International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 76 An Assessment on the Impact of Waste Discharge on Water Quality of Priyar River Lets in Certain Selected Sites in the Northern Part of Ernakulum District in Kerala, IndiaSubin M.P. and Husna A.H. PG Department of Botany, Sree Narayana College, Nattika, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA Available online at: Received 17th May 2013, revised 29th May 2013, accepted 15th June 2013 AbstractThe study assessed the impact of waste discharge on the water quality of Periyar river lets at four different sites selected in the Northern regions of Ernakulam District. Physico-chemical status was examined to determine the quality of river water. The parameters studied includes colour, odour, taste, pH, total hardness, turbidity, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, nitrate, fluoride, phosphate, total dissolved solids, BOD, COD and electrical conductivity. The results were compared with the BIS standards. The study noticed that the water samples from site1, site2 and site3 exhibited clear pollution tendencies which may be attributed to the higher or lower level of different parameters studied which are not satisfying the requirement for the uses of various purposes. Keywords: Water quality, periyar river lets, northern part of Ernakulam, waste discharge, physico-chemical. Introduction Rivers play a significant role as they serve not only the purpose of water supply for domestic, industrial, agricultural and power generation but also utilized for the disposal of sewage and industrial waste and therefore put under tremendous pressure. In the last few decades, pressure has been increasing and greater emphasis is laid on the deterioration of the quality of Indian Rivers. Most of the rivers have been unmindfully used for the disposal of domestic and industrial effluents far beyond their assimilative capacities and have been rendered grossly pollutedDespite its importance, water is the most poorly managed resource in the world The quality of water is getting vastly deteriorated mainly due to unscientific waste disposal; improper water management and carelessness towards the environment and this had led to the scarcity of potable water affecting human health. People who live near the river area use the water from the river for domestic purposes. Unfortunately, there is no frequent and up to date monitoring and information providing facility on the quality of the industrial effluent discharged into the river and the quality of the water in the river for human use. Such information is important for the authorities to take proper action in preventing pollution of the environment for the good health of the population. Before water can be described as potable, it has to comply with certain physical, chemical and microbiological standards to ensure that the water is palatable and safe for drinking and other domestic purposesThe objective of the present study was to assess the extent of various pollutants received by Periyar river lets in the Northern regions of Ernakulum district, as affected by industrial, domestic sewage and solid wastes discharged therein. Material and Methods Study area and sampling sites: Water samples were collected from four different selected sites of Periyar river let in the northern part of Ernakulum district, Kerala, India during the month of March 2013. The four sampling sites and source of water pollution selected for the study are: Site1: One of the major areas located at Eloor where there is heavy discharge of industrial effluents into the Periyar river let. Site2: This is the site located at Kalamassery area where heavy solid waste dumping occurs in the river side. Site3: This site is located at North Paravoor area where river let receives heavy discharge of domestic sewage waste. Site4: This is the site located at Aluva area and which was selected as the least polluted site owing to the absence of waste discharge in direct vicinity. Collection of water samples: The water samples were collected in high grade plastic bottles of one liter capacity. Before collection, the plastic bottles were rinsed once with distilled water and then thrice with respective water sample. During collection, care was taken to avoid the trapping of air within the bottle by completely immersing the bottle within the respective water sample until the bottle is completely filled in with the water. Parameters analyzed: The samples collected were brought to the laboratory and the parameters like colour, odour, taste, turbidity, pH, total hardness (TH), calcium, magnesium, total International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 77 alkalinity (TA), chloride, sulphate, nitrate, fluoride, phosphate, total dissolved solids (TDS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and electrical conductivity (EC) were analyzed. Standard methods were adopted for the analysis of water samples. Physico-chemical parameters analyzed andmeasured on water samples were compared with BIS, IS: 10500 standardsfor drinking water. Each data provided in the table 2 is an average of three samples collected from each site. Figure-1 Location Map of the study area and black dots indicate sampling sites Table-1 Physico-chemical parameters, Analytical methods and Guidelines of BIS BIS- 1992 Guidelines Sl. No. Parameter Method of analysis Desirable Limit Maximum Limit 1 Colour Visual comparison 5 25 2 Odour By smelling unobjectionable --- 3 Taste By tasting Agreeable -- 4 Turbidity Nephelometric method 5 10 5 pH Electrometric 6.5-8.5 NR 6 Total Hardness Titration by H2SO4 300 600 7 Iron Calorimetrically 0.3 1.0 8 Chlorides Titration by