International Research Journal of Environment Sc iences________________________________ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 11 - 14 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 11 Physico - Chemical Dynamics in Littoral Zone of Nageen Basin of Dal Lake, Kashmir, India Irfan Khursheed Shah 1 and Humaira Shah 2 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jammu, INDIA 2 Department of Education, J & K Government, INDIA Available online at: Received 29 th January 201 3 , revised 2 nd March 201 3 , accepted 13 rd March 201 3 Abstract The present study has been under taken to evaluate physico - chemical parameters and their dynamics in the littoral zone of Nageen basin of the world famous Dal Lake. The investigated parameters included Air temperature, water temperature, pH, specific condu ctivity, Total dissolved solids, o xygen saturation, d issolved oxygen, t otal hardness, c alcium, m agnesium, t otal alkalinity, c hlorides, o rthophosphates, n itrates, and t otal i ron. The investigation revealed that the dynamics of physico - chemical parameters depends on both autochthonous and allochthonous inputs and interactions taking place in the Lake Littorals. Keywords : Littorals, n ageen b asin, p hysico - chemical dynamics . Introduction Nageen is one of the five basins of the world famous Dal Lake. It is situated at the distance of about six kilometres to the north of Srinagar city (Jammu and Kashmir) India, at an elevation of 1584 m.a.s.l, covering an area of 4.5 Sq Km. The water supply of t he basin is maintained by Dal Lake in addition to springs within the basin, and atmospheric precipitation. The agricultural runoff and domestic effluents being other sources of water supply. Nageen basin is the narrow stretch of water making it ideal place for stationing house boats and conducting aquatic sports as a result the basin has been tremendously stressed. The autochthonous and allochthonous inputs to the basin and interactions taking plac e within the basin are first manifested in the littorals. Littorals are less understood and studied, therefore present investigation was undertaken to investigate dynamics of physicochemical parameters in the littoral zone of Nageen basin. For the sake of study four sites were selected (figure - 1) and investigation was carried for six months. Material and Methods Monthly water samples were collected from the four sampling sites viz. site I, site II, site III, and site IV, (figure - 1) for six months. The samp ling was carried out during last week end of the month. The water samples were collected in plastic bottles of size one litre. Separate water samples were collected for determination of dissolved oxygen in corning glass bottles of 125ml capacity. The wat er samples were analyzed after the methods of Mackereth 1 , Golterman 2 , and APHA 3 . Results and Discussion The ecological condition of lentic waters are greatly influenced by the autochthonous and allochthonous inputs. The interaction of these inputs are ma nifested first in littoral zone of the ecosystem, which makes it more productive and in extreme cases worst polluted. The results of physicochemical analysis of the investigated lake littorals are revealed in table - 1. Variation in the Air temperature is due to climate of the valley and also diurnal variation due to inclination of Sun rays 4 . Water Temperature is an important Limnological parameter that plays a prominent role in regulating nearly all other physical and chemical characteristics of the wate r as well as the biological productivity 5 . Surface water being directly in contact with the atmosphere is straight away influenced by the air temperature. The variation in air and water temperatures was irregular, most of the time the water temperature was greater than the air temperature, and at times air temperature greater than the water temperature. This phenomenon is due to variation in the sampling time, and has been referred as Thermal inertia 6 . The pH was generally alkaline which is attributed to t he calcium bicarbonate system 7 . The minor fluctuation in the pH is because of divergence from the equilibrium due to photosynthetic activity and ionic composition 6 . Specific conductivity was in the medium range. According to the Juday and Birge 8 , richness of water body is related to the International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 1 1 - 14 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 12 increase in the electric conductance. The observed conductance reveals the average trophic level of the investigated sites. Hardness of investigated basin is mainly contributed by calcium and magnesium. The sourc e of calcium and magnesium is attributed to the presence