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Diversity of vascular epiphytes in wondo genet natural forest, Southern, Ethiopia

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Biology, Arba Minch University, P.O. Box 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 2Department of Biology, Arba Minch University, P.O. Box 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
  • 3Department of Biology, Arba Minch University, P.O. Box 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 6, Issue (2), Pages 5-15, February,10 (2017)


This study was conducted to investigate the diversity of vascular epiphytes in Wondo Genet Natural forest, SNNPRS at altitude of 1750-2097m. Systematic sampling method was employed during data collection. Thirty six sample plots (20x20m) were laid and 400m between transect. All vascular epiphyte species found in each plot were recorded, collected, pressed and identified. Data was analyzed by using Micro soft Excel, TWINSPAN, CANOCO, PAST and SPSS programmes to distinguish the degree of diversity, distribution of species and community among different quadrants. A total 19 vascular epiphytes belonging to 7 families: Orchidaceae, Aspleniaceae and Polypodiaceae are dominant families of vascular epiphyte. The analysis by TWINSPAN, there are three plant associations and the result of ordination represents the presence of association of high Eigen value (0.753) and separated by long gradient (6.309 S.D. units) and Eigen value of 0.578 with gradient of 3.790 S.D units and Low Eigen value (0.411) and short gradients (3.067 S.D. units). The diversity of vascular epiphyte was influenced by phorophyte and diversity increases from base to canopy. More DBH host tree carries more epiphyte. Tree bark texture has an effect on diversity of epiphytes (rough bark texture of the phorophytes has more support epiphyte than smooth barked). Increasing altitudes, decrease diversity of epiphyte due to moisture and go from lower altitude to higher altitude sparsety of forest increases. Most epiphyte was not host specific. An old and large tree (Ficus vasta, Calpurina aurea, Celtics africana and Cordia Africana) has an effect on number of epiphyte diversity.


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