AgNO3 250 1000 9 Fluoride UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 1 1.5 10 Calcium Titration by EDTA 75 200 11 Magnesium Titration by EDTA 30 100 12 Sulphates Turbidimetric 200 400 13 Nitrates UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 45 100 14 EC Electrometric -- -- 15 Total Alkalinity Titration by H2SO4 200 600 16 BOD 5 days incubation at 200C followed by titration -- -- 17 DO Winkler method -- -- 18 TDS Electrometric 500 2000 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 78 Results and DiscussionThe detailed results of the various physico-chemical parameters of Periyar river lets analyzed in the present investigation are given in table 2. The colour, taste and odour of the water samples were noted at the sampling site itself. Water samples collected from site 2 was found to be light brown coloured. With respect to the taste and odour, water samples at site 2 and site 3 are not agreeable and are objectionable respectively. pH: pH of river let water studied ranged from 6.23 to 7.32 and it was 6.34 at site1, 6.23 at site 2, 7.32 at site 3 and 6.82 at site 4. The obtained results indicate, water sample at site3 is slightly alkaline whereas all other samples are acidic in nature. As per BIS standard, the desirable range of pH for drinking water is 6.5 to 8.5 and therefore site1 and site2 are not within the safer limit. Water with a pH outside the normal range may cause a nutritional imbalance or may contain a toxic ion which can adversely affect the growth and development of aquatic life. As pH affects the unit processes in water treatment that contribute to the removal of harmful organisms, it could be argued that pH has an indirect effect on health. Turbidity: Desirable and maximum permissible limit of turbidity in drinking water is 5NTU and 10NTU respectivelywhereas as per WHO standards, turbidity of drinking water should not exceed 5 NTU and should ideally be below 1 NTU. In the present study turbidity values varied from 0.26 NTU to 3.2 NTU and are all within the desirable limit as per BIS, however water at site1, 2 and 3 are not ideal as per WHO standard. Comparatively higher values of turbidity at site2 and site3 may be attributed to the comparatively higher suspended and colloidal matter such as clay, silt, finely divided organic and inorganic matter. Total hardness: Total hardness of water generally indicates the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in the water. Desirable and maximum permissible level of hardness in drinking water is 300mg/l and 600mg/l respectively. Total hardness of water samples varied from 46mg/l to 840mg/l. The highest hardness level was recorded at site3, which exceeded the maximum permissible level and this may be attributed to the mixing of sewage effluents into the river water10. Hardness causes incrustations in distribution systems and excessive soap consumption11. Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg): Ca and Mg contentof water samples at different sites fluctuated in the range of 17.2mg/l to 524mg/l and 6.95mg/l to 43.41mg/l respectively. Desirable and maximum permissible content of Ca and Mg in drinking water are 75mg/l and 200mg/l and 30mg/l and 100mg/l respectively.The study shows Ca content at site 4 and Mg content at site and & site 4 are within the desirable limit. At site1 and site 3, the content of Ca has exceeded the maximum permissible limit and found not safe whereas Mg content exceeded the desirable limit but lies within the maximum limit.Water containing high Ca is not suitable for washing, bathing, and in boilers. It causes concretion in the body and may cause intestinal diseases and stone formation12. Higher concentration of Mg can cause hardness of water and exerts a cathartic and diuretic action. Total alkalinity: Total alkalinity values in the present study recorded in the range of 14.3mg/l to 232mg/l. The desirable and maximum permissible limit of alkalinity in drinking water is 200mg/l and 600mg/l respectively. Water sample collected from site3 exhibited maximum alkalinity (232mg/l) and is above the desirable limit but within the maximum limit whereas site1 (62.5mg/l), site2 (15.5mg/l) and site4 (14.3mg/l) exhibited desirable values. Highest alkalinity at site3 may be associated with comparatively higher pH value and higher concentrations of chlorides, sulphates, phosphates and other ions present in water, imparted by the sewage effluent discharge. Chloride: 250mg/l has been established as desirable limit and 1000mg/l as the maximum limit for chloride in drinking water. The study showed that site 3 and site1have chloride content above the maximum limit and was 8862.15mg/l and 1194.82mg/l respectively whereas site2 (841.62mg/l) and site4 (252.79mg/l) has chloride value above the desirable limit but within the maximum limit. The higher content of chloride in site3, site1 and site2 can be attributed to the heavy discharge of sewage waste13, effluents from chemical industries14 and leaches from solid waste dumping, sea water intrusion etc15respectively. Higher concentration of chloride in water can impart undesirable taste, may cause corrosion in the distribution system and may harm growing plants16. Sulphate: Sulphate content of water samples varied from 210mg/l to 2400mg/l. With the exception of site4, all sites have sulphate content exceeding maximum limit. The highest sulphate content was obtained from site1 followed by site 3, site 2 and it was 2400mg/l, 1100mg/l and 790mg/l respectively. An excess of sulphate in river water is taken as an index of pollution. The release of sulphate ions from various wastes discharged into the river water might be the reason for the excessive