International Research Journal of Environment Sc iences________________________________ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 56 - 58 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 56 Short Communication Physico - Chemical Determination of Pollution in Groundwater Sources in Sangamner Tahsil, 422605, Dist. Ahmednagar, MS, India Kiran T. Bharati * , Dipeeka K. Deshmukh, Dinkar T. Bharati and Keshav K. Deshmukh Sangamner Nagarpalika Arts, D. J. Malpani Commerce & B.N. Sarda Science College, Sangamner 422605, Dist. Ahmednagar, MS, Indi a Available online at: Received 8 th March 201 3 , revised 11 th March 201 3 , accepted 18 th March 201 3 Abstract This study deals with assessment of physico - chemical characteristic of groundwater around Sangamner tahsil of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. The study has been carried out to examine its suitability for drinking, irrigation and industrial purpose. Rapid industrialization and advance techniques of agriculture caused groundwater pollution has affected the quality of grou ndwater due to its overuse and improper waste disposal. Groundwater pollution caused by human being activities like more use of fertilizers, pesticides used in agricultural field, release of industrial waste wate r, percolation of surface water etc. In the present study, attempts has been made to investigate some physico - chemical parameters of 17 groundwater samples collected from two sources like as Bore well and Dug well of some villages in Sangamner tahsil of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. The param eters such as pH, electrical conductance, total hardness, total dissolved solid, turbidiance, calcium hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, total alkalinity, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulphate and fluoride. The results indicate tha t all the groundwater parameter was found very high. Keywords: Physico - chemical, t otal d issolved s olids, t urbidiance, s ulphate and f luoride . Introduction Water is the most precious gift of nature to mankind and the terrestrial ecosystem, without water there would be no life on earth 1 . Water mainly classify as surface water and groundwater. Groundwater represents an important source of safe drinking water as compared to surface water, because surface water does no t possess certain properties 2 - 4 . The safe water is essential for living and groundwater is one of the sources for human consumption, still groundwater is not absolutely free from pollutants. In India, more than 80% of the rural population depends on ground water 5 , therefore increased in human population has increased the demand for water to the extent that it has more pressure on water resources. Water is the universal solvent, because of its great dissolving powers, the quality of groundwater is directly re lated to the human health. Once the groundwater is contaminated, its quality cannot be restored by stopping the pollutants from the source 1 . The most common and widespread health risk associated with drinking water is microbial contamination which has the potential to cause large outbreaks of waterborne diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhoid, skin infections etc 6 . The chemical contaminations do not cause immediate acute health problems unless they are present in massive quantities through some accident and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in crop near the drinking water sources 7 . It therefore becomes essential to regularly control the quality of groundwater and to device ways and means to protect it. Assessment of water quality is important for knowing the suitability of water for various purposes. Presently the groundwater quality of Sangamner tahsil of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra, India has been assessed by analyzing the various physico - chemical parameters. The parameters that were anal yzed including pH, electrical conductance, total hardness, total dissolved solid, turbidiance, calcium hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron, total alkalinity, carbonate, bicarbonate, sulphate and fluoride. Material and Methods S tudy area: Sangamner is a tahsil of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra state, India. It has a geographical area of 1705 km 2 and is located in the northwest direction of the Ahmednagar district. Sangamner tahsil is located in between longitude 74 0 0’ 28” E to 74 0 29’ 17” E and latitude 19 0 12’ 52” N to 19 0 45’58” N. The average annual rainfall is about 560 mm. Sampling: The sampling locations consist of rural as well as urban areas. 17 groundwater samples were collected from dug well and bore well of study area. The samples were collected in polythene containers of 1 liters capacity for physico - chemical analyses. The samp les were collected and analyzed as per the standard procedure 8 . Analysis: The groundwater quality was assessed by the analysis of indicator parameters as per the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 9 . The fluoride International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 56 - 58 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 57 concentration in the groundwater samples was determined by the “SPANDS” method. The SPANDS colorimetric method is based on the reaction between fluoride and zirconium dye - lake and formation of colorless complex between anion and the dye takes place. As the amount of fluori de increases, the color produced becomes progressively lighter. Fluoride standard from 0 to 1.40 mg F - /L were prepared and diluted to 50 ml with double distilled water. SPANDS and zirconil acid regent, each 5.00 ml mixed with each standard and spectrophot ometer was set to zero Absorbance with the reference solution. Absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically at 570 nm employing Chemito