 29 Conclusion Some of these fungal spores are allergenic causing diseases to human and plant also while some pollen grains are also allergenic. Appearance of these particles is characteristic and metrological useful factor. By knowing the period and allergenic characteristic one can prepare a personal calendar to avoid allergenic diseases as well as meteorologically forecasting the weather conditions and to control the plant diseases. AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to the Vice-Chancellor Dr.Shivajirao Kadam and Secretary Dr.Vishwajeet Kadam, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune for encouragement and advise. Thanks are due to Principal Dr. D.G. Kanase of B.V.M.B.S.K. Kanya Mahavidyala, Kadegaon for constant inspiration and providing facilities. References1.Edmonds R.L. and Benninghoff W.S.,Aerobiology and its modern applications, Ann. Arbor. Mich. S., 1-18 (1973)2.Tilak S.T. and Babu M., Aerobiology of Pyricularia leafsport diseases of bajra in relation of weather condition, Poll. Res. J. 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