content. Excessive content of sulphate in water can cause laxative effect and may contribute to the corrosion of distribution systems17. Nitrate and Fluoride: Nitrate and Fluoride content of water samples in the present study varied from 1.2mg/l to 8.6mg/l and 0.1mg/l to 0.5mg/l respectively. The study clearly indicates, nitrate and fluoride content of all the water samples are well within the desirable limit. Phosphate: The concentration of phosphate in water samples in the present study varied from 0.02mg/l to 6.7mg/l. The highest phosphate value was observed at site 3 (6.7mg/l) and it has exceeded the maximum permissible limit whereas all others are well within the desirable limit. The release of phosphates from phosphorous detergents discharged along with the sewage waste International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 79 into the river water might be the reason for the excessive content of phosphate18 at site3. Excessive concentration of phosphate in water may cause vomiting and diarrhea, stimulate secondary hyperthyroidism and bone loss. Total dissolved solids (TDS): The desirable and maximum excessive level of TDSin drinking water prescribed by BIS is 500 mg/l and 2000 mg/l respectively. There were great differences in the values of TDS in the present study and it was 3792mg/l at site1, 2992mg/l at site2, 15918mg/l at site3 and 156mg/l at site 4. The water sample collected from the site4 has an acceptable value whereas all others have TDS value much higher than the maximum excessive limit. This increased level of TDS might be impacted by the dissolution of higher concentrations of chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sulphates, organic and other inorganic particles which resulted from the discharge of sewage, industrial and solid waste into the river lets. The excessive TDS in water can cause changes in taste, excessive scaling in water pipes, water heaters, boilers and household appliances19. Concentration of TDS that are too high or too low may limit growth and lead to the death of many aquatic life forms20. Total suspended solids (TSS): Higher concentration of TSS in river water is an index that it is more polluted. In the present study, the highest TSS value was obtained in water sample collected from site 3 with an average of 31.82 mg/l. This was followed by 28mg/l, 22mg/l and 1.5mg/l at site 2, site 1 and site 4 respectively. Dissolved oxygen (DO): DOlevels in surface water body indicate the ability to support aquatic life. In the present study, DO levels vary from 2.7mg/l to 6.2mg/l. Among the different water samples analyzed, the lowest DO level was noticed in site 3, which was followed by site2 and then by site1 and this was 2.7mg/l, 2.9mg/l and 3.8mg/l respectively. All these values are not desirable. The decreased DO level at different sites may be due to the little turbulence in the river water and increased competition for oxygen within the ecosystem. The high organic and inorganic pollutants received by water bodies through the discharge of industrial, sewage and solid wastes, require a high oxygen demand resulting in oxygen depletion21. The desirable level of DO in water samples at site4 may be because of comparatively low organic matter content. Deficiency of DO gives bad odour to water due to anaerobic respiration of organic matter22. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): BOD is the amount of organic matter in the water and the amount of oxygen required by the micro organisms to stabilize the biologically decomposable organic matter in wastes under aerobic conditions23. BOD values of water samples in the present study varied from 9.5mg/l to 342mg/l. The water samples from site1, site 2 and site 3 exhibited higher values of BOD compared to site4. Higher BOD value at site3 (342mg/l), site 2(186mg/l) and site1(72mg/l) clearly indicate pollution and may be attributed to the percolation of waste water loaded with biodegradable compounds24, which might be the result of untreated sewage, solid and industrial waste discharge respectively into each sites25. Chemical oxygen demand (COD): COD is the amount of oxygen required for the oxidation of inorganic matter using a strong chemical oxidant. All the water samples, with the exception at site4, exhibited higher levels of COD. The highest COD level (192mg/l) was recorded in water sample collected from site3 and this was followed by site 2 and site 1. The higher levels of COD in water samples at site1, site2 and site3 clearly indicate that the waste materials discharged into these water bodies are high oxygen demanding materials, which causes depletion of dissolved oxygen in water. The higher BOD and COD levels of above said water samples indicate that water samples are highly polluted. It may be attributed to the high demand on dissolved oxygen by the wastes discharged in to the water bodies26 and which render them unfit for drinking, irrigation and also decreased the recreation value of water27 Electrical Conductivity (EC): ECof water is the ability of water to conduct current. The highest EC value in the present study obtained in water sample collected from site3 (4572µmhos/cm) whereas the lowest value at site4 (278 µmhos/cm). The table-1 shows, all the EC values of water samples, with the exception at site4, are very high and not desirable. The increased EC value at site 3, 1 and 2 in accordance with the observed increase in total dissolved solids may be attributed to the corresponding higher levels of anions and cations in the water (Jonathan, 2010). There is report that a high positive correlation exists between electrical conductance and chloride concentration28 and similarly a high positive