@Research Paper <#LINE#>Contribution to the study of phosphorus adsorption on the marine sedimentary layer from an artificial marine estuary: Vridi canal Cote d\'Ivoire)<#LINE#>MAHI A. Mahi @Arthur,YAO Marcel @Konan,N\'DA @Samuel,Trokourey @Albert <#LINE#>1-14<#LINE#>1.ISCA-IRJEvS-2019-092.pdf<#LINE#>Physical Chemistry Laboratory, UFR SSMT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody Abidjan, B.P. V34 Abidjan, Cote dIvoire@Physical Chemistry Laboratory, UFR SSMT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody Abidjan, B.P. V34 Abidjan, Cote dIvoire@Physical Chemistry Laboratory, UFR SSMT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody Abidjan, B.P. V34 Abidjan, Cote dIvoire@Physical Chemistry Laboratory, UFR SSMT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody Abidjan, B.P. V34 Abidjan, Cote dIvoire<#LINE#>8/9/2019<#LINE#>21/11/2020<#LINE#>This work focused on the study of phosphorus adsorption on the marine sedimentary layer from Vridi canal. The first part of this work has lead on the study of phosphorus adsorption kinetics on these sediments and, the second part on the study of phosphorus adsorption isotherms at 25°C on these entities. These studies were carried out under three experimental conditions partially simulating the seasonal physical and chemical characteristics of the waters from this estuary, namely: (E1) pH = 6, Salinity = 5%; (E2): pH = 7; Salinity = 30%; (E3): pH = 8, Salinity = 35%. The experiments were carried out in batch mode. The results have showed that the rate of phosphorus adsorption on these sediments increases from E1 to E3. The kinetics of this reaction are all pseudo-order 2 (Blanchard model). As a result, Blanchard model takes precedence over the diffusion kinetics of this nutrient in these substrates, and those in all the experiments carried out. Langmuir isotherm describes well the experimental isotherms obtained in E2, with favorable adsorption at the different concentrations of the synthetic phosphorus solutions, as illustrated by Hall adimensional number less than 1. The experimental isotherms obtained in E3 are in agreement with Freundlich isotherm, with a favorable adsorption shown by the heterogeneity factor less than 1. A good description of the isotherm obtained in E1 isn\'t given by these two formalisms, thus reflecting the existence of the different types of sites on these sediments surface, with a considerable difference in adsorption energy depending on their position.<#LINE#>Dai, W., Zhang, J., Tu, Q., Deng, Y. and Xiong, J. (2017).@Bacterioplankton assembly and interspecies interaction indicating increasing coastal eutrophication.@Chemosphere, 177, 317-325.@Yes$Gieswein, A., Hering, D. and Feld, C.K. 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(2017).@Phosphorus sorption-desorption and effects of temperature, pH and salinity on phosphorus sorption in marsh soils from coastal wetlands with different flooding conditions.@Chemosphere, 188, 677-688.@Yes$Kwak, D-K., Jeon, Y-T. and Hur, Y. D. (2018).@Fractionation and release characteristics of Sediment in the Saemangeum Reservoir for seasonal change.@Inter. J. Sediment Res., 33(3), 250-261.@Yes$Mendes, L.R.D., Tonderski, K. and Kjaergaard, C. (2018).@Phosphorus accumulation and stability in sediments of surface-flow constructed wetlands.@Geoderma, 331, 109-120.@Yes$Xiao, Y., Xia, Y., Yuan, S-y. and Tang, H-w. (2017).@Flow structure and phosphorus adsorption in bed sediment at a 90° channel confluence.@J. Hydrodyn. (Ser. B), 29 (5), 902-905.@Yes$Zhu, J., Li, M., and Whelan, M. (2018).@Phosphorus activators contribute to legacy phosphorus availability in agricultural soils: A review.@Sci. Tot. Environ., 612, 522-537.@Yes$Han, C., Wang, Z., Yang, W., Wu, Q., Yang, H. and Xue, X. 