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Corporate political responsibility (CPR): an attempt to make a democratization of political parties in Indonesia

Author Affiliations

  • 1Dept. of Administrative Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Surakarta, Indonesia

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 7, Issue (9), Pages 1-7, September,14 (2018)


This study discusses the political responsibility of the company as a form of democratization of the financial of political parties in Indonesia. Political parties have a fundamental role in democratic society. However, the strategies cannot be delivered properly. Structural and financial equilibrium causes political parties failed to carry out the government functions between the government and the governed. One of biggest expenses in a political party is the cost of the campaign. Cost campaigns are the responsibility of political parties, which is greatly affect the internal finance of political parties participating in the election, it is very necessary to find the alternatives that exist in Law No. 7 of 2017. One of the alternatives is from entrepreneurs engaged in mass media both print and electronic. This research uses normative research by using primary and secondary sources. The primary sources that used are Act No. 7 of 2017 and other legislation. The result of this research is Media which is one of the instruments of political infrastructure that can control democracy, and also need political information especially before the election to provide accurate information to the public. Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR) can be various forms, among others, employers must provide a campaign schedule to all political parties to display in their media, CPR can take the form of funds such as CSR in the form of money that can be managed alone by political parties.


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