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Linking Locus of Control with Demographic Attributes: An Empirical Study on Defence Manufacturing Company in Bangalore, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Ph.D Research Scholar, Jain University, Bangalore,INDIA
  • 2 MS Business School, Jain University, Bangalore, INDIA

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 3, Issue (11), Pages 23-27, November,6 (2014)


Some people believe that they are master of their fate and life. They are referred to as internals. While some people believe that they are puppets of fate or whatever happens to them are due to external factors or chance. Such people are known as externals. Individuals with internal locus of control are more active in their lives to pursue career goal.Locus of control can be regarded as uni or multidimensional construct. This paper aims to study the Locus of control of men and women officers employed in defence manufacturing company in Bangalore. For conducting this study, LOCO inventory scale developed by Pareek Udai in 2002 has been used. It is 30 – item scale with 10 items each under internality, externality (others) and externality (chance). The 5-point scale is used in scoring responses ranging from “hardly feel” (0) to “strongly feel” (4).The results obtained after analysis supports the conclusion that officers are more towards internal and determine life events through personal effort and ability.


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