International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(4), 10-14, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 10 A Study about Ecological Imbalance in Surguja (India) Coalfield Area Due to MiningSingh P.K., Imam Afzal, Singh Ravi, Singh Dhanesh and Sharma ShiviDepartment of Chemistry, T.C.L. Govt. PG College Janjgir-495668, CG, INDIA School of Bio-Sciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore-632014, TN, INDIA Department of Chemistry, K.G. Arts and Science College, Raigarh-496001, CG, INDIA Department of Chemistry, Govt College Bishrampur, Sarguja-497226, CG, INDIAAvailable online at: Received 18th February 2013, revised 28th March 2013, accepted 10th April 2013 AbstractThe present investigation has been focused on Bishrampur and Bhatgaon regions of Surguja Coal field area since these are major coal mining areas of Surguja district which are prone for ecological imbalance. The sampling method was based on primary and secondary data collection during the research study in three areas namely Coal mining area, Forest area, and Urban area. The water samples were collected in the month of November’2010 from hand pumps, tube wells and ponds, and were considered under primary data collection technique and their Temperature, p, E.C, TS, TDS, TSS, Alkalinity, TH, DO, BOD, COD, F, Cl, SO2 , NO etc. were determined using pH meter, titration, water analyzer and spectrophotometer etc. It was found that deteriorating water quality due to mining, continued to ruin the health standards of local peoples, reduced the number of flora and fauna, reduced the agricultural land area and it constrained the farmers to migrate, this led to an increased entropy in ecology of Bishrampur and Bhatgaon regions, causing an ecological imbalance. Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters, water analysis and ecological imbalance. Abbreviations: EC- Electrical Conductivity, TS- Total Solids, TDS- Total Dissolved Solids, TSS- Total Suspended Solids, DO- Dissolved Oxygen, BOD- Biological Oxygen Demand, COD- Chemical Oxygen Demand, TH- Total Hardness. Introduction Bishrampur is located 28 kms away from Ambikapur in Surguja district, Chhattisgarh. Bhatgaon village is situated in north-eastern side of Bishrampur and 20 kms away from it. Many open and underground mining centers are located in and around Bishrampur. However, the last decade has seen large scale unregulated SECL mining, residential and commercial expansion, over straining the water resources and generally defunct civic amenities. Due to excessive mining in Bishrampur (Vishrampur) and Bhatgaon and its surrounding areas air, water and soil are continuously getting polluted. Water is an important asset of ecology, since life without water is impossible. The average rain fall in this area is 1100 mm. Scarcity and lack of pure drinking water in the ecology will create disorder leading to ecological imbalance. Water is the most essential commodity for human consumption, without it no life can exist. Pure drinking water resources are dwindling due to deforestation, mining and industrialization. Approximately 71% of the earth surface is covered with water, mainly in the form of oceans. Around 2% of the water is present in glacier and ice caps. The actual fresh water is available for human consumption is around 1% of the total earth water. Ground and surface water used by men are of different characteristics. Ground water contains dissolved minerals from the soil layers through which it passes. Surface water contains a lot of organic matter and mineral nutrients1-3. Domestic waste includes human excreta, papers, cloths, soap and detergents etc, these are the major part of water pollutants. Uncontrolled dumping of wastes of rural areas, towns and cities into the ponds, lakes and stream of rivers, is being observed. Due to accumulation of sewage and other wastes into the water resources they are no longer remain recyclable; as a result their self regulatory capability is lost. Water being polar solvent has the property to dissolve these polar impurities. The decomposition of these wastes is largely an aerobic process which in turn takes up more and more oxygen from water rendering it low oxygen content4-6. So it is necessary to analyze the extent of pollutants present in the water in these areas