correlation between electrical conductance and total dissolved solids of water29. The present observations are also in support of these reports.The higher conductivity alters the chelating properties of water bodies and creates an imbalance of free metal availability for flora and fauna30. Figure-2 Variation in the value of pH level at different sites 6.346.237.326.825. levelWater sample International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 80 Figure-3 Variation in the value of Hardness level at different sites Figure-4 Variation in the value of Ca level at different sites Figure-5 Variation in the value of Mg level at different sites Figure- 6 Variation in the value of Total alkalinity at different sites Figure-7 Variation in the value of Chloride level at different sites Figure-8 Variation in the value of Sulphate at different sites 43812984046100200300400500600700800900site1site2site3site4Hardness level (mg/l)Water sample 269.6120.452417.2100200300400500600site1site2site3site4Ca level (mg/l)Water sample 43.4 112.4432.636.95 \n \n \n \n \r\n\n\r  \n\r\n 62.515.523214.350100150200250site1site2site3site4Alkalinity level (mg/l)Water sample 1194.82841.628862.15252.7910002000300040005000600070008000900010000site1site2site3site4Chloride level (mg/l)Water sample 2400790110021050010001500200025003000site1site2site3site4Sulphate level (mg/l)Water sample International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 81 Figure-9 Variation in the value of Nitrate at different sites Figure-10 Variation in the value of Phosphate level at different sites Figure-11 Variation in the value of TDS level at different sites Figure-12 Variation in the value of TSS level at different sites Figure-13 Variation in the value of DO level at different sites Figure-14 Variation in the value of BOD level at different sites level (mg/l)Water sample level (mg/l)Water sample 379229921591815620004000600080001000012000140001600018000site1site2site3site4TDS level (mg/l)Water sample    \n \n \n \n\r\n\n\r  \n\r\n level (mg/l)Water sample 721863429.550100150200250300350400site1site2site3site4B OD level (mg/l)Water sample International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 82 Figure-15 Variation in the value of EC value at different sites Figure-16 Variation in the value of COD level at different sites Table-2 Physico-chemical parameters of water samples collected from the selected sites of the Periyar river lets in the Northern part of Ernakulam district Parameter (mg/L) Water Sample Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Colour Colorless Light brown Colorless Colorless Odour Unobjectionable Objectionable Objectionable Unobjectionable Taste Agreeable Not agreeable Not agreeable Agreeable Turbidity (NTU) 1.4 3.2 2.8 0.26 pH 6.34 6.23 7.32 6.82 TH 438 129 840 46 Calcium 269.6 120.4 524 17.2 Magnesium 43.41 12.44 32.63 6.95 TA 62.5 15.5 232 14.3 Chloride 1194.82 841.62 8862.15 252.79 Sulphate 2400 790 1100 210 Nitrate 1.5 8.60 6.5 1.20 Fluoride 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 Phosphate 0.25 0.12 6.7 0.02 TSS 22 28 31.82 1.5 TDS 3792 2992 15918 156 DO 3.8 2.9 2.7 6.2 BOD 72 186 342 9.5 COD 126 154 192 16 EC (µmhos/cm) 2346 1660 4572 278 Each data represents an average of 3 replicates 234616604572278500100015002000250030003500400045005000site1site2site3site4EC value (µmhos/cm)Water sample 1261541921650100150200250site1site2site3site4COD level (mg/l)Water sample International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(6), 76-84, June (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 83 Conclusion It was evident from the study that water quality in the Periyar river lets was severely impaired by the waste discharged from different sources at site 1, site 2 and site 3. The decrease in dissolved oxygen, increase in total dissolved solids and a corresponding increase in electrical conductivity, increase in hardness, chloride and sulphate concentrations, increase in BOD and COD proved considerable deterioration of water quality. The study also revealed, even though at site 4, not any discharge of waste material in direct vicinity and observed to be the least polluted when compared, but it was also found to be unfit for human consumption, as the parameters such as chloride, sulphate etc exceeded the desirable limit prescribed by BIS standards. The present study revealed the pollution associated with the physicochemical parameters are induced by the discharge of untreated or partially treated industrial waste, sewage waste and the disposal of solid waste illegally in to the river and near the river network. This clearly indicates that water resources management is incomplete and ineffective in these regions of Ernakulam district and that no effectively implemented methods of integrated management exist. The most crucial problem is the lack of coordination of various actions of different industries, institutions and domestic sectors towards disposal of waste and water management. The Local bodies and environmental legal authorities should interfere with this situation to produce an internally cohesive institutional framework for waste management. The pollution levels should be reduced by strict enforcement of Environmental Management Act and waste effluent regulations to ensure that the effluent discharged is within the permissible limits. It is thus recommended that waste treatment plants must be established with each industry with proper follow-up. Further, efficient environmental laws and social awareness programme must be undertaken with respect to potential threat of industrial and other waste to the environment. 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