International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(4), 26-29, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 26 Physico-Chemical Analysis of Water and Locked Soil of Sadli Reservoir, Region Kasrawad, District Khargone M.P. INDIAYadav Janeshwar, Pathak R.K., Rathour Jaypal3 and Yadav AnkitDepartment of Chemistry, Jawaharlal institute of Technology Borawan, Khargone, MP, INDIADepartment of chemistry Govt. MLB PG Girls college, Indore, MP INDIA Department of Civil Engg, Jawaharlal Institute of Technology Borawan, Khargone, MP, INDIAAvailable online at: Received 13th March 2013, revised 25th March 2013, accepted 14th April 2013 AbstractThe physico-chemical properties of water and locked soil of sadli reservoir in kasrawad region were analyzed. The variation in the physico-chemical properties of locked soil and reservoir water were found in the present study. The physico-chemical characteristics of the reservoir water and locked soil samples were found to have great variation in the prescribed limit. Sadli reservoir, a small inland reservoir located in Village sadli, Teh Kasrawad District Khargone, Madhya Pradesh, India. It was built over Small river, in the basin of Narmada River. The physico-chemical characteristics, pollution studies of Sadli reservoir water and locked soil have been done in November, December 2012. The Study shows the contain sewage of different villages. Therefore the conservation and management of these water is very much required. Here we are study about chloride content, total hardness, Mg hardness, Ca hardness, alkalinity, temperature and Ph parameters. In locked soil we are study about Ph value, grain size, specific gravity, moisture content, elasticity and plasticity. Keywords: Physico-chemical analysis, soil, village effluents, reservoir, alkalinity, hardness, chloride content.Introduction In India environmental pollution is one of the undesirable problem. The effects of industrialization, urbanization, population growth and unconscious attitude towards the environment are very serious. The industrialization and advancement in agriculture are necessary to meet the basic requirement of people, at the same time it is necessary to preserve the environment. The Village effluent and waste waters are loaded with pollutant, along with other pesticides, insecticides used during agriculture are also responsible for water and soil pollution. Many people’s have given adverse effects of different effluents on the growth of plants, sewage water has also been found toxic to several crop plants. The effects on seed germination and seedling growth of many crops have been generated by several workers in their experimental studies. Effect of water pollution on the aquatic organisms has recently become a interesting topic for investigation in the country. In previous years, the effects of water pollution on water bodies have been investigated in detail. India is facing a serious problem of natural resourcescarcity, especially that of water in view of populationgrowth and economic development. Water is a prime natural resource, and a precious national asset, hence its use needs appropriate planning, development and management. The tropic status of a water body depends on the locality and its topography. Due to tremendous development of industry and agriculture, the water ecosystem has become perceptibly altered in several respects in recent years. The increasing industrialization, urbanization and developmental activities, are major factor for water crisis. The health of lakes and their biological diversity are directly related to the human beings. In freshwater bodies, nutrients play a major role for growth of microorganism and other water bodies. Monitoring of water quality is the first step to management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems. It is also true that the management and conversation of water and locked soil by maintaining the physico-chemical quality of water and soil within acceptable levels. Hence, in the present study, the physico-chemical parameters of Sadli reservoir water and locked soil to arrive certain conclusions on the structural and functional aspects of the reservoir and suggest ways and means for its conservation. Material and MethodsThe soil and water samples were collected from three different sites of sadli reservoir during Nov-Dec months of the year 2012. The collected samples of water and locked soil have been analyzed to determine their physico-chemical characteristics. The water and soil samples were collected in morning hours during November, December 2012. The temperature and H parameters were recorded on the field. Samples were collected in cleaned acid washed plastic bottles and sterilized plastic bags and stored at 4°C. The soil samples have been analyzed for various parameters as H, electrical conductivity (EC), International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 26-29, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 27 plasticity, elasticity, moisture content, specific gravity. These parameters of water and soil were done by standard methods. Sadli, an inland reservoir with 100.07 ha water spread area, was built over a Small river in the basin of Narmada River. The reservoir is located approximately 10 km northwest of Kasrawad and approximately 40 km south of Khargone. This reservoir is a multipurpose tank used for different activities like drinking water supply, irrigation, fisheries etc. Three sampling station of reservoir showing, point 01, point 02, point 03 were selected. Form the selected point of water and locked soil samples was collected and analysis can be done by the different methods. The datas of these samples shown in table 1 and table 2. Study Area: Sadli reservoir situated at the central part of Kasrawad tehsil,.It is undergoing rapid urbanization and agriculture purpose. Sadli reservoir was completed in1979 and having capacity of 1.30 m cum. It is spread in 100.07 hectors. (shown in figure 1 and figure 2). Sampling Procedure and Laboratory Analysis: Water samples and locked soil samples were collected from all three sampling stations from November, December, 2012. Monthly samples of