and accordingly find remedy for it since it is primary requirement for living species7-9. Material and Methods We had selected some ponds and bore wells in Bishrampur and Bhatgaon regions for our investigations. The analysis was carried out by the standard protocol10-19 as mentioned below. Sampling spot for water analysis were named as BP, BP, BP , BhP, BhP, BhP (for surface water) and BW, BW , BW3, BhW, BhW, BhW3 (for underground water). Water samples were collected in 2 liter Polythene jerry canes previously soaked with 8M. HNO and then cleaned with detergent followed by rinsing with double distilled water. The collected water samples International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 10-14, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 11 were preserved in ice cooled chamber and kept in the dark room14-15. The entire chemicals used in the analysis were LOBA/BDH grade. The following parameters were analyzed using standard procedures. Some parameters like Temperature, pH, E.C, and D.O. were analyzed instantly in the sampling spots with Electronic India made nine parameter analyzer kit (Model No.172). And the others were analyzed in the laboratory of pollution Control Board, Bilaspur, C.G. The results are tabulated in the table - 1 below. Name of Parameter Techniques Temperature Thermometer pH pH Meter Conductivity Conductivity Meter TS, TDS, TSS Dried Method at 103-105 0 C and 180C DO and BOD Iodometric Method COD Reflux Method Hardness Titrimetric Method Sulphate Spectrophotometrically (HACH DR/2010, UK). Fluoride SPANDS Method Chloride Argentometric Method Nitrate Spectrophotometrically (HACH DR/2010, UK). Results and Discussion Pollution of both surface and underground water systems through anthropogenic activities is the major environmental problem faced worldwide. In and around Bishrampur and Bhatgaon, small and large mining fields are located. The underground drinking water quality in these regions continues to decline due to excessive underground mining. Owing to mining, aerosols containing mixed inorganic matter along with carbon particles are contaminating different water systems by mixing with water and finally causing pollution. The increasing pollution has increased the rate of vaporization of water too. Therefore we took this small project to assess the water quality status of various areas of Bishrampur and Bhatgaon regions. We selected main surface water at Bishrampur named as Pokhra Talab (BP), Talab Near Jainagar (BP), Gaurishankar Mandir Talab (BPand Tube well Near Railway Station (BW), Hand Pump Near Jainagar (BW), Tube well Near SECL Hospital (BW respectively. We also selected main surface water at Bhatgaon named as Pond Near Kalyani UG Mine (BhP), Bhatgaon Talab (BhP), Talab near Bhatgaon-Bishrampur Road (BhPand Tube well Near Sivani Khadan (BhW), Tube well Near Jharia Chowk (BW), Tube well near Mission School (BhW respectively. The results of the various selected parameters are tabulated in the table -1 and 2 for Bishrampur and Bhatgaon areas respectively and are discussed as follows: Table-1 Water Quality of Bishrampur region Parameter/ sampling spot Surface water Underground water IS: 10500 Limit in (units and ppm) BP BP BP BW BW BW Temperature 27.0 28.6 29.5 26.0 26.0 25.0 00 pH 7.60 7.67 7.61 6.5 6.80 7.10 6.5-8.5 Conductivity 764 769 775 750 786 749 00 TS 2246 2360 2463 1860 1669 1780 500-2000 TDS 1905 1760 1862 1662 1348 1261 500-2000 TSS 120 400 109 198 346 505 20-50 Alkalinity 602 598 493 636 679 511 200-600 Total Hardness 708 652 614 710 646 605 300-600 D.O 3.6 3.4 3.0 2.9 3.1 2.8 5 B.O.D 9.8 7.1 9.3 6.8 6.2 8.7 5 C.O.D 11.05 13.01 15.05 13.50 11.11 12.05 10 F 1.45 1.40 1.23 1.35 1.20 1.29 0.5-1.5 Cl 441 989 873 1021 1261 668 250-1000 SO 2 253 345 298 301 398 251 200-400 NO 62 61 79 58 67 54 45 BP Pokhra Talab, BP Talab near Jainagar, BP GauriShankar Mandir Talab, BW Well near Railway Station, BW Hand Pump near Jainagar, BW Tube well near SECL hospital. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 10-14, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 12 Table-2 Water Quality of Bhadgao region Parameter/ sampling spot Surface water Underground water IS: 10500 Limit in (units and ppm) BhP BhP BhP BhW BhW BhW Temperature 29.0 27.0 27.0 25.0 26.0 26.0 00 P H 7.1 7.2 6.9 6.9 6.7 6.6 6.5-8.5 Conductivity 754 762 769 750 716 749 00 TS 2054 2546 1963 1856 1966 1875 500-2000 TDS 1960 1654 1862 1662 1340 1161 500-2000 TSS 99 400 101 198 321 519 20-50 Alkalinity 602 598 493 636 654 511 200-600 Total Hardness 688 612 554 712 621 521 300-600 D.O 4.0 3.80 3.1 2.9 3.1 2.7 5 B.O.D 9.8 7.1 10.5 6.8 5.9 8.7 5 C.O.D 10.05 12.01 14.05 13.50 11.11 12.05 10 F 1.39 1.00 1.23 1.35 1.21 1.29 0.5-1.5 Cl 441 1012 883 1121 1111 467 250-1000 SO 4 2 261 293 205 301 402 251 200-400 NO 58 61 87 58 67 76 45 BhP1 –Pond near Kalyani UG mine , BhP2 –Bhadgao Durga Mandir Talab, BhP3 –Talab near Bhadgao-Bishrampur road, BhW1 Tube well near Sivani Khadan, BhW2 –Tube well Near Jharia Chowk BhW Tube well near Mission School. Figure-1 Map of the study area International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 10-14, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 13 Figure-2 Map shown coal field area of Bishrampur, Ambikapur District, Chhattisgarh state The pH, TDS, D.O., F, SO2 ,TS, Alkalinity and Cl of BP - BP and BW - BW ,BhP - BhP , BhW - BhW were found within desirable limits. If TDS of water higher than permissible limits they can cause stone formation in human beings, D.O. is one of the most important parameters in assessing water quality and reflects the physical and biological processes prevailing in the water if its value is lower than 5 mg/L. Low fluoride level is linked with dental carries and high fluoride level may cause fluorosis and excess sulphate ions had laxative, cathartic effect on human health. The upper limit recommended 250 mg/L for human consumption. Higher values may cause gastrointestinal troubles in human beings. High concentration of sulphate is obtained due to the decomposition of organic substances in the lateritic soils. In the present study Conductivity, TSS, Total Hardness, BOD, COD, NO of all samples, Temperature of BP2 and BhP1, TS of BP – BP3, BhP and BhP, alkalinity of BhPand BW – BW2 , BhP and BhW - BhW, Cl of BhP and BW – BW2 , BhP, BhW and BhW were found higher than the maximum permissible limits. Higher value of BOD indicates microbial pollution in samples, COD Values of all water samples were high is a definite indication of coal dust accumulation due to mining, excess of nitrate in water causes carcinogenic activities, the concentration of chloride in water is not exceeding 250 mg/L, if 1mg/L Chloride content in water, it affects fish and aquatic organisms. Conclusion The values of some physico-chemical parameter (temperature, TS, TDS, TSS, alkalinity, total hardness, BOD, COD, Cl, SO2 , NO etc.) in the study of pond water and bore well water is higher than the recommended limit is an indication of pollution hazards. Both surface water and underground water are polluted. All these sampling locations are contaminated due to various mining activities, like coal washery, heavy transportation of coal by trucks, coal dumping and loading station and formation of dust due to blasting. The elevated values of these parameters are of great concern to public health when the water from these bore wells are consumed by people without treatment. Above results conclude that ecological Bhadgao mines The arrow indicate coal mines of Bishrampure and their surrounding area by Google imaginary . International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(4), 10-14, April (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 14 imbalance has occurred in Bishrampur and Bhatgaon regions of Surguja district due to mining, which can be minimized by proper water treatment and management. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to Mr. S.K. Verma, Junior Scientist and Mr. C. B. Patel, Regional officer, Pollution Control Board, Bilaspur for their kind help and providing research facilities to carry out the research work. References1.Sinha Shradaet et al, A Text Book of Environment and Ecology for Pharmacy Students”, 1st Edition, A. I. T. B. S Publishers, Delhi, 1-17 (2008)2.De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, 4th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 3-7 (2003) 3.Pandey, Environment and Ecology, 2nd Edition, Sun India publications, New Delhi, 1.2-4.9 (2005) 4.Sachan Nikhil K. et al., Environment and Ecology, 1stEdition, Birla Publication Pvt. 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