International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414Vol. 2(11), 18-22, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 18 A Taxonomic and Morphological study of Fresh water Diatom species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg in Cauvery River at Bhavani region, Tamil Nadu, IndiaVenkatachalapathy R. and Karthikeyan P. Department of Geology, Periyar University, Salem-636 011, Tamil Nadu, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 27th August 2013, revised 15th September 2013, accepted 31st October 2013 AbstractEpilithic and Epiphytic diatoms from stones and macrophytes are collected in Cauvery river at Bhavani region in Erode District, Tamil Nadu State and examined by using Light Microscopy (LM). Sixty diatoms belonging to twenty two genera species are identified. The fresh water species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg is recorded for the first time in the study area and a large amount of epiphytic diatoms species. The Synedra ulna species belonging to the genus Synedra are illustrious by tiny taxonomic features. The detailed morphology of the species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg with the length and breadth of the valve, number of striae, shape of the apices, shape of the pseudoraphe and shape of the central area are examined. The species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg was found to be associated with fresh water and slightly water environment. Keyword: Synedra ulna, Cauvery river, Morphology, Light microscopy, Bacillariophyta.IntroductionCauvery river is one of the major river systems in southern India and prominent source of water for agriculture, industry and drinking water purposes. Very few studies have been carried out about the Diatoms and their role in monitoring of environment. Cauvery starts at its origin at Talakaveri in Karnataka state and reaches up to the fertile plains at its lower course in Tamil Nadu State. The source of the Cauvery lies in the state of Karnataka and the river flows in the direction of southeastward. The waters of the river have been an important source of irrigation for many centuries. The survey shows that about 95% of the Cauvery River water is used for agricultural purposes. Importance of Diatom studies in rivers: Diatoms are so ecologically important that they are used for monitoring environmental conditions of waters. Diatoms have been used in a many countries as indicators of river pollution. The major of important is to measure up to direct measures of urbanization (impermeable surfaces, drainage connection, septic tanks and water quality changes) and assesses their relative contribution to the composition of diatom assemblages in urban river. Has recorded a total of 60 diatoms belonging to 21 genera from Cauvery river in parts of Tamil Nadu. Among these Achnanthes minutissima Kutz, Achnanthidium Plonensis, Aulacoseira distans, Cymbella turgida (Greg) Cleve, Cymbella ventricosaKutz, Fragilaria intermedia Grun var. robusta, Gomponema lanceolatum Ehr, Nitzschia sigma (Kutz) W Smith, Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehr were the most abundance species1,2Among the Bacillariophyta Family the presence cosmopolitan genera like Synedra and its species Synedra ulna in large numbers provides scope for taxonomic and environmental investigations in Cauvery river. The use of Synedra ulna taxon in the literature is not common, and its taxonomy needs to be clarified using both Light Microscope (LM) and making a cross comparison with other varieties. Material and Methods Diatom Sampling, Preparation and Analysis: The study area lies at 77°40 E to 77°42 E longitude and 11°25 N to 11°27 N latitude with an area of 9.05 sq. km around Bhavani region in Erode District, Tamil Nadu (figure 1). Diatom samples are taken by brushing the undersurfaces and petioles of macrophytes (plant leaves and roots). In this study, diatom samples were preserved in formaldehyde (4%). A 10ml subsamples macrophytes were extracted and cleaned using 30% H and concentrated HNO. Light Microscopy (LM): Diatom samples are fixed in 1%Lugol’s solution for the light microscopic studies usinginverted microscope (Euromax, Holland). Identification of diatoms was carried out using taxonomic guides3-6. Systematic Paleontology: Phylum Bacillariophyta, Class Fragilariphyceae, Order Fragilariales, Family Fragilariaceae, Genus Synedra Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg 1932. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 18-22, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 19 Figure -1 Map of study area of our research work (Hustedt, 1930, 154, fig. 166; Patrick & Reimer, 1966, 148, pl. 7, figs. 1-2; Germain, 1981, 76, pl. 24, figs. 1-6; pl. 168, fig.8, Hadi et al., 1984, 324, pl. 1, figs. 1- 6; pl. 8, De Toni, 1891, p. 653; Van Heurck, 1899, p. 310, pi. 10, fig. 409; Boyer, 1926, p. 198; Hustedt, 1930, p. 151, figs. 158-59; Venkataraman, 1939, p. 105, figs. 37, 39, 43. Reimer 1966, 148, pl. 7, Figs. 1-2; Germain 1981, 76, pl.24, Figs. 1-6; pl. 168, Fig.8, Hadi et al. 1984, 324, pl. 1, Figs. 1-6; pl. 8, Kyung Lee et al. 2001, pp 376-377, pl 1, fig 2a-c) Morphology: Valves are narrow and linear, gradually tapered and rounded apices. Axial area is straight and very narrow. Central area is ovoid, often offset to one side of the valve and with ghost striae. Striae are parallel throughout species. Areolae are coarse and easily resolved in light microscope (LM). Results and Discussion Toma 2012 described the valves Synedra ulna aslength 145-230 m; Width 4.65-7.2m; 9-10 striae in 10 m from Iraq. Pareek 2011 from India fresh water diatom described the valves Synedra ulna as linear to linear lanceolate and tapering at the poles. Ends rounded pseudoraphe linear. Central area absent. Striae coarse. Length 95 to 156 , Breadth 6.5 to 7 to 9 . Striae 9 to 11 in 10 . (f.2v). Palanisamy 2007 described the valves Synedra ulna as Valve length varied from 170 to 175 µm, breadth 6-7 µm and striae are located in 10 µm. It is reported from Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica. Gopinathan 1984coasts of India Estuaries as reported presented in synedra ulna and described the valves narrowly linear, somewhat broadened at the ends, rounded, pseudoraphe narrow, linear, central area rectangular, striae coarse, 12 in 10 µ. Length of valve 145µ and breadth 10 µ. 28 µ broad and rather suddenly diminish in breadth lower down and becoming linear, lower part 12 µ broad, Length of valve 820 µ (fig. 1 ac), p. 9.10Distribution: Coasts of Atlantic, North Sea, Florida Coast, coasts of India. Bharat 2012 described the valves Synedra ulna as length 100-250 m, breadth 10-12 m, striation distinct, Parallel, absent at the middle, striae 9- 12 in 10m. Pl. 1, p. 4814. f. 4.11 Hassan 2012described the valves Synedra ulna as valveLength 145-230 m; Width 4.65-7.2 m; 9-10 striae in 10m. Epiphytic on all host studied plants12. (pl. 4, Fig. 53) Phukan 2012 described frustule in girdle view linear with broad ends; valves linear, lanceolate with tapering ends; pseudoraphe narrow, axial, central area varying, valve surface with coarse striae. Length of valve 70-300, breadth 10- 10.5 girdle width 12, transverse striae 6-9 in 10 (Fig-16) p. 55.13 Diatom Assemblages, Species Composition and Comparison: In the present study area at Bhavani region, Erode International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 18-22, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 20 District, Tamil Nadu, sixty diatoms belonging to twenty two genera species are identified in Cauvery river. The Diatom species reported in the present study are: Achnanthes brevipesAchnanthes inflata, Achnanthidium binodis, Achnanthidium minutissima, Amphora holsatica Amphora ovalis Anomoeoneis sphaerophora, Caloneis pulchra, Caloneis silicula, Cocconeis placentula, Ctenophora pulchella, Cyclotella catenata, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cymbella aspera, Cymbella cymbiformis, Cymbella lanceolata, Cymbella tumida, Cymbella tumidula, Cymbella turgida, Cymbella ventricosa, Eunotia curvata, Eunotia fallax, Eunotia pectinalis, Fragilaria intermedia, Gomphonema affine, Gomphonema clavatum, Gomphonema gracile, Gomphonema lanceolatum, Gomphonema parvulum, Gomponema olivaceum, Gomphonema truncatum, Gomphonema undulatum, Gomphonema undulatum, Mastogloia braunii, Melosira granulata, Melosira moniliformis, Melosira varians, Navicula mutica, Navicula radiosa, Navicula symmetrica, Navicula virudila, Nitzschia acicularis, Nitzschia linearis, Nitzschia microcephala, Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia pseudofonticola, Nitzschia recta, Nitzschia thermalis, Nitzschia sigma, Tabellaria flocculos, Pinnularia acrosphaeria, Pleurosira indica, Pleurosigma salinarum, Stauroneis anceps, Surirella linearis, Surirella robusta, Surirella splendida, Surirella tenera Synedra rumpens Synedra ulna. Among these the species of Synedra ulna are dominant in the Cauvery river. The comparison of Synedra ulna species from Bhavani region, Erode District, Tamil Nadu with other regions are presented and discussed below (table 1). The concept of starting with Ehrenberg 1838, who has identified and described Synedra ulnain including the morphotypes with differing valve ends and growing as epiphytes. It is possible that Ehrenberg 1838 could have included some organisms currently belonging to the genus Nitzschia together with other Synedra-like taxa14. Table-1 The comparison of some morphological characteristics of Synedra ulna species Authors Characteristics/ Type Habit/ Location Countries Length (µm) Width (µm) Striae (µm) Pseudo- raphe Central area Venkatachalapathy and Karthikeyan (Present study) 75-100 9-15 9-10 Narrow Square Freshwater, Cauvery river, Bhavani region, Erode District, Tamil Nadu. India Toma 2012 145-2304.6-7.29-10- - Streams, stagnant water, Baghdad. Iraq Fikrat M. Hassan 2012 145-230 4.6-7.2 9-10 - - Fresh water Mesopotamian marshes, Karkheh River. Iraq Bharat 2012 100-250 10-12 9- 12 Linear Narrow Fresh water lake, Samaguri Lake, Nagaon town of Assam state. India Sangita Phukan 2012 70-300 12 6-9 Narrow varying Sivasagar