sub-surface water in triplicate were collected during first week of each month in the early hours of the day (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.). Iodine treated double stop par polyethylene bottles were used for collection of water samples. Bottles were kept in ice bucket and brought to the laboratory for analysis. Some of the physico-chemical characteristics of water including water temperature, depth, color, transparency, pH were determined using mercury thermometer, graduated string, visual, Sechi disc, digital pH meter, respectively. Total alkalinity, total hardness, chlorides, calcium and magnesium Hardness, were analyzed using titrimetric method, The locked soil samples collected by three stations in sterilized plastic bags and store at 4C . By locked soil samples we have determine parameters as H, electrical conductivity (EC), plasticity, elasticity, moisture content, specific gravity. Water Quality of the Reservoir: In Sadli reservoir, the water temperature increased during warmer months and decreased during colder months. Similar seasonal variations were also observed by Survey. Water level plays an important role in governing the water quality. Physico-chemical characteristics of water of Sadli reservoir is given in table-1 and the locked soil parameters is given in table-2. Figure-1 Photo of sadli reservoir (water) Figure-2 Photo of sadli reservoir ( wall) International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 26-29, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 28 Table-1 Parameters of Sadli Reservoir water Parameter Point 01 Point 02 Point 03 Colour Light yellow Light yellow yellow Odour Light sweet Light sweet Light sweet Ph 6.89 6.95 6.82 Temprature 19 18 18 Total hardness 150 115 100 Ca hardness 28 28 34 Mg hardness 122 93 68 Alkalinity 125 95 105 Chloride content 35.5 31.5 28.5 Electrical conductivity 107.11 S/cm 235.40 S/cm 234.32 S/cm Transparency 65.50cm 92.30cm 110.00cm Hardness, chloride content and alkalinity parameters are in PPM Table-2 Parameters of Sadli Reservoir locked soil Parameter Point 01 Point 02 Point 03 Colour Black Dark black Carbon black Ph 6.93 6.90 6.95 Temprature 18 17 17 Grain seize Partly cohesive Partly cohesive Cohesive soil Specific gravity 2.66 2.65 2.7 Moisture content 25% 29% 30% Plastic limit 40% 28% 29% Liquid limit 45% 30% 55% Electrical conductivity 107.11 S/cm 235.40 S/cm 234.32 S/cm Results and Discussion The physico-chemical properties of locked soil and the water of sadli reservoir were analyzed in the present study. The physico-chemical characteristics of the water showed that H values are 6.89 to 6.82. The physicochemical characteristics of the effluents differed substantially from one another with respect to chemical characteristics. The electrical conductivity (EC) from 107.11 to 235.4 mmhos/cm and temperature 17-19°C. A wide variation in the physico-chemical properties of soil and the water in sadli reservoir. Different samples of soils and water from the sadli area showed difference in the physico-chemical characteristics from one another with respect to chemical characteristics. Reservoir: In Sadli reservoir, maximum water level was recorded in post-monsoon period while minimum water level was recorded in summer season. Water was turbid in monsoon season with yellow brown colour, while green colour in winter and transparent green color was observed in summer season. The transparency of water is mainly affected by factors such as biological productivity, suspended particles and water colour. The transparency in sadli reservoir ranged from 65.50 - 110.00 cm. Settlement of sand, silt and clay result in a higher transparency from the post-monsoon period reaching a maximum of 110.00 cm marks the highest transparency in this reservoir. Conductivity measures the capacity of a substance or solution to conduct electrical current. The electrical conductivity was found to fluctuate between 107.11 S/cm and 235.40 S/cm in this reservoir and that falls within the range observed for Indian waters. According to this criteria, Sadli reservoir water falls under the category of mesotrophic water body. Conclusion Conservationists are meticulously attempting to conserve the biodiversity from anthropogenic erosion and ‘pre natural’ extinction. The major barriers in conservation of biodiversity for sustainable life in future include In adequate data base, inadequate funding for research, confusions and controversies over area selection for conservation. This has made the task more and more difficult. On the basis of physicochemical characteristics it may be said that the Sadli reservoir is a mesotrophic water body, which is slightly inclined towards eutrophication. The tropic status of reservoir warrants a proper conservation and management and best possible use of the reservoir, the macrophytes will have to be controlled. This can be achieved by mechanical removal or by biological means using grass carp. Since the removal of nutrients in the form of biomass can only check eutrophication. The nallahs, streams and rivers let’s joining the reservoir should be obstructed by constructing stop and check dams. This will not allow the siltation in reservoir. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 26-29, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 29 This soil study shows that considerable amount of soil and plant nutrients were lost through erosion in the northern upland areas of kasrawad sadli. The observed differences in soil loss permitted an assessment of the impact of soil erosion on some soil properties. This study also indicates that top soil loss due to accelerated erosion results in changes in soil properties. Changes in soil pH, elasticity, and plasticity and moisture contents were highly and positively correlated with cumulative soil loss. This study indicates the level of contamination at the waste and explores the relationship between ranges of quantitative variables10. Thus the open waste should be discouraged and a proper monitoring and remediation plan is needed to reduce the chances of ground water pollution by leaching of these contaminants. 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