International Research Journal of Environment Sc iences________________________________ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 35 A Study on Inventorization of GHGs from Energy and Industrial Sector and their Impacts in the Tungbhadra River basin, South India M.S. Umesh Babu and E.T. Puttaiah Department of Environmental Sciences, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga, Karnataka - 577451, INDIA Available online at: Received 14 th February 201 3 , revised 21 st February 201 3 , accepted 10 th March 201 3 Abstract The climate negotiations and treaties are clearly mentioned that stabilization of anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere which would impact on the climate system is required. To this dialogue, IPCC has taken several initiatives to estimate and minimize the GHGs emission across the globe which will lead to the global warming. As per the IPCC and other several studies across the globe mentioned that energy and industrial sectors are the major contributor of global warmi ng and emits GHGs largely (around 60 percent) compared to other sectors. Based on the understanding of macro level studies, we have chosen micro level study, Tungabhadra River basin in south India to understand the impacts GHGs and their level of emissions to the atmosphere. This study, focused on the energy and industrial sector in the basin to estimate the emissions of GHG by adopting a methodology, ‘revised 1996 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventory’ developed by IPCC. This study found th at, the ratio of emissions is increasing rapidly due to the urbanization and industrialization. The end results show that energy and industrial sector contribute almost equally but the emissions rate increasingly highly from energy sector. Thus, adopting f or green energies such as solar, wind, bio gas etc., will reduce the emissions in the basin. In addition, replacing older technologies with advanced equipment will consume less energy and contribute minimum GHGs. Keywords: IPCC, GHGs, e missions, e nergy, i ndustry . Introduction Central to global measures to contain climate change is a reduction in emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs). Article 2 of the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and till Doha 2012 has clearly mentioned that ‘stabilization of anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere which would impact on the climate system’ is required. The debate over climate change now reached an advanced stage across the globe, leading to the emergence of consensus to increase attention on climate change. The notion of climatic changes has transformed from gradual to linear, “weak signal” towards non - linear and catastrophic representations, particularly related to the possibility of abrupt or sudden climate change. Many studies indicate that the climate change is a violent and catastrophic threat. In addition rising concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from various anthropogenic activit ies in the atmosphere is reported. As apprehended, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide has increased nearly 30 percent, methane concentrations have more than doubled and nitrous oxide concentration s risen by about 15 percent. Subsequently, the global mean surface temperature risen by 0.4 – 0.8C 1 . As a result of this warming, 20th century's 10 warmest years have occurred in the last 15 years. Of these, 1998 was the warmest year in the record. The sno w cover in the northern hemisphere has decreased, 4 - 8 inches of sea level rise were observed during the past century. The major global environmental problems leads to submergence of Island and also low lying areas in the world 2 . This study made an effort t o estimate the GHGs at micro level i.e. at a level of River basin. It is focused on the estimation/inventory of GHGs emissions from energy and industrial sector and also documents their potential impacts on River basin within the boundary in the state of K arnataka. Study Area : The Tungabhadra (TB) River basin is one of the major sub - basin of the Krishna river basin in peninsular India and stretches over an area of about 47,827 Sq. Km (1.45 percent of the Indian total geographical area) in the states of Ka rnataka (81.1 percent of the basin) and Andhra Pradesh (18.89 percent of the basin) figure 1. The total population of the TB basin is about 88.53 lakh with population density of 302 persons per Sq. Km Average literacy rate is about 64 per cent in the basin . The total forest area of the basin is about 4.48 lakh Ha in which 60 per cent of the area is situated in the upper part of the basin (Western Ghat) while the rest is spread both in middle and lower parts of the basin. Calculations are based on the second ary data obtained from the line departments. Methodology The methodology prescribed by the IPCC (Revised 1996) for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories is used and below said equations are adopted for estimation. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 36 Figure - 1 Location of the study area, Tungabhadra River Basin, South India Equation 1: Fire Wood : Wood harvested for firewood, commercial timber and other uses is also estimated as significant consumption. Carbon dioxide emissions from the fuel wood is calcul ated through using below said equation CO 2 E = FW HH x FW PC x FW EF Where, CO 2 E = Carbon dioxide Emissions in Gg , FW HH = Number of households use firewood , FW PC = Per capita consumption of fuelwood in tones/year , FW EF = Carbon dioxide emissions factor for fuelwood burnt in kg/tones. Equation 2: Electricity : Carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity is calculated by the below shown equation CO 2 E = E Con x E EF Where, CO 2 E = Carbon dioxide Emissions in Gg , E Con = Electricity consumption from different sectors in KW , E EF = Carbon dioxide Emissions Factor 0.80 kg/ KW . Equation 3: Fossil Fuels : The IPCC methodology breaks the calculation of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion by the following equa tions in different 6 steps such as, Step 1: Estimate Apparent Fuel Consumption in Original Units Step 2: Convert to a Common Energy Unit Step 3: Multiply by Emission Factors to Compute the Carbon Content Step 4: Compute Carbon Stored Step 5: Correct for Carbon Unoxidised Step 6: Convert Carbon Oxidized to CO 2 Emissions in Gg CO 2 E = F Con x F EF x F CS x F CU Where, CO 2 E = Carbon dioxide Emissions , F Con = Fuel Consumption in tones , F EF = Fuel Emission Factor , F CS = Fuel Carbon Stored , F C U = Fuel Carbon Unoxidized . Equation 4: Industries : The general methodology employed to estimate emissions associated with each industrial process involves the product of activity level data, e.g., amount of material produced or consumed, and an associat ed emission factor per unit of consumption/production according to, Total ij = A j x EF ij Where, Total ij = the process emission (tones) of gas i from industrial sector j , A j = the amount of activity or production of process material in industrial sector j (tones/yr) , EF ij = the emission factor associated with gas i per unit of activity in industrial sector j (tonne/tonne) . Results and Discussion Scenario of Indian GHGs : In dia occupies 2.4 percent of the world’s geographical area but supports nearly 17 percent of its population and emits less than 5 percent of GHG emissions. GHG emissions per capita in India are very low (fifth position in the world average) 3 , on the other s ide, India, being the world’s second most populous country with a burgeoning middle income population with rising energy - intensive lifestyles. It is vulnerable to climate change on several aspects, such as directly impacts on coastal districts, which are very densely populated (above 500 persons/ with over a 100 million people. Also indirectly, India is highly vulnerable to climate change as its economy is heavily reliant on climate sensitive sectors like agriculture, water etc. Though, agricultural sector contribution is only 17.2 percent in India’s GDP growth 4 in 2011 - 2012, about 68 per cent of the country’s workforce is employed in this sector. As per the regional model (HadRM2, IS92a scenario), the projections of climate variables for the International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 37 2050s, u nder the IS92a scenario of GHG emissions concerned the possible impacts of climate change on society and the environment 5 . Contributions of GHGs Energy Sector : Energy - related activities are the primary sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, a ccounting for about 60 percent of the total emissions annually on a carbon equivalent, and contributed about 20 percent of the nation’s carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions, respectively 6 . Energy related CO 2 emissions alone contributed 60 percent of national emissions from all sources on a carbon equivalent while the non - CO 2 emissions from energy represented a much smaller portion of total national emissions. The main energy resources in the study area are grouped into two broad categories, viz. commercial (oil, natural gas, electricity); non - commercial (fuel wood). In India, over 65 per cent of the total energy consumption is met by commercial energy sources, and the remaining 35 percent comes from non - commercial and renewa ble sources 7 . The rate of coal consumption in the production of electricity, overall, India is of the order of 0.77 – 0.85 kg/kW h and on average CO 2 emissions are about 0.80kg/KWh 8 . At household level, nature and extent of energy use is directly related to the income sources, with marginal sections depending on kerosene and fuel wood. Growth in household income and urbanization has been accompanied by a change in fuels to LPG to elect ricity from fuel wood and kerosene. Urban home largely depends consumption of on cooking gas for its energy requirement; 85 - 90 per cent of the energy demand of a rural home is dependent on fuel wood. Solar energy is found to be limited to the water heati ng and lighting purposes. GHGs Emissions from Burning of Fossil Fuels : Emissions from fossil fuel combustion comprise the vast majority of energy - related emissions and the consumption levels has been increased 9 , CO 2 is the primary gas emitted. Due to the relative importance of fossil fuel combustion, CO 2 emissions are considered separately than other emissions. Fossil fuel combustion also emits CH 4 and N 2 O as well as criteria pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NO x ), carbon monoxide (CO) and non - methane v olatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). Fossil fuel combustion from stationary and mobile sources was the second largest source of N 2 O emissions, and overall energy related activities are the largest sources of