UV2100 spectrophotometer. Results and Discussion The results obtained for various physico - chemical parameters of 17 g roundwater samples of Sangamner tahsil are indicated in t able - 1 . Most of the water samples are slightly alkaline due to presence of carbonates and bicarbonates. All the sampling points showed pH value between the 6.99 - 8.59. These values are within the li mits prescribed by WHO. Hardness of water depends upon the amount of calcium and magnesium salts. Hardness value is the studied area is between 144 - 1425 mg/L. Eight samples showed higher hardness values than the prescribed limit by WHO. It is considered to be an induction of the total dissolved salt content. Conductivity value in the studied area varied between 794.54 - 5650 mmhos/cm. Total Dissolved Solids, is an important parameter in drinking water quality standard. It develops particular taste to the wate r and at higher concentration, reduces its potability. Water with more than 500 mg/L usually has a disagreeably strong taste. In the present study, TDS in the studied area varied between the 518 - 2694 mg/L. All sampling sites showed the higher TDS concentra tion than the prescribed by WHO. Turbidity values in the studied area between 0.1 - 11 NTU. One sampling site showed the higher turbidity concentration than the prescribed by WHO. The summation of calcium hardness and magnesium hardness is regarded as the total hardness of water. In the present investigation, it has been observed that calcium concentration is in between 95 - 804 mg/L. Calcium value in the studied area varied between 38 - 321.6 mg/L. Eleven sampling sites showed higher calcium values than the pr escribed limit by WHO. If calcium is present beyond the maximum limit, it causes the incrustation of pipes and deterioration of clothes. Too high magnesium (400 mg/L and above) causes the nausea, muscular weakness and paralysis in human body 10 . Magnesium v alue in the studied area varied between the 2 - 196 mg/L. Eight sampling sites showed higher magnesium value within the prescribed limit by WHO. Sodium values in the studied area are between 53 - 750 mg/L. The higher concentration of sodium can be related to c ardiovascular diseases and in woman toxemia associated with pregnancy. All sampling sites showed higher sodium concentration than the prescribed by WHO and Potassium values 0.0 - 20 mg/L. The potassium concentrations are relatively lower than those of sodium . The iron values in the studied area varied between 0.0 - 0.6 mg/L. If the value of iron is higher, it prevents the self purification of water and thereby produces adverse effect for aquatic lives. Table - 1 S. No. pH EC TDS Turb. HAR Total HAR Ca Ca Mg Na K Fe Total Alk. HCO 3 Cl SO 4 2 - F S1 7.7 932 596 0.1 296 152 61 35 76 5.0 0.02 279 340 82 45 0.87 S2 7.5 4210 2694 0.1 1172 420 168 183 462 4.0 0.01 292 356 910 440 0.73 S3 7.5 4120 2637 0.2 1168 508 203 160 452 4.0 0.01 267 326 940 404 0.73 S4 7.75 3300 2145 0.4 1040 804 321.6 57 500 4.7 0.1 355 433 960 290 0.6 S5 8.19 1211 787 0.5 284 136 54.4 36 86.4 8.2 0.09 131 160 160 100 0.1 S6 8.04 1733 1126 0.1 512 232 92.8 68 183 1.0 0.06 180 220 352 112 0.4 S7 8.59 1710 1112 2.2 680 348 139.2 81 142 3.8 0.1 315 375 220 286 0.9 S8 7.7 3700 2368 0.1 1160 508 203 158 356 1.0 0.56 226 276 920 306 0.77 S9 7.7 1028 658 0.2 240 164 66 18 68 1.0 0.02 236 288 70 61 0.95 S10 7.23 1030 660 0.4 144 136 54.4 2 139 0.4 0.02 98 120 185 60.7 00 S11 8.1 5650 3616 1.0 1425 620 248 196 750 20 0.14 420 512 1420 549 0.9 S12 7.0 1410 930 1.5 300 248 99.2 13 146 0.5 0.03 187 228 250 40.7 00 S13 6.99 1770 1155 11.0 400 310 124 22 110 0.8 0.03 210 256 205 79.1 00 S14 7.43 794.54 518 3.0 228 128 51.2 24 53 0.4 0.03 145 177 90.6 54 00 S15 7.22 1332 869 1.0 344 276 110.4 17 67.9 1.0 0.06 197 240 130 73 00 S16 7.9 1682 1076 0.5 600 170 68 104 208 2.0 0.22 395 482 398 52 00 S17 8.2 1077 689 1.7 280 95 38 45 119 2.0 0.11 140 171 224 49 0.5 *All the values are in mg/L, except pH, Turb and EC. Units of EC are mmhos/cm and units of turb; is NTU International Research Journal of Environment Sciences_ ______________ _________________________ ______ ISSN 2319 – 1414 Vol. 2 ( 3 ), 56 - 58 , March (201 3 ) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 58 Alkalinity is due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydroxide compounds of calcium, sodium and potassium. Alkalinity itself is not harmful to human beings 11 . Alkalinity value in the studied area varied between 98 - 420 mg/L. Nine sampling sites showed higher alkalinity value and rest are within the prescribed limit by WHO. Chloride values in the studied area are between 70 - 1420 mg/L. Eleven sampling sites showed higher chloride concentration than the prescribed by WHO. Sulphate in the studied area varied between the 40.7 - 549 mg/L. Six sampling sites showed the higher sulphate concentration than prescribed by WHO. Fluoride in the studied area varied between the 0.1 - 0.95 mg/L. These values within the limit prescribed by WHO. The fluoride content in the groundwater is a function of many factors such as availability and solubility of fluoride minerals, velocity of flowing water, temp erature, pH and concentration of calcium and bicarbonate ions in water, etc 12 . Conclusion The present study clearly reveals that all the water sources chosen for study are not suitably for the utilization of drinking purposes. From the present study, it is observed that these drinking water sources are poorly managed and show sign of groundwate r pollution. According to WHO, nearly 80% of all the diseases in human beings are caused by water 13 . After purification treatment only this water can be used for drinking. Drinking water pollution in the studied area should be controlled by the proper envi ronment management plan to maintain proper health conditions of people. References 1. 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