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There has been an increase in gastro-intestinal and urinary infections in Sigor division, West Pokot, Kenya. These infections result from bacteria and coliforms which are majorly propagated in water systems. Residents of this area are pastoralists and small-scale farmers relying on river water for their consumption and economic needs. The four rivers in this region are Weiwei, Chesogon, Lomut and Muruny. This study aimed at characterizing the strains and quantities of bacteria and coliforms in the four rivers during the wet and dry seasons. Sampling was done at various points of the river in a stratified manner for characterization and analysis. Four main pathogens namely E. coli, V. cholerae, Shigella and Salmonella species as well as F. streptococci were isolated, cultured using different media and characterized. Further biochemical tests were conducted to confirm the exact strains present. Total viable counts for the bacteria and coliforms were then enumerated. The results found out that E. coli, V. cholerae, Salmonella and Shigella species were abundant in the rivers while F. streptococci were only observed during the wet season. Biochemical tests conducted on the isolates revealed that the strains co-existed in the water samples. Weiwei river had the greatest number of bacteria strains. Muruny river was found to have the largest population of bacteria colony forming units (cfus). There was a large disparity in cfus in the rivers during the dry seasons. Chesogon river had the highest population of coliform units. The raw water in all the rivers were concluded to be unsafe for human consumption according to WHO standards.<#LINE#>Report (2017).@Meteorological department, West Pokot County, Kenya (2019).@https://www.meteo.go.ke/index .php?q=today. Accessed on 20th October, 2019.@No$Logan, L. K., & Weinstein, R. A. 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(2016).@An Overview of the Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Cattle Manure.@International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(9), 843. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/ijerph13090843@Yes$Morka, K., Bystroń, J., Bania, J. (2018).@Identification of Yersinia enterocolitica isolates from humans, pigs and wild boars by MALDI TOF MS.@BMC Microbiol, 18, 86. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-018-1228-2@Yes$Gwimbi P. (2011).@The microbial quality of drinking water in Manonyane community: Maseru District (Lesotho).@African health sciences, 11(3), 474-480.@No$WHO. (1997).@Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.@2nd Edition. Vol. III. Geneva: Surveillance and Control of Community Supplies; 1997@No$World Science, (2014).@Bacteria total oliform.@Retrieved from https://worldwidescience.org/topicpages/b/ bacteria+ total+coliform.html.Accessed on 10th June, 2020.@Yes <#LINE#>GIS-based soil fertility mapping in agro ecological units of central part of Kerala, India<#LINE#>C. @Kavitha,M.P. @Sujatha <#LINE#>24-37<#LINE#>3.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-030.pdf<#LINE#>Soil Science Department, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India@Soil Science Department, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India<#LINE#>2/7/2020<#LINE#>24/12/2020<#LINE#>This study was conducted to evaluate and map the fertility status of soils in Thrissur District located at central part of Kerala, comprising six agro ecological units. A total of 5120 surface soil samples (0-15cm) were collected (one soil sample @ 1ha) along with associated informations on farmers name, soil type, fertilizer application, irrigation etc. The collected samples were air dried and sieved through 2mm sieve. The analyzed soil data were classified as low, medium and high categories based on soil fertility ratings, and parkers nutrient index was calculated. Each agro ecological unit was characterized based on soil nutrient index value with respect to each soil parameter such as pH, EC, OC, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. In the study area soil pH varied from acidic to slightly alkaline (2.9 -7.7). Soil reaction index was neutral in northern coastal plain and acidic in all the others. Salt index was normal in six AEUs. Among the six agro ecological units, status of N, P and K was high in northern and southern high hills. Acute deficiency of K and S was well observed in northern central laterite. High accumulation P was observed in all the agro ecological units.<#LINE#>FAO (1997).@Land resources evaluation and the role of land-related indicators, by W.G. Sombroek, in Land quality indicators and their use in sustainable agriculture and rural development.@Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. Rome.@Yes$Patel, N.R. (2002).