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Changes of Moisture and TVB-N value of herbal (Chilli and turmeric) treated dried Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus) during storage in Gunny Bag and Polythene Bag

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Fisheries Technology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., Volume 4, Issue (6), Pages 1-6, June,24 (2016)


Traditional fish drying is affected by various problems. Blowfly infestation during drying period and insect infestation during storage period are the main problems associated with dried fish. In open sunlight five treatments T1-T5 of Bombay duck were produced and studied. Storage period was three months in two different condition polythene bag and gunny bags. Initial moisture and protein percentage was highest in T1 treatment where lipid was highest in T2 and ash content in T3 treatment. Initial TVBN value was highest 10.50mg/100g in T1 treatment and lowest 7.75mg/100g was in T4 treatment. After the storage period moisture regain was highest in T1 treatment in both polythene and gunny bag. TVBN varies 48.1mg to 52.65mg/100g fish in polythene bag where as in gunny bag it were 47.1mg to 56.1mg/100g fish.


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