emissions. The consumption of fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG rate is increasing every year see table 1 and depends largely on the advanced technologies, the number of automobiles are rising intensely in the TB basin. An average of 33 percent growth of automobiles in the last five years is observed in the TB basin. It interns leads to excessive consumption of fossil fuels and contribute larger GHG emissions. Moreover, motor vehicles, road construction and also railways guage lines indicate an increasing trend in growth. Although it signifies development, associated initiatives to leading more emissions of GHGs see table 1. Table - 1 Carbon dioxide emissions (in Gg) from fossil fuel (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene and LPG) combustions in TB basin Year Energy Consumption in 10 3 tonnes Conversion Factor (TJ/Unit) Consumption (TJ) Carbon Emission Factor (tC/Tj) Carbon Content (tC) Carbon Content (Gg C) Fraction of Carbon Oxidized Actual Carbon Emissions (Gg C) Actual CO 2 Emissions (Gg CO 2 ) A B C=A*B D E=(C*D) F= (E*10 - 3 ) G H=(G*F) I=(H*44/12) 1995 Petrol + Diesel 329.3 43.3 14268.6 20.2 288226.4 288.2 1.0 285.3 1044.4 Kerosene 141.1 44.8 6315.8 19.6 123790.3 123.8 1.0 122.6 448.5 LPG 44.6 47.3 2107.7 17.2 36252.1 36.3 1.0 36.1 132.0 Tot al 515.0 22692.1 448268.7 448.3 444.0 1624.9 2000 Petrol +Diesel 385.7 43.3 16713.6 20.2 337613.7 337.6 1.0 334.2 1223.3 Kerosene 116.2 44.8 5201.9 19.6 101958.1 102.0 1.0 100.9 369.4 LPG 43.3 47.3 2050.4 17.2 35266.0 35.3 1.0 35.1 128.4 Total 545.3 23965.8 474837.9 474.8 470.3 1721.2 2005 Petrol +Diesel 458.5 43.3 19866.0 20.2 401292.8 401.3 1.0 397.3 1454.0 Kerosene 114.9 44.8 5140.2 19.6 100748.6 100.7 1.0 99.7 365.1 LPG 46.8 47.3 2215.1 17.2 38100.2 38.1 1.0 37.9 138.7 Tot al 620.2 27221.3 540141.7 540.1 534.9 1957.8 2011 Petrol +Diesel 686.1 43.3 29727.3 20.2 600491.1 600.5 1.0 594.5 2175.8 Kerosene 117.1 44.8 5239.3 19.6 102690.9 102.7 1.0 101.7 372.1 LPG 53.2 47.3 2516.8 17.2 43289.7 43.3 1.0 43.1 157.6 Tot al 856.3 - 37483.5 - 746471.7 746.5 - 739.2 2705.6 Data Source: Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bangalore, Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Bangalore International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 38 The carbon dioxide emissions shows an increasing trend in the TB basin see figure 2 due to increase in the motor vehicles and consumption of LPG. The kerosene distribution is decreasing because of limited supply and people are adopting to modern cooking me thods such as LPG, biogas and solar. The carbon dioxide emissions in the year 1995 was about 1625 Gg and in the year 2011 reached upto 2706 Gg and there is a 40 percent growth in the last two decades in the TB basin see figure 2 and table 1. The unexpected growth in the energy sector leads to high contribution of GHGs and leads to global warming. Thus, mitigation strategies on fossil fuel consumption is essential and minimizing the growth would be a real approach for the current development. Moreover, focus ing on adopting green energies such as solar, wind etc will reduce the contributions of GHGs in the TB basin. Energy - related activities other than fuel combustion, such as the production, transmission storage, and distribution of fossil fuels, also emit g reenhouse gases. These emissions consist primarily of CH 4 from natural gas, petroleum and coal mining. Smaller quantities of CO 2 , CO, NMVOCs and NOx are also emitted. In addition, the combustion of biomass and biomass - based fuels emits greenhouse gases. C arbon dioxide emissions from these activities are not included in the national emission total under the energy sector because biomass fuels are of biogenic origin. GHG Emissions from Burning of Fire Wood : According to National Sample Survey of 58 th round, 889 and 277 households per 1000 households of rural and urban areas use wood 10 for cooking, heating etc,.The larger studies suggest that an average of 2.38 tonnes per family of 5 persons per year is required 11 . The estimation of carbon dioxide emis sions in the year 2000 was 228.4 Gg and in the year 2010 - 11 was 241 Gg according to the 1991 and 2001 census of India. The growth rate is 5.25 per decade. The consumption as well as emissions is increasing at the minimum rate compared to other emissions. Electricity Consumption and Emissions of GHGs : The electricity consumption is increasing rapidly due to growth in urbanization and industrialization. The household consumption as well as commercial consumption of electricity has been increasing at the rat e of 30 percent for five years. The emissions of carbon dioxide from the electricity is rising every year. CO 2 emission in the year 2005 was 305 Gg and it is 514 Gg in the year 2011 and there is 41 percent growth in the last five years see figure 3. There fore, focus on emissions reduction is required through adopting advanced technologies and machineries at the industrial level. Simultaneously, concentrations on household emissions is essential and should subsidize the household electrical equipments to re duce the GHG emissions effectively. Figure - 2 Carbon dioxide emissions (in Gg) from fossil fuel burning in the TB basin from 1995 - 2005 0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 1995 2000 2005 2011 Carbon dioxide emissions in Gg Year International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 39 Figure - 3 Carbon dioxide emissions (in Gg) from the electricity consumption through household and commercial activities in TB basin Note: Electricity consumption in considered for the year 2005 and 2011 due to inconsistency in the availability of data Industrial GHG Emissiosns : Greenhouse gas emissions are produced as a by - product of various non - energy related activities. The transformation often results in the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) 6 . The process addressed in this section includes cement production, lime manufa cture, limestone and dolomite use (e.g., flux gas desulfurization, and glass manufacturing), soda ash production and use, CO 2 manufacture, iron and steel production, ammonia manufacture, Ferroalloy production, aluminium production, petrochemical production (including black carbon, ethylene, dichloroethylene, styrene, and methanol), silicon carbide production, adipic acid production, and nitric acid production. In addition to the above other greenhouse gases such as fluorinated compounds called hydrofluroca rbons (HFCs), perflurocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) emits into the atmosphere and they are called as anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The present contribution of these gases to the radiative forcing effects largely, however, their extreme lo ng life time will continue to accumulate in the atmosphere as long as emissions continue 6 . The study area has large scale Iron and Steel and Paper and Pulp manufacturing industries across the basin. These industries emits large amounts of carbon dioxide and other GHGs while producing the products. In which CO 2 contributions from Iron and Steel industries is maximum and other gases such as NOx, NMOVC, CO and SO 2 are maximum from Paper and Pulp industries. The Iron and Steel industries emit 3423 Gg of CO 2 a nd it is same across the years 1995, 2000 and 2005 because the quantaum of production has not been changed over a period. The overall GHGs (except CO 2 ) emissions from Paper and Pulp and Iron and Steel industries in the basin is 1426.8 Gg and it reflects s ame across the other consecutive years due to maintaining of constant production see table 2. Table - 2 GHGs emissions (in Gg) from Paper and pulp and Iron and Steel industries in the TB basin Variables Pollutant Emitted in Gg CO 2 3423 Nox 120.2 NMOC 296.6 CO 448.9 SO2 561.1 Total 4,849.80 Inventory of GHGs from Energy and Industrial Sector : The emissions from energy and industrial sectors are varied from year to year due to development in the urbanization and industrialization over a period. The emissions from energy sector is increasing drastically 12 due to increase in the motor vehicles, fossil fuel consumption for different commercial activities and also rise in the population in the TB basin. The energy sector in the year 1995 emitted 34.3 per cent of GHGs and it is increased up to 50.3 percent in the year 2011 because of rapid development and enhancement in consumption of fossil fuels, electricity and firewood across the basin. Industrial sector 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 2005 2011 Carbon dioxide emission in Gg Year International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 35 - 40 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 40 also contributes significantly 65.7 percent in th e year 1995 and it is 49.7 percent in the year 2011 but the quantity of emissions is same across the years. The industrial emission rate is decreasing compared to the energy sector because the quantum of emissions from energy sector is rising every year wh ere as it is same in the industrial sector see table 3. Table - 3 Carbon dioxide emissions (in Gg) from energy and industrial sector in TB basin Year Energy Industry* Total In Gg In % In Gg In % 1995 1785.1 34.3 3423.0 65.7 5208.1 2000 1860.6 35.2 3423.0 64.8 5283.6 2005 2399.3 41.2 3423.0 58.8 5822.3 2011 3461.1 50.3 3423.0 49.7 6884.1 Note: *Industrial emissions are constant due to constant in the production of industries across the years Conclusion The ratio of GHG emissions from both energy and industrial sector is intensifying every year in the basin. The contribution of GHGs especially carbon dioxide from energy and industry sector is mounting and releasing GHGs to the atmosphere significantly in the basin. The energy sector contributes about 34 - 50 percent and the rest of the 50 percent emits from the industrial sector. The burning of fossil fuel such as petrol, diesel, LPG and Kerosene are the major contributor in the energy sector. Likewise, Iron and Steel industries are the foremost contributor of GHGs from the industrial sector. Thus, adopting various short - term and long - term measures initiated by the government for the reduction of GHG emissions from the energy sector is essential. Among them, improvement of energy efficiency through upgrading currently employed technologies secondly, introduction of advanced technologies that are more efficient or based on renewable energy sources would be ideal. There is a significant potential for the genera tion of power from non - conventional energy sources, and a number of technologies, which have been successfully harnessed, were solar energy, wind power, mini/micro hydel power, biomass gasification and bagasse cogeneration 13 . Because, renewable energy sect or has initiated several technologies to overcome fossil fuels. 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