district of Assam India Rashmi Pareek 2011 95-1566.5-79-11LinearAbsentFresh water, Galta kund, Jaipur. India Jena 2006 100-250 10-12 9-12 Linear - Streams, stagnant water, Orissa State, fresh water. India Palanisamy 2007 170 - 175 6-7 10 Distinct Square Schirmacher Oasis. East Antarctica Asha Khandelwal, Gupta 1989 90-200 5-7 9-10 Frag- mental Slender Fresh water diatoms from Kua Tal, district Nainital, Kumaon Himalaya. India Gopinathan 1984 145 10 12 Narrow Rect- angular Marine Diatoms, Southwest Coast of India, Cochin. India Patrick and Reimer 1966 75-100 9-11 10 - Square Fresh water, United States exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii. U. S Gandhi 1956 172-225 5-6 9-10 Very narrow - Freshwater, Diatomaceae of S. Western India. Dharwar India International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 18-22, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 21 Gandhi 1956 described the Synedra ulna species with the measurements of frustules elongated with widened truncate ends in the girdle view, valve narrow, linear- lanceolate, bent in the middle with capital ends, 172-225µ long and 5-6µ broad. Pseudoraphe very narrow striae slender but distinct 9-10 in 10µ.5 Patrick and Reimer 1966 stated that the apices of Synedra ulna can be rostrate and either broadly or sharply rounded. The axial area is narrow and it expands at the center of the valve leaving a commonly square central area (rectangular in some cases) devoid of striae. The striae are parallel throughout the valve15. The results of present study from Cauvery river at Bhavani region, Erode District, Tamil Nadu shows that the species Synedra ulna has similar measurements reported by Patrick and Reimer 1966 from United States, but length usually fluctuates between 75-100m and that the striae density is usually 9-11 in 10m (figure 2).15 Jena 2006 described the valves Synedra ulna as long 100-250 m, broad 10-12 m. Striae 9-12 in 10 m. Absent at the middle16. Comparitive study of morphological characters of Synedra ulna from the present study area coincides with the length, breadth and striae of the valve of Synedra ulna species reported from the United States by Patrick and Reimer15. However, the Synedra ulna taxon from other regions of India and abroad shows increased in size of length, breadth and striae of the valve and variation in Pseudo-raphe and central area. Conclusion Epilithic and Epiphytic diatoms from stones and plants are collected in Cauvery river at Bhavani region, Erode District, Tamil Nadu State during 2011- 2012 have been examined by using Light Microscopy (LM). Sixty diatoms belonging to twenty one genera species are identified. Among these, the dominant fresh water species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg is recorded for the first time in the study area and most abundant of epiphytic diatoms species. The detailed morphology of the species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg with the length and breadth of the valve, number of striae, shape of the apices, shape of the pseudoraphe and shape of the central area are examined. The present study records the presence of Synedra ulna(Nitzsch) Ehrenberg species with the length of valve 75-100µm, breadth 9-15µm, striae 9-10µm and very narrow linear valves. The central area is ovoid and often to one side. The species Synedra ulna (Nitzsch)Ehrenberg differs from other species of Synedra by having characteristic undulate-linear valves and straight pseudoraphe. The shape and the width of Synedra ulna (Nitzsch)Ehrenberg valves are very consistent among individuals except the length which shows some variable. Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg was found to be associated with fresh water and slightly water environment. Figure-2 Images of Synedra ulna (Nitzsch), light microscopy (LM), Magnification (X40), Morphology of Synedra ulna (Nitzsch): 1. Valves narrow; 2. Valve middle linear; 3. Central area ovoid; 4. Areolae coarse International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(11), 18-22, November (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association 22 AcknowledgementThe authors express their sincere thanks to the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi and Periyar University for their support to initiate the detailed study on Diatoms in Cauvery river. This research work was carried out at the Advanced Micropaleontology Laboratorty, Department of Geology, Periyar University, Salem. References 1.Venkatachalapathy R. and Karthikeyan P., Benthic Diatoms in River Influenced By Urban Pollution, Bhavani Region, Cauvery River, South India, Int.J. Inn.Tech.Exp.Eng., 2-3, 2013)2.Venkatachalapathy R. and Karthikeyan P., Environmental impact assessment of Cauvery River with diatoms at Bhavani, Tamil Nadu, India, Int.J.Geo.Ear.Env.Sci., 2-336-42 (2012) 3.Krammer K. and Lange-Bertalot H., Bacillariophyceae. 3. Teil: Centrales, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae. In Ettl, H., Gerloff, J., Heynig, H. & Mollenhauer, D. (Eds.). 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