@Remote sensing and gis application in agro-ecological zoning, agriculture and soils division Indian institute of remote sensing, Dehra Dun.@@Yes$FAO (1996).@Agro-ecological zoning: guidelines.@FAO Soils Bulletin No. 73. Rome.@Yes$Jackson, M. L. (1958).@Soil Chemical Analysis by Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.@@Yes$Wackley, A. and Black, I. A. (1934).@Estimation of soil organic carbon by chromic acid titration method.@Soil Sci. 37@Yes$Bray, R.H. and Kurtz, L. T. (1945).@Determination of total organic carbon and available forms of phosphorous in soils.@Soil Science, 59, 39-45.@Yes$Chesin, L. and Yien, C.H. (1951).@Turbidimetric determination of available sulphate.@Soil Science Society of America Proceeding, 15, 149-151@Yes$Parker, F.W., Nelson, W.L., Winters, E. and Miles, J.E. (1951).@The broad interpretation and application of soil test summaries.@Agronomy Journal, 43(3), 103-112.@Yes$Ramamurthy, B. and Bajaj, J. C. (1969).@Available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium status of Indian soils.@Fertilizer News, 14, 25-36@Yes$Kerala State Planning Board (2013).@undefined@undefined@No$Ravikumar, P. and Somashekar, R.K. (2014).@Spatial distribution of macronutrients in soils of Markandeya river basin, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.@Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 4(2), 81-94.@Yes$Kavitha, C. (2017).@GIS based soil fertility mapping in agroecosystems of Thrissur distrisct, Kerala.@Ph.D Thesis submitted to Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala.@Yes$Belurkar, R. S. and Yadawe, M. S. (2011).@A Survey of soil fertility status of cashewnut gardens of South Goa, India.@International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(3), 494-497.@Yes$Korikanthimath, V. S., Gaddy, A. V. and Ankegowda, S. J. (2000).@Status of major nutrients in soils of cardamum (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) plantations in Kodagu District, Karnataka, India.@Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 9(2), 117-122@Yes$Sannappa, B. and Manjunath, K. G. (2013).@Fertility status of soils in the selected regions of the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India.@Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences, 1(5), 200-208.@Yes$Sujatha, M.P., Bindhu, P.S., Sandeep, S., Sureshkumar, P., Kavitha, C. and Remya, E.B. (2013).@Soil fertility: Thrissur District, Soil fertility assessment and information management for enhancing crop productivity in Kerala.@(Eds. P. Rajasekharan, K.M. Nair, G. Rajasree, P. Suresh Kumar and M.C Narayanankutty, Kerala State Planning Board, Thiruvanathapuram, p.419-442.@Yes$Mahapatra, P.K. and Sahu, S.K. (1996).@Relationship between some major, secondary and micronutrient status of soils growing groundnut and their contents in ground plants.@Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 44(1), 100-103.@Yes$Medhe, S.R., Tankankhar, V.G. and Salve, A.N. (2012).@Correlation of chemical properties, secondary nutrients and micronutrient anions from the soils of Chakur Tahsil of Latur district, Maharashrta.@Journal of Trends in life sciences, 1(2).@Yes$Kavitha, C. and Sujatha, M.P. (2015).@Evaluation of Soil Fertility Status in Various Agro ecosystems of Thrissur District, Kerala, India.@International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 8(3), 328-338.@Yes$Saikh, H., Varadachari, C. and Ghosh, K. (1998).@Effects of deforestation and cultivation on soil CEC and contents of exchangeable bases. 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(2015).@Nutrient use strategies for coconut based cropping system in Onattukara sandy tract, Kerala.@IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8(3), 11-15.@No <#LINE#>Purification of bio-slurry waste using an electrolytic biomass solar cell with Co-generation of Bio-hydrogen Gas<#LINE#>Abdallah @Marjan,Aloys @Osano,Bakari @Chaka <#LINE#>38-44<#LINE#>4.