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The argantree: the exploitation of the genetic potential and adaptation situation in Morocco

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, BP 523, 23000 Beni-Mellal, Morocco

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 6, Issue (1), Pages 6-11, January,8 (2018)


The importance of medicinal, food, cosmetic, social and ecological virtues; the Moroccan arganeraie is declared as Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. To ensure the sustainable development of this arganeraie, a program of domestication and adaptation is under way in Morocco. In order to exploit the results available for this program, we present in this section some synthetic results on the previous studies dealing with the description and organization of the genetic resources of the argan tree in Morocco and the state of these genetic resources economic needs and climate change. We will discuss in this paper the issue of assisted migration of genetic potential to places where future climatic conditions would be more favorable. We propose assisted migration as an innovative tool for advancing conservation program, domestication and improving the genetic potential of the argan tree in Morocco. We interpret this information with a view to adapting argan genotypes to new conditions for growth and mitigation of the effect of climate change on the genetic diversity potential of this species.


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