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Bio-efficacy of Synthetic Insecticides against White fly (Bemisia tabaci) infesting Bt Cotton

Author Affiliations

  • 1N.D.B. Govt. girls college, NoharDistt. Hanumangadh
  • 2Laboratory of environmental science, P.G. Department of Zoology, Govt. Dungar P.G. College Bikaner

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (ISC-2014), Pages 1-2, (2015)


Cotton (Gossypiumspp.) popularly known as ‘white gold’ is one of the most ancient important cash crop of india. Aparts from its value as fibre, it has great potential to be used as edible oil, food for animals and other byproducts like particle board and boxes. White fly (Bemisia tabaci) is a major sucking pest on cotton crop, causing quantitative and qualitative losses to cotton. An experiment was conducted at agriculture research station ,sriGanganagar to evaluate the bio-efficacy of different insecticides against cotton White fly (B. tabaci). Maximum percent reduction was observed with Trizophos 40 EC (63.22%) followed by the Acetamiprid 20% SP (55.61%) and these were statistically at. par and significantly superior over rest of the treatment. The phytotoxic effect on crop could not be observed during the experimental period.


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