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-031.pdf<#LINE#>The Centre for Innovation, New and Renewable Energy (CINRE) Department, Maasai Mara University, P.O Box 861-20500, Narok, Kenya@The Centre for Innovation, New and Renewable Energy (CINRE) Department, Maasai Mara University, P.O Box 861-20500, Narok, Kenya@Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS), Maasai Mara University, P.O Box 861-20500, Narok, Kenya<#LINE#>2/7/2020<#LINE#>14/11/2020<#LINE#>Bio-slurry disposal in areas lacking farmyards, where they can be used as organic manure is a challenge. On contrary, there is a dire need for greener processes to increase clean potable water and bio-fuels. This study purposed to electrolyze bio-slurry for its purification while producing bio-hydrogen gas. An electrolytic biomass solar cell (EBSC) of capacity 4,000ml and current density 3.458amps/cm2 was used. Carbon and steel wool were used as the anode and cathode respectively. The levels of physico-chemicals and bacteria inhibition in the bio-slurry were monitored over a 24-day retention period. Functional groups in the bio-slurry were observed before and after electrolysis while the volumes of bio-hydrogen gas were also monitored. Solid matters in the bio-slurry were effectively reduced by 32.15% while turbidity decreased from 18.92 to 6.85 NTU. The pH value decreased from 8.5 to 6.5 with the electrolysis process. Removal of E. coli bacteria was significantly higher than that of S. aureus (P > 0.05). There were observable changes in the functional groups of the raw and electrolyzed samples, corresponding to the changes in compounds and pH decline. The highest volume of bio-hydrogen recorded was 450.0ml. Bio-hydrogen gas production was largely affected by the temperature and decreased over the retention period.<#LINE#>Zhong, Y., Liu, Z., Isaguirre, C., Liu, Y., & Liao, W. (2016).@Fungal fermentation on anaerobic digestate for lipid-based biofuel production.@Biotechnology for biofuels, 9, 253. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13068-016-0654-3@Yes$Meegoda, J. N., Li, B., Patel, K., & Wang, L. B. (2018).@A Review of the Processes, Parameters, and Optimization of Anaerobic Digestion.@International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(10), 2224. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15102224@Yes$Butler, B. A., & Ford, R. G. (2018).@Evaluating relationships between total dissolved solids (TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS) in a mining-influenced watershed.@Mine water and the environment, 37(1), 18-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10230-017-0484-y@Yes$Kucharska, K., Rybarczyk, P., Hołowacz, I., Łukajtis, R., Glinka, M., & Kamiński, M. (2018).@Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials as Substrates for Fermentation Processes.@Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 23(11), 2937. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules23112937@Yes$Manyi-Loh, C. E., Mamphweli, S. N., Meyer, E. L., Okoh, A. I., Makaka, G., & Simon, M. (2013).@Microbial anaerobic digestion (bio-digesters) as an approach to the decontamination of animal wastes in pollution control and the generation of renewable energy.@International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(9), 4390-4417. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph10094390@Yes$Ali Shah, F., Mahmood, Q., Maroof Shah, M., Pervez, A., & Ahmad Asad, S. 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(2018).@Methanogens: biochemical background and biotechnological applications.@AMB Express, 8(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13568-017-0531-x.@Yes <#LINE#>An assessment of dust accumulation and leaf morphology at roadside plants in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal<#LINE#>Sushila Devi @Shrestha,Pramod Kumar @Jha <#LINE#>45-51<#LINE#>5.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-051.pdf<#LINE#>Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu Nepal@Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu Nepal<#LINE#>2/10/2020<#LINE#>6/2/2021<#LINE#>Air pollution is one of the serious environmental issues. The vehicular emissions have a very harmful effect on the environment, human health and ecology. This research was planned to assess dust deposition on leaves of two selected plants are Callistemon citrinus and Lagerstroemia indica growing along the roadside of a city having high traffic density and construction. The work determines the variation in dust deposition on leaves and different structure of leaf with respect to species, seasons and study sites. The study was conducted in these seasons, i.e. spring, summer, autumn and winter, during 