of lime stones and dolomites in the catchments 9 . But the fluctuation in the concentration can be attributed to the formation of marl by aquatic plants 10 . Calcium was found dominant contributor of har dness than magnesium, the dominance of the Ca 2+ is attributed to the more catchments input and high pH of lake water, which cause precipitation of Mg 2+ .Wetzel 5 also reasoned low Mg 2+ content to the utilization by plants for chlorophyll formation. As per Oh le 11 , the investigated area is calcium rich and as per Clarke 12 the lake belongs to average hard type. The source of chloride in the place of investigation is Sewage 13 and human population in the lake (Lake Dwellers). This is further testified by present revelations as Site I, Site II and Site IV, which is highly interfered by floating house boats, and has high chloride concentration. Alkalinity in most fresh waters is imported by the presence of bicarbonates and carbonates 5 . For the reason of involvement of carbon dioxide in buffering system, total alkalinity has been used as a rough index of lake productivity. In maintenance of pH values 7 to 9, bi - carbonates are of great significance. Same observation was made in the present investigation as phenolphthalein alkalinity (OH - and CO 3 2 - ) was zero in all months except May, where phenolphthalein alkalinity was encountered, at all sites, which is attributed to high pH (8. 7 – 9.6), caused by (OH - ) ions released due to intense photosynthesis 5 , leaving exception of May, the study area is bi - carbonate alkalinity type water body 14 . Hence fluctuation of alkalinity is attributed to the diurnal change in photosynthesis and season al change in biomass. The source of phosphate to the lake is sewage runoff, house boats, and macrophyte decomposition. However the sink of the same is co precipitation with marl 5 . Diatoms are also capable of adsorbing phosphate in large quantities. The ov erall average of phosphate phosphorous was 65.75µg/l. The high concentration at the site IV throughout the investigation reveals constant source of pollution .This observation was confirmed by the presence of drain, emptying into lake at the site. Increas e in the concentration of PO 4 - P at Site I during May and June was due to increase in number of tourists living in the houseboats during these months. The release of phosphate in the littorals is also attributed to Bioturbation 15 . Figure - 1 Map of Nageen Basin along with Land use pattern in the surroundings International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 1 1 - 14 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 13 Table - 1 Physico - Chemical Characteristics o f Littoral Zone o f Nageen Basin Physico - Chemical Characteristics o f Littoral Zone o f Nageen Basin S N o. PARAMETER MARCH APRIL MAY I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 1 AI R TEMPERATURE ( 0 C) 15 16 14 18 22 24 21 20 24 25 23 27 2 WATER TEMPERATURE ( 0 C) 18 17 16 17 24 25 24 24 27 26 26 27 3 CONDUCTI VITY µs/cm at 25 0 C 307 284 286 320 202 199 193 247 193 137 143 222 4 T.D.S (m g/L) 224 207 208 233 147 146 141 180 140 100 104 162 5 p H 8.2 8 8.2 8.3 9.5 7.4 7.4 7.5 8.7 9.4 9.3 9.6 6 SATURATI ON (%) 92 71 60 55 90 95 65 60 115 115 90 110 7 D.O (mg/L) 9 6.9 5.6 5 8 6.8 5.2 4.8 8.9 9.6 7.2 8.4 8 TOTAL HA RDNESS (mg/L CaCO3) 108 104 92 106 56 82 72 62 52 40 38 56 9 CALCIUM (mg/L ) 48 51. 2 44.8 54.4 28.8 64 36.8 28.8 33.6 22.4 20. 8 22.4 10 MAGNESI UM (mg/L ) 23.0 4 19. 2 17.2 8 18.2 4 9.6 1.6 12.4 8 12.4 8 4.8 5.76 5.7 6 13.4 4 11 Total A lkalinity (mg/LCaCO3) 132 128 132 136 100 112 100 116 60 64 60 76 12 CHLORIDES (mg/L) 56.8 14. 2 14.2 28.4 14.1 8 11.3 4 14.1 8 17.0 1 14.1 8 14.1 8 42. 5 56.7 13 NO3 – N (mg/L) 150 950 40 130 155 480 160 210 240 120 100 95 14 PO4 - P (mg/L) 10 16 20 40 50 50 25 76 110 170 85 115 15 IRON (m g/L) 170 220 220 240 130 225 235 560 100 230 55 165 S . N o. P ARAMETER JUNE JULY AUGUST I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 1 AI R TEMPERATURE ( 0 C) 25 30 25 24 27 25 27 30 33 29 33 30 2 WATER TE MPERATURE ( 0 C) 26 26 26 27 27 26 28 29 28 26 26 27 3 CONDUCTI VITY µs/cm at 25 0 C 236 166 171 294 186 194 205 239 235 210 206 250 4 T.D.S (m g/L) 172 121 123 215 135 141 149 174 171 153 150 182 5 p H 7 7.2 7 7.4 8.4 8.3 8.2 8 8.6 7.8 8 7.5 6 SATURATI ON (%) 145 102 80 90 103 50 41 48 55 125 70 60 7 D.O (mg/ L) 12.8 8.2 6.4 7.2 8.8 4.8 3.2 5.6 4.4 8.8 5.6 4.8 8 TOTAL HA RDNESS (mg/L CaCO3) 52 34 40 64 46 52 56 52 64 58 70 66 9 CALCIUM (mg/L ) 36.8 25. 6 25.6 30.4 24 27.2 33.6 27.2 35.2 28.8 40 27.2 10 MAGNESI UM (mg/L ) 2.88 0.9 6 3.84 12.4 8 7.68 8.64 6.72 8.64 9.6 10.5 6 9.6 15.3 6 11 Total A lkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 120 100 110 145 100 105 125 120 145 140 160 160 12 CHLORID ES (mg/L) 28.3 28. 