2017 / 2018. In C. citrinus, the deposition of dust on leaf was highest in heavily polluted sites in all seasons. The dust deposition and the morphology of leaf show the interrelationship in the growth and development. If dust accumulation was increased then the growth was decreased instead if dust deposition was decreased then leaf growth was increased. In L. indica, the deposition of dust on leaf was highest in heavily polluted sites. In different seasons, the dust deposition and the value of morphology of leaf showing the interrelationship in the growth and development differently. It was because of different environmental factors. In heavily polluted site, some dust deposition result and with this the growth of morphology of leaf was decreased. The result about the deposition of dust and in the morphology (length, breadth, area and specific length area) indicated that it was affected from the environment and deposition of dust on leaf.<#LINE#>NHRC (2015). Situation Analysis of Ambient Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Effects in Kathmandu Valley. Government of Nepal, Nepal Health Research Council, Kathmandu, Nepal@undefined@undefined@Yes$Poudel, K. (2010): Green Streets: The Trees of Kathmandu, http://ecs.com.np/features/green-streets-the-trees-of-kathmandu@undefined@undefined@No$Nepal Government (2017): Details of Vehicles registration in Baghmati Zone of transport up to Fiscal Year 2046/47 -072/73, Nepal Government, Ministry of physical infrastructure and transport department of transport management, Nepal@undefined@undefined@No$Prajapati, S. K. and Tripathi, B. D. (2008a): Bio monitoring seasonal variation of urban air polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using Ficus benghalensis leaves. Environmental Pollution 151: 543-548@undefined@undefined@Yes$Shrestha, S. D. (2020): Green Streets: The Plants in roadsides of Kathmandu.@undefined@undefined@No$Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), (2014). Population Monograph of Nepal, Volume 1,@undefined@undefined@No$Ahmed, K. J. and Yunus, M. (1974): Leaf surface characteristics as indicators of air pollution. Symposium.@undefined@undefined@No$Raupach, M. R., Woods, N. and Dorr. G. (2001): The entrapment of particles by windbreaks. Atmospheric Environment 35: 3373-3383.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Chaturvedi, R.K., Prasad S., Rana S., Obaidullah, S. M., Pandey, V. and Singh, H. (2013): Effect of dust load on the leaf attributes of the tree species growing along the roadside. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (1): 383-391.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Bhardwaj, S. K., Pant, K.S. and Rai, T. S. (2016): Determination of Leaf Dust Accumulation on Certain Plant Species Grown Alongside National Highway India Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, H.P. India. Current World Environment Vol. 11 (1), 77-82.@undefined@undefined@No$Pourkhabbaz, A. Rastin, N. Olbrich, A. Langenfeld-Heyser, H. and Polle, A. (2010): Influence of environmental pollution on leaf properties of urban plane trees, Platanus Orientalis L. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 85: 251-255.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Sarma, S. K. and Bhuyan, M. (2017): Impact of dust accumulation on three roadside plants and their adaptive responses at national highway, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Assam, India, Tropical Plant Research, An International Journal, 4(1): 161-167@undefined@undefined@Yes$Begum, A. and Harikrishna, S. (2010): Evaluation of some tree species to absorb air pollutants in three industrial locations of South Bengaluru, India. E-J Chem., 7, 151-156@undefined@undefined@Yes$Parajuly, K. (2016). Clean up the air in Kathmandu, Nature, Vol. 533, No. 7603, pp. 321-321@undefined@undefined@No$Clean Air Network Nepal (CANN), (2014). Clean Energy Nepal. Air quality Status and Management in Kathmandu Valley@undefined@undefined@No$Gautam, D. R. (2015). Air Pollution: Its Causes and Consequences With Reference To Kathmandu Metropolitan City, The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education, Vol. 8-10, pp. 27-33@undefined@undefined@Yes$Keller, J. and Lamprecht, R. (1995): Road dust as an indicator for air pollution transport and deposition: An application of SPOT imagery. Remote Sens. Environ. 54:1-12.@undefined@undefined@Yes$Panday, A. K. and Prinn, R. G. (2009). Diurnal cycle of air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 114@undefined@undefined@No$Prajapati, S. K. and Tripathi, B. D. (2008): Seasonal variation of leaf dust accumulation and pigment content in plant species exposed to urban particulates pollution. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37, 865-870@undefined@undefined@Yes$Rai, P K. (2016): Biodiversity of roadside plants and their response to air pollution in an Indo-Burma hotspot region: implications for urban ecosystem restoration. Department of Environmental Science, Mizoram University, Mizoram, India, pp 47-55.@undefined@undefined@Yes <#LINE#>Study of the adsorption of glycine by two local clays of Congo Brazzaville<#LINE#>Kouhounina Banzouzi Merline @lady,Diamouangana Mpissi Flora @Zita,Ifo Grace @Mazel,Bibila Mafoumba Jean @Claude,Moutou Joseph -@Marie <#LINE#>52-63<#LINE#>6.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-058.pdf<#LINE#>Laboratoire de Chimie minerale et Appliquee, Faculte des sciences et Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minerale et Appliquee, Faculte des sciences et Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo and Ecole Normale Superieure, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minerale et Appliquee, Faculte des sciences et Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minerale et Appliquee, Faculte des sciences et Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo@Laboratoire de Chimie minerale et Appliquee, Faculte des sciences et Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo and Ecole Normale Superieure, University Marien Ngouabi, B.P. 69, Brazzaville, Congo<#LINE#>2/11/2020<#LINE#>8/2/2021<#LINE#>In this work, we are studying the interaction of two Congolese clays with glycine, the clays soils collected in the localities of Missafou and Mouyondzi. The two adsorbents have been characterized beforehand. Mineralogical analysis is determined using different techniques (DRX, IR, ATD, ATG, DTG). Among the physicochemical properties, the chemical composition is obtained by ICP-AES, the CEC is evaluated by the Metson method. The surface properties are derived from the nitrogen adsorption / desorption isotherm on the MISA-B and MOU samples. The geotechnical properties (particle size and Atterberg limits) were measured. The results of the characterization showed that Talc is the predominant species in Missafou clay. Batch mode adsorption tests have shown us that the adsorption capacity of glycine on Mouyondzi clay is better. Langmuir\'s model better describes these adsorption isotherms.<#LINE#>Konta, J. (1995).@Clay and man: Clay raw materials in the service of man.@Applied Clay Science, 10(4), 275-335.@Yes$Bouras, O. 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The examination of 35 dug wells has been carried out and recorded data in respect of wells such as location, diameter, depth of well, static water levels during post-and pre-monsoon session and mode of lifting water. The well diameter varies from 3.5 to 11meters; depth of wells ranges from 8.7 to 23.5 meters b.g.l., static water levels differ pre-monsoon from 5.3 to 16.5 meters b.g.l. and post-monsoon from 1 to 5.5m. b.g.l. The seasonal fluctuation analysis of open dug wells recorded during post and pre monsoon period indicate a fluctuation range from 4 to 14.2 meter, b.g.l. The mode of lifting of water is both manual and pumping set. The ground water levels contour maps of post-and pre-monsoon periods indicate, pattern of the ground water potential zones and movement of groundwater flow direction. Probable reasons responsible for seasonal groundwater level fluctuation include geological conditions, topography, rainfall variation in amount and frequency and climatic variation.<#LINE#>Blanford W.T. (1869).@On the Geology of Taptee and Lower Narmada Valley and some adjoining districts.@Mem. Geol. Surv. India, 6(3), 163-221.@Yes$Pascoe E. H. (1964).@A Manual of the Geology of India and Burma. Govt. India.@Controller and Publication, Delhi, p.1347-1361.@No$Krishnan M. S. (1968).@Geology of India and Burma.@Higginbothams (pvt.) Ltd., Madras, p. 555.@No$Krishnan M. S. (1982).@Geology of India and Burma.