3 14.2 28.4 14.1 8 14.1 8 14 14.1 8 42.5 42.5 28. 4 56.7 13 NO 3 - N (mg/L) 280 145 60 200 170 150 70 80 150 90 91 180 14 PO 4 - P (mg/L) 220 23 35 70 25 27 45 90 70 80 35 82 15 IRON (m g/L) 53 45 80 50 45 12 40 50 150 105 125 103 In case of NO 3 - N, no seasonal pattern could be established. Out of four sites, I and II was under influence of houseboats which are unpredictable source of inputs to the basin, which is in conformity to the results of Sarwar and Wazir 16 . At the Site III, NO 3 – N concentration decreased generally from March to August which is attributed to the luxuriant growth of macrophytes and attainment of stable temperature for de - nitrification . The high concentration of NO 3 - N at the site IV, compared to other sites, was due to perennial source of Nitrates from the urbanized pocket of the catchment. Iron concentration in the lake littorals was fairly good with an average concentration of 142µg/ l throughout investigation. The good concentration of iron in the basin further strengthens the argument that springs beneath the basin also contributes to the basin’s water source. Moreover, the dissolved oxygen concentration also remains fairly good thr oughout the year except at few polluted sites, which made the Ferric (Fe 3+ ) ions available at the water sediment interface 11 . Use of iron nails and iron cords in the construction and fastening of house boats to the shore is also additional source of iron t o investigated lake littorals. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 1 1 - 14 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 14 While underground water from springs and high D.O . content makes iron available in littorals, the phosphates on other hand cause iron precipitation. The natural interaction between iron and phosphate was depicted at less poll uted Site III, i.e. in March Iron concentration was 240µg/l and Phosphate was 40µg/l, In April Iron concentration was 235µg/l while phosphate was 25µg/l. This all is attributed to the co - precipitation of phosphate by Ferric ions near the surface 17 . Dissol ved oxygen is an important parameter vis - à - vis the life present in the water body. Dissolved oxygen has been referred to as most fundamental parameter 5 . The solubility of oxygen and particularly the dynamics of oxygen distribution in inland waters are basi c to the understanding of the distribution, behavior, and growth of aquatic organisms. In the present investigated case dissolved oxygen at Site I, ranged between 8 – 12.8 mg/L during March to July, which is attributed to the presence of submerged vegetati on and thereof the intense photosynthesis 16 . However, in August saturation decreased to 55% resulting D.O to decline to 4.4 mg/l because of high water temperature (28 0 C). Same was true for s ite II and III. At site IV Dissolved Oxygen was less in March and April, increased in May and June and again decreased Sharply in July and August, this behavior is due to pollution at the site, dissolved Oxygen decreased in March and April, however increase in temperature increased rate of photosynthesis, and enhanced Di ssolved Oxygen concentration 16 , but even more increase in temperature plus pollutant load again decreased the dissolved oxygen concentration sharply. The Conductivity, T.D.S, Hardness, Alkalinity, and the concentration of Chlorides, Nitrates, and Iron was highest during early spring month (March) which is due to the ending winter overturn of water, thereby enriching surface waters, However at the same time ortho - phosphate concentration was very low which is attributed to its co precipitation in presence of calcium and iron. Conclusion The present investigation revealed that physicochemical parameters does not only depend on allochthonous and autochthonous inputs but also on various biological, physical and chemical interactions taking place in the lake littorals either naturally or initiated in response to the pollution. Present findings also indicated that lake dwellers and sewage run - off are considerable source of ionic inputs to the lake littorals. Based on the study it was also concluded that site - IV is more polluted. References 1. Mackereth F.J.H., Water analysis for limnologists, Freshwater Biol. Assoc ., 21 , 1 - 70 (1963) 2. Golterman H.L., Methods of chemical analysis of fresh waters , Int. Biol. Program Handbook 8. Blackwell scientific Publication, Oxford (1969) 3. APHA, AWWA, WEF., Standard methods for examination of water and waste water, 21 st ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. (2005) 4. Meher - Homji V.M., The climate of Srinagar and its variability, Geog. Res. 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