@C.B.S. publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, p. 534-537.@No$Davis, W.M. (1909).@Geographical essays.@Ginn and Co. Boston, (reprint, 1964). Dover Publ.,Inc., New York.@No$Russell, R. J. (1949).@Geographical geomorphology.@Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 39(1), 1-11.@Yes$Spark, B.W. (1960).@Geomorphology.@Longmans London, p. 371.@No$Fetter C.W. (1988).@Applied Hydrogeology Merrill bubl. Co.@A Bell and Howell information Co. Columbus Ohio, U.S.A. 529 p.@No$Todd, D.K. (1959).@Ground water Hydrology John.@Wiley sons, New yark, p. 336-525.@No$Todd, D.K. (1980).@Ground water Hydrology.@John. Wiley sons, New yark, p.123-139.@No$Todd, D.K. (2010).@Ground water Hydrology.@John. Wiley sons, New yark, p. 123-139.@Yes$Raghunath H.M. (1982).@Groundwater.@Willey Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, p. 456.@No$Raghunath H.M. (1985).@Groundwater.@Willey Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, p. 456.@No$Karanth K.R. (1994).@Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management.@Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, p.696.@No$Karanth K.R. (2003).@Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management.@Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, p.720.@Yes$Karanth K.R. (2009).@Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management.@Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, p.696.@No$Parmita Saikia and Narayan Chetry (2020).@Study of Fluctuation in the Groundwater level in Rajasthan; A Spatio-Temparal Approach.@IJERT, 2.@No$Davis S.N. and De Wiest R.J.M. (1966).@Hydrogeology.@John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 463.@No @Short Review Paper <#LINE#>Changing Environmental Scenario of Sunderbans, India<#LINE#>Gautam Kumar @Das <#LINE#>70-77<#LINE#>8.ISCA-IRJEvS-2020-039.pdf<#LINE#>19, Raj Krishna Pal Lane, Kolkata-700 075, India<#LINE#>10/8/2020<#LINE#>19/12/2020<#LINE#>Sunderbans, well-known for its mangroves ecosystem, occupies a vast area of 2108.11 sq. km as mentioned in the India State of Forest Report 2019. Mangrove forest area of the Sunderbans has been changing every year along with its other resources including floral and faunal community due to climate change, deforestation and human encroachment. Climatic change has a major impact on sea level rise and the rise of the sea level is observed quite much more at Sunderbans as a result of continuous natural subsidence of the lower part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD) of which Sunderbans is a part of it. Saline water will gradually intrude into the coastal hinterland which will reduce the fresh water availability. Both water and soil get salinized with time. Production of crops, fruits and vegetables, even the medicinal plants occurred in and around the wetlands will be decreased. Fresh water fishes will be disappeared, although brackish water fish species will be produced more and more that leads to the conversion of fresh water aquaculture into the brackish water aquaculture. Luxuriant growth of mangroves will be stunted due to the adverse effects of increased salinity and humidity due to sea level rise. Reclamation and cultivation, thereon, has been accelerated in the Sunderbans that reduce the forest areas of the Sunderbans. Even the areas of the Sunderbans is going to be decreased by taking initiatives of the tourism hub project by the government in the tigers and crocodiles breeding ground. As a consequence of such environmental degradation, the forest areas of the Sunderbans has been changing year by year as computed by the Forest Survey of India.<#LINE#>Das G. K. (2017).@Tidal Sedimentation in the Sunderbans Thakuran Basin, Springer, Switzerland.@pp 1-151. ISBN: 978-3-319-44190-0@Yes$Das G. K. (2015).@Estuarine Morphodynamics of the Sunderbans, Springer, Switzerland.@pp 1-211. ISBN: 978-3-319-11342-5@Yes$OMalley, L. S. S. (1914).@Bengal District Gazetteers, 24 Parganas.@The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta, pp 1-408@Yes$Hunter, W. W. (1875).@Statistical Account of Bengal.@Sunderbans, Trubner & Company, London, pp 1-176@No$Das G K (2011).@Sunderbans -Environment and Ecosystem.@Sarat Book House, Kolkata, 254p. ISBN: 81-87169-72-9@Yes$India State of Forest Report (2019).@undefined@undefined@No